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Monthly Web Development Update 6/2019: Rethinking Privacy And User Engagement

by Anselm Hannemann

For his monthly reading list, Anselm Hannemann summarized what has happened in the web development world in the past few weeks. From browser news and UI/UX to privacy, tooling, work and life.


Inspired Design Decisions: Avaunt Magazine

by Andrew Clarke

This is the first edition of Inspired Design Decisions in which Andy Clarke explains how to design and implement skinny columns using meaningful markup and efficient CSS.


UX Optimizations For Keyboard-Only And Assistive Technology Users

by Aaron Pearlman

Accessibility forces you to see and think about your application beyond the typical sighted, mouse-based user experience. In this article, we’ll dig into some specific, practical examples.


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Styling In Modern Web Apps

by Ajay NS

In this article, we welcome you to take a detailed dive into the different ways of organizing styling in modern applications which often have complex interfaces and design patterns.


Web Accessibility In Context

by Be Birchall

In this article, Be Birchall explains why it’s so important to prioritize accessibility among teams and why there needs to be more awareness raised among developers.


Image Optimization In WordPress

by Adelina Țucă

In this article, Adelina Țucă explains how you can easily optimize all the images on your website (manually or on autopilot) in order to gain better loading times.


How To Start Using Sketch And Framer X

by Martina Pérez

When it comes to showing the transition, interaction and animation of elements in the user interface, a prototyping tool like Framer X can make a difference in the way you communicate your vision to the team and stakeholders and as a result, boost …


New on Smashing TV

A channel where seasoned developers show how they design, build, work and play. Coming up next: Designing Landing Pages That Convert (And Look Great!) with Laura Elizabeth (Jun 27).

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COMING UP NEXT • JUNE 25-26, 2019

SmashingConf Toronto 2019

Improving accessibility and front-end workflow, refactoring, security, interface design patterns, CSS Grid techniques, performance, Git and how to write better JavaScript.


Jules Forrest is a senior product designer leading design systems at Credit Karma. She focuses on creating internal tools that help teams ship high-quality and accessible products. Jules also built Women Who Design, a directory of accomplished women in the design industry. Outside of work, she likes experimenting with CSS Grid on CodePen. Thank you for sharing and caring, dear Jules!


Sebastiano Guerriero shared

Rounded Triangles With Clip-Path

JUN 19, 2019 — Sebastiano Guerriero’s quick tutorial shows how to design a CSS triangle that inherits some properties from its parent thanks to the clip-path property.


Heydon Pickering shared

Relearn CSS Layout

JUN 18, 2019 — Through a series of simple, composable layouts, Every Layout will teach you how to better harness the built-in algorithms that power browsers and CSS.


Mandy Michael shared

Variable Fonts For Developers

JUN 17, 2019 — showcases the many possibilities and opportunities that variable fonts can offer developers and designers on the web.


Philip T. Walton shared

The Layout Instability API

JUN 14, 2019 — Unexpected layout shifts are annoying. The new Layout Instability API helps web developers detect when these shifts are happening to their users. Now available in Chrome behind a feature flag.


FontBase shared


JUN 13, 2019 — SuperSearch lets you find the right font for you project based on real optical properties such as weight, x-height, contrast, and proportion.


Jeremy Shellhorn shared

National Park Typeface

JUN 12, 2019 — The free typeface National Park is designed to mimic the national park service signs carved using a router bit.

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