Accurate and consistent pronunciation or presentation of spoken content by text to speech synthesis (TTS) is very important in many contexts, and critical in education, publishing, communication, entertainment, and other domains. TTS has become an important technology for providing access to digital content on the web. A variety of approaches have been used to address this need, ranging from improper use of the WAI-ARIA standard, to creation of custom and data-attributes, But there is no consistent approach and no interoperability to enable authoring of spoken presentaion guidance in HTML which can then be consumed by assistive technologies and other applications that utilize text to speech sythesis for rendering content. These efforts have not led to broad adoption of any standard by user agents, authors or assistive technologies. However, there are a variety of non-interoperable approaches that meet specific needs for some applications. It is currently a major challenge area, and many users are looking for standard-based solution.
This proposal identifies two possible technical approaches for author-controlled pronunciation of HTML content. Just as authors use CSS to style the visual presentation of web content, the Pronunciation Task Force aims to develop normative specifications for aural presentation. The Pronunciation Taks Force seeks implementors to convert the authoring techniques described into aural presentation. Feedback from implementors and authors will help the task force decide which approach to submit as the final recommendation.
We base our candidate approaches on a subset of SSML. Our selected SSML subset is carefully chosen to bring consistency and predictability to spoken presentation across a full range of assistive technologies and operating environments. Both technical approaches described in this publication carefully avoid the impass that has prevented SSML from becoming a native HTML technology and should, therefore, be generally applicable. Either approach described here satisfies our requirements for assistive technologies and are hypothesized to be useful to voice assistants which consume and present HTML content in spoken form. We seek feedback on which approach would prove most implementable across all applications of spoken presentation of web content.
For an introduction to pronunciation issue and related W3C documents, see: Pronunciation Overview.
This proposal allows authors to embed synthetic speech presentation information in HTML content. This will enhance any text-to-speech (TTS) technology such as screen readers, read aloud tools, and voice assistants. The solution must allow for a wide range of aural expression and this proposal consists several SSML features which are critical for implementaion such as: say-as, phoneme, sub, emphasis, break, and prosody.
The W3C Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) standard provides a rich language for synthetic speech. The SSML should be easy to author, not interfere with visual content, and work well with existing technology.
The task force identified two possible approaches, multi-attribute and single-attribute, to enrich HTML with SSML:
The task force encourages implementors and authors to provide feedback about these approaches. Once analyzed, the feedback will help determine which approach will become the final recommendation.
The following sections include example code for each approach. Refer to the sample content content examples, complete with audio files, for comparison with existing TTS technology.
prefix to name attributes is not the editors' recommendation or preference.
This choice enables experimental implementations which will inform the development of this
For an introduction to pronunciation issue and related W3C documents, see: Pronunciation Overview.
Text-to-speech is necessary for people with disabilities and useful for all. Accurate pronunciation is essential in many situations, such as education and assessment (testing students). Many computers and mobile devices today have built in text-to-speech functionality that is used by people without disabilities in different situations, such as when they lose their glasses, or their eyes are tired.
Currently text-to-speech pronunciation is often inaccurate and inconsistent because of technology limitations. For example, incorrect pronunciation based on context, regional variation, or emphasis is not unusual. W3C is working toward developing normative specifications and best practice guidance so that text-to-speech (TTS) synthesis can provide proper pronunciation of HTML content. The following two documents provide the foundation for this work.
In WCAG, a success criteria 3.1.6 Pronunciation (AAA) has been included, which calls for a mechanism to be available for identifying specific pronunciation of words where meaning of the words, in context is ambiguous without knowing the pronunciation. Also, the W3C has recommended two standards pertaining to the presentation of speech sythesis, Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML), and the Pronunciation Lexicon Specification (PLS). There ae technical methods to allow authors to inline SSML with HTML, but such an approach has not been adopted, and comments from various browser and assistive technology vendors have suggested that this is not viable approach. To know more details about use cases and gap analysis on these technolgies, please refer our gap-analysis and use-cases document.
Over the last couple of years, The Pronunciation Task Force studied user scenarios for TTS technology. This document provides examples of:
The Pronunciation Task Force has been exploring technical options for content authors to provide
pronunciation information. Developing a solution that will be used by screen readers is a challenge. One
aspect of that work involved analyzing how required features for accurate pronunciation are covered in existing
technical specifications, including HTML5.
Based upon various surveys and analyzing gaps in existing specifications, The Pronunciation Task force created the Pronunciation Gap Analysis and
Use Cases document, which provides details about the analysis. In summary, the document:
The multi-attribute approach uses one or more attributes with string values to add speech presentation to an
HTML element.
Publishers in Japan use a similar technique
from EPUB 3 for the SSML phoneme
Edgar Allen Poe's The Raven, authored using the multi-attribute approach:
<p data-ssml-prosody-rate="slow" data-ssml-prosody-pitch="low"> Once upon a midnight <span data-ssml-phoneme-alphabet="ipa" data-ssml-phoneme-ph="ˈdrɪəri">dreary</span> <span data-ssml-break-time="500ms"></span>, while I pondered, weak <span data-ssml-break-time="150ms"></span> and weary,<br data-ssml-break-time="500ms" /> Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten <span data-ssml-prosody-rate="x-slow" data-ssml-prosody-pitch="low"> lore—</span><br /> While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, <br data-ssml-audio-src="/soundlibrary/wood/hits/hits_11" /> As of some one gently rapping, <span data-ssml-audio-src="/soundlibrary/wood/hits/hits_11"></span> rapping at my chamber door. <span data-ssml-audio-src="/soundlibrary/wood/hits/hits_11"></span> <br data-ssml-audio-src="/soundlibrary/wood/hits/hits_11" /> <span data-ssml-prosody-volume="x-soft" data-ssml-prosody-rate="medium"> "'Tis some visitor," </span> I muttered, <span data-ssml-prosody-volume="x-soft" data-ssml-prosody-rate="x-slow"> <span data-ssml-phoneme-alphabet="ipa" data-ssem-phoneme-ph="tæpɪŋ">"tapping</span> at my chamber door—</span><br data-ssml-break-time="750ms" /> Only this <span data-ssml-break-strength="weak"></span> and nothing <span data-ssml-break-strength="none"></span> <span data-ssml-prosody-volume="soft" data-ssml-prosody-rate="75%"> more."</span> </p>
Multi-Attribute SetThese attributes provide functional equivalence to the SSML counterparts. These attributes are valid on the following HTML elements:
Allows the author to classify the element's text content. The attributes are derived from the SSML say-as
element and associated properties.
Editor's note: interpret-as
seems superfluous, and should be implied
Values: date | time | telephone | characters | cardinal | ordinal
(optional)Value: time/date format as defined in W3C Note, SSML say-as
attribute values. SSML 1.0 say-as attribute
(optional)Value: detail as defined in W3C Note, SSML say-as
attribute values. SSML 1.0 say-as attribute
According the 2010 US Census, the population of <span data-ssml-say-as='characters'>90274</span> increased to 25209 from 24976 over the past 10 years.
Defines two required attributes for phonemic/phonetic pronunciation. The element
with the phoneme attributes can only contain text (no elements). The attributes are derived from the SSML phoneme
element and associated properties.
Value: The phoneme string
Value: The phonetic alphabet in use: ipa | x-sampa
Once upon a midnight <span data-ssml-alphabet="ipa" data-ssml-phoneme-ph="ˈdrɪəri">dreary</span>
A string value that replaces the text content for pronunciation.
While similar to aria-label
, alias does not alter spelling (i.e., a Braille display).
Additionally, the alias attribute can be used by TTS technologies that do not access the
tree. The processor should apply text normalization to the alias value. The attribute is derived from the SSML sub
element and associated properties.
Value: text string to be substituted and delivered to the TTS for presentation.
<span data-ssml-sub-alias="Sodium Chloride"'>NaCL</span>
A set of attributes defining production values that requests a
change in speaking voice. There are
two kinds of attributes for the voice element: those that indicate desired features of a voice and
that control behavior. The attributes are derived from the SSML voice
element and associated properties.
(optional)Values: female | male | neutral
(optional)Value: integer corresponding to age in years
(optional)Value: integer indicating a numeric voice variant
(optional)Value: string defining a specific voice name requested from the current TTS engine, e.g.,
(optional)Value: string a space delimited list of one or more languages to be spoken by this voice.
She said, "<span data-ssml-voice-gender="female"'>My name is Marie</span>".
Requests that the text content be spoken with
emphasis (also
referred to as prominence or stress). This is a single attribute and is derived from the SSML emphasis
element and associated properties.
Value: strong | moderate | none | reduced
Please use <span data-ssml-emphasis-level="strong"'>extreme caution.</span>
Describes the timing associated with an empty element to
control the pausing or other prosodic boundaries between tokens. The use of the break attribute
any pair of tokens is optional. If the element is not present between tokens, the synthesis
processor is
expected to automatically determine a break based on the linguistic context. The attributes are derived from the SSML break
element and associated properties.
Value: none | x-weak | weak | medium (default) | strong | x-strong
Value: string containing a time duration expressed in numeric form as "250ms", "1s", etc.
Take a deep breath,<span data-ssml-break-time="1s"></span> and exhale.
Permits control of the pitch, speaking rate and volume of
the speech output. The attributes are derived from the SSML prosody
element and associated properties.
frequency-value"Hz" | +/- change value | "x-low" | "low" | "medium" | "high" | "x-high" | "default"
(optional)Value: string of contour change parameters as defined in the SSML 1.1 recommendation
(optional)Value: string range value as defined in the SSML 1.1 recommendation
non-negative-percentage% | "x-slow" | "slow" | "medium" | "fast"| "x-fast" | "default"
(optional)Value: string containing a time duration expressed in numeric form as "250ms", "1s", etc.
+/- soundlevel>"dB" | "silent" | "x-soft" | "soft" | "medium" | "loud" | "x-loud" | "default"
The tortoise, said (slowly) "<span data-ssml-prosody-rate="x-slow"> I am almost at the finish line</span>.""
Supports the insertion of recorded audio files in conjunction with synthesized speech output.
The element may be empty. If the element is not empty, then the
contents should be the text to be spoken if the audio document is not available. The attributes are derived from the SSML audio
element and associated properties.
Value: The URI of a document with an appropriate media file.
(optional)Value: string containing a time duration expressed in numeric form as "250ms", "1s", etc.
(optional)Value: safe | prefetch
(optional)Value: string
(optional)Value: string
(optional)Value: string containing a time duration expressed in numeric form as "250ms", "1s", etc.
(optional)Value: string containing a time duration expressed in numeric form as "250ms", "1s", etc.
(optional)Value: integer indicating the number of times to repeat the audio clip.
(optional)string containing a time duration expressed in numeric form as "250ms", "1s", etc.
You will hear a brief chime <span data-ssml-audio-src="/audio/chime.ogg"></span> when your time is up.
The single-attribute approach uses JSON to allow SSML compatible properties and values to be applied to textual content in HTML. This approach emerged as a means to transform content conforming to the IMS Question & Test Interoperability (QTI) Specification. The QTI standard supports inclusion of SSML in HTML for TTS tools used in educational assessment. This approach has seen preliminary implementation by TextHelp.
This approach requires authors to encode SSML functions, properties and values into JSON, for inclusion in HTML. Then TTS tools must transform the JSON attribute content into SSML. No existing W3C recommendation uses JSON strings as attribute values in HTML, but there is evidence of its use for custom applications using the data attribute. JSON has potential security concerns, and the impact of malformed JSON strings resulting from errors in authoring is among issues that need wider review. The browser, which normally attempts to address malformed HTML, can make no guarantees about the JSON strings. Implementers must decide how to handle malformed JSON.
While a JSON schema is proposed, there are potentially related standards, such as SpeakableSpecification, in development. Converting SSML to a proper JSON schema could cause confusion for implementers and authors. Often such conversions are "...not exactly 1:1 transformation, but very very close". Authoring tools are hypothesized to address these concerns, by eliminating the need for authors to directly write JSON. Techniques to facilitate authoring of speech attributes (whether multi or single-attribute approaches) are already demonstrated [ref].
Edgar Allen Poe's The Raven, authored using the single-attribute approach:
<p data-ssml='{"prosody":{"rate":"slow";"pitch":"low"}}'> Once upon a midnight <span data-ssml='{"phoneme":{"alphabet":"ipa";ph:"ˈdrɪəri"}}'>dreary</span> <span data-ssml="{"break":{"time":"500ms"}'></span>, while I pondered, weak <span data-ssml='{"break":{"time":"150ms"}'></span> and weary, <br data-ssml='{"break":{"time":"500ms"}' /> Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten <span data-ssml='{"prosody":{"rate":"x-slow";"pitch":"low"}}'>lore—</span><br /> While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, <br data-ssml='{"audio":{"src":"/soundlibrary/wood/hits/hits_11"}}'/> As of some one gently rapping, <span data-ssml='{"audio":{"src":"/soundlibrary/wood/hits/hits_11"}}'></span> rapping at my chamber door. <span data-ssml='{"audio":{"src":"/soundlibrary/wood/hits/hits_11"}}'></span> <br data-ssml='{"audio":{"src":"/soundlibrary/wood/hits/hits_11"}}' /> <span data-ssml='{"prosody":{"volume":"x-soft";"rate":"medium"}}'> "'Tis some visitor," </span> I muttered, <span data-ssml='{"prosody":{"volume":"x-soft";"rate":"x-slow"}}'> <span data-ssml='{"phoneme":{"alphabet":"ipa";ph:"tæpɪŋ"}}'>"tapping</span> at my chamber door—</span><br data-ssml='{"break":{"time":"750ms"}'/> Only this<span data-ssml='{"break":{"strength":"weak"}'></span> and nothing<span data-ssml='{"break":{"strength":"none"}'> </span> <span data-ssml='{"prosody":{"volume":"soft";"rate":"75%"}}'>more."</span> </p>
Attribute, Properties and ValuesThe following properties are defined and provide functional equivalence to the their SSML counterpart.
The data-ssml
provides functional equivalence to SSML. The attribute is valid
on the following HTML elements:
The value of the data-ssml attribute is a JSON string, enclosed with single quotes ('
containing a single JSON object representing a specific SSML function with one or
more property/value pairs. The valid objects, properties and associated values are defined in the
following sections. The
JSON schema is presented in Appendix A.
Allows the author to classify the element's text content. The JSON definition is derived from the SSML say-as
element and associated properties.
Value: date | time | telephone | characters | cardinal | ordinal
(optional)Value: time/date format as defined in W3C Note SSML say-as
attribute values.
(optional)Value: detail as defined in W3C Note SSML say-as
attribute values.
According the 2010 US Census, the population of <span data-ssml='{"say-as" : {"interpret-as":"characters"}}'>90274</span> increased to 25209 from 24976 over the past 10 years.
Defines two required attributes for phonemic/phonetic pronunciation. The element
with the phoneme attributes can only contain text (no elements).
The JSON definition is derived from the SSML phoneme
element and associated properties.
Value: string containing the phonetic characters corresponding to the content to be spoken
Value: ipa | x-sampa
defining the phonetic alphabet used for the ph
Once upon a midnight <span data-ssml='{"phoneme":{"alphabet":"ipa";ph:"ˈdrɪəri"}}'>dreary</span>
Indicates that the text in the alias attribute value
replaces the text content for pronunciation. The required alias property specifies the string to be
spoken instead of the text content. The
processor should apply text normalization to the alias value. The JSON definition is derived from the SSML sub
element and associated properties.
Value: string containing the text to be spoken as a substitution for the text content of
the element to which sub
is applied.
<span data-ssml='{"sub":{"alias":"Sodium Chloride"}}'>NaCL</span>
Requests a change in speaking voice. There are
two kinds of attributes for voice
: those that indicate desired features of a voice
and those that control behavior. The JSON definition is derived from the SSML voice
element and associated properties.
(optional)Values: female | male | neutral
(optional)Value: integer corresponding to age in years
(optional)Value: integer indicating a numeric voice variant
(optional)Value: string defining a specific voice name requested from the current TTS engine, e.g.,
"Microsoft David (English)"
(optional)Value: string a space delimited list of one or more languages to be spoken by this voice.
She said, "<span data-ssml='{"voice":{"gender":"female"}}'>My name is Marie</span>".
Requests that the text content of the element to which emphasis
spoken with emphasis (also referred to
as prominence or stress). The JSON definition is derived from the SSML emphasis
element and associated properties.
Value: strong | moderate | none | reduced
Please use <span data-ssml='{"emphasis":{"level":"strong"}}'>extreme caution.</span>
Describes the timing associated with an empty element to
control the pausing or other prosodic boundaries between tokens. The use of the break
between any pair of tokens is optional. If the
element is not present between tokens, the synthesis processor is expected to automatically
determine a break based on the linguistic context. The JSON definition is derived from the SSML break
element and associated properties.
Value: none | x-weak | weak | medium (default) | strong | x-strong
Value: string containing a time duration expressed in numeric form as "250ms", "1s", etc. (s=second, ms=milliseconds)
Take a deep breath,<span data-ssml='{"break":{"time":"1s"}}'></span> and exhale.
Permits control of the pitch, speaking rate and volume of the speech
output. The object has six properties. The JSON definition is derived from the SSML prosody
element and associated properties.
frequency-value"Hz" | +/- change value | "x-low" | "low" | "medium" | "high" | "x-high" | "default"
Value: string of contour change parameters as defined in the SSML 1.1 recommendation
Value: string range value as defined in the SSML 1.1 recommendation
non-negative-percentage% | "x-slow" | "slow" | "medium" | "fast"| "x-fast" | "default"
Value: string containing a time duration expressed in numeric form as "250ms", "1s", etc.
+/- soundlevel>"dB" | "silent" | "x-soft" | "soft" | "medium" | "loud" | "x-loud" | "default"
The tortoise, said (slowly) "<span data-ssml='{"prosody":{"rate":"x-slow"}}'>I am almost at the finish line</span>.""
Supports the insertion of recorded audio files in conjunction with synthesized speech output.
The element may be empty. If the element is not empty, then the
contents should be the text to be spoken if the audio document is not available. The JSON definition is derived from the SSML audio
element and associated properties.
Value: The URI of a document with an appropriate media file.
Value: string containing a time duration expressed in numeric form as "250ms", "1s", etc.
Value: safe | prefetch
Value: string
Value: string
Value: string containing a time duration expressed in numeric form as "250ms", "1s", etc.
Value: string containing a time duration expressed in numeric form as "250ms", "1s", etc.
Value: integer indicating the number of times to repeat the audio clip.
string containing a time duration expressed in numeric form as "250ms", "1s", etc.
You will hear a brief chime <span data-ssml='{"audio":{"src":"/audio/chime.ogg"}}'></span> when your time is up.
In each approach, implementors must consume data-ssml-
attributes, values,
and associated text content to produce a valid format required by the target TTS technology.
For instance, if targeting the Web Speech API,
an implementation must produce valid SSML. How to determine the text content of each pronunciation
function will challenge implementors of either approach.
Following the multi-attribute approach, implementors must find all related attributes and collect them into the proper SSML representation. Implementors must determine how to handle authoring errors such as missing required attributes, conflicting functions, or invalid values.
Following the single-attribute approach, implementors must parse JSON string values. Implementors must determine how to handle malformed JSON as well as incorrect property and value combinations. The use of JSON schemas could help authors and implementors of the single-attribute approach.
Please see the JSON schema example here.