Oluwadare juwon

Fullstack Web Developer

Hello!!! it is WINTAN!

I'M that choice that you dont want to miss for programming gig

I love to deliver technical services in the aspect of programming,helping you build products(apps,websites,and tests) that solves day to day challenges

my portfolio

built with ROR,Bootstrap,Iex Api
see live demo
view on github

Built with ruby
see live demo
view on github

built with react, Api, and Redux
see live demo
view on github

built with react, redux and rails Api
see live demo
view on github

built with react, redux and omdb Api
see live demo
view on github

Built with Phaser framework & Javascript
see live demo
view on github

my tic tac toe.
Built with Javascript and Dom
see live demo
View on github

my twitter redesign.
Built with Rails and Bootstrap
see live demo
view on github

my weather app.
Built with Javascript,API and DOM
see live demo
View on github

Todolist app.
built with Javascript,Dom & webpacker
see live demo
view on github

about me

name : Oluwadare juwon

status : fullstack developer(open to work)

language : english


years of experience


Hours of consistent coding and pair programming


mastery certified reviews


projets completed

my education


content writer

Worked briefly as a blog editor and content writer,i was actively involved in content editing,content creation and general proofreading of article


Bsc forestry&wildlife management

I spent 5 years studying forestry and wildlife management,trained in silvicultural skills and forest biometrics amongst other skills

2020 - present

full stack web development

I am a graduate of Microverse Inc where I studies Web-Development and I have worked ever since then as a freelance developer majoring on Ruby On Rails while job-searching,adorned with skills in Ruby,Ruby on Rails,Html/Css,Git,Github,Bootstrap, and react

contact me

contact info