
This dashboard helps facilitate the CQI analyses VIHA E.C.R. (early cognitive recline) project.



  1. The current report covers 200 total subject-event records for 3 unique counties (Muskogee, Oklahoma, Tulsa).
  2. The year of collection ranges from 2000 to 2014.
  3. The selected county is Tulsa (id value 72).


Tables - County-Year

Tables - County

Tables - Annotation


Cog 1

Cog 2

Cog 3

Cog 1

Cog 2

Cog 3


Cog 1
Collapsing Subject-Year

Cog 2
Collapsing Subject-Year

Cog 3
Collapsing Subject-Year


Explanation -Current PDSA


By implementing plans for self-care activities with established clients, primary caregivers will see a mean score reduction of at least 4 points on the ECR after 4 months of self-care activities by Dec 1, 2018.


  • Outcome: Parent Stress
    • Pre- and Post- Parent Stress Scale score change
  • Process: Completed Resiliency Plans
    • Numerator: Count of clients who completed their designated self-care activity
    • Denominator: Count of clients with a visist in a given week
  • Disruptor: Cultural issues preventing participation, toxic stress, family catastrophe

Spaghetti Notes

  • To be added:
    • Post score plots
    • Pre-post comparisons
    • Splitting out new clients from old clients to see if differences are more or less prominent
  • Mean PSS Scores - Pre:
    • Each blue dot represents a single client’s PSS score on the pre measure
    • The orange dots (connected by the red line) represent the mean PSS score for all clients on a given week.
    • Dot size is proportional to the number of clients who had a pre-PSS score.
  • Stress Activity - Success:
    • Numerator: Number of clients who indicated having completed their self-care activity
    • Denominator: All clients who responded to the self-care question (Yes/No to self-care)
    • Dot size: The dot size is proportional to the number of clients who responded to that question on a given week.


  • Current PDSA (This is accessible only to CQI participants.)

Explanation -All CQI Dashboards

  • Spaghetti
    1. Each strand represents a single program’s trajectory over time.
    2. A separate plot represents each outcome, whose value is on the y-axis.
    3. Thin faint straight vertical lines annotate program-specific events.
    4. The thick faint curvy line represents the summarized trajectory for the strands.
  • Tables
    1. Model: Each row represents a single model. monthly averages of the model(s). Most of these cells are calculated by summing across all months (for a given program), then dividing by the number of months.
    2. Program: Each row represents a single program. Monthly averages of the program(s). Most of these cells are calculated by summing across all months (across all programs in the model), then dividing by the number of months.
    3. Program-by-Month: Each row represents one month for a given program. Most cells are the sum of events for the month.
    4. Spaghetti Annotation: Each row represents a notable event that may provide context to the spaghetti plots. Each event appears as a faint vertical line at its date.


  • CQI: Continuous Quality Improvement. A quality management process that encourages all health care team members to continuously ask the questions, “How are we doing?” and “Can we do it better?” (source: HealthIT.gov)
  • model: The conceptual plan for clients. Models associated with MIECHV-3 are C1, PAT, and SafeCare (SC).
  • program: The the implementation of a model at an agency.
  • site: The location on an agency.
  • visit, completed: A record in the ‘encounter’ touchpoint that was successfully attended by the provider and client.
  • visit, scheduled: A record in the ‘encounter’ touchpoint regardless if it was completed. (The dashboards formerly called this an “attempted visit”, but we changed to “scheduled visit” to reduce confusion. Many programs were already using the term “attempted visit” to describe no-shows or unsuccessful visits.)


  • Spaghetti
    1. A ’spaghetti plot’is a hybrid line graph and scatterplot. The x axis represents time. The lines connect the observations of the same program (or the same provider, depending on the graph).
    2. Reveal which program is represented by hovering over a spaghetti strand
    3. Save an individual graph, hover near the top right and click on the camera icon titled, “Download plot as png”.
    4. Reset the zoom, hover near the top right and click the home icon.
  • Tables
    1. Decode program_code to program_name using the “Program” table in the Tables tab.
    2. Decode short annotation titles using the “Annotation” table in the Tables tab.


Report rendered by wibea at 2023-01-10, 10:41 -0600 in 2 seconds.

For the sake of documentation and reproducibility, the current report was rendered in the following environment. Click the line below to expand. But you’ll probably regret it.

Session Info
setting value
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