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DatabaseExplorerFrame - Class in microsim.gui.shell
Not of interest for users.
DatabaseExplorerFrame(SimulationEngine) - Constructor for class microsim.gui.shell.DatabaseExplorerFrame
DescriptiveSwingMetawidget - Class in microsim.gui.shell.parameter
DescriptiveSwingMetawidget() - Constructor for class microsim.gui.shell.parameter.DescriptiveSwingMetawidget
dispose() - Method in class microsim.gui.probe.ProbeFrame
Show off the frame window.
dispose() - Method in class microsim.gui.shell.CaptureConsoleWindow
dispose() - Method in class microsim.gui.shell.ConsoleTextArea
Release the captured streams.
doStep() - Method in class microsim.gui.shell.MicrosimShell.SimulationController
DoubleRangeColorMap - Class in microsim.gui.colormap
It builds automatically a color map varying between two colors on a variable range.
DoubleRangeColorMap(int, Color, Color, double, double) - Constructor for class microsim.gui.colormap.DoubleRangeColorMap
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