This document provides an analysis of the usage of the SSN Ontology, focussing on terms in the SOSA graph (core ontology). This edition adds usage information for terms added to SSN in the 2024 update.

This W3C note on the usage of the SSN ontology ( was prepared to support its acceptance as an updated W3C recommendation.


The goal of the work is to analyse the usage of the SSN ontology along two aspects: usage in Linked Data datasets (Consumers) and usage in ontologies that reuse or extend those ontologies (Producers).

This edition is a supplement to the original usage report, adding usage information relating to the terms added to SSN in the 2024 update.

Summary of 2017 usage report

The usage report for the previous edition of the SSN Ontology [[usage-ssn]] documented evidence of implementation in at least two datasets for all terms in the ssn: and sosa: namespaces, either directly or by entailment, except for the following:

Usage of new terms

The earlier edition of the usage report included automatic analysis of datasets included in several linked data registries. Most of the terms added in the 2024 edition were prompted by specific requirements from the community, or from logical consequences of including the new terms. Several projects provide implementations that use the new terms in datasets.

Analysis of usage in datasets

The following table presents the datasets that use the SSN ontology that have been found, along with their URIs.

Identifier Dataset Source
New datasets for 2024 edition
D24 SAREF Maxime Lefrançois, École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Étienne
D25 KnowWhereGraph Krzysztof Janowicz, University of Vienna
D26 OneWater - Eau Bien Commun Sylvain Grellet, BRGM
D27 TERN Ontology TERN Linked Data Services, TERN
D28 Biodiversity Data Repository Nicholas Car, BDR
D29 GSQ Nicholas Car, GSQ
D30 GSWA Nicholas Car, GSWA
D31 Connected Systems Alex Robin, Georobotix
D32 Iliad Rob Atkinson, OGC
D33 3D Cadastre Rob Atkinson, OGC

The following table presents the coverage of the modules of the SSN ontology in the different datasets.

Module Datasets Total
Observations D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D10, D11, D15, D16, D17, D18, D20, D21, D22, D23 15
ObservationCollections NN
Actuations D14, D18 2
Samplings D12, D13, D17, D20, D21 5
Features of Interest and Properties D1, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D10, D11, D12, D15, D17, D18, D20, D21 16
Samples NN
SampleCollections NN
Results D3, D4, D5, D10, D11, D12, D15, D17, D19, D20, D21 11
Procedures D14, D16, D17, D18, D19, D20, D21 7
Systems and their Deployments D2, D10, D11, D12, D15, D16, D18, D20, D21 9

The following table presents the coverage of the vocabulary terms of the SSN ontology in the different datasets (Consumer Implementations).

Term in SSN Datasets Total Comment
sosa:actsOnProperty D14 1 entailed by sosa:isActedOnBy
sosa:ActuatableProperty D14, D18 2
sosa:Actuation D14, D18 2
sosa:Actuator D14, D18 2
ssn:deployedOnPlatform D2, D11, D16, D20 4
ssn:deployedSystem D11, D20 2 entailed by ssn:hasDeployment
ssn:Deployment D2, D16 2
ssn:detects D11, D15 2
sosa:FeatureOfInterest D1, D5, D11, D12, D14, D15, D17, D20, D21 8
ssn:forProperty D14, D18, D20 3 entailed by sosa:observes
ssn:hasDeployment D16 1 entailed by ssn:deployedSystem
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest D1, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D10, D11, D12, D15, D17, D18, D20, D21 16
ssn:hasInput D14, D19 2
ssn:hasOutput D14, D19 2
ssn:hasProperty D11, D14, D15, D18, D20 5 entailed by ssn:isPropertyOf
sosa:hasResult D3, D4, D5, D10, D11, D12, D15, D19 8
sosa:hasSample D12, D17 2 entailed by sosa:isSampleOf
sosa:hasSimpleResult D15, D17, D18, D20, D21 5
ssn:hasSubSystem D10, D11 2
sosa:hosts D11, D15, D17, D18 4 entailed by sosa:isHostedBy
ssn:implementedBy entailed by ssn:implements
ssn:implements D14, D16, D18, D19, D20 5 entailed by ssn:implementedBy
ssn:inDeployment D2, D20 2 entailed by ssn:deployedOnPlatform
ssn:Input D14 1
sosa:isActedOnBy D14 1 entailed by sosa:actsOnProperty
sosa:isFeatureOfInterestOf D15 1 entailed by sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest
sosa:isHostedBy D10, D12, D21 3
sosa:isObservedBy D15 1 entailed by sosa:observes
ssn:isPropertyOf D3, D11, D15, D20 4
ssn:isProxyFor 0 Top-Level relation
sosa:isResultOf D3, D11, D12 3
sosa:isSampleOf D12, D20, D21 3 entailed by sosa:hasSample
sosa:madeActuation 0 entailed by sosa:madeByActuator
sosa:madeByActuator D18 1 entailed by sosa:madeActuation
sosa:madeBySampler D12 1 entailed by sosa:madeSampling
sosa:madeBySensor D1, D2, D3, D4, D10, D11, D17, D18, D20, D21 10 entailed by sosa:madeObservation
sosa:madeObservation D11 1 entailed by sosa:madeBySensor
sosa:madeSampling 0 entailed by sosa:madebySampler
sosa:ObservableProperty D15, D17, D18, D20, D21, D23 6
sosa:Observation D14, D15, D17, D18, D20, D21 6
sosa:observedProperty D1, D3, D4, D5, D10, D11, D17, D20, D21 9
sosa:observes D10, D11, D15, D16, D18, D20 6
ssn:Output D14 1
sosa:phenomenonTime D5, D11 2
sosa:Platform D2, D10, D11, D12, D15, D16, D17, D18, D21 9
sosa:Procedure D14, D16, D17, D18, D19, D21 6
ssn:Property D3, D5, D14, D15, D20 5
sosa:Result D15 1
sosa:resultTime D3, D4, D10, D11, D15, D17, D20, D21 8
sosa:Sample D12, D13, D17, D20, D21 5
sosa:Sampler D12 1
sosa:Sampling D12 1
sosa:Sensor D2, D11, D14, D15, D17, D18, D20, D22 8
ssn:Stimulus D15 1 Top-Level Class
ssn:System D2, D10, D11, D15, D16 5
sosa:usedProcedure D17, D19, D21 3
ssn:wasOriginatedBy D15 1 Top-Level relation

The following table presents the coverage of the vocabulary terms of the non-normative SSN-System module in the different datasets (Consumer Implementations).

Term in SSN Datasets Total Comment
ssn-system:Accuracy D20 1
ssn-system:ActuationRange 0
ssn-system:BatteryLifetime 0
ssn-system:Condition D20 1
ssn-system:DetectionLimit 0
ssn-system:Drift 0
ssn-system:Frequency 0
ssn-system:hasOperatingProperty 0
ssn-system:hasOperatingRange D20 1
ssn-system:hasSurvivalProperty 0
ssn-system:hasSurvivalRange 0
ssn-system:hasSystemCapability D20 1
ssn-system:hasSystemProperty 0
ssn-system:inCondition D20 1
ssn-system:Latency 0
ssn-system:MaintenanceSchedule 0
ssn-system:MeasurementRange 0
ssn-system:OperatingPowerRange 0
ssn-system:OperatingProperty 0
ssn-system:OperatingRange D20 1
ssn-system:Precision D11 1
ssn-system:qualityOfObservation 0
ssn-system:Resolution D20 1
ssn-system:ResponseTime 0
ssn-system:Selectivity 0
ssn-system:Sensitivity D20 1
ssn-system:SurvivalProperty 0
ssn-system:SurvivalRange 0
ssn-system:SystemCapability D14, D20 2
ssn-system:SystemLifetime 0
ssn-system:SystemProperty D14 1

Usage in ontologies (Producers)

The goals of this analysis are the following: a) to analyse which modules of the SSN ontology have been used in different ontologies and b) to analyse the coverage of the SSN vocabulary terms and modules in those ontologies.

Stage 1. Automated inclusion of ontologies

The following tasks have been performed to automatically analyse the coverage of the SSN ontology in ontologies:

  1. To select the ontologies to be included in the study. The ontologies selected are those that reuse the SSN ontology, that are included in the LOV ontology catalogue, and that are available in the Web.
  2. To identify which vocabulary terms from the SSN ontology are used in each ontology. This task has been performed manually.

Stage 2. Manual inclusion of ontologies

The automated approach is not enough for analysing the reuse of the SSN ontology in other ontologies, since these ontologies may not be published in the LOV catalogue.

There was an open call has been issued for people to submit their own ontologies to be taken into account.

Most of the terms added in the 2024 edition were prompted by specific requirements from the community. Several projects associated with members of the update team provide implementations that use the new terms in ontology applications. These are indicated in the inventory below.

If the content of the ontologies can be retrieved, the previous analysis can be performed over them. If not, people willing to submit a ontology had to state which terms of the SSN ontology are used in their ontology.

Analysis of the usage in ontologies

The following table presents the ontologies that reuse the SSN ontology that have been found, along with their URIs.

Identifier Source Ontology
SAREF Maxime Lefrançois, École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Étienne
KnowWhereGraph Krzysztof Janowicz, University of Vienna
OneWater - Eau Bien Commun Sylvain Grellet, BRGM
TERN Ontology TERN Linked Data Services, TERN
Geochemistry data model Nicholas Car,
Connected Systems Alex Robin, Georobotix
Iliad Rob Atkinson, OGC
3D Cadastral Survey model Rob Atkinson, OGC

The following table presents the coverage of the modules of the SSN ontology in the different ontologies. The first row indicates whether the ontology imports SSN/SOSA or not.

Module Imports SSN/SOSA Observations and ObservationCollections Actuations Samplings Features of Interest and Properties Samples and SampleCollections Results Procedures Systems and their Deployments
TERN Ontology
Geochemistry data model
Connected Systems
3D Cadastre

The following table presents the coverage of the vocabulary terms of the SSN ontology in the different datasets.

Term in SSN SAREF KnowWhereGraph OneWater
sosa:actsOnProperty - - - X X 2 entailed by sosa:isActedOnBy
sosa:ActuatableProperty - - - X X X X 4
sosa:Actuation - - - X X X X X X 6
sosa:Actuator - - - X X X X X X 6
ssn:deployedOnPlatform oldssn:deployedOnPlatform - - - X 1
ssn:deployedSystem oldssn:deployedSystem - - - X 1 entailed by ssn:hasDeployment
ssn:Deployment oldssn:Deployment - - - X 1
ssn:detects oldssn:detects - - - X X 2
sosa:FeatureOfInterest oldssn:FeatureOfInterest - - - X X X X X X X X X X 10
ssn:forProperty oldssn:forProperty - - - X X X X X X X 7 entailed by sosa:observes
ssn:hasDeployment oldssn:hasDeployment - - - X 1 entailed by ssn:deployedSystem
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest oldssn:featureOfInterest - - - X X X X X X 6 entailed by isFeatureOfInterestOf
ssn:hasInput oldssn:hasInput - - - X X X 3
sosa:hasMember - - - N
sosa:hasOriginalSample - - - N
ssn:hasOutput oldssn:hasOutput - - - X X X 2
ssn:hasProperty oldssn:hasProperty - - - X X X X X X 6 entailed by ssn:isPropertyOf
sosa:hasSample - - - X 1 entailed by sosa:isSampleOf
sosa:hasSampledFeature - - - N
sosa:hasSimpleResult oldssn:hasSimpleResult - - - X X X 3
ssn:hasSubSystem oldssn:hasSubSystem - - - X X X X 4
sosa:hasResult oldssn:hasValue
- - - X X X X X X X X 8
sosa:hasUltimateFeatureOfInterest - - - N
sosa:hosts oldssn:attachedSystem - - - X X 2 entailed by sosa:isHostedBy
ssn:implementedBy oldssn:implementedBy - - - X 1 entailed by ssn:implements
ssn:implements oldssn:implements - - - X X X X X X 6 entailed by ssn:implementedBy
ssn:inDeployment oldssn:inDeployment - - - X 1 entailed by ssn:deployedOnPlatform
ssn:Input oldssn:Input - - - X X X X 4
sosa:isActedOnBy - - - X X 2 entailed by sosa:actsOnProperty
sosa:isFeatureOfInterestOf - - - X X 2 is entailed by sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest
sosa:isHostedBy oldssn:onPlatform - - - X X 2 entailed by sosa:hosts
sosa:isObservedBy oldssn:observedBy - - - X X X X 4 entailed by sosa:observes
sosa:isResultOf oldssn:isProducedBy - - - X X X 3
sosa:isResultOfMadeBySampler - - - N
sosa:isResultOfUsedProcedure - - - N
sosa:isSampleOf - - - X 1 entailed by sosa:hasSample
ssn:isPropertyOf oldssn:isPropertyOf - - - X X X X X 5 entailed by ssn:hasProperty
ssn:isProxyFor oldssn:isProxyFor - - - X X 2 Top-Level relation
sosa:madeByActuator - - - X X X 3 entailed by sosa:madeActuation
sosa:madeActuation - - - X X X 3 entailed by sosa:madeByActuator
sosa:madeBySampler - - - X X 2 entailed by sosa:madeSampling
sosa:madeBySensor - - - X X X X 4 entailed by sosa:madeObservation
sosa:madeObservation oldssn:madeObservation - - - X X X X 4
sosa:madeSampling - - - X X 2 entailed by sosa:madeBySampler
sosa:ObservableProperty - - - X X X 3
sosa:Observation - - - X X X X X X 6
sosa:ObservationCollection - - - N
sosa:observedProperty oldssn:observedProperty - - - X X X X X 5
sosa:observes oldssn:observes - - - X X X X X X 6 entailed by sosa:isObservedBy
ssn:Output oldssn:Output - - - X X 2
sosa:phenomenonTime oldssn:observationSamplingTime - - - X X 2
sosa:Platform oldssn:Platform - - - X X 2
sosa:Procedure oldssn:Process - - - X X X X X X X X 8
ssn:Property oldssn:Property - - - X X X X X X X X X X X X 12
sosa:Result - - - X X X 3
sosa:resultTime observationResultTime - - - X X 2
sosa:Sample - - - X X 2
sosa:SampleCollection - - - N
sosa:Sampler - - - X X 2
sosa:Sampling - - - X X 2
sosa:Sensor oldssn:Sensor - - - X X X X X X X X X X X X X 13
ssn:Stimulus oldssn:Stimulus - - - X X 2 Top-Level Class
ssn:System oldssn:System - - - X X X X X X 6
sosa:usedProcedure oldssn:sensingMethodUsed - - - X X X 3
ssn:wasOriginatedBy - - - X 1 Top-Level relation

The following table presents the coverage of the vocabulary terms of the non-normative SSN-System module in the different datasets.

Term in SSN Equivalent Term in SSN-XG AEMET aws BCI CF DogOnt Energy iot-lite IoT-O M3 Lite OpenIoT PEP-SSN Alignment RAMI SAN SAO SPITFIRE VITAL Geologic timescale IoT-O (SOSA) SAN (SOSA) FixO3 SEAS-SSN Alignment LSO Trajectory Total Comment
ssn-system:Accuracy X 1
ssn-system:ActuationRange X 1
ssn-system:BatteryLifetime oldssn:BatteryLifetime X 1
ssn-system:Condition oldssn:Condition X 1
ssn-system:DetectionLimit X 1
ssn-system:Drift oldssn:Drift X 1
ssn-system:Frequency X X 2
ssn-system:hasSurvivalRange X 1
ssn-system:hasSystemCapability X 1
ssn-system:hasSystemProperty X 1
ssn-system:hasOperatingRange oldssn:hasOperatingRange X 1
ssn-system:hasSurvivalProperty oldssn:hasSurvivalProperty X 1
ssn-system:inCondition oldssn:inCondition X 1
ssn-system:Latency X X 2
ssn-system:MaintenanceSchedule oldssn:MaintenanceSchedule X 1
ssn-system:MeasurementRange oldssn:MeasurementRange X 1
ssn-system:OperatingPowerRange oldssn:OperatingPowerRange X 1
ssn-system:OperatingProperty oldssn:OperatingProperty X X X 3
ssn-system:OperatingRange oldssn:OperatingRange X 1
ssn-system:Precision oldssn:Precision X 1
ssn-system:qualityOfObservation oldssn:qualityOfObservation X 1
ssn-system:Resolution X 1
ssn-system:ResponseTime X 1
ssn-system:Selectivity X 1
ssn-system:SystemCapability X 1
ssn-system:SystemProperty X 1
ssn-system:Sensitivity oldssn:Sensitivity X X 2
ssn-system:SurvivalProperty oldssn:SurvivalProperty X 1
ssn-system:SurvivalRange oldssn:SurvivalRange X 1
ssn-system:SystemLifetime oldssn:SystemLifetime X X 2