OOP 2: Class Methods, Class Variables & Object Relationships

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✅ Objectives

  • Learn about decorators
    • what are they?
    • how are they useful in Python classes?
    • Python’s “pie” syntax
  • Understand class variables
    • how to define and update their value
  • Write class methods
    • use the @classmethod decorator
    • cls keyword
  • Object inheritance
    • how is it useful?
    • inherited or overwritten?
    • calling super()
  • Build one-to-many relationships between objects
    • Discuss their importance and use
    • Emphasize single-source-of-truth
    • Demonstrate building one-way and two-way relationships
  • Build many-to-many relationships between objects
    • Discuss their importance and use
    • Demonstrate building the relationship with and without intermediary class
  • Aggregate Methods
    • Write aggregate methods to collect data about objects using their related objects

What are decorators? 🪴 🛋️

Decorators give us an easy way to extend a method's functionality without altering the method.

Decorators are higher-order functions

They take in a function as an argument, and return a function.

The "pie", @decorator, syntax makes decorators easier to implement in our code.

Let’s try it! 🏈

Class Variables

We have used instance variables (attributes) to assign unique values to instances of a class. How could we assign a univeral value which would be the same for all instances?

Every object instantiated from the class has read and write access to its class variables.

      class Pet:
        total_pets = 0
        all = []
  • class variables are espcially useful for tracking cumulative data about all of the objects instantiated
  • a list can even be used to keep a reference to every object itself!

Class Methods

What about behaviors that are universal to the class?

      class Pet:
        total_pets = 0
        all = []
        def add_to_total_pets(cls):
          cls.total_pets += 1

  • Just as we can give a class attributes with class variables, we can also give it behavior with class methods.
  • these methods often update the values of the class variables in some way
Let's get hacking! 🕶️

Object Inheritance

  • Just as we've extended the functionality of methods with decorators
  • We can extend the functionality of a class with inheritance
  • Inheritance let's us create a family of classes which share traits
  • While still keeping our code DRY

Heirarchical inheritance with common and differentiated attributes

Method overriding

class Vehicle:
    def vehicle_info(self):
        print("Inside Vehicle Class")

    def max_speed(self):
        print("max speed is 100 Km/Hour")

class Car(Vehicle):
    def car_info(self):
        print("Inside Car Class")

    # overridden the implementation of Vehicle class
    def max_speed(self):
        print("max speed is 200 Km/Hour")
# Creating object of Car class
car = Car()
car.vehicle_info() # => "Inside Vehicle Class"
car.car_info() # => "Inside Car Class"
car.max_speed() # => "max speed is 200 Km/Hour"

super() method

The super function returns a temporary object of the parent class that allows us to call a parent class method inside a child class method.

Benefits of using the super() function
  • We are not required to remember or specify the parent class name to access its methods.
  • We can use the super() function in both single and multiple inheritances.
  • The super() function support code reusability as there is no need to write the entire function
class Company:
    def company_name(self):
        return 'Google'

class Employee(Company):
    def info(self):
        # Calling the superclass method using super()function
        c_name = super().company_name()
        print("Jessa works at", c_name)

# Creating object of child class
emp = Employee()

Let’s do it! 🏃‍♂️

  • A sale may have multiple coupons but a coupon can only be used on one sale at a time.
  • A person can have one or more family members, a family can have any number of people.
  • A book is assigned to one library at a time but a library holds a bunch of books
  • A fan can go to multiple concerts and a concert can have multiple fans