Getting Started with Pangeo on HPC

This tutorial covers how to set up an environment to run Pangeo on High Performance Computing (HPC) systems. In particular it covers the following:

  1. Install conda and creating an environment

  2. Configure Jupyter

  3. Launch Dask with a job scheduler

  4. Launch a Jupyter server for your job

  5. Connect to Jupyter and the Dask dashboard from your personal computer

Although the examples on this page were developed using NCAR’s Cheyenne super computer, the concepts here should be generally applicable to typical HPC systems. This document assumes that you already have an access to an HPC like Cheyenne, and are comfortable using the command line. It may be necessary to work with your system administrators to properly configure these tools for your machine.

You should log into your HPC system now.

Installing a software environment

After you have logged into your HPC system, download and install Miniforge:

curl $url -o
export PATH=$HOME/Miniforge3/bin:$PATH

This contains a self-contained Python environment that we can manipulate safely without requiring the involvement of IT. It also allows you to create isolated software environments so that we can experiment in the future safely.

Before creating your environment, update your conda package manager with packages from the conda-forge channel instead of the default channel and install Mamba, which works like conda but is written in C++ and therefore creates environments faster.

conda config --add channels conda-forge --force
conda config --remove channels defaults --force
conda install mamba -y
mamba update --all

Depending if you chose to initialize Miniforge in your ~/.bashrc at the end of the installation, this new conda update will activate a (base) environment by default. If you wish to prevent conda from activating the (base) environment at shell initialization:

conda config --set auto_activate_base false

This will create a ./condarc in your home directory with this setting the first time you run it.

Create a new conda environment for our pangeo work:

mamba create -n pangeo -c conda-forge \
    python dask jupyterlab dask-jobqueue ipywidgets \
    xarray zarr numcodecs hvplot geoviews datashader  \
    jupyter-server-proxy widgetsnbextension dask-labextension


Depending on your application, you may choose to add additional conda packages to this list.

Activate this environment (and note that with Jupyterlab version 3, extensions no longer need to be added after environment creation):

conda activate pangeo

Your prompt should now look something like this (note the pangeo environment name):

(pangeo) $

And if you ask where your Python command lives, it should direct you to somewhere in your home directory:

(pangeo) $ which python

Configure Jupyter

(If you don’t plan to use Jupyter notebooks then you can safely skip this section.)

Jupyter notebook servers include a password for security. First we generate the Jupyter config file then set a password:

jupyter server --generate-config
jupyter server password

This created a file in ~/.jupyter/ For security reasons, we recommend making sure your is readable only by you. For more information on this and other methods for securing Jupyter, check out Securing a notebook server in the Jupyter documentation.

chmod 400 ~/.jupyter/

Finally, we may want to configure dask’s dashboard to forward through Jupyter.

Add this to your ~/.bashrc file:

export DASK_DISTRIBUTED__DASHBOARD__LINK="/proxy/8787/status"

From here, we have two options. Option 1 will start a Jupyter Notebook server and manage dask using the dask-jobqueue package. Option 2 will start a dask cluster using dask-mpi and will run a Jupyter server as part of the dask cluster. We generally recommend starting with Option 1, especially if you will be working interactively, unless you have a reason for managing the job submission scripts on your own. Users that will be using dask in batch-style workflows may prefer Option 2.

Deploy Option 1: Jupyter + dask-jobqueue

Start a Jupyter Notebook Server

Now that we have Jupyter configured, we can start a notebook server. In many cases, your system administrators will want you to run this notebook server in an interactive session on a compute node. This is not universal rule, but it is one we’ll follow for this tutorial.

In our case, the Cheyenne super computer uses the PBS job scheduler, so typing:

(pangeo) $ qsub -I -A account -l select=1:ncpus=4 -l walltime=03:00:00 -q regular

This will get us an interactive job on the regular queue for three hours. You may not see the pangeo environment anymore in your prompt, in this case, you will want to reactivate it.

conda activate pangeo

From here, we can start jupyter. The Cheyenne computer administrators have developed a start-notebook utility that wraps the following steps into a single execution. You should check with your system administrators to see if they have something similar.

If not, you can easily create your own start_jupyter script. In the script below, we choose a random port on the server (to reduce the chance of conflict with another user), but we use port 8889 on the client, as port 8888 is the default client port if you are running Jupyter locally. We can also change to a starting directory:

(pangeo) $ more ~/bin/start_jupyter
cd /home/data/username
JPORT=$(shuf -i 8400-9400 -n 1)
echo ""
echo ""
echo "Step 1: Wait until this script says the Jupyter server"
echo "        has started. "
echo ""
echo "Step 2: Copy this ssh command into a terminal on your"
echo "        local computer:"
echo ""
echo "        ssh -N -L 8889:`hostname`:$JPORT $"
echo ""
echo "Step 3: Browse to http://localhost:8889 on your local computer"
echo ""
echo ""
sleep 2
jupyter lab --no-browser --ip=`hostname` --port=$JPORT

Now we can launch the Jupyter server:

(pangeo) $ ~/bin/start_jupyter

Step 1:...
Step 2:...
Step 3:...

[I 2021-04-06 06:33:57.962 ServerApp] Jupyter Server 1.5.1 is running at:
[I 2021-04-06 06:33:57.962 ServerApp] http://pn009:8537/lab
[I 2021-04-06 06:33:57.963 ServerApp]  or
[I 2021-04-06 06:33:57.963 ServerApp] Use Control-C to stop this server and shut down all kernels (twice to skip confirmation).

Just follow the Steps 1,2,3 printed out by the script to get connected.

Launch Dask with dask-jobqueue

Most HPC systems use a job-scheduling system to manage job submissions and executions among many users. The dask-jobqueue package is designed to help dask interface with these job queuing systems. Usage is quite simple and can be done from within your Jupyter Notebook:

from dask_jobqueue import PBSCluster

cluster = PBSCluster(cores=36,
                     processes=18, memory="6GB",

from dask.distributed import Client
client = Client(cluster)

The scale() method submits a batch of jobs to the job queue system (in this case PBS). Depending on how busy the job queue is, it can take a few minutes for workers to join your cluster. You can usually check the status of your queued jobs using a command line utility like qstat. You can also check the status of your cluster from inside your Jupyter session:


For more examples of how to use dask-jobqueue, refer to the package documentation.

Deploy Option 2: Jupyter + dask-mpi

This approach allows you to deploy dask directly using batch jobs on your HPC machine.

The MPI library is only used to distribute the dask-workers across the cluster. MPI is NOT used for communication by dask.


The following scripts and procedures have been packed into a convenient wrapper script It and its supporting utilities can be found in the pangeo Github repository.

The usage of this script is quite simple:


where N_WORK_NODES is the number of nodes you want to add to the cluster beyond the one that is automatically added for the scheduler. Once this command has been run, and after a moment for the jobs to work their way through the queue, it will print something like:

Run the following command from your local machine:
ssh -N -L 8888:r7i3n13:8888
Then open the following URLs:
    Jupyter lab: http://localhost:8888
    Dask dashboard: http://localhost:8888/proxy/8787

It may be necessary to modify the included scripts to use different PBS project number, conda environment, or notebook directory.

The remainder of this section is left here for completeness but for most users, the ```` script should be enough to get started.

Copy and paste the following text into a file,

#PBS -N sample
#PBS -q economy
#PBS -A UCLB0022
#PBS -l select=2:ncpus=36:mpiprocs=6
#PBS -l walltime=01:00:00
#PBS -j oe
#PBS -m abe

# Qsub template for UCAR CHEYENNE
# Scheduler: PBS

# This writes a scheduler.json file into your home directory
# You can then connect with the following Python code
# >>> from dask.distributed import Client
# >>> client = Client(scheduler_file='~/scheduler.json')

rm -f scheduler.json
mpirun --np 12 dask-mpi \
    --nthreads 6 \
    --memory-limit 24e9 \
    --interface ib0

This script asks for two nodes with 36 cores each. It breaks up each node into 6 MPI processes, each of which gets 6 cores and 24GB of RAM each. You can tweak the numbers above if you like, but you’ll have to match some constraints in the PBS directives on the top and the mpirun keywords on the bottom.

Submit this script to run on the cluster with qsub


And track its progress with qstat

$ qstat -u $USER

                                                            Req'd  Req'd   Elap
Job ID          Username Queue    Jobname    SessID NDS TSK Memory Time  S Time
--------------- -------- -------- ---------- ------ --- --- ------ ----- - -----
1681778.chadmin username regular  sample      27872   2 144    --  00:20 R 00:01

When this job runs it places a scheduler.json file in your home directory. This contains the necessary information to connect to this cluster from anywhere in the network. We’ll do that now briefly from the login node. In the next section we’ll set up a Jupyter notebook server on your allocation.

$ ipython
from dask.distributed import Client
client = Client(scheduler_file='scheduler.json')
Out[3]: <Client: scheduler='tcp://' processes=11 cores=66>

Launch and connect to Jupyter

From your same session on the login node, run the following code:

from dask.distributed import Client
client = Client(scheduler_file='scheduler.json')

import socket
host = client.run_on_scheduler(socket.gethostname)

def start_jlab(dask_scheduler):
    import subprocess
    proc = subprocess.Popen(['jupyter', 'lab', '--ip', host, '--no-browser'])
    dask_scheduler.jlab_proc = proc


print("ssh -N -L 8888:%s:8888" % (host))

This should print out a statement like the following:

ssh -N -L 8888:r13i2n1:8888 -l username

You can run this command from your personal computer (not the terminal logged into Cheyenne) to set up SSH-tunnels that will allow you to log into web servers running on your allocation. Afterwards, you should be able to open the following links in your web browser on your computer:

The SSH tunnels will route these into the correct machine in your cluster allocation.

Dynamic Deployment

The job scheduler that manages the cluster is not intended for interactive work like what we do with Jupyter notebooks. When we ask for a modestly large deployment (like five machines) it may wait for hours to find an appropriate time slot to deploy our job. This can be inconvenient because our human schedules may not match up well with the cluster’s job scheduler.

However we seem to be able to get much faster response from the job scheduler if we launch many single-machine jobs. This allows us to get larger allocations faster (often immediately).

We can do this by making our deployment process a little bit more complex by splitting it into two jobs:

  1. One job that launches a scheduler and a few workers on one machine

  2. Another job that only launches workers on one machine

Write these two scripts to your home directory:

Main script

#PBS -N dask
#PBS -q economy
#PBS -A UCLB0022
#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=36:mpiprocs=6
#PBS -l walltime=00:30:00
#PBS -j oe
#PBS -m abe

# Writes ~/scheduler.json file in home directory
# Connect with
# >>> from dask.distributed import Client
# >>> client = Client(scheduler_file='~/scheduler.json')

rm -f scheduler.json
mpirun --np 6 dask-mpi --nthreads 6 \
    --memory-limit 22e9 \
    --interface ib0 \
    --local-directory $TMPDIR

Add one worker script

#PBS -N dask-workers
#PBS -q economy
#PBS -A UCLB0022
#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=36:mpiprocs=6
#PBS -l walltime=00:30:00
#PBS -j oe
#PBS -m abe

mpirun --np 6 dask-mpi --nthreads 6 \
    --memory-limit 22e9 \
    --interface ib0 \
    --no-scheduler \
    --local-directory $TMPDIR

And then run the main one once


And the second one a few times


You can run this more times during your session to increase your allocation dynamically. You can also kill these jobs independently to contract your allocation dynamically and save compute time.

Further Reading

We have not attempted to provide a comprehensive tutorial on how to use Pangeo, Dask, or Jupyter on HPC systems. This is because each HPC system is uniquely configured. Instead we have provided two generalizable workflows for deploying Pangeo. Below we provide a few useful links that will be useful for further customization of these tools.