packages = ["htag>=0.90.0","htbulma==0.9.6"] loading pyscript ;-) from htag import Tag import htbulma as b # a library of htag's components import html class App(Tag.body): """Build and use your own UI components""" imports = b.ALL # IRL, you don't need this line def init(self): self["style"]="overflow-y:auto !important" self.mbox = b.MBox(self) # declare the 'service' mbox self.toast = b.Toaster(self) # declare the 'service' toaster self.code = Tag.pre("select a file") nav = b.Nav("MyApp") # declare the nav bar nav.addEntry("mbox", lambda:"hello")) # declare an entry in the nav bar nav.addEntry("confirm", lambda: self.mbox.confirm("Sure ?",ok=self.action)) # declare an entry in the nav bar nav.addEntry("prompt", lambda: self.mbox.prompt("What is your name ?","",ok=self.action)) # declare an entry in the nav bar fields=b.Fields() options=[1,2,3] fields.addField("radio", b.Radio(, options, _onchange=self.showvalue)) fields.addField("sb", b.SelectButtons(, options, _onchange=self.showvalue) ) fields.addField("select", b.Select(, options, _onchange=self.showvalue) ) fields.addField("cb", b.Checkbox( False, "Just do it", _onchange=self.showvalue)) fields.addField("input", b.Input("hello", _onchange=self.showvalue)) fields.addField("input date", b.Input(None,_type="date", _onchange=self.showvalue) ) fields.addField("text area", b.Textarea("world",_rows=2, _onchange=self.showvalue) ) fields.addField("range", b.Range(42,_min=0,_max=100, _onchange=self.showvalue) ) filer = b.HSplit( b.FileSelect("/", self.load, pattern="*.py"), self.code , sizes=[30,70], ) tab = b.Tabs() tab.addTab("Tab one",fields) tab.addTab("Tab two",filer) tab.addTab("Tab Three","I'm working in background"+b.Progress()) main = b.Box() main <= b.Button("Push",_onclick=lambda o: self.action("button!") ) main <= Tag.a("See htbulma",_href="", _target="_blank", _style="float:right") main <= tab self <= nav + b.Section( main ) def action(self,o=None): or ";-)") def showvalue(self,object): def load(self,filename): self.action(filename) self.code.clear( html.escape(open(filename).read()) ) ############################################################################### from htag.runners import PyScript from js import window PyScript( App ).run( window )