HTML Range Examples with aria-orientation and aria-valuetext

The following example of a temperature range slider demonstrating the using aria-valuetext and aria-orientation on an input[type="range"] control. The desired temperature is set with the range control, which is vertically oriented. The range control illustrate how to use aria-valuetext to provide assistive technologies with meaningful names for numeric values.

Similar examples include:



Accessibility Features

Keyboard Support

Keyboard support for the temperature control is provided by the native browser support for the input[type="range"] element.

Key Function
Right Arrow Increases slider value one step.
Up Arrow Increases slider value one step.
Left Arrow Decreases slider value one step.
Down Arrow Decreases slider value one step.
Page Up Increases temperature slider value multiple steps. In this slider, jumps 18 steps (e.g. 1.8°C) on most browsers.
Page Down Decreases temperature slider value multiple steps. In this slider, jumps 18 steps (e.g. 1.8°C) on most browsers.
Home Sets slider to its minimum value.
End Sets slider to its maximum value.

Role, Property, State, and Tabindex Attributes

Role Attribute Element Usage
aria-valuetext input[type="range"]
  • A string value that provides a user-friendly name for the current value of the range.
  • For the temperature range, is the value of the range appended with the text "°C".
aria-orientation="vertical" input[type="range"]
  • Indicates the orientation of the input element.
  • Set to vertical for the temperature range control.

Javascript and CSS Source Code

HTML Source Code