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package gophplib

import (

// Base64Encode emulates the functionality of PHP 5.6's base64_encode function.
// For more information, see the [official PHP documentation].
// In PHP 5.6, an error is triggered if the input size is excessively large due to memory limitations.
// This Go implementation includes similar checks to emulate PHP's memory limitation conditions.
// Additionally, this function converts different types of variables to a string, following PHP's dynamic typing approach.
// After ensuring the memory constraints are met and converting the input to a string,
// it uses the EncodeToString function from the encoding/base64 package to perform the Base64 encoding.
// The result is a Base64 encoded string, consistent with PHP's output for the same input.
// For more detailed information about the EncodeToString function in the package encoding/base64,
// see the [encoding/base64's EncodeToString documentation]
// This function returns error if given argument is not one of following:
// string, int, int64, float64, bool, nil, and any type which does not implement
// interface { toString() string }.
// PHP references:
//   - base64_encode definition:
//   - base64_encode implementation:
// Test Cases :
//   -
//   -
//   -
//   -
// [official PHP documentation]:
// [encoding/base64's EncodeToString documentation]:
func Base64Encode(value any) (string, error) {
        // Convert a value to string
        characterString, err := zendParseArgAsString(value)
        if err != nil {
                return "", fmt.Errorf("unsupported type : %s", reflect.TypeOf(value))

        // Base64 encoding converts 3 bytes into 4 bytes ASCII characters,
        // and adds padding 2 bytes if the converted data is not a multiple of 3.
        // In PHP, the base64_encode function includes a memory allocation limit check
        // to prevent potential overflow issues due to the increase in data size during encoding.
        // In Go, such checks are generally not required thanks to its robust memory management system.
        // However, to maintain exact behavioral parity with the PHP implementation,
        // this function includes memory limit check too.
        if (len(characterString)+2)/3 > math.MaxInt32/4 {
                return "", fmt.Errorf("string too long, maximum is 1610612733")
        encodedString := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(characterString))
        return encodedString, nil