Panorama: function overview by top level menu entries

Generated from source code: 2023-11-16 16:58:25 +0000

Menu functionDescription
 > DBA general
                     Start pageShow global information for choosen database
                     DashboardShow dashboard with current performance aspects
                     > DB-Locks
                                         Currentshows current locking state incl. blocking sessions
                                         Blocking locks historic from ASHShow historic blocking locks information from Active Session History
                                         Blocking locks historic from Panorama-SamplerShow historic blocking locks information from Panorama-Sampler
                     > Redo-Logs
                                         CurrentShow current redo log info from gv$Log
                                         Historic from gv$Log_HistoryShow detailed historic redo log info from gv$Log_History
                                         Historic from AWRShow historic redo log info from Active Workload Repository (AWR)
                     SessionsShow info of current DB-sessions
                     > Database configuration
                                         Init-ParameterShow init-parameters of instance(s)
                                         Resource limitsShow resource limits from gv$Resource_Limit
                                         Optimizer hintsShow supported optimizer hints for this database
                     > User management
                                         Database usersShow database users (DBA_Users)
                                         RolesShow database roles (DBA_Roles)
                                         System privilegesShow system privileges (DBA_Sys_Privs)
                                         Object privilegesShow object privileges (DBA_Tab_Privs)
                     > Audit Trail
                                         Auditing rulesShow rules for standard and fine grain auditing
                                         Standard audit trail + FGAShow activities logged by standard audit trail and fine grain auditing (DBA_Common_Audit_Trail)
                                         Unified audit trailShow activities logged by unified audit trail
                     > Server Files
                                         Server Log FilesShow content of server logs (alert.log, listener.log, ASM-log)
                                         Server Trace FilesShow trace files of DB server
                     Database TriggersShow global database triggers (like LOGON etc.)
                     > Scheduled Jobs
                                         Autotask jobsShow jobs from DBA_Autotask_Client
                                         Scheduler jobsShow jobs from DBA_Scheduler_Jobs
                     Feature usageStatistics about usage of features and packs of Oracle-DB
                     Upgrade/patch historyHistory of upgrades / downgrades / patches
 > Analyses / statistics
                     > Session-Waits
                                         CurrentAll current session waits
                                         HistoricPrepared active session history from DBA_Hist_Active_Sess_History
                                         CPU-Usage / DB-TimeHistoric CPU-Usage and DB-Time from DBA_Hist_Active_Sess_History. Shows you the difference between real CPU-usage and waiting for CPU if you don't have Resource Manager activated. Difference means you have more sessions waiting for CPU than your system's number of CPU-cores.
                                         Long-term trendLong-term trend recording of session waits
                     > Segment Statistics
                                         CurrentCurrent waits by DB-objects
                                         HistoricHistoric values (waits etc.) by DB-objects
                     > System-Events
                                         CurrentCurrent system events
                                         HistoricHistoric system events
                     > System statistics
                                         HistoricHistoric system statistics
                     > System metric
                                         HistoricHistoric system metric from DBA_Hist_Sysmetric_History
                     > Latch statistics
                                         HistoricCalculated historic info from DBA_Hist_Latch
                     > Mutex statistics
                                         HistoricPrepared historic information based on GV$Mutex_Sleep_History (since last start of instance)
                     > Enqueue statistics
                                         HistoricCalculated historic info from DBA_Hist_Enqueue_Stat
                                         RAC Blocking EnqueueBlocking enqueue locks known by RAC lock-manager
                     > OS statistics
                                         CurrentCurrent statistics of operating system from gv$OSStat
                                         HistoricHistoric statistics of operating system from DBA_Hist_OSStat
                     > Genuine Oracle reports
                                         Performance HubGenuine Oracle performance hub report by time period and instance
                                         AWR reportGenuine Oracle active workload repository report by time period and instance
                                         AWR global report (RAC)Genuine Oracle active workload repository global report for RAC by time period and instance (optional)
                                         ASH reportGenuine Oracle active session history report by time period and instance
                                         ASH global report (RAC)Genuine Oracle active session history global report for RAC by time period and instance (optional)
                     > RAC related analysis
                                         GC Request Latency historicAnalysis of global cache activity
                                         Dynamic Remastering (DRM) events historicHistory of master role changes for DB-objects between RAC-instances
                     > Special event analysis
                                         Latch: cache buffer chainsCurrent reasons for 'cache buffer chains' latch-waits
                                         db file sequential readCurrent reasons for 'db file sequential read' waits (Attention: large response time at large systems)
 > Schema / Storage
                     Disk-storage summaryOverview over disk space/tablespace usage by schema
                     Datafile-usageShow data-files of DB
                     > UNDO-TS
                                         Undo segments summaryCurrent usage of undo space by segments
                                         Active transactionsCurrent active transactions
                                         Undo usage historicHistoric usage of UNDO space
                     Tablespace-ObjectsDB-objects by size, utilization and wastage
                     Object size evolutionEvolution of object sizes in considered time period
                     Describe objectDescribe database object (table, index, materialized view ...)
                     Invalid objectsList invalid objects (from DBA_Objects and DBA_Indexes)
                     Recycle binShow content of recycle bin
                     Materialized view structuresShow structure of materialzed views and MV-logs
                     Table-dependenciesDirect and indirect referential dependencies of tables
                     > Temp usage
                                         CurrentCurrent usage of TEMP-tablespace
                                         Historic from SysMetricHistoric usage of TEMP tablespace from system metrics of AWR snapshots (down to sampling once per minute)
                                         Historic from ASHHistoric usage of TEMP tablespace by active sessions from Active Session History (down to sampling once per second)
                     > EXADATA-specific
                                         Cell server configConfiguration of exadata cell server
                                         Cell server physical disksList physical disks of exadata cell server
                                         Cell server cell disksList configured cell disks of exadata cell server
                                         Cell server grid disksList configured grid disks of exadata cell server
                     Object by file and block no.Determine object-name by file- and block-no.
 > I/O analysis
                     I/O-Stat detail historyI/O history based on DBA_Hist_IOStat_Detail
                     I/O-Stat filetype historyI/O history based on DBA_Hist_IOStat_FileType
                     I/O history by filesI/O history by files based on DBA_Hist_FileStatxs
 > SGA/PGA-Details
                     > SQL-Area
                                         Current SQLs (SQL-ID)Analysis of current SQL in SGA at level SQL-ID (cumulated across child-cursors)
                                         Current SQLs (SQL-ID / child-no.)Analysis of current SQL in SGA at level SQL-ID, child-no.
                                         Historic SQLsAnalysis of historic SQL from DBA_Hist_SQLStat
                                         SQL-Monitor reportsShow recorded SQL-Monitor reports from gv$SQL_Monitor and DBA_HIST_Reports
                     SQL-Area day comparisonComparison of SQL-statements from two different days
                     > SGA Memory
                                         SGA-components currentShow components of current SGA
                                         SGA-components historicShow history of components of SGA
                                         SGA resize operations historicShow historic evolution of SGA resize operations
                     > DB-Cache
                                         DB-cache usage currentCurrent content of DB-cache
                                         DB-cache adviceHistoric view on what-happens-if-analysis for change of cache size
                                         DB-cache usage historicHistoric view on DB-cache usage by Panorama_Cache_Objects
                     > Object usage by SQL
                                         CurrentUsage of given objects in explain plan of current SQLs in SGA
                                         HistoricUsage of given objects in explain plan of historic SQLs
                     > PGA-statistics
                                         CurrentShow current PGA-usage
                                         Historic from DBA_Hist_PGAStatHistoric usage of PGA memory from DBA_Hist_PGAStat
                                         Historic from ASHHistoric usage of PGA memory by active sessions from Active Session History (down to sampling once per second)
                     > Result Cache
                                         CurrentShow current usage of result cache
                     SQL plan managementShow all SQL plan management directives of database: - SQL profiles - SQL plan baselines - Stored outlines - SQL translations - SQL patches
                     > Compare execution plans
                                         in current SGACompare execution plan of two different cursors in SGA
                                         in historic AWR dataCompare two execution plans from AWR history
 > Spec. additions
                     Dragnet investigationDragnet investigation for performance bottlenecks
                     Execute with given parametersExecute one of Panoramas functions directly with given parameters
                     SQL worksheetSQL worksheet for executing and explaining SQL statements
                     Admin loginLogin with master password to activate additional admin functions
 > Admin
                     Panorama-Sampler configConfigure target databases for Panorama-Sampler
                     Set log levelSet the log level of Panorama server process
                     DB connection poolShow current DB connections in connection pool and server threads of Panorama
                     Usage historyShow history of Panorama usage by users
                     Server cache store sizesShow sizes of server-side cache store in folder
                     Admin logoutLogout from admin functions