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For Developers

Project To-Do's

To see current bug fixes and issues under development, visit the Issues page (label:tinerator).

To request a feature or to add a bug report, submit a ticket on the LaGriT Issues page with label: tinerator.


Best practices on contributing to this project, including formatting API docstrings, can be found in the Contributing page.

Code Formatting

Use the Black code formatter to ensure that code fits within a standardized style.

Documentation Compilation

Documentation is found in the tinerator/docs folder and is written in Markdown. The static site is generated by MkDocs using the Materials theme.

Required MkDocs Extensions

Package Command
MathJax pip install pymdown-extensions
Codehilite pip install pygments
Materials theme pip install mkdocs-material

API Generation

To generate API documents, you will need pydoc-markdown. This can be installed via:

pip install pydoc-markdown

Then, run:


in the docs/api/ directory.

Viewing the Site

After all requirements are resolved, run

mkdocs serve

to start the local server. Navigate your web browser to the local server address (i.e., to view. MkDocs will automatically reload the static site upon any detected file change within the docs/ folder.

HTML files can be generated by using mkdocs build.


This manual process will eventually be phased out in support for TravisCI-based continuous deployment. Pull requests on this topic are welcome.