class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide .title[ # Applied Data Analysis for Public Policy Studies ] .subtitle[ ## Regression Inference ] .author[ ### Michele Fioretti ] .date[ ### SciencesPo Paris 2023-11-05 ] --- layout: true <div class="my-footer"><img src="../img/logo/ScPo-shield.png" style="height: 60px;"/></div> --- layout: true <div class="my-footer"><img src="../img/logo/ScPo-shield.png" style="height: 60px;"/></div> --- # Recap from last week * ***Confidence interval***: a plausible range of value for the population parameter * ***Hypothesis testing***: null hypothesis `\((H_0)\)` vs alternative hypothesis `\((H_A)\)`, (observed) test statistic, null distribution * ***p-value***: probability of observing a test statistic as or more extreme than the observed test statistic assuming the null hypothesis is true. -- ## Today: Statistical inference in the regression framework .pull-left[ * Fully understand a regression table * Compare theory-based and simulation-based inference * ***Classical Regression Model*** assumptions ] .pull-right[ * Empirical applications: * Class size and student performance * Returns to education by gender ] --- # Back to class size and student performance * Let's go back the ***STAR*** experiment data, and focus on: * *small* and *regular* classes, * *Kindergarten* grade. -- * We consider the following regression model and estimate it by OLS: $$ \textrm{math_score}_i = b_0 + b_1 \textrm{small}_i + e_i$$ -- .pull-left[ ```r library(tidyverse) star_df = read.csv("") star_df = star_df[complete.cases(star_df),] star_df = star_df %>% filter(star %in% c("small","regular") & grade == "k") %>% mutate(small = ifelse(star == "small",1, 0)) ``` ] -- .pull-right[ ```r lm(math ~ small, star_df) ``` ``` ## ## Call: ## lm(formula = math ~ small, data = star_df) ## ## Coefficients: ## (Intercept) small ## 484.446 8.895 ``` ] -- * What if we drew another random sample of schools from Tennessee and redid the experiment, would we find a different value for `\(b_1\)`? * We know the answer is *yes*, but how different is this estimate likely to be? --- # Regression Inference: `\(b_k\)` vs `\(\beta_k\)` * `\(b_0, b_1\)` are ***point estimates*** computed from our sample. * Just like the sample proportion `\(\hat{p}\)` from our pasta example! -- .pull-left[ * In fact, our model's prediction... `$$\hat{y} = b_0 + b_1 x_1$$` ] -- .pull-right[ ... is an **estimate** about an unknown, **true population line** `$$y = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x_1$$` ] where `\(\beta_0, \beta_1\)` are the ***population parameters*** of interest. -- * You will often find `\(\hat{\beta_k}\)` rather than `\(b_k\)`, both refer to sample estimate of `\(\beta_k\)`. -- * Let's bring what we know about ***confidence intervals***, ***hypothesis testing*** and ***standard errors*** to bear on those `\(\hat{\beta_k}\)`! --- # Understanding Regression Tables Here is our `tidy` regression: ```r library(broom) tidy(lm(math ~ small, star_df)) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 2 × 5 ## term estimate std.error statistic p.value ## <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 (Intercept) 484. 1.15 421. 0 ## 2 small 8.90 1.68 5.30 0.000000123 ``` * There are 3 new columns here: `std.error`, `statistic`, `p.value`. -- Entry | Meaning ----- | ---- `std. error` | Standard error of `\(b_k\)` `statistic` | Observed test statistic associated to `\(H_0:\beta_k = 0,H_A:\beta_k \neq 0\)` `p.value` | p-value associated to `\(H_0:\beta_k = 0,H_A:\beta_k \neq 0\)` -- * Let's focus on the `small` coefficient and make sense of each entry. --- # Standard Error of `\(b_k\)` > ***Standard Error of `\(b_k\)`:*** Standard deviation of the sampling distribution of `\(b_k\)`. -- Let's imagine we could redo the experiment 1000 times on 1000 different samples: * We'd run 1000 regression and would get 1000 estimates of `\(\beta_k\)`, `\(b_k\)`. * The standard error of `\(b_k\)` quantifies how much variation in `\(b_k\)` one would expect across (*an infinity of*) samples. --- # Standard Error of `\(b_\textrm{small}\)` * From the table, we get `\(\hat{\textrm{SE}}(b_\textrm{small}) = 1.68\)` * Notice that we write `\(\hat{\textrm{SE}}\)` and not `\({\textrm{SE}}\)` because 1.68 is an estimate of the real standard error of `\(b_\textrm{small}\)` we get from our sample. -- * Let's simulate the sampling distribution of `\(b_\textrm{small}\)` to see where it comes from. --- class:inverse # Task 1 (10 min) As we did for the sampling distribution of the proportion of *green pasta*, we want to generate the bootstrap distribution of `\(b_\textrm{small}\)`. 1. Copy the loading and cleaning code from slide 3 and run it. 1. Generate the bootstrap distribution (call it `bootstrap_distrib`) of `\(b_\textrm{small}\)` based on 1000 samples drawn from `star_df`. *Hint*: use the appropriate functions and arguments from either the `infer` or `moderndive` package so use the help pages. Also use `set.seed(123)` 1. Plot this simulated sampling distribution and compute mean and the standard error of `\(b_\textrm{small}\)`. --- # Bootstrap Distribution <img src="reg_inference_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-6-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> -- ***standard error:*** 1.67 `\(\rightarrow\)` very close to the one in the table (1.68)! --- # Testing `\(\beta_k = 0\)` vs `\(\beta_k \neq 0\)` By default, the regression output provides the results associated with the following hypothesis test: `$$\begin{align}H_0:& \beta_k = 0\\H_A:& \beta_k \neq 0\end{align}$$` * It allows to statistically test if there is a true relationship between the outcome and our regressor. -- * If `\(H_0\)` is true, there is **no** relationship between the outcome and our regressor. * In that case observing `\(b_1 \neq 0\)` was just chance. -- * If `\(H_0\)` is false, then there **is** a true relationship. * ***Important:*** This is a ***two-sided*** test! --- # Test statistic and p-value * As we saw in the previous lecture, to conduct such a test we need to: * Derive the sampling distribution of our **test statistic** (`statistic`) assuming `\(H_0\)` is true, i.e. the *null distribution*. * Quantify how extreme the **observed test statistic** is in this hypothetic world. * Our *observed test statistic* (`statistic`) equals `\(\frac{b}{\hat{SE}(b)}\)`. * Why not just `\(b\)`? We'll come back and explain this formula later. .pull-left[ ```r observed_stat = lm(math ~ small, star_df)$coefficients[2]/sd(bootstrap_distrib$stat) round(observed_stat,2) ``` ``` ## small ## 5.33 ``` ] -- .pull-right[ * Quite close to the observed test statistic we got in the table: `statistic` = 5.3. ] -- * The **p-value** measures the area outside of `\(\pm\)` *observed test statistic* under the *null distribution*. -- * Finally, we check if we can reject `\(H_0\)` at the usual **significance levels**: `\(\alpha\)` = 0.1, 0.05, 0.01. --- # Testing `\(\beta_\textrm{small} = 0\)` vs `\(\beta_\textrm{small} \neq 0\)` * We will approximate the null distribution of `\(\frac{b_\textrm{small}}{\hat{SE}(b_\textrm{small})}\)` through a simulation exercise. -- * If there is no relationship between math score and class size, i.e. `\(H_0\)` is true, then *reshuffling* / *permuting* the values of `small` across students should play no role. -- .pull-left[ * Let's generate 1000 permuted samples and compute `\(b_\textrm{small}\)` for each. ```r set.seed(123) null_distribution <- star_df %>% specify(formula = math ~ small) %>% hypothesize(null = "independence") %>% generate(reps = 1000, type = "permute") %>% calculate(stat = "slope") ``` ] -- .pull-right[ * We can compute the distribution of our test statistic `\(\frac{b_\textrm{small}}{\hat{SE}(b_\textrm{small})}\)` under the null: ```r null_distribution <- null_distribution %>% mutate(test_stat = stat/sd(bootstrap_distrib$stat)) ``` * Remember we got `\(\hat{SE}(b_\textrm{small})\)` = 1.67 from our bootstrap distribution. ] --- # Testing `\(\beta_\textrm{small} = 0\)` vs `\(\beta_\textrm{small} \neq 0\)` <img src="reg_inference_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-10-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Testing `\(\beta_\textrm{small} = 0\)` vs `\(\beta_\textrm{small} \neq 0\)` <img src="reg_inference_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-11-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> -- Very unlikely to obtain `\(b_\textrm{small}\)` = 8.9 when `\(H_0\)` is true. --- # Testing `\(\beta_\textrm{small} = 0\)` vs `\(\beta_\textrm{small} \neq 0\)` * To decide if we reject `\(H_0\)`, recall we are considering a **two-sided test** here: *more extreme* means inferior to -5.333 **or** superior to 5.333. --- # Testing `\(\beta_\textrm{small} = 0\)` vs `\(\beta_\textrm{small} \neq 0\)` <img src="reg_inference_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-12-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> -- What does the p-value correspond to? --- # Testing `\(\beta_\textrm{small} = 0\)` vs `\(\beta_\textrm{small} \neq 0\)` * To decide if we reject `\(H_0\)`, recall we are considering a **two-sided test** here: *more extreme* means inferior to -5.33 **or** superior to 5.33. * Computing the *p-value* we get: ```r p_value = mean(abs(null_distribution$test_stat) >= observed_stat) p_value ``` ``` ## [1] 0 ``` -- * This is the same value as in the regression table. -- * ***Question:*** Can we reject the null hypothesis at the 5% level? --- # Testing `\(\beta_\textrm{small} = 0\)` vs `\(\beta_\textrm{small} \neq 0\)` * To decide if we reject `\(H_0\)`, recall we are considering a **two-sided test** here: *more extreme* means inferior to -5.33 **or** superior to 5.33. * Computing the *p-value* we get: ```r p_value = mean(abs(null_distribution$test_stat) >= observed_stat) p_value ``` ``` ## [1] 0 ``` * This is the same value as in the regression table. * ***Answer:*** * Since the *p-value* is equal to 0 it means that we would reject `\(H_0\)` at any significance level: the p-value would always be inferior to `\(\alpha\)`. * In other words, we can say that `\(b_\textrm{small}\)` is **statistically different from 0** at any significance level. * We also say that `\(b_\textrm{small}\)` is *statistically significant* (at any significance level). --- layout: false class: title-slide-section-red, middle # Regression Inference: Theory --- layout: true <div class="my-footer"><img src="../img/logo/ScPo-shield.png" style="height: 60px;"/></div> --- # Regression Inference: Theory * Up to now we presented simulation-based inference. -- * The values reported by statistical packages in `R` are instead obtained from theory. * Theoretical inference is based on **large sample approximations**. * One can show that sampling distributions *converge* to suitable distributions. * Let's briefly look into the theory-based approach. --- # Regression Inference: Theory * Theory-based approach uses one fundamental result: the sampling distribution of the sample statistic `\(\frac{b - \beta}{\hat{\textrm{SE}(b)}}\)` *converges* to a ***standard normal distribution*** as the sample size gets larger and larger. * `\(\hat{\textrm{SE}(b)}\)` is the sample estimate of the standard deviation of `\(b\)`. * It is also obtained through a theoretical formula (which you can find in the [book](!) but we'll leave it aside. -- * A ***standard normal distribution*** is a *normal distribution* with *mean* 0 and *standard deviation* 1. * We don't need to simulate any sampling distribution here, we derive it from theory and use it to construct confidence intervals or to conduct hypothesis tests. * Note that if `\(\frac{b - \beta}{\hat{\textrm{SE}(b)}}\)` *converges* to a ***standard normal distribution***, then `\(b\)` converges to a ***normal distribution*** with mean `\(\beta\)` and standard deviation `\(\hat{\textrm{SE}(b)}\)`. --- # Standard Normal Distribution: A Refresher .center[ <img src="../img/photos/standard_normal_distrib.png" width="850px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- # Theory-Based Inference: Confidence Interval * Let's take the example of a 95% confidence interval. -- * Since the sampling distribution of `\(b\)` is assumed to be normally shaped, we can use the ***95% rule of thumb*** about normal distributions. * We know indeed that 95% of the values of a normal distribution lie within approximately 2 standard deviations of the mean (exactly 1.96). * So, we can compute a 95% CI for `\(\beta\)` as: `\(\textrm{CI}_{95\%} = [ b \pm 1.96*\hat{\textrm{SE}}(b)]\)` -- .pull-left[ ```r tidy(lm(math ~ small, star_df), = TRUE, conf.level = 0.95) %>% # To display confidence intervals filter(term == "small") %>% select(term, conf.low, conf.high) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 1 × 3 ## term conf.low conf.high ## <chr> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 small 5.60 12.2 ``` ] -- .pull-right[ ```r bootstrap_distrib %>% summarise( lower_bound = 8.895 - 1.96*sd(stat), upper_bound = 8.895 + 1.96*sd(stat)) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 1 × 2 ## lower_bound upper_bound ## <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 5.63 12.2 ``` ] -- * This can easily be generalized to any confidence level by taking the appropriate quantile of the normal distribution. --- class:inverse # Task 2 (5 min) 1. Using the bootstrap distributed you generated in Task 1, compute the 95% confidence interval using the *percentile method*. 1. How similar is it to the confidence intervals obtained in the previous slide? --- # Theory-Based Inference: Hypothesis Testing * As we already mentioned, the default test that is conducted by any statistical software is: `$$\begin{align}H_0:& \beta_k = 0\\H_A:& \beta_k \neq 0\end{align}$$` -- * So, **under the null hypothesis** we get from theory that the sampling distribution of `\(\frac{b}{\hat{\textrm{SE}(b)}}\)` will be a standard normal distribution. * As such we can directly compare the observed test statistic `\(\frac{b}{\hat{\textrm{SE}(b)}}\)` to the *standard normal distribution* which is the **null distribution** of our test statistic. * The ***p-value*** associated to our test is then equal to the area of the *standard normal distribution* outside `\(\pm\)` the observed value of `\(\frac{b}{\hat{\textrm{SE}(b)}}\)`. * Common rule of thumb: if the *estimate* is ***twice the size of the standard error***, then it is significant at the 5% level. Why? --- layout: false class: title-slide-section-red, middle # Classical Regression Model --- # Classical Regression Model * Whether the inference is made from theory or simulations, some assumptions have to be met for this inference to be valid. * The set of assumptions needed defines the *Classical Regression Model* (CRM). -- * Before delving into these assumptions, let's see the small but important modifications we apply to our model (back to [*lecture 4: Simple Linear Regression*]( -- * We already mentioned the distinction between the sample estimate `\(b_k\)` (or `\(\hat{\beta_k}\)`) and the population parameter `\(\beta_k\)`. -- * In the same way, we distinguish `\(e\)`, the sample error, from `\(\varepsilon\)` the error term from the true population model: `$$y_i = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x_{1,i} + ... + \beta_k x_{k,i} + \varepsilon_i$$` --- # CRM Assumptions 1. ***No perfect collinearity:*** the data are **not linearly dependent**, that is each variable provides new information on the outcome, and it is not a linear combination of the other variables. -- 2. ***Mean Independence:*** the mean of the residuals conditional on `\(x\)` should be zero, `\(E[\varepsilon|x] = 0\)`. Notice that this also means that `\(Cov(\varepsilon,x) = 0\)`, i.e. that the errors and our explanatory variable(s) should be *uncorrelated*. -- 3. ***Independently and identically distributed:*** the data are drawn from a **random sample** of size `\(n\)`: observation `\((x_i,y_i)\)` comes from the exact same distribution, and is independent of observation `\((x_j,y_j)\)`, for all `\(i\neq j\)`. -- 4. ***Homoskedasticity:*** the variance of the error term `\(\varepsilon\)` is the same for each value of `\(x\)`: `\(Var(\varepsilon|x) = \sigma^2\)`. -- 5. ***Normally distributed errors:*** the error term is normally distributed, i.e. `\(\varepsilon \sim \mathcal{N}(0,\sigma^2)\)` * This last assumption allows avoiding large sample approximations, but it is never used in practice since samples are sufficiently large `\((n \ge 30)\)`. --- # Exogeneity Assumption The CRM assumption #2 is also know as the (strict) **exogeneity assumption**. * When this assumption is violated our estimate `\(b\)` will be a ***biased*** estimate of `\(\beta\)`, i.e. `\(\mathop{\mathbb{E}}[b] \neq \beta\)` -- * For example, imagine you are interested in the effect of education on wage `$$\text{wage}_i = \beta_0 + \beta_1 \text{educ}_i + \varepsilon_i$$` * Under the exogeneity assumption `\(\beta_1\)` denotes the causal effect of education in the population. -- * Suppose there is *unobserved* ability `\(a_i\)`. * High ability means higher wage. * It *also* means school is easier, and so `\(i\)` **selects** into more schooling. --- # Exogeneity Assumption * Given ability is *unobserved*, `\(a_i\)` goes into the error `\(\varepsilon_i\)` -- * Our *ceteris paribus* assumption (all else equal) does not hold. -- * Then regressing the wage on education we will attribute to `educ` part of the effect on wages that is actually *caused* by ability `\(a_i\)`! -- * Remember the formula of the **omitted variable bias**: `$$\textrm{OVB} = \{ \textrm{Relationship between } ability_i \textrm{ and } educ_i \} \\ * \{ \textrm{Effect of } ability_i \textrm{ in multiple regression} \}$$` -- * Thus, we have: $$ \mathbb{E}(b_1) = \beta_1 + OVB > \beta_1$$ * *Interpretation*: taking repeated sample from the population and computing `\(b_1\)` each time, we would **systematically overestimate** the effect of education on wage. --- # Breaking the other assumptions * You can find examples associated to the other assumptions in our [book](! * Takeaway: if assumptions violated, inference is invalid! --- class:inverse # Task 3.1 (10 min) Let's go back to our question of returns to education and gender. 1. Load the data `CPS1985` from the `AER` package and look back at the `help` to get the definition of each variable: `?CPS1985`. Call the data.frame `cps`. 1. Create the `log_wage` variable equal to the log of `wage`. 1. Regress `log_wage` on `gender` and `education`, and save it as `reg1`. * Interpret each coefficient. * Are the coefficients statistically significant? At which significance level? 1. Regress the `log_wage` on `gender`, `education` and their interaction `gender*education`, save it as `reg2`. * How do you interpret the coefficient associated to `\(female*education\)`? * Can we reject the nullity of this coefficient at the 5% level? At 10%? --- class:inverse # Task 3.2 (10 min) 1. Produce a scatterplot of the relationship between the log wage and the level of education. 1. Add the *regression line* with `geom_smooth`. What does this line represents? 1. Let's illustrate what the shaded area stands for. 1. Draw one bootstrap sample from our `cps` data. 1. Regress the `log_wage` on `gender`, `education` and their interaction `gender*education`, save it as `reg_bootstrap`. 1. From `reg_bootstrap` extract and save the value of the intercept for men as `intercept_men_bootstrap` and the value of the slope for men as `slope_men_bootstrap`. Do the same for women. 1. Add both predicted lines from this bootstrap sample to the previous plot (*Hint*: use `geom_abline` (x2)) --- # Illustrating Uncertainty .pull-left[ Let's repeat the procedure you just made 100 times! ```r library(AER) data("CPS1985") cps = CPS1985 %>% mutate(log_wage = log(wage)) set.seed(1) bootstrap_sample = cps %>% rep_sample_n(size = nrow(cps), reps = 100, replace = TRUE) ggplot(data=cps,aes(y = log_wage, x = education, colour = gender)) + geom_point(size = 1, alpha = 0.7) + geom_smooth(method = "lm", alpha = 2) + geom_smooth(data=bootstrap_sample, size = 0.2, aes(y = log_wage, x = education, group = replicate), method = "lm", se = FALSE) + facet_wrap(~gender) + scale_colour_manual(values = c("darkblue", "darkred")) + labs(x = "Education", y = "Log wage") + guides(colour=FALSE) + theme_bw(base_size = 20) ``` ] -- .pull-right[ <img src="reg_inference_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-22-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- # Illustrating Uncertainty .pull-left[ ![](../img/gifs/wages.gif) ] .pull-right[ </br> Even better : [`ungeviz`]( and `gganimate` bring you moving lines! * We took 20 bootstrap samples from our data * You can see how different data points are included in each bootstrap sample. * Those different points imply different regression lines. * On average, 95% of these lines should fall into the shaded area. * You should remember those moving lines when looking at the shaded area! ] --- class: title-slide-final, middle # THANKS To the amazing [moderndive]( team! Big Thanks 🎉 to [ungeviz]( and 🎊 [gganimate]( for their awesome packages! --- class: title-slide-final, middle background-image: url(../img/logo/ScPo-econ.png) background-size: 250px background-position: 9% 19% # SEE YOU NEXT WEEK! | | | | :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :-------------------------------- | | <a href="">.ScPored[<i class="fa fa-paper-plane fa-fw"></i>] | | | <a href="">.ScPored[<i class="fa fa-link fa-fw"></i>] | Slides | | <a href="">.ScPored[<i class="fa fa-link fa-fw"></i>] | Book | | <a href="">.ScPored[<i class="fa fa-twitter fa-fw"></i>] | @ScPoEcon | | <a href="">.ScPored[<i class="fa fa-github fa-fw"></i>] | @ScPoEcon |