



Class MessageFactory

This class creates WONDER-compliant messages. Please note that all functions in this class are static, so there is no need to create MessageFactory objects.
Defined in: wonder_full.js.

Class Detail
Method Detail
MessageFactory.createAnswerMessage(from, to, contextId, constraints, hosting, connected)

createAnswerMessage - Creates an Answer message, the connectionDescription field will be empty and has to be filled before sending.

{Identity} from
- The Identity that figures as sender of the message.
{Identity[]} to
- The Array of Identity that figures as receiver of the message.
{string} contextId
- The contextId of the conversation related to the invitation.
{ResourceConstraints} constraints
- The resource constraints for the resources initialized on conversation start.
{Identity} hosting Optional
- The host of the conversation (optional). [NOT IMPLEMENTED, by default the host will be the one starting the conversation]
{Identity[]} connected
- Array of Identity that are already connected to the conversation. Used to establish the order in the connection flow for multiparty.
The created Message
MessageFactory.createCandidateMessage(from, to, contextId, label, id, candidate, lastCandidate)

createCandidateMessage - Creates a Message containing an ICE candidate

{Identity} from
- The Identity that figures as sender of the message.
{Identity[]} to
- The Array of Identity that figures as receiver of the message.
{string} contextId
- The contextId of the conversation related to the invitation.
{string} label
- The label of the candidate.
{string} id
- The id of the candidate.
{string} candidate
- The ICE candidate string.
{boolean} lastCandidate
- Boolean indicating if the candidate is the last one. If true, include the full SDP in the candidate parameter for compatibility with domains that don't support trickling.
The created Message
MessageFactory.createInvitationMessage(from, to, contextId, constraints, conversationURL, subject, hosting, agenda, peers)

createInvitationMessage - Creates an Invitation message, the connectionDescription field will be empty and has to be filled before sending.

{Identity} from
- The Identity that figures as sender of the message.
{Identity[]} to
- The Array of Identity that figures as receiver of the message.
{string} contextId
- The contextId of the conversation related to the invitation.
{ResourceConstraints} constraints
- The resource constraints for the resources initialized on conversation start.
{string} conversationURL Optional
- The URL of the conversation (optional).
{string} subject Optional
- The subject of the conversation. (optional).
{Identity} hosting Optional
- The host of the conversation (optional). [NOT IMPLEMENTED, by default the host will be the one starting the conversation]
The created Message
MessageFactory.createUpdatedMessage(from, to, contextId, newConstraints)

createUpdatedMessage - Creates an Updated message, the newConnectionDescription field will be empty and has to be filled before sending.

{Identity} from
- The Identity that figures as sender of the message.
{Identity[]} to
- The Array of Identity that figures as receiver of the message.
{string} contextId
- The contextId of the conversation related to the invitation.
{ResourceConstraints} newConstraints
- The resource constraints for the resources to update.
The created Message
MessageFactory.createUpdateMessage(from, to, contextId, newConstraints)

createUpdateMessage - Creates an Update message, the newConnectionDescription field will be empty and has to be filled before sending.

{Identity} from
- The Identity that figures as sender of the message.
{Identity[]} to
- The Array of Identity that figures as receiver of the message.
{string} contextId
- The contextId of the conversation related to the invitation.
{ResourceConstraints} newConstraints
- The resource constraints for the resources to update.
The created Message

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.4.0 on Fri May 30 2014 17:47:13 GMT+0100 (BST)