copyDirRec function

Stream<Log> copyDirRec(
  1. Dir dirIn,
  2. Dir dirOut,
  3. {bool isCopyFile = true,
  4. bool filter(
    1. String

Recursively copying a file with its contents.

If a file with the same name exists, copying will not be executed.

If isCopyFile is false, so copies only tree directorias without file.

Function filter takes the file path and returned bool type.


Stream<Log> copyDirRec(
  Dir dirIn,
  Dir dirOut, {
  bool isCopyFile = true,
  bool Function(String)? filter,
}) async* {
  if (!dirOut.exists()) {
    dirOut.create(recursive: true);

  await for (final entitie in dirIn.list()) {
    if (isCopyFile && entitie is File) {
      final fileIn = entitie;
      final fileOut = File(join(dirOut.path, basename(entitie.path)));
      if (!fileOut.exists()) {
        if (filter != null && !filter(entitie.path)) continue;
        // TODO yield F2DLog
    } else if (entitie is Dir) {
      yield* copyDirRec(
        Dir(join(dirIn.path, basename(entitie.path))),
        Dir(join(dirOut.path, basename(entitie.path))),
        isCopyFile: isCopyFile,
        filter: filter,