

Progressive, declarative, responsive, easy...



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For fast prototyping just insert this:


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Default Styles


Inline Elements

This is a paragraph with multiple inline elements. The span is not styled, but you may have some links with the a tag; also you can add emphasis with em or also with i; Highlight the words by using strong or just bold with the b tag; of course, you can underline or strikethrough text; abbreviations are great, as you may have TMA; inline code is cool too; Highlight text with mark or display a Key. You can also have inline quotes with q, or results from an operation with samp or a variable, also there's small text, text withsuperscript, or text withsubscript... not to mention you can have time too. For example, this paragraph was originally written in . Not to forget about definitions! Also del was deleted and ins was inserted.

Block Elements

Header 1 demo
with line break

A paragraph Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Accusantium delectus voluptatum ex excepturi ducimus sunt soluta? Omnis harum molestiae nisi facere veritatis? Laudantium repellat temporibus, molestiae rerum aperiam odio doloremque!

One more paragarph dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Accusantium delectus voluptatum ex excepturi ducimus sunt soluta? Omnis harum molestiae nisi facere veritatis? Laudantium repellat temporibus, molestiae rerum aperiam odio doloremque!

Header 2 demo
with line break

Header 3 demo
with line break

Header 4 demo
with line break

Header 5 demo
with line break
Header 6 demo
with line break





Browser Version
Firefox latest 3
Edge latest 3
Chrome latest 3
Safari 10.3
IE no


no IE11?

Since IE11 is slowly dying, we will no longer support it. When your next project goes online, this browser will no longer be relevant. Or your project without IE11 support, helps to kill IE11.

What if JS is disabled?

We make sure that there is always a usable CSS-only fallback.
Try our Demos without JS

Compatibility with other Frameworks

We try to make as few style breaks as possible. Nevertheless, we have useful default styles that could influence third code. For example, we have * { box-sizing:border-box }; and line-heigths should be defined as "--line-height:1.3em"; The inheritance of line-height is pretty broken, with our method we fix that.