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cancel - Variable in class microsim.gui.probe.MethodDialog
CaptureConsoleWindow - Class in microsim.gui.shell
An independent frame that is able to grab System.out and System.err streams, showing their content in a window.
CaptureConsoleWindow() - Constructor for class microsim.gui.shell.CaptureConsoleWindow
CellObjectChooser - Class in microsim.gui.space
Not of interest for users.
CellObjectChooser(Object[]) - Constructor for class microsim.gui.space.CellObjectChooser
CellObjectChooser(Object[], Frame, String, boolean) - Constructor for class microsim.gui.space.CellObjectChooser
changeEventTimeTreshold(int) - Method in class microsim.gui.shell.MicrosimShell.SimulationController
changeReadingStatus() - Method in class microsim.gui.shell.CaptureConsoleWindow
clone() - Method in class microsim.gui.plot.Weighted_HistogramBin
Returns a clone of the bin.
clone() - Method in class microsim.gui.plot.Weighted_HistogramDataset
Returns a clone of the dataset.
closeCurrentModels() - Method in class microsim.gui.shell.MicrosimShell.SimulationController
CollectionBarSimulationPlotter - Class in microsim.gui.plot
A bar chart plotter showing elements manually added by user.
CollectionBarSimulationPlotter(String, String) - Constructor for class microsim.gui.plot.CollectionBarSimulationPlotter
ColorMap - Interface in microsim.gui.colormap
A generic interface for color mappers.
ConsoleTextArea - Class in microsim.gui.shell
Internal component of the CaptureConsoleWindow.
ConsoleTextArea() - Constructor for class microsim.gui.shell.ConsoleTextArea
It is attached to the default System.out and System.err streams.
convertFromString(String, Class<?>) - Method in class microsim.gui.shell.parameter.MetawidgetBinder
createNewFolder(File) - Method in class microsim.gui.shell.MicrosimShell.RootViews
currentShell - Static variable in class microsim.gui.shell.MicrosimShell
CustomFileFilter - Class in microsim.gui.utils
CustomFileFilter(String, String) - Constructor for class microsim.gui.utils.CustomFileFilter
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