
public class C8yMeasurementsService : JcConnectionRequest<C8yCumulocityConnection>

Allows measurements to be fetched and posted to Cumulocity. Leverages the underlying api at endpoint ‘\/measurement/measurements’ and described here

  • Used when fetching C8yMeasurements to determines the maximum number allowed in a single request, default is 50



    public var pageSize: Int
  • Returns a page `C8yPagedMeasurements` of `C8yMeasurement` instances generated by a device for the given internal c8y id.
    - parameter forSource internal id of the `C8yManagedObject` that is the source of measurements to be returned
    - parameter pageNum The page to be fetched, total pages can be found in  via the statistics property `statistics` defined by `C8yPageStatistics`  of the returned `C8yPagedMeasurements` object
    - parameter from Date and time to search from
    - parameter to Date and time to search upto (use Date() to specify up to now)
    - parameter reverseDateOrder if false results are ordered date descending, specify true (default) for the opposite i.e. the last measurement will be first in the list



    public func get(forSource id: String, pageNum: Int, from: Date, to: Date, reverseDateOrder: Bool) -> AnyPublisher<JcRequestResponse<C8yPagedMeasurements>, APIError>
  • Returns a page C8yPagedMeasurements of C8yMeasurement instances generated by a device for the given internal c8y id for the given measurement type



    public func get(forSource id: String, type: String, pageNum: Int, from: Date, to: Date, reverseDateOrder: Bool) -> AnyPublisher<JcRequestResponse<C8yPagedMeasurements>, APIError>
  • Returns an aggregrated series C8yMeasurementSeries of measurements generated by a device for the given internal c8y id for the given measurement type and sub value series



    public func getSeries(forSource id: String, type: String, series: String, from: Date, to: Date, aggregrationType: C8yMeasurementSeries.AggregateType) -> AnyPublisher<JcRequestResponse<C8yMeasurementSeries>, APIError>
  • Posts a set of new C8yMeasurement instances to cumulocity for the an associated device


    throws If any measurement is missing mandatory fields, or if associated Managed Objects do not exist in c8y



    public func post(_ measurements: [C8yMeasurement]) throws -> AnyPublisher<JcRequestResponse<Bool>, APIError>