ChaiLove API  2.0.0
Getting Started

This provides a quick introduction on how to get started with ChaiLove.

1. Install ChaiLove

ChaiLove is a libretro core, which can be run through RetroArch. It can be installed through the user interface...

  1. Run RetroArch
  2. Online UpdaterCore UpdatorChaiLove

2. Running Games

ChaiLove can load a game in two ways:

  1. Run the main.chai file
  2. Run the compressed game.chailove file

To download and play the sample game, Floppy Bird...

  1. Run RetroArch
  2. Visit Online UpdaterContent DownloaderChaiLoveFloppy Bird
  3. Load ContentDownloadsFloppy Bird.chailove

To run games through the command line...

retroarch -L FloppyBird.chailove

Next Steps

  • Callbacks will teach you about the basic structure of a ChaiLove game.
  • love module will show you the API available.
  • Examples are some useful learning resources.
  • Games provides some example games using ChaiLove.