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Last updated on 2024-02-01.


Remigiusz Żulicki

Sociologist, humanist who likes coding and statistics. Open source and open science enthusiast looking for a postdoc position with impact for social good.


Ph.D. in Sociology

Faculty of Economics and Sociology

University of Lodz

2021 - 2014

  • Thesis: Data Science in Poland. Ethnography of The Social World
  • A descriptive study on the data science community in Poland. It was over three-year fieldwork of qualitative inquiry and quantitative analysis, including web scraping from and survey data analyzing, primarily done in R.
  • The Polish Sociological Association awarded me the best Ph.D. thesis in sociology of work, and I received an individual award from the Rector of the University of Lodz.

Postgraduate Program: Data Analysis and Data Mining

Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science

University of Lodz

2017 - 2016

  • The program covered statistics, machine learning, and relational databases.
  • The toolbox used in the program contained R, SQL, and VBA.

M.A. in Sociology

Faculty of Economics and Sociology

University of Lodz

2012 - 2006

  • Uniform five-year master’s studies.

Research Experience

Assistant Professor

Department of Social Science Research Methods and Techniques

University of Lodz

current - 2022

  • I continue researching the data science community in Poland, emphasizing how generative AI is used and opinions about it among the data scientists. The research on illegal trash dumping is ongoing, and we applied for a larger grant. I also continue collaborating with the CNB-Young team in panel survey data harmonization.
  • Besides continuation of previous courses I authored new courses on critical data studies for social science Ph.D. students and a simplified version for sociology bachelors.
  • Working in a multidisciplinary team aimed at regulating the use of generative AI at the University of Lodz.

Research and Teaching Assistant

Department of Social Science Research Methods and Techniques

University of Lodz

2022 - 2021

  • Maped citizenship environmental activism in the pilot study Trash in the Wild. This study concerned illegal trash dumping in my city, Lodz. In a two-person team we collected qualitative, quantitative and spatial data. We employed a citizen science approach with geosurvey hosted on Epicollect5. This project was my first experience with GIS in R, spatial data analysis and visualization. I was responsible mainly for the quantitative and GIS parts, and also for project’s website.
  • I taught social research methods and authored two introductory courses in data analysis: survey data with R, and social network data with Gephi at both undergraduate and graduate levels.

Research Assistant

Institute of Philosophy and Sociology

Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw

2021 - 2020

  • Harmonized panel survey data regarding precarity in CNB-Young project. The project aims for a comparative analysis of four countries: Poland with POLPAN panel survey, Germany – SOEP, USA – NLSY, and UK – BHPS and UKHLS.
  • I was responsible mainly for work with United Kingdom Household Longitudinal Study, the largest panel survey in the world. 100% remote collaboration with a team of 10+ people from various Polish institutions and members of advisory board from UK, Germany and USA.

Industry Experience

I worked in various roles outside academia before my Ph.D. defense, collaborated in great teams and saw social research projects from multiple angles.

Alumni Career Researcher

Career Office

University of Lodz

2021 - 2016

  • Conducted administrative panel surveys regarding the careers of University of Lodz graduates. I was responsible for the survey design, CAWI deployment on LimeSurvey, data analysis with IBM SPSS, reports automation and writing, and presentations for University authorities.
  • Evaluated trainings, events, courses, and internships administered by the Career Office. Designed, conducted, analyzed, and reported several pretest-posttest studies.
  • I designed and automated office processes, from internship application web forms to document filling and sending emails. Work done in GSuite and some VBA in MS Office. Also, UX, content writing, and front-end for the Office’s web page on WordPress. Moreover, web analytics with Google Analytics and data visualization with Google Data Studio dashboards.

Project Manager Junior

ASM Research Solutions Strategy


2016 - 2016

  • I was responsible for acquiring marketing research clients, selling reports, designing projects to meet the client’s business needs, and writing offers.

Evaluation and Research Specialist

Lodz Centre Of Teacher Training And Vocational Education


2015 - 2013

  • I Evaluated EU-funded trainings and courses in schools. Designed, conducted, analyzed, and reported several pretest-posttest studies among 1000+ pupils and 50+ teachers in over a dozen of various schools in Lodz, mostly with pen-and-paper questionnaires and spreadsheets. Coordinated and evaluated teacher’s work.
  • Worked on several job market research projects, both qualitative and quantitative. I was responsible for desk research, reports writing and spreadsheet data work. Main topic were HR needs among employers and careers of the graduates.
  • During that job market research, I learned what ‘big data’ was and ‘data science is the sexiest job’! During this period, I returned to the University to start my Ph.D. studies in 2014.

Data Analyst

Niemcewicza Medical Center


2014 - 2013

  • Medical data input and analysis.


Meritum Research Agency


2013 - 2013

  • CATI interviewing, IDI moderation, transcripts of IDIs and FGIs.

Selected Publications, Posters, and Talks

Data Science. The Sexiest Job of The 21st c. in Poland. Big data, AI and Power Point

Book based on Ph.D. thesis



  • The sociological monograph on data science, both from the perspective of its participants and from a bird’s eye view of its relationship to the academia, business, law, media, and politics.

Mapping Environmental Commitment: A Situational Analysis of Illegal Dumps in the City

Research paper authored with Anna Kacperczyk, Qualitative Sociology Review



  • The analysis reveals how different positions of the City Guard, Municipal Economy Department, waste disposal companies, journalists, environmental activists, researchers, and citizens participating in the project vary their standpoints and views on the studied problem.

Between Research and Problem Solving – Technical and Ethical Issues During The Study of Mapping Trash in The Wild

Conference talk at European Sociological Association Qualitative Network RN20

Copenhagen, Denmark


  • The presentation addresses the experience, solutions, and difficulties arisen during participatory research.

Employment Sequences and Occupational Status Attainment: Patterns of School-to-Work Transitions in Poland and the United Kingdom

Conference talk authored with Anna Kiersztyn at 28th Annual Workshop of the European Research Network on Transitions in Youth

Nuremberg, Germany – online


  • Goal of the analysis: to assess whether employment sequences differing with regard to mobility from fixed-term to permanent employment are related to specific patterns of occupational status attainment.

An Attempt to Develop a Methodology for Measuring Filter Bubbles in Google Search Engine

Conference talk authored with Michał Żytomirski at Bobcatsss, Université Gustave Eiffel

Paris, France


  • Summary of quantitative research of filter bubble in Google search. Project inspired by DuckDuckGo.

The Employment of Łódź University Tourism And Recreation Graduates: A Sociological Analysis

Research paper, Tourism



  • What determines graduate employment? Surveys conducted by the Career Office one year after graduation in 2014, 2015 and 2016 are the empirical basis. The logistic regression technique was used to predict the status of graduate employment.