Pangeo Cloud

Pangeo Cloud is an experimental service providing cloud-based data-science environments. Pangeo Cloud is currently supported by the NSF EarthCube program award 2026932, which also supports Pangeo Forge. Funding is in place through the end of 2023. After that, we can make no firm committments about the longevity of the platform.

Operated by 2i2c

Pangeo Cloud is operated by 2i2c. You can see the deployment configuration here:

Getting Support

We would like for Pangeo Cloud to one day be a full-featured, professional service. But it’s not yet! It is an experiment, run by scientists and hackers who devote their nights and weekends to this project. Professional level support (a service-level agreement, a 24-hour helpdesk) is non-existent.

With those caveats, support requests for Pangeo Cloud can be made on our Discourse forum

We use this forum to track technical support requests for Pangeo Cloud. Someone will do their best to respond to you as quickly as possible given the circumstances. This is not a place for general support requests about scientific python. This forum is specific to issues related to Pangeo Cloud such as:

  • login problems

  • environment configuration

  • reading / writing cloud data

  • Dask Gateway on Pangeo Cloud

In making a support request, please provide the following information:

  • Which cluster are you using (e.g.

  • A concise summary of your problem

  • If your problem involves code, please do your best to include a minimum reproducible example

Sign Up

Pangeo Cloud is available to researchers across the world engaged in data-intensive Earth and Environmental Science. Prospective users must apply using the following form:

Access will be granted based on a review of the proposed research project and its technical suitability for Pangeo Cloud.

If your application is approved, you will receive an invitation to join a GitHub Team in the pangeo-data organization. You must accept this invitation to gain access to Pangeo Cloud resources.


Currently active Pangeo JupyterHubs depend on grant funding:

We recommend choosing a hub based on what data you want to access. See for example Google Cloud Datasets.)

Once your application is approved, you will be able to log in to the resources you requested.

Software Environment

JupyterHubs contains a customized data-science software environment based off the docker images built in These are the steps for adding a package to the environment:

  1. Make a pull request to updating the environment.yml file for the pangeo-notebook docker image at

  2. When that pull request is merged, the Pangeo maintainers will push a tag with today’s date, triggering a release of new docker images.

  3. A bot will submit a pull request to pangeo-cloud-federation updating the images ( When this is merged, you can test your changes in the staging environment (at either or

  4. If things look good, the Pangeo maintainers can trigger a deploy to production, making the package avaiable to everyone.

Users may use pip and conda to install new packages in their own environments, but this approach currently has some limitations noted below. To install into your personal environment, it’s crucial that you include the --user flag to pip. This installs the package in ~/.local/lib/PYTHON/site-packages/. Since it’s in your home directory, it will persist across jupyterlab sessions.

  • Changes in the environment are not propagated to Dask ps (though see below for a way to include packages on the workers too).

  • Installing additional packages with pip into an existing conda environment risks breaking the environment if doesn’t see packages installed by conda and vice versa. You shouldn’t install / update packages that are already in the environment.

Hardware Environment

Pangeo Cloud clusters offer different amounts of RAM and CPU to the user notebook upon login. Please choose the least resource-intensive option for the work you need to do. Larger virtual machines cost us more money.

Files and Data in the Cloud

Please see the 2i2c documentation on Files and Data in the Cloud.


Dask is an important component of Pangeo Cloud and can be used to help parallelize large calculations. All environments support the standard multi-threaded dask scheduler, and by default, zarr-backed cloud data datasets will open in Xarray as collections of Dask arrays.

Guidelines for using Dask

  • Familiarize yourself with Dask best practices.

  • Don’t use Dask! Or more specifically, only use a distributed cluster if you really need it, i.e. if your calculations are running out of memory or are taking an unacceptably long time to complete.

  • Start small; work on a small subset of your problem to debug before scaling up to a very large dataset.

  • If you use a distributed cluster, use adapative mode rather than a fixed size cluster; this will help share resources more effectively.

  • Use the Dask dashboard heavily to monitor the activity of your cluster.

Dask Gateway

Pangeo cloud environments are configured to work with Dask Gateway. Dask gateway gives you the power to create a distributed cluster using many cloud compute nodes. Please use this power carefully!


Avoid large, long-running, idle clusters, which are a waste of Pangeo’s limited cloud computing budget. Only use a cluster while you need

To do scalable computations with Dask you need to create a cluster with Dask Gateway and connect to it

from dask_gateway import GatewayCluster

cluster = GatewayCluster()
cluster.adapt(minimum=2, maximum=10)  # or cluster.scale(n) to a fixed size.
client = cluster.get_client()

That will create a Dask cluster with the default settings we’ve configured for you. From that point, any computations using Dask will be done on the cluster. The cluster and client reprs will have a link to your Dask Dashboard.

When you’re done with your computation, you can close the cluster explicitly


Or restart the notebook kernel, or stop your JupyterHub server. Finally, as a safeguard, Pangeo will automatically close your Dask cluster if it’s idle for 60 minutes (but we prefer that you close it yourself if possible, to avoid paying for unnecessary compute).

If you need to customize things, you’ll need to connect to the Gateway.

from dask_gateway import Gateway
gateway = Gateway()
options = gateway.cluster_options()

# set the options programatically, or through their HTML repr
options.worker_memory = 10  # 10 GB of memory per worker.

# Create a cluster with those options
cluster = gateway.new_cluster(options)
client = cluster.get_client()

Dask Gateway can optionally keep clusters running past the lifetime of your notebook. You can set the cluster shutdown behavior using the shutdown_on_close parameter. Note the default setting for the shutdown_on_close parameter is different for different API calls.

If you need to reconnect to an already running cluster, to continue a computation or shut it down, use the gateway object.

>>> gateway = Gateway()
>>> gateway.list_clusters()
[ClusterReport<name=prod.c288c65c429049e788f41d8308823ca8, status=RUNNING>]

# connect to the cluster
cluster = g.connect(g.list_clusters()[0].name)
# shut it down

Environment variables on the cluster

Some scalable computations running on the cluster depend on environment variables set on remote processes. In general, environment variables set on your local Jupyter session will not propagate to the Dask scheduler and workers.

To set environment variables on the scheduler and workers, you must use the environment option.

>>> from dask_gateway import Gateway
>>> gateway = Gateway()
>>> options = gateway.cluster_options()

As described in Dask Gateway these options can be set programmatically or through the HTML widget. For example, to set the environment variable MY_VARIABLE on our scheduler and workers:

>>> options.environment = {"MY_VARIABLE": "1"}

Which can be verified with:

>>> cluster = gateway.new_cluster(options)
>>> cluster.scale(1)
>>> client = cluster.get_client()

>>> def check():
...     import os
...     return os.environ["MY_VARIABLE"]

{'tls://': '1'}

This can be combined with Dask’s configuration system to the Dask scheduler and workers. For example,

>>> env = {
... }
>>> options.environment = env
>>> cluster = gateway.new_cluster(options)

Dask Software Environment

The default image used on Dask Clusters (the scheduler and workers) matches the image used for JupyterHub. It won’t, however, have changes you’ve made in your “local” environment in your home directory on the hub.

Long-term, the best way to add packages to the environemnt is by updating the Docker images, as described in Software Environment. But for quickly prototyping something on the Dask cluster you can use a the Dask PipInstall plugin. Dask WorkerPlugin. To install packages in dask workers (the example below installs bulwark), you’d create a cluster normally and add the plugin, specifying which packages to intall:

>>> from dask.distributed import PipInstall
>>> from dask_gateway import GatewayCluster
>>> cluster = GatewayCluster()  # create the cluster nomrally
>>> client = cluster.get_client()
>>> # Now create and register the plugin. We'll install 'bulwark'
>>> plugin = PipInstall(packages=['bulwark'])
>>> client.register_worker_plugin(plugin)

We can verify the package is now present:

.. code-block:: python
>>> def check():
...     import bulwark
...     return bulwark.__version__
>>> cluster.scale(2)
>>> client.wait_for_workers(2)
{'tls://': '0.6.1', 'tls://': '0.6.1'}

A few caveats are in order:

  1. You should register the plugin before scaling to ensure that your packages are installed on all the workers.

  2. You should take care with dependencies. Pip doesn’t always respect packages that have been installed with conda.

  3. If you need to upgrade existing packages, take special care. You may need to client.restart() the cluster to ensure that the new packages are used.

  4. This will slow down the startup time of your workers, especially if the package takes a while to install.