Midway Evalutation

Leon Eyrich Jessen

Midway Evaluation

  • Our opportunity to understand if the course elements works as intended
  • Your opportunity to let us know, how the course looks on the students side
  • Super important to align
  • Roughly half the students answered this year
  • THANK YOU for your important contribution

Highlights: What’s Working Well in the Course

  • Practical Emphasis: Students value hands-on coding, exercises, and real-world application
  • Course Resources: The course website, online book, and videos stand out as comprehensive and user-friendly tools
  • Group Dynamics: Collaborative group work fosters discussion, problem-solving, and reinforces learning
  • Instructor & TA Engagement: The availability, responsiveness, and teaching approach of the TAs and lecturer are highly appreciated
  • Optimal Structure: Short, focused lectures coupled with ample exercise time enhance the learning experience

Highlights: What could be better

  • Course Pacing: Many found the course rushed, suggesting a more gradual increase in assignment difficulty and clearer priority setting for reading materials
  • Assignments: Students called for clearer instructions, better group assignment structures, and improved matching of skill levels within groups
  • Tools & Platform: Frequent issues with the server and mixed reviews on the use of Piazza. Calls for earlier upload of materials
  • Lecture Content: Desire for more in-depth explanations and possibly recorded lectures. Some found morning lectures unnecessary
  • General Structure: Balancing in-depth lectures and hands-on exercises is a challenge. Concerns about the volume and clarity of assignments

Highlights: Group Assignment Element

  • Group Size & Dynamics: Majority appreciate group work but some concerns on size and coordination, especially when members have varying skills
  • Assignment Pacing: Mixed views on weekly deadlines; some find it stressful while others value the consistency
  • Feedback Quality: Generally positive, but a few didn’t realize feedback was given or wanted more detail
  • Task Nature: Some assignments perceived more suitable for individual work rather than group-focused
  • Group vs. Individual Learning: Recognition of group learning benefits, but some prefer individual pace due to task nature

Highlights: Open input and feedback

  • General Positivity: Students appreciate the course structure, content, and real-data exercises
  • Course Timing: Some prefer a later start time and more consistent pacing
  • Technical Concerns: Issues with R-server speed and reliability
  • Flexibility in Coding: Desire for more coding method options beyond dplyr/tidyverse
  • Additional Support: Interest in clearer assignments, an introduction to GitHub, and more TA availability