1 Description

FLIBM is a individual-based model (IBM) framework for the simulation of fish or invertibrate populations, and should provide a flexible structure that allows for modification given the population under study. Presently, the IBM describes processes affecting life history in terms of length (e.g. growth, mortality, maturity). This faciltates the generation of length-frequency data (FLD), which is typically used in many data-poor assessment approaches. Nevertheless, an individual’s age is also followed in order to be able to record both length- and age-based summary statistics in the form of FLStock objects (see FLR project: http://www.flr-project.org/). Following the FLR framework allows for integration in other FLR-related recources.

The main sequence of processes in the IBM operating model are as follows:

  1. update - Updates the states of individuals at the beginning of a time step (e.g. mortality rates, maturity).
  2. reproduce - Creates new individuals based on spawning schedule and stock recruitment relationship.
  3. die - Determines individuals that die, either naturally or from fishing.
  4. record - Records the state of the population in FLStock objects (e.g. numbers, mean weight by age and length, mortality rates, etc.).
  5. remove - Removes dead individuals.
  6. grow - Grows individuals according to growth function, resulting in changes to length and weight variables.

Generally, the model should be run at a sufficiently high number of interannual time steps (default = 12, i.e. monthly) to produce realistic behaviour and summary indices.

2 Setup

The FLIBM imports the package FLCore and recommends ggplotFL for use of summary plotting functions.

set.seed(42) # for reproducibility

2.1 Creating new FLIBM object

The create.FLIBM function is used to intialize an FLIBM object. As with FLStock and FLQuant objects, one defines 6 data dimensions:

  1. age or length - Classes of age or length
  2. year - Calendar year
  3. unit - Division of the population (e.g. by sex)
  4. season - Temporal strata shorter than year
  5. area - Spatial stratification
  6. iter - Replicates

Other arguments for create.FLIBM are related to units of numbers (n.units) and weights (wt.units).

stk <- create.FLIBM(
  length = 0:85, age = 0:6, 
  year = ac(2000:2009),
  season = ac(1:12),
  n.units = "1e3", wt.units = "kg"

2.2 FLIBM class structure

The basic structure of an FLIBM class is as follows:

          Length Class      Mode     
growth        2  -none-     list     
rec           5  -none-     list     
m             1  -none-     list     
harvest       2  -none-     list     
n.units       1  -none-     character
wt.units      1  -none-     character
make.inds     1  -none-     function 
inds         14  data.table list     
stock.l       1  FLStock    S4       
stock.a       1  FLStock    S4       
length.a    840  FLQuant    numeric  
age.l     10320  FLQuant    numeric  

There are three main types of objects within the class:

  1. recording - These are the FLStock objects obj$stock.l and obj$stock.a for length- and age-based IBM summary statistics, respectively, which are recorded at the start each time step.
  2. controlling - These are functions (and parameters) that control the attributes of individuals (e.g. obj$growth, obj$rec, obj$m, obj$harvest).
  3. population - This holds the current population of individuals (obj$inds). It is a multi-level list class with the dimensions “unit”, “area” and “iter”, following the framework of FLStock objects (e.g. obj$inds[[unit]][[area]][[iter]])

2.3 Editing FLIBM objects

2.3.1 Controlling objects

The main objects types that are manipulated by the user are the controlling objects.

  1. mortality
  2. harvest
  3. growth
  4. maturity
  5. recruitment
stk$rec$params['rmax'] <- 1e4

2.3.2 Recording objects

By default, FLStock objects are set up to have fbar ranges spanning the full range of dimension 1 (age and length).

range(stk$stock.a); range(stk$stock.l)
      min       max plusgroup   minyear   maxyear   minfbar   maxfbar 
        0         6         6      2000      2009         0         6 
      min       max plusgroup   minyear   maxyear   minfbar   maxfbar 
        0        85        85      2000      2009         0        85 

For plotting and further FLR-related functionality, it is advised to adjust these as appropriate, e.g.:

range(stk$stock.a)[c("minfbar", "maxfbar")] <- c(1,3)
      min       max plusgroup   minyear   maxyear   minfbar   maxfbar 
        0         6         6      2000      2009         1         3 

2.4 Spin-up

A spin-up of the ìnds`is also possible. At the moment this function uses the control information from the first simulation year.

stk <- spinup.FLIBM(obj = stk, nyearsslope = 10)
year = 1 | ssb = 2.072 | trend = 1 
year = 2 | ssb = 123.339 | trend = 1 
year = 3 | ssb = 851.973 | trend = 1 
year = 4 | ssb = 1667.527 | trend = 1 
year = 5 | ssb = 1927.63 | trend = 1 
year = 6 | ssb = 1917.891 | trend = 1 
year = 7 | ssb = 2061.884 | trend = 1 
year = 8 | ssb = 2129.647 | trend = 1 
year = 9 | ssb = 2086.101 | trend = 1 
year = 10 | ssb = 2084.67 | trend = 1 
year = 11 | ssb = 2036.07 | trend = 1 
year = 12 | ssb = 2055.573 | trend = 1 
year = 13 | ssb = 2038.006 | trend = 1 
year = 14 | ssb = 2107.572 | trend = 0 

Viewing the $inds

ggplot(stk$inds, aes(x = length)) + 
  theme(text = element_text(size=12)) + 
  geom_histogram(color = "black", fill = "white", 

3 Advancing the stock forward in time

stk <- adv.FLIBM(stk, years = ac(2000:2003), monitor = FALSE)

# plot ssb
df <- as.data.frame(stock.n(stk$stock.a) 
  * stock.wt(stk$stock.a) * mat(stk$stock.a))
df$date <- as.Date(paste(as.numeric(df$year), 
  as.numeric(as.character(df$season)), "01", sep = "-"), 
  format = "%Y-%m-%d")
df <- aggregate(x = df$data, by = list(date = df$date), 
  FUN = sum, na.rm=TRUE)
df$x[df$x == 0] <- NA

p <- ggplot(data = df, aes(x = date, y = x)) +
  geom_line() +
  scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0,NA)) +
  labs(y = "SSB")


# plot stock numbers

Summary stats


4 Indicators and plotting

4.1 LFQ

# plot length-frequency
lfq <- flquant2lfq(stk$stock.l@catch.n)
pal <- colorRampPalette(c("grey30",5,7,2), bias=2)
with(lfq, image(x=dates, y=midLengths, z=t(catch), col=pal(100)))

4.2 Mortality

df <- data.frame(
  age = as.numeric(dimnames(stk$stock.a@catch.n)$age), 
  n = c(apply(window(stk$stock.a@catch.n, start=2003, end=2003), 
    1, sum, na.rm=TRUE)))

plot(log(n) ~ age, df)
fit <- lm(log(n) ~ age, df, subset = age %in% 2:5)
points(log(n) ~ age, df, subset = age %in% 2:5, pch=20)
abline(fit, col=4)
usr <- par()$usr
text(0.9*usr[2], 0.9*usr[4], 
  labels = bquote(italic(Z)==.(sprintf("%.2f",-round(coef(fit)[2], 2)))), 
  pos = 2, col=4)

4.3 Other: F, maturity, mean Lm etc…

To come…

length at maturity

df <- as.data.frame(apply(stk$stock.l@mat[,"2003"], 
  1, mean, na.rm=TRUE))
names(df)[1] <- "length"
df <- na.omit(df)
df$length <- df$length+0.5 # bin mid-length
fit <- glm(data ~ length, data = df, 
  family = binomial(link = "logit"))
pred <- predict(fit, se.fit=TRUE)
df <- cbind(df, pred)
# Calculate confidence intervals
std <- qnorm(0.95 / 2 + 0.5)
df$ymin <- fit$family$linkinv(df$fit - std * df$se.fit)
df$ymax <- fit$family$linkinv(df$fit + std * df$se.fit)
df$fit <- fit$family$linkinv(df$fit)  # Rescale to 0-1

plot(data ~ length, data = df, t="n", ylab="proportion mature")
points(data ~ length, data = df, col=adjustcolor(1, 0.5))
lines(fit ~ length, df, col=1)
lrPerc <- function(alpha, beta, p) (log(p/(1-p))-alpha)/beta
L50 <- lrPerc(alpha=coef(fit)[1], beta=coef(fit)[2], p=0.5)
lines(x=c(L50,L50,0), y=c(-100,0.5,0.5), lty=2, col=2)
text(x=L50, y=0.5, labels = bquote(L[mat]==.(round(L50,2))), pos=4, col=2 )

Mean length in catch:

df <- expand.grid(
  length = as.numeric(dimnames(stk$stock.l@catch.n)[[1]])+0.5,
  year = as.numeric(dimnames(stk$stock.l@catch.n)[[2]])
tmp <- apply(stk$stock.l@catch.n, 1:2, sum, na.rm=TRUE)
df$n = c(tmp)
df$lengthProd <- df$length * df$n

agg1 <- aggregate(cbind(lengthProd, n) ~ year, data = df, 
  FUN = sum, na.rm=TRUE)
agg1$meanLength <- agg1$lengthProd / agg1$n
plot(meanLength ~ year, agg1, t="b", ylim=range(df$length), 
  ylab = "mean length in catch (mm)")
abline(h = L50, lty=2, col=8)

Yearly fishing mortality:

df <- apply(stk$stock.a@harvest, 1:2, sum, na.rm=TRUE)

5 Advanced

5.1 Simulating fishery development over time

year <- as.numeric(dimnames(stk$stock.a@stock.n)[[2]])
steepness <- 1
FMmax <- 0.7*1.5
FMs <- FMmax / (1 + exp(-steepness * (year - 2004) ))

# spin-up with starting F
stk$harvest$params$FM <- FMs[1]
stk <- spinup.FLIBM(obj = stk, nyearsslope = 5, monitor = FALSE)
for(y in seq(year)){
  stk$harvest$params$FM <- FMs[y]
  stk <- adv.FLIBM(obj = stk, year = ac(year[y]), monitor = FALSE)

# plot stock numbers

View biomass and spawning stock biomass development by year:

# B
dat1 <- as.data.frame(stock.n(stk$stock.a) * stock.wt(stk$stock.a),
dat1$age <- factor(dat1$age)

dat2 <- as.data.frame(stock.n(stk$stock.a) * stock.wt(stk$stock.a) *
    mat(stk$stock.a), date=TRUE)
dat2 <- aggregate(x = dat2$data, by = list(date = dat2$date), 
  FUN = sum, na.rm=TRUE)
dat2$age <- factor("0")

p <- ggplot2::ggplot(data = dat1, 
  aes(x=date, y=data, fill=age, group=age)) +
  theme_set(theme_gray(base_size = 9)) +
  geom_area(position = 'stack') +
  scale_fill_brewer(palette="Spectral") +
  geom_line(data = dat2, aes(x=date, y=x) ) +
  ylab("Biomass (t)") +
  theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle = 90, hjust=1, vjust = 0.5))

Mean length in catch:

Fishing mortality:

df <- apply(stk$stock.a@harvest, 1:2, sum, na.rm=TRUE)

5.2 Seasonal growth and recruitment

More to come…

# pulsed recruitment
stk$rec$params$season_wt[] <- 0
stk$rec$params$season_wt[3:5] <- c(0.25, 1, 0.25)

# seasonal growth oscillation
stk$growth$params['C'] <- 0.75

# fishing mortality
stk$harvest$params['FM'] <- 0.7

# spinup and advance
stk <- adv.FLIBM(stk, years = ac(2000:2009), monitor = FALSE)

# plot stock numbers

The function simplifySeason can be used to collapse the season dimension, resulting in the more typical yearly FLStock object. The following example also removes the age zero group to define age = 1 as recruits. Without this change, recruits are not plotted since no individuals of age = 0 are alive at the start of the year. This object can be direcly plotted, providing a clear visualization of the main stock attributed (recruitment, SSB, Catch, fishing mortality).

# summary stats
tmp <- simplifySeason(stk)
tmp <- tmp[ac(1:range(tmp)["max"]),] # remove age=0 group


# plot length-frequency
lfq <- flquant2lfq(stk$stock.l@catch.n)
pal <- colorRampPalette(c("grey30",5,7,2), bias=2)
with(lfq, image(x=dates, y=midLengths, z=t(catch), col=pal(100)))

5.3 Recruitment variation

# add log-normal noise to rec covar (one value per year)
stk$rec$covar[] <- rlnorm(n = dim(stk$rec$covar)[2], meanlog = 0, sdlog = 0.5)

stk <- adv.FLIBM(stk, years = ac(2000:2009), monitor = FALSE)

# plot stock numbers


# plot length-frequency
lfq <- flquant2lfq(stk$stock.l@catch.n)
pal <- colorRampPalette(c("grey30",5,7,2), bias=2)
with(lfq, image(x=dates, y=midLengths, z=t(catch), col=pal(100)))

6 References

L. T. Kell, I. Mosqueira, P. Grosjean, J-M. Fromentin, D. Garcia, R. Hillary, E. Jardim, S. Mardle, M. A. Pastoors, J. J. Poos, F. Scott, R. D. Scott; FLR: an open-source framework for the evaluation and development of management strategies. ICES J Mar Sci 2007; 64 (4): 640-646. doi: 10.1093/icesjms/fsm012.

7 More information

7.1 Software Versions

  • R version 4.4.2 (2024-10-31 ucrt)
  • data.table: 1.16.2
  • FLCore:
  • FLIBM: 0.3.3
  • ggplotFL:
  • TropFishR: 1.6.5
  • Compiled: 2025-Jan-16

7.2 License

This document is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license.

7.3 Author information

Marc Taylor. Thünen Institute of Sea Fisheries, Marine Living Resources Unit, Herwigstraße 31, 27572 Bremerhaven, Germany. https://www.thuenen.de/en/sf/