class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide .title[ # Applied Data Analysis for Public Policy Studies ] .subtitle[ ## Confidence Intervals and Hypothesis Testing ] .author[ ### Michele Fioretti ] .date[ ### SciencesPo Paris 2023-10-23 ] --- layout: true <div class="my-footer"><img src="../img/logo/ScPo-shield.png" style="height: 60px;"/></div> --- # Recap from Last Week * Sampling: ***sampling variation*** and ***sampling distributions*** * population, population parameter, sample statistic or point estimate, random sampling * ***Unbiased estimator***: `\(\mathop{\mathbb{E}}[\hat{p}] = p\)` * ***Central Limit Theorem***: as sample size increases, sampling distribution of the sample mean is more ***normally distributed*** and has a smaller ***standard error*** -- ## Today: Deeper Dive Into ***Statistical Inference*** <sup>1</sup> .footnote[ [1]: This lecture is based on the wonderful [confidence interval]( and [hypothesis testing]( chapters of [ModernDive](] * *Confidence intervals*: providing plausible ***range*** of values * *Hypothesis testing*: comparing statistics between groups --- background-image: url( background-position: 18% 45% background-size: 450px # Back to Reality .pull-right[ * In real life we only get to take ***one*** sample from the population (not ***1000***!). * Also, we obviously don't know the true population parameter, that's what we are interested in! * So what on earth was all of this good for? Fun only?! 😧 ] -- <br> <br> * Even unobserved, we ***know*** that the sampling distribution does exist, and even better, we know how it behaves! * Let's see what we can do with this... --- layout: false class: title-slide-section-red, middle # Confidence Intervals --- layout: true <div class="my-footer"><img src="../img/logo/ScPo-shield.png" style="height: 60px;"/></div> --- # From Point Estimates to Confidence Intervals * Until now, we have only estimated ***point estimates*** from our samples: *sample means*, *sample proportions*, *regression coefficients*, etc. * We know that this ***sample statistic*** differs from the ***true population parameter*** due to ***sampling variation***. * Rather than a point estimate, we could give a ***range of plausible values*** for the population parameter. * This is precisely what a ***confidence interval*** (CI) provides. --- # Constructing Confidence Intervals There are several approaches to constructing confidence intervals: 1. *Theory*: use mathematical formulas (***Central Limit Theorem***) to derive the sampling distribution of our point estimate under certain conditions. -- 1. *Simulation*: use the ***bootstrapping*** method to *reconstruct* the sampling distribution of our point estimate. -- We'll focus on simulation to give you the intuition and come back to the maths approach in the next weeks. --- # Back to Pasta * As in real life, imagine we had access to *only one random sample* from our bowl of pasta. -- * How could we study the effect of sampling variation with a single sample? 👉 ***bootstrap resampling with replacement***! -- * Let's start by drawing one random sample of size `\(n = 50\)` from our bowl. ```r library(tidyverse) library(infer) bowl <- read.csv("") set.seed(1234) my_sample = bowl %>% mutate(color = as.factor(ifelse(color == "green","green","non-green"))) %>% # Let's focus on either "green" or "non-green" rather than 3 different colours (see `unique(bowl$color)` or `levels(bowl$color)`) rep_sample_n(size = 50) %>% ungroup() %>% select(pasta_ID, color) ``` .pull-left[ ```r head(my_sample,2) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 2 × 2 ## pasta_ID color ## <int> <fct> ## 1 4 non-green ## 2 41 non-green ``` ] -- .pull-right[ ```r p_hat = mean(my_sample$color == "green") p_hat ``` ``` ## [1] 0.46 ``` The proportion of green pasta in this sample is: `\(\hat{p} = 0.46\)`. ] --- # Resampling our Pasta Sample How do we obtain a ***bootstrap sample***? -- 1. Randomly pick ***one*** pasta from the sample and record the associated color. 1. Put this pasta back in the sample. 1. Repeat steps 1 and 2 49 times, i.e. ***until the new sample is of the same size as the original sample***. 1. Compute the proportion of green pasta in the bootstrap sample. -- This procedure is called ***resampling with replacement***: * *resampling*: drawing repeated samples from a sample. * *with replacement*: each time the drawn pasta is put back in the sample. --- # Resampling our Pasta Sample .pull-left[ Here is one bootstrap sample: ```r set.seed(123) one_bootstrap = my_sample %>% rep_sample_n(size = 50, replace = TRUE) %>% arrange(pasta_ID) head(one_bootstrap, 8) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 8 × 3 ## # Groups: replicate [1] ## replicate pasta_ID color ## <int> <int> <fct> ## 1 1 79 non-green ## 2 1 101 green ## 3 1 101 green ## 4 1 108 green ## 5 1 108 green ## 6 1 108 green ## 7 1 123 non-green ## 8 1 123 non-green ``` ```r nrow(one_bootstrap) ``` ``` ## [1] 50 ``` ] -- .pull-right[ Several pasta have been drawn multiple times. How come? What's the proportion of green pasta in this bootstrap sample? ```r mean(one_bootstrap$color == "green") ``` ``` ## [1] 0.58 ``` The proportion is different than that in our sample! This is due to resampling ***with replacement***. What if we repeated this resampling procedure many times? Would the proportion be the same each time? ] --- # Obtaining the Bootstrap Distribution * Let's repeat the resampling procedure 1000 times: there will be 1000 bootstrap samples and 1000 bootstrap estimates! -- .pull-left[ ```r # Using the same approach as last week set.seed(1234) bootstrap_distrib <- my_sample %>% # resample 50 draws with replacement a 1000 times rep_sample_n(size = 50, reps = 1000, replace = TRUE) %>% # compute the average number of # green colors in each sample group_by(replicate) %>% summarize(stat = mean(color == "green", na.rm = TRUE)) # - OR - Using the `infer` package set.seed(1234) bootstrap_distrib = my_sample %>% # specify the variable and level of interest specify(response = color, success = "green") %>% # generate 1000 bootstrap samples generate(reps = 1000, type = "bootstrap") %>% # calculate the proportion of green pasta for each calculate(stat = "prop") # Remember to `set.seed()` to the same number to compare # the two approaches (e.g., `set.seed(1234)`) ``` ] -- .pull-right[ Here are the first 4 rows: ```r head(bootstrap_distrib, 4) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 4 × 2 ## replicate stat ## <int> <dbl> ## 1 1 0.38 ## 2 2 0.34 ## 3 3 0.44 ## 4 4 0.38 ``` ```r nrow(bootstrap_distrib) ``` ``` ## [1] 1000 ``` ```r mean(bootstrap_distrib$stat) ``` ``` ## [1] 0.45694 ``` Let's visualize this sampling variation! ] --- # Bootstrap Distribution <img src="CI_and_hypothesis_test_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-11-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> -- The ***bootstrap distribution*** is an approximation of the ***sampling distribution***. --- # Bootstrap Distribution with Mean <img src="CI_and_hypothesis_test_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-12-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> -- The ***bootstrap distribution*** mean is very close to the original sample proportion. --- # Bootstrap Distribution with Mean <img src="CI_and_hypothesis_test_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-13-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> Let's use this ***bootstrap distribution*** to construct confidence intervals! --- # Understanding Confidence Intervals * Analogy with fishing: * *point estimate*: fishing with a spear. -- * *confidence interval*: fishing with a net. -- * In our case the fish is the true proportion of pasta in the bowl that are green `\((p)\)`. -- * The *point estimate* would be the proportion of green pasta obtained from a random sample `\((\hat{p})\)`. -- * The *confidence interval*: from the previous bootstrap distribution, ***where do most proportions lie?*** * Method for confidence interval construction: ***percentile method***. * Requires specifying a ***confidence level***: 90%, 95%, and 99% are the most common. --- # Percentile Method: 95% Confidence Interval * Construct a confidence interval as the middle 95% of values of the bootstrap distribution. -- * For that, we compute the 2.5% and 97.5% percentile: .pull-left[ ```r quantile(bootstrap_distrib$stat,0.025) ``` ``` ## 2.5% ## 0.32 ``` ] .pull-right[ ```r quantile(bootstrap_distrib$stat,0.975) ``` ``` ## 97.5% ## 0.6 ``` ] * Therefore the 95% confidence interval is `\([0.32 ; 0.6]\)`. * It is a ***range*** of values. -- * Let's see this confidence interval on the sampling distribution. --- # Percentile Method: 95% Confidence Interval Visually <img src="CI_and_hypothesis_test_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-16-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> -- Does the interval contain the true population proportion? --- # Percentile Method: 95% Confidence Interval Visually <img src="CI_and_hypothesis_test_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-17-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> -- True population parameter is indeed in our 95% interval! Will it always be? --- # Interpreting a 95% Confidence Interval * Let's repeatedly draw 100 different samples from our `bowl` and for each sample compute the associated 95% CI using the percentile method. -- <img src="CI_and_hypothesis_test_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-18-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> * How many confidence intervals contain the true parameter? Why? --- # Interpreting a 95% Confidence Interval > *Precise interpretation:* If we repeated our sampling procedure ***a large number of times***, we ***expect about 95%*** of the resulting confidence intervals to capture the value of the population parameter. In other words, 95% of the time, the 95% confidence interval will contain the true population parameter. -- > *Short-hand interpretation:* We are ***95% “confident”*** that a 95% confidence interval captures the value of the population parameter. -- ***Questions:*** * How does the width of the confidence interval change as the ***confidence level*** increases? * How does the width of the confidence interval change as the ***sample size*** increases? --- # Interpreting a 95% Confidence Interval > *Precise interpretation:* If we repeated our sampling procedure ***a large number of times***, we ***expect about 95%*** of the resulting confidence intervals to capture the value of the population parameter. In other words, 95% of the time, the 95% confidence interval will contain the true population parameter. > *Short-hand interpretation:* We are ***95% “confident”*** that a 95% confidence interval captures the value of the population parameter. ***Impact of confidence level:*** the greater the confidence level, the wider the confidence intervals. * *Intuition*: a greater confidence level means the confidence interval needs to contain the true population parameter more often, and thus needs to be wider to ensure this. -- ***Impact of sample size:*** the greater the sample size, the thinner the confidence intervals. * *Inutuition*: a larger sample size leads to less sampling variation and therefore a narrower boostrap distribution, which in turn leads to thiner confidence intervals. --- # From Confidence Intervals to Hypothesis Testing * *Confidence intervals* can be thought of as an extension of *point estimation*. -- * What if we want to ***compare*** a sample statistic for two groups? * *Example*: differences in average wages between men and women. Are the observed differences ***significant***? -- * These comparisons are the realm of ***hypothesis testing***. -- * Just like confidence intervals, hypothesis tests are used to make claims about a population based on information from a sample. * However, we’ll see that the framework for making such inferences is slightly different. --- layout: false class: title-slide-section-red, middle # Hypothesis Testing --- layout: true <div class="my-footer"><img src="../img/logo/ScPo-shield.png" style="height: 60px;"/></div> --- # Is There Gender Discrimination In Promotions? * We will use data from an [article](,contains,Influence%20of%20sex%20role%20stereotypes%20on%20personnel%20decisions%20of%20black%20managers&offset=0) published in the *Journal of Applied Psychology* in 1974 which investigated whether female employees at banks were discriminated against. * 48 (male) supervisors were given *identical* candidate CVs, differing only with respect to the first name, which was male or female. * Each CV was "*in the form of a memorandum requesting a decision on the promotion of an employee to the position of branch manager.*" * Many similar experiments have been conducted with other groups. Arabic, Black, Jewish names or other groups that can be similarly identified. [[1]](,contains,Are%20Emily%20and%20Greg%20More%20Employable%20Than%20Lakisha%20and%20Jamal%3F%20A%20Field%20Experiment%20on%20Labor%20Market%20Discrimination&offset=0), [[2]](,contains,Do%20health%20plans%20risk-select%3F%20An%20audit%20study%20on%20Germany%27s%20Social%20Health%20Insurance☆&tab=Everything&search_scope=MyInst_and_CI&vid=33USPC_SPO:SPO&lang=fr&offset=0), [[3]](, ... -- * ***Hypothesis*** we want to test: *Is there gender discrimination?* -- .pull-left[ * The data from the experiment are provided in the `promotions` dataset from the `moderndive` package. ] -- .pull-right[ ```r library(moderndive) head(promotions,2) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 2 × 3 ## id decision gender ## <int> <fct> <fct> ## 1 1 promoted male ## 2 2 promoted male ``` ] --- # Evidence of Discrimination? .pull-left[ How many men and women were offered a promotion (and not)? ```r promotions %>% group_by(gender, decision) %>% tally() %>% # handy way to count entries in each gender-decision group mutate(percentage = 100 * n / sum(n)) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 4 × 4 ## # Groups: gender [2] ## gender decision n percentage ## <fct> <fct> <int> <dbl> ## 1 male not 3 12.5 ## 2 male promoted 21 87.5 ## 3 female not 10 41.7 ## 4 female promoted 14 58.3 ``` There is a ***29.2 percentage points difference*** in promotions between men and women! ] -- .pull-right[ <img src="CI_and_hypothesis_test_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-21-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] -- ***Question***: Is this difference ***conclusive evidence*** of differences in promotion rates between men and women? Could such a difference have been observed ***by chance***? --- # Imposing A Hypothetical World: No Gender Discrimination * Suppose we lived in a world without gender discrimination: the promotion decision would be completely ***independent*** from gender. * Let's randomly reassign `gender` to each row and see how this affects the result. -- .pull-left[ ```r head(bind_cols(promotions, promotions_shuffled)) %>% rename(id = id...1, decision = decision...2, gender = gender...3, gender1 = gender...6) %>% select(id, decision, gender, gender1) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 6 × 4 ## id decision gender gender1 ## <int> <fct> <fct> <fct> ## 1 1 promoted male female ## 2 2 promoted male female ## 3 3 promoted male male ## 4 4 promoted male female ## 5 5 promoted male male ## 6 6 promoted male male ``` How do the promotion rates look like in our reshuffled sample? ] -- .pull-right[ ```r promotions_shuffled %>% group_by(gender, decision) %>% tally() %>% mutate(percentage = 100 * n / sum(n)) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 4 × 4 ## # Groups: gender [2] ## gender decision n percentage ## <fct> <fct> <int> <dbl> ## 1 male not 6 25 ## 2 male promoted 18 75 ## 3 female not 7 29.2 ## 4 female promoted 17 70.8 ``` The difference is much lower: ***4.2 percentage points***! ] --- # Imposing A Hypothetical World: No Gender Discrimination * Suppose we lived in a world without gender discrimination: the promotion decision would be completely ***independent*** from gender. * Let's randomly reassign `gender` to each row and see how this affects the result. .pull-left[ ```r head(bind_cols(promotions, promotions_shuffled)) %>% rename(id = id...1, decision = decision...2, gender = gender...3, gender1 = gender...6) %>% select(id, decision, gender, gender1) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 6 × 4 ## id decision gender gender1 ## <int> <fct> <fct> <fct> ## 1 1 promoted male female ## 2 2 promoted male female ## 3 3 promoted male male ## 4 4 promoted male female ## 5 5 promoted male male ## 6 6 promoted male male ``` How do the promotion rates look like in our reshuffled sample? ] .pull-right[ <img src="CI_and_hypothesis_test_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-25-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- # Sampling Variation * In our hypothetical world, the difference in promotion rates was only 4.2 percentage points. * Can we answer our initial question about the existence of gender discrimination now? -- * No, we must investigate the role of ***sampling variation***! * What if we reshuffle once again, how different from 4.2%p would the difference be? -- * In other words, how representative of that hypothetical world is 4.2%p? -- * **How likely** is a 29%p difference to occur in such a world? -- * We need to know about the whole sampling distribution under the *no discrimination* hypothesis. -- * How? Just by redoing the reshuffling a large number of times, and computing the difference each time. --- # Sampling Distribution with 1000 Reshufflings <img src="CI_and_hypothesis_test_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-26-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Sampling Distribution with 1000 Reshufflings <img src="CI_and_hypothesis_test_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-27-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> How ***likely*** is it to observe a 0.292 difference in a world with no discrimination? --- # What did we just do? * We just demonstrated the statistical procedure known as ***hypothesis testing*** using a ***permutation test***. -- * The question is how likely the observed difference in promotion rates is to occur in a hypothetical universe with no discrimination. -- * We concluded ***rather not***, i.e. we tended to ***reject*** the no discrimination hypothesis. -- * Let's introduce the formal framework of hypothesis testing now. --- # Hypothesis Test Notation and Definitions * A ***hypothesis test*** consists of a test between ***two competing hypotheses*** about the population parameter: -- * The ***null hypothesis*** `\((H_0)\)`: generally hypothesis of no difference; -- * The ***alternative hypothesis*** `\((H_A \textrm{or }H_1)\)`: the research hypothesis. -- * In the previous example: `$$\begin{align}H_0&: p_m - p_f = 0\\H_A&: p_m - p_f > 0,\end{align}$$` where `\(p_m =\)` promotion rate of men, and `\(p_f =\)` promotion rate of women. -- * Here, we considered a *one-sided* alternative, stating that `\(p_m > p_f\)`, i.e. women are discriminated against. * The *two-sided* formulation is just `\(H_A: p_m - p_f \neq 0\)`. --- # Hypothesis Test Notation and Definitions * ***Test statistic***: *point estimate/sample statistic* formula used for hypothesis testing. -- * *In our previous case*: difference in sample proportions `\(\hat{p}_m - \hat{p}_f\)`. -- * ***Observed test statistic***: value of the test statistic that we observed in real life. -- * *In our previous case*: observed difference `\(\hat{p}_m - \hat{p}_f = 0.292 = 29.2\)` percentage points. -- * ***Null distribution***: sampling distribution of the test statistic *assuming the null hypothesis `\(H_0\)` is true*. -- * *In our previous case*: All the possible values that `\(\hat{p}_m - \hat{p}_f\)` can take assuming there is no discrimination. * That's the distribution we have seen just before. --- # Null Distribution <img src="CI_and_hypothesis_test_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-28-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Hypothesis Test Notation and Definitions > ### ***p-value:*** probability of observing a test statistic *just as or more extreme* than the one we obtained, assuming the null hypothesis `\(H_0\)` is true. 🤔 -- * How *surprised* are we that we observed a difference in promotions rates of 0.292 in our sample assuming `\(H_0\)` is true, that is a world without discrimination? Very surprised? Kind of surprised? -- * What do we mean by ***more extreme***? * Defined in terms of the alternative hypothesis: in this case, men are ***more likely*** to be promoted than women. Therefore, ***more extreme*** in our case means observing a difference in promotion rates ***greater than 0.292***. -- * ***Interpretation***: the lower the p-value, the *less consistent our null hypothesis is with the observed statistic*. -- * When do we decide to ***reject*** `\(H_0\)` or not? --- # Hypothesis Test Notation and Definitions * To decide wether we reject `\(H_0\)` or not, we set a ***significance level*** for the test. -- * ***Significance level `\((\alpha)\)`:*** acts as a *cutoff* on the p-value. * Common values are `\(\alpha = 0.01\)`, `\(0.05\)`, or `\(0.1\)`. -- * ***Decision***: * If the p-value falls ***below the cutoff `\(\alpha\)`***, we "***reject the null hypothesis at the significance level `\(\alpha\)`***." -- * Alternatively, if the p-value if ***greater than `\(\alpha\)`***, we say that we "***fail to reject the null hypothesis `\(H_0\)` at the significance level `\(\alpha\)`***." -- * ***Interpretation***: If what we observe *is too unlikely to happen* under the null hypothesis, it means that this hypothesis is ***likely to be false***. -- * Let's illustrate how it works in our example. --- # Visualizing the P-value <img src="CI_and_hypothesis_test_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-29-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> -- The red-shaded area correponds to the p-value! --- # Obtaining the p-value and Deciding * Recall the definition of the p-value: ***probability of observing a test statistic *just as or more extreme* than the one we obtained, assuming the null hypothesis `\(H_0\)` is true.*** -- ```r p_value <- mean(null_distribution$stat >= 0.292) p_value ``` ``` ## [1] 0.007 ``` * In a world without discrimination, we would get `\(\hat{p_m} - \hat{p_f}\)` superior (or equal) to 0.292 only 0.7% of the time. -- * So, we can reject `\(H_0\)`, i.e. the absence of discrimination, at the 5% significance level. * We also say that `\(\hat{p_m} - \hat{p_f} = 0.292\)` is ***statistically significantly different from 0*** at the 5% level. -- * ***Question***: Suppose we had set `\(\alpha = 0.01 = 1\%\)`, would we have rejected the absence of discrimination at this level? --- # Testing Errors Working with probabilities implies that sometimes, we make **errors**. -- * A 29%p difference may be *unlikely* under `\(H_0\)`, but that **doesn't mean it's *impossible* to occur**. * In fact, such a difference (or higher) would occur (approximately) in 0.007% of cases. -- * So, it may happen that we sometimes reject `\(H_0\)`, when in fact it was true. * Setting 5% significance level, you make sure it won't happen more than 5% of the time. --- # Testing Errors In hypothesis testing, there are ***two types of errors***: .pull-left[  ] .pull-right[ ***Type I error***: reject the null hypothesis when in fact it was true. ***false positive*** ***Type II error***: don't reject the null hypothesis when in fact it was false. ***false negative*** ] * In practice, we choose the frequency of a Type I error by setting `\(\alpha\)` and try to minimize the type II error. -- * The Null plays no role: * Type I error arises when *you have enough evidence* for the alternative * Type II error arises when *you do not have enough evidence* for the alternative * [Type I and Type II error and COVID-19 antibody testing]( False positives and false negatives --- # How does all of this relate to regression analysis? * Now you have all the tools to make ***statistical inference*** for real! * Regression analysis is based on a ***sample*** of data. * So your ***regression coefficient*** is subject to ***sampling variation***, it's not the true population coefficient. * ***Question***: Is the estimated effect statistically significantly different from some other value `\(z\)`? * The answer in the next episode! 🐵 --- class: title-slide-final, middle # THANKS To the amazing [moderndive]( team! --- # Appendix: code to generate the null distribution using the `infer` package .pull-left[ ```r null_distribution <- promotions %>% # takes formula, defines success specify(formula = decision ~ gender, success = "promoted") %>% # decisions are independent of gender hypothesize(null = "independence") %>% # generate 1000 reshufflings of data generate(reps = 1000, type = "permute") %>% # compute p_m - p_f from each reshuffle calculate(stat = "diff in props", order = c("male", "female")) visualize(null_distribution, bins = 10, fill = "#d90502") + labs(title = "Sampling distribution", x = "Difference in promotion rates (male - female)", y = "Frequency") + xlim(-0.4, 0.4) + theme_bw(base_size = 14) ``` ] .pull-right[ <img src="CI_and_hypothesis_test_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-32-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- class: title-slide-final, middle background-image: url(../img/logo/ScPo-econ.png) background-size: 250px background-position: 9% 19% # END | | | | :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :-------------------------------- | | <a href="">.ScPored[<i class="fa fa-paper-plane fa-fw"></i>] | | | <a href="">.ScPored[<i class="fa fa-link fa-fw"></i>] | Slides | | <a href="">.ScPored[<i class="fa fa-link fa-fw"></i>] | Book | | <a href="">.ScPored[<i class="fa fa-twitter fa-fw"></i>] | @ScPoEcon | | <a href="">.ScPored[<i class="fa fa-github fa-fw"></i>] | @ScPoEcon |