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Class Identity

Identity class NOTE: This class can be instantiated with an id and a identity provider function (idp). This function is invoked in the constructor and will fill the remaining Identity attributes.
Defined in: Identity.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Identity(identity, idp)
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
OnLastMessagingListerner is invoked by the MessagingStub as soon as the last listener has un-subscribed.
This method downloads a messaging stub and assigns it to the local attribute, if not already done before.
Class Detail
Identity(identity, idp)
: String (for now) ... the identity identifier
: function(Identity) ... a function that takes a Identity as param and fills the remaining fields
Method Detail
OnLastMessagingListerner is invoked by the MessagingStub as soon as the last listener has un-subscribed. We use this callback to disconnect and unload the MessagingStub.

This method downloads a messaging stub and assigns it to the local attribute, if not already done before. I.e. the download will only be performed once. After download it invokes "connect" on the messagingStub
... callback that is invoked with messagingStub as param; if download failed then the stub param is empty

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