Understanding Focus Appearance (Enhanced)


This understanding document is part of the draft WCAG 2.2 content. It may change or be removed before the final WCAG 2.2 is published.

Focus Appearance (Enhanced) Success Criteria text

When a user interface component has keyboard focus, the focus indicator:


Where a user interface component has active sub-components, if a sub-component receives a focus indicator, these requirements can be applied to the sub-component instead.

Intent of Focus Appearance (Enhanced)

The purpose of this Success Criterion is to ensure a keyboard focus indicator is highly visible. This criterion is closely related to Success Criterion 2.4.11 Focus Appearance (Minimum) and defines a higher level of visibility for the focus indicator.

In relation to Focus Visible (enhanced) this criterion:

The other aspects of the Success Criterion are the same as Focus Visible (Minimum).

Benefits of Focus Appearance (Enhanced)

The benefits of this Success Criterion are similar to Focus Appearance (Minimum).

Examples of Focus Visible

The examples of this Success Criterion are similar to Focus Appearance (Minimum).

Techniques for Focus Appearance (Enhanced)

Sufficient Techniques

  1. Using an author-supplied, highly visible focus indicator
  2. Creating a two-color focus indicator to ensure sufficient contrast (@@@ check it meets this SC)
  3. Creating a strongly contrasting focus indicator inside the component (@@@ check it meets this SC)

Additional Techniques (Advisory)
