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get(int, int) - Method in class microsim.space.AbstractSpace
Return the object contained at given position.
get(int, int) - Method in class microsim.space.DenseObjectSpace
Return the object stored at the given position.
get(int, int) - Method in class microsim.space.DoubleSpace
Return a Double object containing the value at given position.
get(int, int) - Method in class microsim.space.IntSpace
Return an Integer object containing the value at given position.
get(int, int) - Method in interface microsim.space.ObjectSpace
get(int, int) - Method in class microsim.space.SparseObjectSpace
Return the object stored at the given position.
get(int, int, int) - Method in class microsim.space.MultiObjectSpace
Return the object stored at the given tridimensional position.
get(Object...) - Method in class microsim.data.MultiKeyHashMap
getActions() - Method in class microsim.event.EventGroup
getAverage() - Method in class microsim.collection.AverageClosure
getBuilderClass() - Method in class microsim.engine.SimulationEngine
getClassLoader() - Method in class microsim.engine.SimulationEngine
getCollectionValue(Collection<?>) - Method in class microsim.reflection.DoubleValueExtractor
getCollectionValue(Collection<?>) - Method in class microsim.reflection.StringValueExtractor
getCollectionValue(Collection<?>) - Method in class microsim.statistics.reflectors.DoubleInvoker
getCollectionValue(Collection<?>) - Method in class microsim.statistics.reflectors.StringInvoker
getCollectorManager() - Method in class microsim.engine.AbstractSimulationObserverManager
getCollectorManager() - Method in interface microsim.engine.SimulationObserverManager
getConfiguration(int) - Method in class microsim.engine.MultiRun
getCount() - Method in class microsim.collection.AverageClosure
getCount() - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MultiTraceFunction
getCounter() - Method in class microsim.engine.MultiRun
getCurrentExperiment() - Method in class microsim.engine.SimulationEngine
getCurrentRunNumber() - Method in class microsim.engine.SimulationEngine
getDayTickUnit() - Method in class microsim.engine.SimulationTimeManager
getDbl(int, int) - Method in class microsim.space.DoubleSpace
Return the value at given position.
getDistanceFrom(int, int) - Method in class microsim.space.turtle.AbstractTurtle
Compute the cartesian distance from its position to the given position.
getDouble() - Method in class microsim.reflection.DoubleValueExtractor
Invoke the method of the object passed to constructor and return its double result.
getDouble() - Method in class microsim.statistics.reflectors.DoubleInvoker
Invoke the method of the object passed to constructor and return its double result.
getDouble(Object) - Method in class microsim.reflection.DoubleValueExtractor
Invoke the method of the target object and return its double result.
getDouble(Object) - Method in class microsim.statistics.reflectors.DoubleInvoker
Invoke the method of the target object and return its double result.
getDoubleArray() - Method in class microsim.statistics.CrossSection.Double
getDoubleArray() - Method in class microsim.statistics.CrossSection.Float
getDoubleArray() - Method in class microsim.statistics.CrossSection.Integer
getDoubleArray() - Method in class microsim.statistics.CrossSection.Long
getDoubleArray() - Method in interface microsim.statistics.IDoubleArraySource
Return the currently cached array of double values.
getDoubleArray() - Method in class microsim.statistics.Series.Double
getDoubleArray() - Method in class microsim.statistics.Series.Float
getDoubleArray() - Method in class microsim.statistics.Series.Integer
getDoubleArray() - Method in class microsim.statistics.Series.Long
getDoubleArray() - Method in interface microsim.statistics.weighted.IWeightedDoubleArraySource
Return the currently cached array of double values.
getDoubleArray() - Method in class microsim.statistics.weighted.Weighted_CrossSection.Double
getDoubleArrayList() - Method in class microsim.statistics.Series.Double
getDoubleValue(int) - Method in class microsim.reflection.DoubleValueExtractor
This is an implementation of the IDblSource interface.
getDoubleValue(Enum<?>) - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.CountArrayFunction
getDoubleValue(Enum<?>) - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MaxArrayFunction.Double
getDoubleValue(Enum<?>) - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MaxArrayFunction.Float
getDoubleValue(Enum<?>) - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MaxArrayFunction.Integer
getDoubleValue(Enum<?>) - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MaxArrayFunction.Long
getDoubleValue(Enum<?>) - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MaxTraceFunction.Double
Return the result of a given statistic.
getDoubleValue(Enum<?>) - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MaxTraceFunction.Float
Return the result of a given statistic.
getDoubleValue(Enum<?>) - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MaxTraceFunction.Integer
Return the result of a given statistic.
getDoubleValue(Enum<?>) - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MaxTraceFunction.Long
Return the result of a given statistic.
getDoubleValue(Enum<?>) - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MeanArrayFunction
getDoubleValue(Enum<?>) - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MeanVarianceArrayFunction
getDoubleValue(Enum<?>) - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MinArrayFunction.Double
getDoubleValue(Enum<?>) - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MinArrayFunction.Float
getDoubleValue(Enum<?>) - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MinArrayFunction.Integer
getDoubleValue(Enum<?>) - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MinArrayFunction.Long
getDoubleValue(Enum<?>) - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MinTraceFunction.Double
Return the result of a given statistic.
getDoubleValue(Enum<?>) - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MinTraceFunction.Float
Return the result of a given statistic.
getDoubleValue(Enum<?>) - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MinTraceFunction.Integer
Return the result of a given statistic.
getDoubleValue(Enum<?>) - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MinTraceFunction.Long
Return the result of a given statistic.
getDoubleValue(Enum<?>) - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MovingAverageArrayFunction
getDoubleValue(Enum<?>) - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MovingAverageTraceFunction
Return the result of a given statistic.
getDoubleValue(Enum<?>) - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MultiTraceFunction.Double
Return the result of a given statistic.
getDoubleValue(Enum<?>) - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MultiTraceFunction.Float
Return the result of a given statistic.
getDoubleValue(Enum<?>) - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MultiTraceFunction
Compute one of the available statistical functions on the collected data.
getDoubleValue(Enum<?>) - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MultiTraceFunction.Integer
Return the result of a given statistic.
getDoubleValue(Enum<?>) - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MultiTraceFunction.Long
Return the result of a given statistic.
getDoubleValue(Enum<?>) - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.SumArrayFunction.Double
getDoubleValue(Enum<?>) - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.SumArrayFunction.Float
getDoubleValue(Enum<?>) - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.SumArrayFunction.Integer
getDoubleValue(Enum<?>) - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.SumArrayFunction.Long
getDoubleValue(Enum<?>) - Method in interface microsim.statistics.IDoubleSource
Return the double value corresponding to the given variableID
getDoubleValue(Enum<?>) - Method in class microsim.statistics.reflectors.DoubleInvoker
This is an implementation of the IDblSource interface.
getDoubleValue(Enum<?>) - Method in class microsim.statistics.weighted.functions.Weighted_MeanArrayFunction
getDoubleValue(Enum<?>) - Method in class microsim.statistics.weighted.functions.Weighted_SumArrayFunction.Double
getDoubleValue(Enum<?>) - Method in class microsim.statistics.weighted.functions.Weighted_SumArrayFunction.Float
getDoubleValue(Enum<?>) - Method in class microsim.statistics.weighted.functions.Weighted_SumArrayFunction.Integer
getDoubleValue(Enum<?>) - Method in class microsim.statistics.weighted.functions.Weighted_SumArrayFunction.Long
getEngine() - Method in class microsim.engine.AbstractSimulationManager
getEngine() - Method in class microsim.engine.MultiRun
getEngine() - Method in interface microsim.engine.SimulationManager
getEngineListeners() - Method in class microsim.engine.MultiRun
getEngineListeners() - Method in class microsim.engine.SimulationEngine
getEntityManger() - Static method in class microsim.data.db.DatabaseUtils
getEntityManger(boolean) - Static method in class microsim.data.db.DatabaseUtils
Singleton of hibernate session factory
getEventArray() - Method in class microsim.event.EventQueue
Return event queue as Event array.
getEventQueue() - Method in class microsim.engine.SimulationEngine
Return a reference to the current EventQueue.
getExperimentBuilder() - Method in class microsim.engine.MultiRun
getExperimentBuilder() - Method in class microsim.engine.SimulationEngine
getFileName() - Method in class microsim.statistics.TimeSeries
Return the current output file name.
getFilter() - Method in class microsim.statistics.CrossSection
getFilter() - Method in class microsim.statistics.weighted.Weighted_CrossSection
getFloat() - Method in class microsim.reflection.FloatValueExtractor
Invoke the method of the object passed to constructor and return its double result.
getFloat() - Method in class microsim.statistics.reflectors.FloatInvoker
Invoke the method of the object passed to constructor and return its double result.
getFloat(Object) - Method in class microsim.reflection.FloatValueExtractor
Invoke the method of the target object and return its double result.
getFloat(Object) - Method in class microsim.statistics.reflectors.FloatInvoker
Invoke the method of the target object and return its double result.
getFloatArray() - Method in class microsim.statistics.CrossSection.Float
getFloatArray() - Method in interface microsim.statistics.IFloatArraySource
Return the currently cached array of float values.
getFloatArray() - Method in class microsim.statistics.Series.Float
getFloatArray() - Method in interface microsim.statistics.weighted.IWeightedFloatArraySource
Return the currently cached array of float values.
getFloatArray() - Method in class microsim.statistics.weighted.Weighted_CrossSection.Float
getFloatArrayList() - Method in class microsim.statistics.Series.Float
getFloatValue(int) - Method in class microsim.reflection.FloatValueExtractor
This is an implementation of the IDblSource interface.
getFloatValue(Enum<?>) - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MaxArrayFunction.Float
getFloatValue(Enum<?>) - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MaxTraceFunction.Float
Return the result of a given statistic.
getFloatValue(Enum<?>) - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MinArrayFunction.Float
getFloatValue(Enum<?>) - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MinTraceFunction.Float
Return the result of a given statistic.
getFloatValue(Enum<?>) - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MultiTraceFunction.Float
Return the result of a given statistic.
getFloatValue(Enum<?>) - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.SumArrayFunction.Float
getFloatValue(Enum<?>) - Method in interface microsim.statistics.IFloatSource
Return the float value corresponding to the given variableID
getFloatValue(Enum<?>) - Method in class microsim.statistics.reflectors.FloatInvoker
This is an implementation of the IDblSource interface.
getGrid() - Method in class microsim.space.turtle.AbstractTurtle
getGridPosition() - Method in interface microsim.space.ObjectSpaceIterator
Return the current position.
getHashKey(Object[]) - Method in class microsim.data.MultiKeyHashMap
getHeading() - Method in class microsim.space.turtle.AbstractTurtle
Return the current heading of the turtle.
getHeading() - Method in class microsim.space.turtle.DigitalTurtle
getHeading() - Method in class microsim.space.turtle.Turtle
getId() - Method in class microsim.data.db.CoefficientEntityKey
getId() - Method in class microsim.data.db.PanelEntityKey
getId() - Method in class microsim.engine.AbstractSimulationManager
getId() - Method in interface microsim.engine.SimulationManager
getInstance() - Static method in class microsim.data.ExperimentManager
getInstance() - Static method in class microsim.engine.SimulationEngine
getInstance() - Static method in class microsim.matching.IterativeRandomMatching
getInstance() - Static method in class microsim.matching.IterativeSimpleMatching
getInstance() - Static method in class microsim.matching.SimpleMatching
getInt() - Method in class microsim.reflection.IntegerValueExtractor
Invoke the method of the object passed to constructor and return its double result.
getInt() - Method in class microsim.statistics.reflectors.IntegerInvoker
Invoke the method of the object passed to constructor and return its double result.
getInt(int, int) - Method in class microsim.space.IntSpace
Return the value at given position.
getInt(Object) - Method in class microsim.reflection.IntegerValueExtractor
Invoke the method of the target object and return its double result.
getInt(Object) - Method in class microsim.statistics.reflectors.IntegerInvoker
Invoke the method of the target object and return its double result.
getIntArray() - Method in class microsim.statistics.CrossSection.Integer
getIntArray() - Method in interface microsim.statistics.IIntArraySource
Return the currently cached array of integer values.
getIntArray() - Method in class microsim.statistics.Series.Integer
getIntArray() - Method in interface microsim.statistics.weighted.IWeightedIntArraySource
Return the currently cached array of integer values.
getIntArray() - Method in class microsim.statistics.weighted.Weighted_CrossSection.Integer
getIntArrayList() - Method in class microsim.statistics.Series.Integer
getIntValue(int) - Method in class microsim.reflection.IntegerValueExtractor
This is an implementation of the IDblSource interface.
getIntValue(Enum<?>) - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.CountArrayFunction
getIntValue(Enum<?>) - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MaxArrayFunction.Integer
getIntValue(Enum<?>) - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MaxTraceFunction.Integer
getIntValue(Enum<?>) - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MinArrayFunction.Integer
getIntValue(Enum<?>) - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MinTraceFunction.Integer
getIntValue(Enum<?>) - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MultiTraceFunction.Integer
Return the result of a given statistic.
getIntValue(Enum<?>) - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.SumArrayFunction.Integer
getIntValue(Enum<?>) - Method in interface microsim.statistics.IIntSource
Return the integer value corresponding to the given variableID
getIntValue(Enum<?>) - Method in class microsim.statistics.reflectors.IntegerInvoker
This is an implementation of the IDblSource interface.
getKeyArray() - Method in class microsim.data.MultiKeyHashMap.EntryValue
getKeysNames() - Method in class microsim.data.MultiKeyCoefficientMap
This method allows the instance of the MultiKeyCoefficientMap to provide a clone of the names of the keys.
getLastValue() - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MaxTraceFunction.Double
Return the last double value read from the source object.
getLastValue() - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MaxTraceFunction.Float
Return the last double value read from the source object.
getLastValue() - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MaxTraceFunction.Integer
Return the last double value read from the source object.
getLastValue() - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MaxTraceFunction.Long
Return the last double value read from the source object.
getLastValue() - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MinTraceFunction.Double
Return the last double value read from the source object.
getLastValue() - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MinTraceFunction.Float
Return the last double value read from the source object.
getLastValue() - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MinTraceFunction.Integer
Return the last double value read from the source object.
getLastValue() - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MinTraceFunction.Long
Return the last long value read from the source object.
getLastValue() - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MultiTraceFunction.Double
Return the last double value read from the source object.
getLastValue() - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MultiTraceFunction.Float
Return the last float value read from the source object.
getLastValue() - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MultiTraceFunction.Integer
Return the last int value read from the source object.
getLastValue() - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MultiTraceFunction.Long
Return the last long value read from the source object.
getLogitTransformOfScore(T, Object) - Method in class microsim.statistics.regression.MultiLogitRegression
getLogitTransformOfScore(T, Map<String, Double>) - Method in class microsim.statistics.regression.MultiLogitRegression
Warning - only use when MultiLogitRegression's maps field has values that are MultiKeyCoefficientMaps with only one key.
getLogitTransformOfScore(T, IDoubleSource, Class<E>) - Method in class microsim.statistics.regression.MultiLogitRegression
getLong() - Method in class microsim.reflection.LongValueExtractor
Invoke the method of the object passed to constructor and return its double result.
getLong() - Method in class microsim.statistics.reflectors.LongInvoker
Invoke the method of the object passed to constructor and return its double result.
getLong(Object) - Method in class microsim.reflection.LongValueExtractor
Invoke the method of the target object and return its double result.
getLong(Object) - Method in class microsim.statistics.reflectors.LongInvoker
Invoke the method of the target object and return its double result.
getLongArray() - Method in class microsim.statistics.CrossSection.Long
getLongArray() - Method in interface microsim.statistics.ILongArraySource
Return the currently cached array of long values.
getLongArray() - Method in class microsim.statistics.Series.Long
getLongArray() - Method in interface microsim.statistics.weighted.IWeightedLongArraySource
Return the currently cached array of long values.
getLongArray() - Method in class microsim.statistics.weighted.Weighted_CrossSection.Long
getLongArrayList() - Method in class microsim.statistics.Series.Long
getLongValue(int) - Method in class microsim.reflection.LongValueExtractor
This is an implementation of the IDblSource interface.
getLongValue(Enum<?>) - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MaxArrayFunction.Long
getLongValue(Enum<?>) - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MaxTraceFunction.Long
Return the result of a given statistic.
getLongValue(Enum<?>) - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MinArrayFunction.Long
getLongValue(Enum<?>) - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MinTraceFunction.Long
Return the result of a given statistic.
getLongValue(Enum<?>) - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MultiTraceFunction.Long
Return the result of a given statistic.
getLongValue(Enum<?>) - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.SumArrayFunction.Long
getLongValue(Enum<?>) - Method in interface microsim.statistics.ILongSource
Return the long value corresponding to the given variableID
getLongValue(Enum<?>) - Method in class microsim.statistics.reflectors.LongInvoker
This is an implementation of the IDblSource interface.
getLoop() - Method in class microsim.event.Event
Get the loop length.
getManager() - Method in class microsim.engine.AbstractSimulationCollectorManager
getManager() - Method in interface microsim.engine.SimulationCollectorManager
getManager(String) - Method in class microsim.engine.SimulationEngine
getMatrix() - Method in class microsim.space.DenseObjectSpace
Return the matrix of objects representing the grid.
getMatrix() - Method in class microsim.space.DoubleDiffuseSpace
getMatrix() - Method in class microsim.space.DoubleSpace
Return the matrix of values representing the grid.
getMatrix() - Method in class microsim.space.IntSpace
Return the matrix of values representing the grid.
getMax() - Method in class microsim.data.ParameterRangeDomain
getMax() - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MaxTraceFunction.Double
Return the current max value.
getMax() - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MaxTraceFunction.Float
The maximum function.
getMax() - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MaxTraceFunction.Integer
The maximum function.
getMax() - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MaxTraceFunction.Long
The current maximum value.
getMax() - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MultiTraceFunction.Double
The maximum function.
getMax() - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MultiTraceFunction.Float
The maximum function.
getMax() - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MultiTraceFunction.Integer
The maximum function.
getMax() - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MultiTraceFunction.Long
The maximum function.
getMaxConfigurations() - Method in class microsim.engine.MultiRun
getMean() - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MultiTraceFunction.Double
The mean function.
getMean() - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MultiTraceFunction.Float
The mean function.
getMean() - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MultiTraceFunction
getMean() - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MultiTraceFunction.Integer
The mean function.
getMean() - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MultiTraceFunction.Long
The mean function.
getMin() - Method in class microsim.data.ParameterRangeDomain
getMin() - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MinTraceFunction.Double
The minimum function.
getMin() - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MinTraceFunction.Float
The minimum function.
getMin() - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MinTraceFunction.Integer
The minimum function.
getMin() - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MinTraceFunction.Long
The minimum function.
getMin() - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MultiTraceFunction.Double
The minimum function.
getMin() - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MultiTraceFunction.Float
The minimum function.
getMin() - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MultiTraceFunction.Integer
The minimum function.
getMin() - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MultiTraceFunction.Long
The minimum function.
getModel() - Method in class microsim.agent.Agent
getModelArray() - Method in class microsim.engine.SimulationEngine
Return an array representing the running SimModels.
getModelBuildStatus() - Method in class microsim.engine.SimulationEngine
Return true if buildModels() method has been called.
getMooreNeighbors(int, int) - Method in class microsim.space.DenseObjectSpace
Gets the Moore neighbors of the specified coordinate.
getMooreNeighbors(int, int) - Method in class microsim.space.DoubleDiffuseSpace
Gets the Moore neighbors of the specified coordinate.
getMooreNeighbors(int, int, int, int) - Method in class microsim.space.DenseObjectSpace
Gets the extended Moore neighbors of the specified coordinate.
getMooreNeighbors(int, int, int, int) - Method in class microsim.space.DoubleDiffuseSpace
Gets the extended Moore neighbors of the specified coordinate.
getMooreNeighborsPositions(int, int) - Method in class microsim.space.AbstractSpace
Gets the extended Moore neighbors of the specified coordinate.
getMovingType() - Method in class microsim.space.turtle.AbstractTurtle
Return the behaviour of the turtle when it goes out of bounds of the grid.
getMultiRunId() - Method in class microsim.engine.MultiRun
getMultiRunId() - Method in class microsim.engine.SimulationEngine
getMultiRunListeners() - Method in class microsim.engine.MultiRun
getName() - Method in class microsim.data.ParameterDomain
getNextX() - Method in class microsim.space.turtle.AbstractTurtle
Return the new x coordinate walking the current heading direction for 1 step.
getNextX(int) - Method in class microsim.space.turtle.AbstractTurtle
Return the new x coordinate walking the current heading direction for given steps.
getNextX(int) - Method in class microsim.space.turtle.DigitalTurtle
getNextX(int) - Method in class microsim.space.turtle.Turtle
Return the new x coordinate walking the current heading direction for given steps.
getNextY() - Method in class microsim.space.turtle.AbstractTurtle
Return the new y coordinate walking the current heading direction for 1 step.
getNextY(int) - Method in class microsim.space.turtle.AbstractTurtle
Return the new y coordinate walking the current heading direction for given steps.
getNextY(int) - Method in class microsim.space.turtle.DigitalTurtle
getNextY(int) - Method in class microsim.space.turtle.Turtle
Return the new y coordinate walking the current heading direction for given steps.
getNumVal() - Method in enum microsim.space.turtle.AbstractTurtle.Direction
getObjectValue(Enum<?>) - Method in interface microsim.statistics.IObjectSource
Return the value corresponding to the given variableID
getOrdering() - Method in class microsim.event.Event
Get the ordering of the event's next firing.
getOrdering() - Method in enum microsim.event.Order
getOutcome(T) - Method in interface microsim.alignment.outcome.AlignmentOutcomeClosure
getOutEntityManger() - Static method in class microsim.data.db.DatabaseUtils
getOutEntityManger(String) - Static method in class microsim.data.db.DatabaseUtils
getOutputFolder() - Method in class microsim.data.db.Experiment
getParameterDomains() - Method in class microsim.engine.MultiRun
getPosition() - Method in class microsim.space.turtle.AbstractTurtle
getProbability(Object) - Method in class microsim.statistics.regression.LogitRegression
getProbability(Object) - Method in class microsim.statistics.regression.ProbitRegression
getProbability(Map<String, Double>) - Method in class microsim.statistics.regression.LogitRegression
getProbability(Map<String, Double>) - Method in class microsim.statistics.regression.ProbitRegression
getProbability(IDoubleSource, Class<T>) - Method in class microsim.statistics.regression.LogitRegression
getProbability(IDoubleSource, Class<T>) - Method in class microsim.statistics.regression.ProbitRegression
getProbability(IDoubleSource, Class<T>, IObjectSource, Class<U>) - Method in class microsim.statistics.regression.LogitRegression
getProbability(IDoubleSource, Class<T>, IObjectSource, Class<U>) - Method in class microsim.statistics.regression.ProbitRegression
getProbability(T) - Method in interface microsim.alignment.multiple.AlignmentMultiProbabilityClosure
getProbability(T) - Method in interface microsim.alignment.probability.AlignmentProbabilityClosure
Returns the unaligned probability of a 'positive' outcome for the agent (the user should define what the positive outcome is; it could be that something happens or does not happen).
getRandom() - Method in class microsim.engine.SimulationEngine
getRandomSeed() - Method in class microsim.engine.SimulationEngine
Return the current random seed.
getRealDate(long) - Method in class microsim.engine.SimulationTimeManager
getRnd() - Static method in class microsim.engine.SimulationEngine
Return a reference to the current Random generator.
getRunningStatus() - Method in class microsim.engine.SimulationEngine
Return current simulation running status.
getScore(Object) - Method in interface microsim.statistics.regression.ILinearRegression
getScore(Object) - Method in class microsim.statistics.regression.LinearRegression
To be used when the agent Object has member fields that correspond by name to all the regressors of the Regression's MultiKeyCoefficientMap map.
getScore(Map<String, Double>) - Method in interface microsim.statistics.regression.ILinearRegression
getScore(Map<String, Double>) - Method in class microsim.statistics.regression.LinearRegression
Warning - only use when LinearRegression object contains a MultiKeyCoefficientMap with only one key.
getScore(IDoubleSource, Class<T>) - Method in interface microsim.statistics.regression.ILinearRegression
getScore(IDoubleSource, Class<T>) - Method in class microsim.statistics.regression.LinearRegression
getScore(IDoubleSource, Class<T>, IObjectSource, Class<U>) - Method in interface microsim.statistics.regression.ILinearRegression
getScore(IDoubleSource, Class<T>, IObjectSource, Class<U>) - Method in class microsim.statistics.regression.LinearRegression
Requires the implementation of the IObjectSource to ascertain whether any additional conditioning regression keys are used (e.g.
getSeries(int) - Method in class microsim.statistics.TimeSeries
Return a series at the given index.
getSeriesCount() - Method in class microsim.statistics.TimeSeries
Return the number of series.
getSeriesList() - Method in class microsim.statistics.TimeSeries
Return the list of contained time series.
getSimulationRun() - Method in class microsim.data.db.CoefficientEntityKey
getSimulationRun() - Method in class microsim.data.db.PanelEntityKey
getSimulationRun() - Method in interface microsim.data.db.space.IIntSpaceEntity
getSimulationRun() - Method in class microsim.data.db.space.IntSpaceEntity
getSimulationTime() - Method in class microsim.data.db.PanelEntityKey
getSimulationTime() - Method in interface microsim.data.db.space.IIntSpaceEntity
getSimulationTime() - Method in class microsim.data.db.space.IntSpaceEntity
getSimulationTimeout() - Static method in class microsim.event.EventQueue
Return current simulation timeout.
getSourceArray() - Method in class microsim.statistics.CrossSection
getSourceArray() - Method in interface microsim.statistics.ISourceObjectArray
getSourceArray() - Method in class microsim.statistics.weighted.Weighted_CrossSection
getStep() - Method in class microsim.data.ParameterRangeDomain
getString() - Method in class microsim.reflection.StringValueExtractor
Invoke the method of the object passed to constructor and return its double result.
getString() - Method in class microsim.statistics.reflectors.StringInvoker
Invoke the method of the object passed to constructor and return its double result.
getString(Object) - Method in class microsim.reflection.StringValueExtractor
Invoke the method of the target object and return its string result.
getString(Object) - Method in class microsim.statistics.reflectors.StringInvoker
Invoke the method of the target object and return its string result.
getStringValue(int) - Method in class microsim.reflection.StringValueExtractor
This is an implementation of the IDblSource interface.
getStringValue(Enum<?>) - Method in interface microsim.statistics.IStringSource
Return the double value corresponding to the given variableID
getStringValue(Enum<?>) - Method in class microsim.statistics.reflectors.StringInvoker
This is an implementation of the IDblSource interface.
getSum() - Method in class microsim.collection.AverageClosure
getSum() - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MultiTraceFunction.Double
The sum function.
getSum() - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MultiTraceFunction.Float
The sum function.
getSum() - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MultiTraceFunction.Integer
The sum function.
getSum() - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MultiTraceFunction.Long
The sum function.
getTime() - Method in class microsim.engine.SimulationEngine
Return a reference to the current SimTime.
getTime() - Method in class microsim.event.Event
Get the next firing absolute time.
getTime() - Method in class microsim.event.EventQueue
Return current simulation timer.
getValue() - Method in interface microsim.data.db.space.IIntSpaceEntity
getValue() - Method in class microsim.data.db.space.IntSpaceEntity
getValue(Object...) - Method in class microsim.data.MultiKeyCoefficientMap
getValue(T, T) - Method in interface microsim.matching.MatchingScoreClosure
getValueArray() - Method in class microsim.data.MultiKeyHashMap.EntryValue
getValues() - Method in class microsim.data.ParameterDomain
getValues() - Method in class microsim.data.ParameterRangeDomain
getValuesNames() - Method in class microsim.data.MultiKeyCoefficientMap
This method allows the instance of the MultiKeyCoefficientMap to provide a clone of the names of the values.
getVariance() - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MultiTraceFunction.Double
The variance function.
getVariance() - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MultiTraceFunction.Float
The variance function.
getVariance() - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MultiTraceFunction
getVariance() - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MultiTraceFunction.Integer
The variance function.
getVariance() - Method in class microsim.statistics.functions.MultiTraceFunction.Long
The variance function.
getVonNeumannNeighbors(int, int) - Method in class microsim.space.DenseObjectSpace
Gets the von Neumann neighbors of the specified coordinate.
getVonNeumannNeighbors(int, int) - Method in class microsim.space.DoubleDiffuseSpace
Gets the von Neumann neighbors of the specified coordinate.
getVonNeumannNeighbors(int, int, int, int) - Method in class microsim.space.DenseObjectSpace
Gets the extended von Neumann neighbors of the specified coordinate.
getVonNeumannNeighbors(int, int, int, int) - Method in class microsim.space.DoubleDiffuseSpace
Gets the extended von Neumann neighbors of the specified coordinate.
getVonNeumannNeighborsPositions(int, int) - Method in class microsim.space.AbstractSpace
Gets the extended von Neumann neighbors of the specified coordinate.
getWeight() - Method in interface microsim.agent.Weight
getWeights() - Method in interface microsim.statistics.weighted.IWeightedDoubleArraySource
getWeights() - Method in interface microsim.statistics.weighted.IWeightedFloatArraySource
getWeights() - Method in interface microsim.statistics.weighted.IWeightedIntArraySource
getWeights() - Method in interface microsim.statistics.weighted.IWeightedLongArraySource
getWeights() - Method in class microsim.statistics.weighted.Weighted_CrossSection.Double
getWeights() - Method in class microsim.statistics.weighted.Weighted_CrossSection.Float
getWeights() - Method in class microsim.statistics.weighted.Weighted_CrossSection.Integer
getWeights() - Method in class microsim.statistics.weighted.Weighted_CrossSection.Long
getWorldHeight() - Method in class microsim.space.turtle.AbstractTurtle
Return the y size of the grid.
getWorldWidth() - Method in class microsim.space.turtle.AbstractTurtle
Return the x size of the grid.
getX() - Method in interface microsim.data.db.space.IIntSpaceEntity
getX() - Method in class microsim.data.db.space.IntSpaceEntity
getX() - Method in class microsim.space.SpacePosition
getX() - Method in class microsim.space.turtle.AbstractTurtle
Return the current x position.
getXSize() - Method in class microsim.space.AbstractSpace
Return the width of the grid.
getXSize() - Method in interface microsim.space.ObjectSpace
getY() - Method in interface microsim.data.db.space.IIntSpaceEntity
getY() - Method in class microsim.data.db.space.IntSpaceEntity
getY() - Method in class microsim.space.SpacePosition
getY() - Method in class microsim.space.turtle.AbstractTurtle
Return the current y position.
getYSize() - Method in class microsim.space.AbstractSpace
Return the height of the grid.
getYSize() - Method in interface microsim.space.ObjectSpace
go() - Method in class microsim.engine.MultiRun
The go method starts the multi-run simulation.
gridIterator() - Method in class microsim.space.SparseObjectSpace
Return a GridIterator storing the position of the read value.
GUIparameter - Annotation Type in microsim.annotation
Annotate variables of the simulation manager to automatically display on the GUI (Graphical User Interface).
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