Collaborating on research software


  • Define your collaboration needs
  • Define your contribution workflow
  • Document your workflow

How much Git is necessary?

Simple personal projects

  • Typically start with just the main branch.
  • Use branches for unfinished/untested ideas.
  • Use branches when you are not sure about a change.
  • Use tags to mark important milestones.

Projects with few persons: you accept things breaking sometimes

  • It might be reasonable to commit to the main branch and feature branches.

Projects with few persons: changes are reviewed by others

  • The main branch is write-protected.
  • You create new feature branches for changes.
  • Changes are reviewed before they are merged to the main branch.

When you distribute releases

  • If you want to patch releases, you probably need release branches.
  • The main branch is read-only.
  • You may need a develop branch for active development
  • Many branching models exist.

You can use the branching model to define a branch based workflow for your repositories. In these slides, we will introduce the GitFlow branching model.

Basic workflow

  • main
    • The integration branch for feature work (default branch).
    • Indefinite lifetime
  • feature-<name-of-feature>
    • Branch used for specific feature work or improvements.
    • Short/long lifetime

Protected production branch

  • main
    • Used for deploying a release.
    • Use tags to track software versions.
    • Protected branch, requries approved pull requests
    • Indefinite lifetime
  • develop
    • The integration branch for feature work.
    • Indefinite lifetime
  • feature-<name-of-feature>

Additional supporting branches

  • hotfix-<name-of-issue>
    • Used to quickly fix main without interrupting changes in the development.
    • Short lifetime

Additional supporting branches

  • release-<version>
    • Used to prepare a new production release.
    • Allow minor bugfixes and preparing metadata.
    • Short lifetime
  • bugfix-<name-of-issue>
    • Typically used to fix release branches.
    • Short lifetime