Before completing the assigned Coglab experiment, read the relevant information on the experiment procedure below.

24. Memory Span

On each trial, a sequence of digits, letters, or words will appear, with each item presented for one second.

Following this, buttons labeled with a number, letter, or word will appear.

Click or tap on the buttons in the same order that the stimuli were presented.

If you are correct, the next time you see a list with those items in it, the list length will be increased by 1.

If you make a mistake, the next time you see a list with those items in it, the list length will be decreased by 1.

There are 30 trials total, 10 for each type of stimulus.

28. Encoding Specificity

  • Phase 1:

You will see a pair of words, one in lowercase and one in UPPERCASE

Read the words silently to yourself and try to remember the UPPERCASE word.

There are 48 pairs of words.

  • Phase 2:

You will again see a pair of words, one in lowercase and one in UPPERCASE.

There are 96 word pairs shown in Phase 2.

Indicate if the UPPERCASE word was shown in Phase 1, regardless of whether the lowercase is the same/different than the one in Phase 1.

29. Levels of Processing

  • Phase 1:

You will see a word and a judgment task (60 judgment trials in total). There are three types of judgment tasks:

1) Decide if the word is in UPPERCASE letters.

E.g., you might see “Is PEN in uppercase?” You should respond Yes. You might also see “Is pen in uppercase?” You should respond No.

2) Decide if two words rhyme. E.g., you might see “Does PEN rhyme with bus?” You should respond No because they do not rhyme. You might also see “Does PEN rhyme with hen?” You should respond Yes.

3) Answer a question about a word.

E.g., you might see “Is PEN a type of vehicle?” You should respond No. You might also see “Is PEN a writing implement?” You should respond Yes.

Also, if you see “Does PEN rhyme with hen?” You should respond Yes.

After these 60 words there is going to be a Phase 2 to the experiment.

  • Phase 2:

In Phase 2, you will be presented with a series of words and asked whether those words were presented in Phase 1 (Yes/No).

33. False Memory

On each trial, a sequence of words will appear, with each word presented for one second.

After the full sequence has been presented, a set of buttons will be shown, each labeled with a word.

Some of these words were on the list, and some were not.

Your task is to click or tap on the buttons to indicate which words were in the sequence.

There are a total of 6 trials.

35. Memory Judgment

  • Phase 1:

You will see a word in either a small font size or a large font size.

After about 4 seconds, you will be told whether you will see this word once or twice later on.

You will be asked to make a judgment about the chance that you will correctly recognize that this word was presented.

Your response can range from 0 (“No chance that I will recognize this word”) to 100 (“I am sure that I will recognize this word”).

This process will be repeated 32 times.

Then, you will be presented 16 out of those 32 words again, but you will not update your judgment.

  • Phase 2:

In Phase 2, you will be presented with a series of words and asked whether those words were presented in Phase 1 (Yes/No).