whogov <- import(here("Data", "WhoGov_crosssectional_V1.2.csv"))

Data Viz Challenge

Since data visualization is about creativity and just trying things out, we will take a different approach in this problem set.

Together with your group you will work on the WhoGov data set. It provides information on governing elites.

  1. Everyone on her/his own (5min): Skim the codebook part B. We will only use the cross-sectional data.

  2. Together in your group (10min): Discuss the data and agree on something interesting you want to visualize.

  3. Everyone on her/his own (30mins): Implement the visualization you agreed upon in R. Tipp: You can use all the links and pointers from the slides or google when you are stuck!

  4. Together in your group (15mins): Share your versions with your group. Pick the best and fine-tune it together.

Back in the plenum, we will pick a winner!


  • Is it a truthful display of the data?
  • Is it functional?
  • Is it pretty?
  • Is it insightful?