This documents intends to:
patients with sever alcohol addiction if we DO NOT go beyong emergency and acute care (ED + Acute) data in analyses of service utilization.4,067
patients with sever alcohol addiction if we go beyong emergency and acute care (ED + Acute) data in analyses of service utilization.4,067
residents of Vancouver Island with heavy substance use addictions, observed between 2007 and 2017.4,067
patients with severy alcohol addiction left in the cross-continuum encounter data of Vancouver Island Health Authority between 2007 and 2017.The EHR build of Island Health distinguishes ~1,700
distinct health program. The cohort of 4,067
persons was selected on the basis of transaction data of Island Health with these programs. Specifically, persons were included if they had at least one encounter with any of the following health programs :
Note: These VIHA programs (N ~ 1,700
) are what Clinical Context Coding Scheme groups into ~150
“service classes” using (6) dimensions of service description.
These criteria are ‘biased’ in favour of ensuring inclusion of persons who have serious/chronic problems with abuse of alcohol. However, by including the Sobering and Assessment Centre in the inclusion criteria for defining the cohort, there will be some cases where the person uses drugs other than alcohol. In future analyses, we can refine the inclusion/exclusion criteria on the basis of the Substance Use Profile from the Minimum Reporting Requirements (MRR).
For each individuals in our Addiction cohort (N = 4,067
) we have extracted the complete record of engagement with VIHA services for the period between January 1, 2007 and September 1, 2017. We call these records encounter data, because they keep track of patients’ encounters with the healthcare system. There records were then mapped onto 6 categories of CCCS(6) classification system (see ./manipulation/1-greeter-transactions.R
script), producing 124
distinct service classes, operationalized as unique combination of CCCS(6) dimensions. The resultant data for one person is exemplified in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Heavy Addiction through the lens of service engagment: longitudinal view for a fictional patient
To produce the aggregate which would describe service utilization of the entire cohort, we have summed the number of registered encounters over 1) all 10
years of obsevations and 2) all 4,067
individuals in the cohort. The aggregate table produced by this process is the focal point of the analysis in the report. We import the aggregated results for the Addiction cohort (N = 4,067
Observations: 125
Variables: 12
$ n_people <dbl> 564, 838, 165, 66, 447, 8, 1, 79, 2, 29, ...
$ n_encounters <dbl> 940, 2085, 1103, 109, 754, 8, 1, 129, 2, ...
$ service_class_code <dbl> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13...
$ service_class_description <chr> "Dedicated Psychiatric Emergency Settings...
$ level <chr> NA, NA, "secondary", "secondary", "second...
$ intensity_type <chr> "ED, Urgent Care, Acute", "ED, Urgent Car...
$ intensity_severity_risk <chr> "Emergent-Hospital", "Emergent-Community"...
$ clinical_focus <chr> "MHSU", "MHSU", "MHSU", "Frailty, Non-Spe...
$ service_type <chr> "ED-PES or Psychiatric Bed", "Crisis Resp...
$ service_location <chr> "Hospital-ED", "Community", "Community", ...
$ population_age <chr> "Mixed Ages", "Mixed Ages", "Adults, some...
$ ed_acute <lgl> TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TR...
In this data frame (ds
and/or service_class_description
or a number of unique transactions n_encounters
You can examine the row-level content of this dataframe directly, by consulting the dynamic table of the aggregate at the end of this document or a dedicated pivot tool.
This section will provide a summary views based on the elements of the Clinical Context Coding Scheme (CCCS). Each dimension of CCCS(6) groups the same set of encounters into different number of categories.
Intensity_Type - this is a set of categories that are used to classify the 1700 service locations into groups that are relatively homogeneous with respect to the manner in which service intensity would be coded. (e.g. “Ambulatory_Chronic” would refer to ambulatory services provided over an extended period of time)
Intensity_Severity_Risk - this set of categories is nested within Intensity_Type and is used to characterize the intensity of services provided within an Intensity_Type class. (e.g. three levels of intensity within the “Ambulatory_Chronic” class)
Clinical_Focus - this set of categories refers to the predominant clinical focus of a service associated with a location in the Cerner location build. (e.g. “Diabetes” or “Frailty/Neurocognitive, Psychiatric”)
Service_Type - this set of categories refers to the type of service provided. (e.g. “Assertive Community Treatment” or “Acute Care - Tertiary”)
Service_Location - this set of categories refers to the physical location where a given service is provided. (e.g. “Ambulatory Clinic” or “Hospital” or “Home”)
Population_Age - this set of categories refers to the age range of the patients/clients who access a particular service. (e.g. “Infants” or “Older Adults Exclusively” or “Mixed”)
Table 1: Number of categories engaged by the cohort in each CCCS dimension
cccs_dimension | n_people | n_encounters | n_categories |
clinical_focus | 4,067 | 160,318 | 43 |
intensity_severity_risk | 4,067 | 160,318 | 36 |
intensity_type | 4,067 | 160,318 | 14 |
population_age | 4,067 | 160,318 | 8 |
service_location | 4,067 | 160,318 | 14 |
service_type | 4,067 | 160,318 | 53 |
ed_acute | n_service_classes | n_encounters |
FALSE | 100 | 104,370 |
TRUE | 24 | 55,336 |
NA | 1 | 612 |
See Beyond Acute for a stand-alone pivot too.
For the sake of documentation and reproducibility, the current report was rendered in the following environment. Click the line below to expand.
- Session info -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setting value
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system x86_64, mingw32
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date 2019-08-04
- Packages -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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R6 2.4.0 2019-02-14 [1] CRAN (R 3.5.3)
Rcpp 1.0.1 2019-03-17 [1] CRAN (R 3.5.3)
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[1] C:/Users/an499583/Documents/R/win-library/3.5
[2] C:/Program Files/R/R-3.5.2/library
Report rendered by an499583 at 2019-08-04, 07:27 -0700 in 31 seconds.