Lecture Lab 7

Nils Hofmann

Which questions you can answer after today’s lecture?

  • What does version control mean?

    • How does Git and GitHub relate to this and what is their difference?
  • Why do Git and teamwork go hand in hand in data science?

  • How to use Git in a team

Git/GitHub - Why you should care

  • Teamwork and Git belong together in Data Science/Computer Science

  • GitHub and reproducible data science go hand in hand

  • There will be the moment when git will safe a lot of time in a big project

Things that happen without version control

Version Control - What and why

Think about your own a experiences with coding and how a system could remove these issues. Also what should this system have if you work with others on one project

Collect your ideas at the course Padlet

Version Control - Definition

  • Version control is like a special “undo” button for your work.

  • remembers all the changes you make, so you can always go back to an older version

  • Lets you and your friends work on the same project without mixing up each other’s changes.

Git - An open source version control system

  • installed locally on your device

  • keeps track of your file changes

    • each change is indexed, so you can revert your current state
  • You interact with it via the terminal and control your local repository


  • Hub = Server where you can find, store and manage repositories

    • everything is remote
  • a platform which provides a GUI for your repository and enables users to share code easily

  • you interact with it via an application or a web browser and control your remote repository

Git and GitHub together

  • GitHub allows you to have the project repository remotely

  • Multiple people who have git installed can then access this repository and create a copy

  • GitHub introduces visual features and eases the project management

Git - The basics

staging area = like a container with the changes for the next commit

Git - simple workflow when working together

If you forget to pull…

  • if you and your teammate work on the same codeline and both push the results to the remote repository, git will detect a merge conflict

  • conflict = two changes in the same line of the same file

    ! git will not know the version you prefer

Git in RStudio

Git in RStudio - Commit in GUI

  • commit message = very short summary of new changes to your project

GitHub - Overview

  • you can browse through all open source software

GitHub - Use the README!

  • README.md is like a quarto document
    • you can combine code and text to design a short “manual” for your users

Git - working together with clone or fork

  • you can create a copy of the current state of the project by cloning or forking

    • cloning: work in same remote repository

    • forking: create and work in your own remote repository

Git - When should I use clone and fork now?

  • it is a question of:

    • How much control do I want?

    • How do I want to continue with the project as a collaborator?

  • fork = you will have complete control over the repository

    • BUT your collaborators will not be able to apply and use your changes
  • If you plan to contribute to a target repository you typically clone it

Git - Branches

  • branch: new separate and isolated version of the mother branch

    • useful for: experimenting, bug fixing, adding features

    • see it as a structural component for organizing a project

Git - Merge

  • helps to combine changes from two branches into a single branch

  • current branch: The branch to be merged

  • target branch: The branch in which we want to merge the current branch

  • Why F in merged target branch?

    = new index for a new commit

Questions? …