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parseArgumentCharacter(char) - Method in class com.cleancoder.args.Args
Checks if the Validates elementId character given in command line argument to check if there exists a matching schema.
parseArgumentCharacters(String) - Method in class com.cleancoder.args.Args
Passes the elementId(s) extracted from args to parseArgumentCharacter method.
parseArgumentStrings(List<String>) - Method in class com.cleancoder.args.Args
Parses out elementId(s) from the args string.
parseSchema(String) - Method in class com.cleancoder.args.ArgsData
Splits the schema string by commas.
parseSchemaElement(String) - Method in class com.cleancoder.args.ArgsData
Creates mapping between elementTail and relevant marshalers by comparing elementTail with predefined tail strings.
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