Frequently asked questions

Q: I am a student. Can I get a discount?
A: We expect the majority of attendees to be students, which we have already considered in the pricing. Unfortunately, we cannot offer further discounts.

Q: Can I only sign up for just one of the days?
A: All registrations are automatically for both the summer school and the workshop, in full. We want to encourage all participants to join us for both events.

Q: Do you have funding for travel support?
A: Unfortunately, we can not offer travel support.

Q: Can you provide a letter of invitation for the VISA application?
A: Yes, please contact us directly if you need an invitation letter for your visa application.

Q: Can I join remotely?
A: Unfortunately not. The event is planned as in-person only.

Q: How do I get to Southampton?
A: Southampton is well connected by buses, trains and flights. You can find more information on this page , or website of the university.

Q: Can you issue a certificate of attendance?
A: Yes. To request a certificate of attendance, contact us after you have received the payment instructions.

Q: What are the payment modalities?
A: Card payments are preferred. Bank transfer may be possible in special cases. If you cannot pay by a card, contact us after you have received the payment instructions.

Q: Can I receive an invoice?
A: Yes. To request an invoice, contact us after you have received the payment instructions.

If you have any other questions, please contact Disha Hegde ( ).