
Ly Phuc Thanh

Rookies Android Developer
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My technical skillset


Competent with programing language like Python, C, C++, C#, Java,...

Machine Learning

Have knowledge about data preprocessing, building machine learning model for predicting outcome and evaluate the models.

Big data

Have basic knowledge in working with big data. Used Hadoop and Apache Spark in school projects

Internet of Things

Proficient with sensors like: ESP8266, Arduino UNO, making an IoTs application.

What I've learned

University projects

(Check the link to go to my github respository or the report on google drive)

2nd Semester of 2021-2022

Online Quiz Project Online Quiz Project


Built an C# application on Window Form with online quiz functions.

2nd Semester of 2021-2022

Deployed Zabbix Deploying Zabbix


Deploying Zabbix system to monitor network's performance.

1st Semester of 2022-2023

Android Remote App Android Remote Application


Built a open remote application on Android Studio to check the air's index

1st Semester of 2022-2023

Modern Encryption AlgorithmModern Encryption Algorithm

1st Semester of 2022-2023

Learning, searching about some encryption algorithms like AES, DES, 3DES

1st Semester of 2022-2023

VOIP System VOIP System

Python Jupyter Notebook

Built a VoIP system with some calling functions

1st Semester of 2022-2023

Aircrack-ng HashcatAircrack-ng Hashcat

Azure Synapse

Researching the definition, use Aircrack-ng to test the Wifi

1st Semester of 2022-2023

Network Design Network Design

Azure Synapse

Built an topology and the network system of the company.

2nd Semester of 2022-2023

Network Social ApplicationNetwork Social Application

Use Java to build a social network application.

2nd Semester of 2022-2023

Network Design Money Management Application

Azure Synapse

Using JQuery Mobile to build money management application

2nd Semester of 2022-2023

Air Quality PredictionAir Quality Prediction

Using Machine Learning & Deep Learning to predict air quality

On Working

Early Fire Detection System Early Fire Detection System (On Working)

Azure Synapse

Using Machine Learning & Deep Learning to build a dataset & Transmodel to predict the early fire

My Project

Semester Review App

Python-Jupyter Notebook

Using C# to build an application on Window Form for student to review lesson before semester