Understanding Focus Not Obscured


This understanding document is part of the draft WCAG 2.2 content. It may change or be removed before the final WCAG 2.2 is published.

Focus Not Obscured Success Criterion text

When a user interface component receives keyboard focus, the component is not entirely hidden due to author-created content.

Where content in a configurable interface can be repositioned by the user, then only the initial positions of user-movable content is considered for testing and conformance of this Success Criterion.

Where content disclosed by the user can obscure other content, if the user can reveal the item with focus without moving keyboard focus (for example, by dismissing with Esc), such disclosed content is not considered to fully obscure the item receiving focus.

Intent of Focus Not Obscured

The intent of this Success Criterion is to ensure that the item receiving keyboard focus is always visible in the user's viewport. For sighted people who rely on a keyboard (or on a device that operates through the keyboard interface, such as a switch or voice input), knowing the current point of focus is critical. The component with focus signals the interaction point on the page. Where users cannot see the item with focus, they may not know how to proceed, or may even think the system has become unresponsive.

In recognition of the complex responsive designs common today, this AA criterion allows for the component receiving focus to be partially obscured by other author-created content. A partly obscured component can still be very visible, although the more of it that is obscured, the less easy it is to see. For that reason, authors should attempt to design interactions to reduce the degree and frequency with which the item receiving focus is partly obscured. For best visiblity, none of the component receiving focus should be hidden. This preferred outcome is covered by the AAA criterion Focus Not Obscured (Enhanced).

Typical types of content that can overlap focused items are sticky footers, sticky headers, and non-modal dialogs. As a user tabs through the page, these layers of content can obscure the item receiving focus, along with its focus indicator.

A notification implemented as sticky content, such as a cookie banner, will fail this Success Criterion if it entirely obscures a component receiving focus. Ways of passing include making the banner modal so the user has to dismiss the banner before navigating through the page, or using scroll padding so the banner does not overlap other content. Notifications that do not require user action could also meet this criterion by closing on loss of focus.

Another form of obscuring can occur where light boxes or other semi-opaque effects overlap the item with focus. While less than 100 percent opacity is not causing the component to be "entirely hidden," such semi-opaque overlaps may cause a failure of 2.4.11 Focus Appearance. When a focus indicator can be covered by a semi-opaque component, the ability of the focus indicator to pass 2.4.11 should be evaluated (and pass) while the focus indicator is under the semi-opaque component. The intention in both situations is that the component receiving focus should never be obscured to the point a user cannot tell which item has focus.

User-movable content

This SC contains a note regarding content that can be repositioned. If users can move content regions, then they can potentially position the movable content such that it obscures other content that may receive focus. In such a case, the author is only responsible for ensuring that the movable content in its initial position does not obscure the item receiving focus.

This note is intended to accommodate a common interaction in complex applications such as authoring tools, where the main editing region (also called a canvas) can be enhanced by displaying toolbars or other panels, which can be repositioned around the canvas. It is possible to design such toolbars so they do not obscure focus. Authors are encouraged to do so, as well as pursue techniques which ensure equitable keyboard use of such toolbars. However, in recognition of the complexities involved in responsive design as well as in supporting the ability to transform the text size and spacing of content, only the starting position of such movable panels is assessed.

Placeholder for future simplified illustration showing an abstract layout of an authoring tool UI with a user-movable toolbar

User-disclosed content

This SC contains a note regarding content that is opened or disclosed by the user. One example of such content is a menu button opened by a user that discloses a list of choices over pre-existing content on the screen. Most such disclosed content can obscure other information on the screen, but it does not obscure an item receiving keyboard focus, because the new content doesn't persist through a change of focus. However, authors may create user-opened content that is intentionally designed to persist until closed by the user, such as a chat window. Such persistent content has the potential to fail Focus Not Obscured (Minimum). Various types are described in this section. All can be designed so that they pass this Success Criterion.

In recognition of more complex applications, the note allows for user-disclosed content to obscure the item receiving focus, provided the user can bring the item with focus into view without actually altering the keyboard focus. Keyboard actions that may allow the item with focus to be revealled include: 1) using Esc to dismiss the disclosed content, 2) using keys to scroll the content in the viewport to reveal the item with focus, or 3) issuing a key to move between overlays. The rationale is that if a user opens a toolbar or chatbot, they have some context to understand why other content may be obscured by it.

It is important to emphasize two things. First, this note only applies to content that the user actively discloses. Content pre-positioned by the author (such as a sticky footer), or content that appears without direct user initiation, such as system warnings, must not prevent the item receiving focus from being immediately visible in the viewport. Second, this note is not intended to apply to disclosures that are by convention non-persistent. As discussed in the following sub-section, an open dropdown that does not close when no longer focused is not following convention. The note is not intended to excuse poor authoring practices.

Non-persistent disclosed information

A number of components on the web disclose additional content (on activation or on focus) intended for immediate user interaction or information. These disclosures often open on top of other content, obscuring it. Examples of such disclosures are menu items, select element items, combobox lists (and other dropdown items), date picker calendars, and tooltips. The common trait of all these disclosures is that they are not expected to persist after being acted on or once they are no longer the primary point of user interaction. Such non-persistent disclosures do not fail this SC since they do not obscure the item with focus. However, if an author allows such disclosures to persist after the user has 1) activated one of the disclosed items or 2) moved the focus away from the triggering item and the disclosure, the additional content is at risk of failing this SC by obscuring the item with focus.

Placeholder for future illustration showing an open dropdown obscuring information underneath

User openable, persistent disclosures

Some disclosure patterns provide a mechanism for the user to open additional content that remains open until intentionally closed by the user. Accordions are a simple example of such a pattern. Chatbots and expandable side navigation are more complex examples. All of these patterns can be implemented so they are not at risk of failing this SC. Some possible approaches are:

Where disclosed content persists and causes existing content to be obscured, it will be at risk of failing this criterion if it prevents users from seeing the item receiving focus. An example of this problem is described and captured in a short video in Slide-out navigation stays open while focus is on content behind it.

Modal dialogs

A properly constructed modal dialog will always pass this SC. Even if it appears directly on top of an item with focus, the dialog takes focus on appearance, and thus the item receiving focus -- the dialog or one of its components -- is visible. A properly constructed modal maintains that focus and prevents interaction outside the modal until it is dismissed.

A dialog-like overlay that does not take focus on appearance and does not either constrain interaction to the overlay or dismiss itself on loss of focus (thus allowing focus to exit into the content behind it) will be at risk of failing this SC, where it is positioned such that it can obscure other focusable items.

Benefits of Focus Not Obscured

Examples of Focus Not Obscured


Techniques for Focus Not Obscured

Sufficient Techniques

  1. CSS: Using scroll-padding to ensure a sticky header does not entirely obscure the focused item (Potential future technique).

Additional Techniques (Advisory)
