ChaiLove API  0.28.0
ChaiLove API

ChaiLove is a framework for making 2D games in the ChaiScript scripting language. ChaiLove is totally free, and can be used in anything from friendly open-source hobby projects, to evil, closed-source commercial ones.

Some interesting places to go from here:


Never used ChaiScript before? It's a really cool language! This manual won't teach you ChaiScript, but fortunately there are other good resources for that.

Hello World

This is the full source for "hello world" in ChaiLove, using a main.chai file. Running this code will cause an 640 by 480 window to appear, and display white text on a black background.

global logo
global x = 10.0f
def load() {
logo ="logo.png")
def draw() {"Hello World!", 400, 300), x, 100)
def update(dt) {
x = x + 20.0f * dt

To run the above, execute it with retroarch -L main.chai .