list method

Stream<Entity> list(
  1. {bool recursive = false,
  2. void onException(
    1. Exception e,
    2. Entity entity

Recursively browses the contents of a directory and returns type File.

If there are not enough permissions to view the directory, then the directory is skipped.

This method solves problem of closing stream during recursive traversal (


  - subDir1
     - file_b
     - file_c
  - subDir2
  - rootDir <- PathAccessException: Directory listing failed, path = 'dir/rootDir' (OS Error: Permission denied, errno = 13)
  - file2
  - file2

dir.list(recursive: ture) - closes the stream with an error PathAccessException.


Stream<Entity> list({
  bool recursive = false,
  void Function(Exception e, Entity entity)? onException,
}) async* {
  await for (final entity in io.list(path)) {
    try {
      yield entity;
      if (recursive && entity is Dir) {
        yield* entity.list(recursive: true);
    } on Exception catch (e) {
      if (onException != null) {
        onException(e, entity);
      } else {