Lab 11: Memory Judgment Experiment

Fabio Setti

PSYC 2401 Lab

Memory Judgment Experiment

Experiment Instructions

Log into your CogLab account and click on “complete lab

Then, select “35. Memory Judgment

Please, Do not read the “background” or the “instructions”. Click here for the experiment instructions

After you are done, you are free to scroll to the top and read the “background” section


The main theme behind today’s experiment was metamemory, a term that refers to people’s judgment and beliefs about their own memory performance.

Unfortunately, there are many cases in which we are not very good at making accurate judgments about our memory.

When Memory Judgments Fail

One of the most studies factors that affect memory judgment research, also known as judgment of learning (JOL) research, are the perceptual characteristics of items (Luna et al., 2018). This is what today’s experiment focused on, where people were expected to overestimate how much font size would help in remembering a word.

Other factors that cause inaccurate memory judgments are:

  • Learning strategy: People tend to misjudge which learning strategies will result in better learning (Kornell & Bjork, 2008).
  • Present VS future performance: People expect future performance in a task to be similar to present performance, even though, for many tasks, future performance will likely differ (Kornell & Hausman, 2017)
  • Time of Judgment: Memory judgments tend to be more accurate when there is a delay between encoding and the memory judgment (Kelley et al., 2020).

Any Questions? 🤔

…And Class is over!🙃