Evolution stands in favor. Saved from Corruption.

Level: 0
(-0.00/s)1.00x pre-Ourobrosity speed
After X of mass gain, mass gain will be softcapped!
After X of mass gain will softcap^2 mass gain!
After X of mass gain will softcap^3 mass gain!
After X of mass gain will softcap^4 mass gain!
After X of mass gain will softcap^5 mass gain!
After X of mass gain will softcap^6 mass gain!
After X of mass gain will softcap^7 mass gain!
After X of mass gain will softcap^8 mass gain!
After X of mass gain will softcap^2 mass gain!
After X of mass gain will softcap^3 mass gain!
After X of mass gain will softcap^4 mass gain!
After X of mass gain will softcap^5 mass gain!
After X of mass gain will softcap^6 mass gain!
After X of mass gain will softcap^7 mass gain!
After X of mass gain will softcap^8 mass gain!
Your Prestige base is (based on product of Rank tiers+1)
Galactic Prestige
Your Ascension base is (based on product of ln[Prestige tiers+1]+1)
You have
Which boosts mass gain by
Black Hole mass's gain formula - (x + 1)0.33 * X
of Black HoleWhich boosts mass gain by
Black Hole mass's gain formula - (x + 1)0.33 * X
You have
Which boosts mass of black hole gain by
Unstable BH's production is decreased based on its mass
of Unstable Black HoleWhich boosts mass of black hole gain by
Unstable BH's production is decreased based on its mass
After X of mass gain from black hole, its mass gain will be softcapped!
The formula softcaps at X!
The formula softcaps at X!
You have
Which provides
Atomic PowerWhich provides
free Tickspeeds
You collapsed
Currently: X
After X Collapsed stars gain, Collapsed stars gain will be softcap!
stars, which multiplies mass gain based on all rank types.Currently: X
After X Collapsed stars gain, Collapsed stars gain will be softcap!
You have
Which increases pre-Quantum global speed by
Blueprint ParticlesWhich increases pre-Quantum global speed by
You have
of dimensional massWhich boosts meta-score of equipped theorems by
Note: Click any image to show challenge description. Click again to enter any challenge
You have 0 Quantum Shard. Each Quantum Shard multiply Quantum Foams gained by 2.
Which translates to a 1x multiplier to Quantum Foams.
Which translates to a 1x multiplier to Quantum Foams.
Note 1: Hover any image to show challenge description
Note 2: While in Quantum Challenge, you need to go Quantum to complete the Quantum Challenge
Note 2: While in Quantum Challenge, you need to go Quantum to complete the Quantum Challenge
You have X unassigned Quarks
Ratio Mode: X
Ratio Mode: X
Cost: X
Cost: X
??? Quarks
??? Quarks
??? Quarks
??? Quarks
You have
You have
Relativistic particlesYou have
of dilated mass, which makes TickspeedX
After X of dilated mass gain will softcap dilated mass gain!
You have
You have
Relativistic EnergyYou have
of Relativistic massYou have
Exotic Atoms (Based on Kaon & Pion).Reward Strength: 100%
You have 0 Kaons.
You have 0 Pions.
You have X Graviton, which speed up Boson production by Y
You have X Higgs Boson, which raise Graviton’s effect by Y
You have X Photon
You have X Gluon
You have X W+ Boson, which multiply Mass gain by Y,
multiply W- Boson gain by YZ
You have X W- Boson, which make Mass gain softcap^2 starts ^Y later,
multiply W+ Boson gain by Y
multiply W- Boson gain by YZ
You have X W- Boson, which make Mass gain softcap^2 starts ^Y later,
multiply W+ Boson gain by Y
You have X Z0 Boson, which multiply Tickspeed Power by Y,
multiply W Bosons gain by Y
multiply W Bosons gain by Y
Note: Choosing any fermion will reset without being Supernova!
You have X U-Quark
You have X U-Lepton
Your frequency is
At 0 of frequency, unlock X
Hz, which multiples all Fermion gains by1
xAt 0 of frequency, unlock X
You have 0 Quantum Theory (based on every going quantum)
You Quantized 0 times
You have 0 Primordium Theorem (based on Blueprint Particles)
(+1 at X)
(+1 at X)
Your frequency is 0 Hz
You have 0 Enthalpy, which increases Entropy gain by 0
You have 0 Enthalpy, which increases Entropy gain by 0
You have 0 Entropy
You have
You have 0 Hawking Radiation, which increases Entropy cap to 0
You have 0 Hawking Radiation, which increases Entropy cap to 0
You have Dark Ray.
You have Dark Shadow.
You have Abyssal Blot.
+X maximum
10lg(lg(x))2 to each matter gain by previous matter.
Tip: Reach ??? of current matter to unlock next matter!
Your best mass of black hole in the 16th Challenge is
You must purchase corruption upgrades outside C16!
.You must purchase corruption upgrades outside C16!
Theorem Selection
(hover)The Core
[Note: 2 or more theorems of any type CANNOT fit in the Core at the same time]Inventory
You have ??? Infinity Points. Hover any upgrade to see its description.
You have
The speed of the corrupted star is X.
Corrupted Stars.The speed of the corrupted star is X.
Corrupted Star Effects:
Escrow Boosts
Other Resources
Merge Rate:
0 Perks
Incremental Mass Rewritten v0.8 Beta 4 - By MrRedShark77
The game is inspired by Distance Incremental & Synergism
Contributors: Bézier, 16777216 & Aarex (Artists)
Total time played: X