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Adding an Attribute

Cell and node based attributes can be added to a stacked mesh - the attributes can be added either globally, across all layers, or local to one or more layers.

Left: Soil map as read from an ASC file. Right: Soil map selectively applied to TIN layers.

Reading and applying an attribute

Basic syntax

To add an attribute to a layered TIN, use the command:


where layers is a list containing all layers to apply the attribute to, and dtype is the desired attribute type (int or float). By default, the material will be applied to the mesh's material ID (or, 'cell color'). This can be changed with the name parameter.

As an example, consider a stacked mesh with three layers and an arbitrary floating point attribute. To apply that attribute only to the second layer:


Attribute applied to a single layer

By default, layers = None. This applies the attribute raster to every layer of the mesh.


Any number of attribute rasters can be applied to a mesh, as long as each is given a unique name.

Attribute Format

Attributes must fundamentally be an N\times M Numpy matrix. The dimensions of the matrix do not necessarily have to be the same as those of the DEM.

The data argument of addAttribute must be of type np.ndarray. To import or convert from popular file formats, a table of functions is given below. Click the function name to be redirected to its documentation.

Data type Import function
GIS rasters (.asc, .tif, ...) gdal.Open(file)
Plain-text matrix (.txt, .dat, ...) numpy.loadtxt(file)
Python list np.array(list)
HDF5 (.h5) h5py.File(file,'r')

Note that when attributes are applied in TINerator, their domain spans that of the parent DEM. In other words, it is assumed that the data matrix has the same lower-left and upper-right corners as the DEM it is being applied to.

Considering Data Types

As mesh nodes will not necessarily align within cell centers of attribute raster, interpolation on that raster is performed.

Based on the argument dtype, interpolation onto the mesh nodes will either be continuous (float) or nearest-neighbor (int). This is critical for properties such as soil ID, which only hold value as defined integers.

Applying a function

Assume that an attribute has been applied across all layers of the mesh. In some situations, it may be beneficial to change the attribute values based on the layer ID.

The below method maps a user-defined function and operator onto mesh data:

                                        fn=lambda layer: layer*100)

In other words, the new attribute data will be a result of:

A_{i,j}(layer) = A_{i,j} \: [operation] \: f(layer) \: \forall \: i,j

where A_{i,j} is the attribute raster data at index i,j.


Assume that we have soil types with unique values [1,3,5,10,12...], applied to all layers of some mesh. To better define, say, porosity as a function of layer in our simulation, we would like to prefix each value with the layer ID.

In other words, changing

    layer 1: [1,3,5,10,12...]
    layer 2: [1,3,5,10,12...]
    layer 3: [1,3,5,10,12...]


    layer 1: [101,103,105,110,112...]
    layer 2: [201,203,205,210,212...]
    layer 3: [301,103,305,310,312...]

This can be accomplished by using the following function:

A_{i,j}(layer) = A_{i,j} + 100 \cdot layer \: \forall \: i,j

That is, adding 100 \cdot layer_{ID} to every attribute data point.

Consequently, we want the operator to be + and f(layer) = 100 \cdot layer, or,

                                 fn=lambda layer: layer*100)