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B,GAAG,EAAE,qBAAqB;IAC1B,KAAK,EAAE,4BAA4B;CACpC,CAAC;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ACpEK,IAAM,WAAW,GAAQ;IAC9B,EAAE,EAAE;QACF,IAAI,EAAE,qBAAqB;QAC3B,MAAM,EAAE,KAAK;QACb,QAAQ,EAAE,qBAAqB;QAC/B,GAAG,EAAE,kCAAkC;KACxC;IACD,EAAE,EAAE;QACF,IAAI,EAAE,6BAA6B;QACnC,MAAM,EAAE,KAAK;QACb,QAAQ,EAAE,6BAA6B;QACvC,GAAG,EAAE,gDAAgD;KACtD;IACD,GAAG,EAAE;QACH,IAAI,EAAE,SAAS;QACf,MAAM,EAAE,OAAO;QACf,QAAQ,EAAE,yBAAyB;QACnC,GAAG,EAAE,oCAAoC;KAC1C;IACD,KAAK,EAAE;QACL,IAAI,EAAE,wBAAwB;QAC9B,MAAM,EAAE,OAAO;QACf,QAAQ,EAAE,gCAAgC;QAC1C,GAAG,EAAE,mCAAmC;KACzC;CACF,CAAC;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ACzBmC;AAGrC;IAAA;IAIA,CAAC;IAHQ,4BAAW,GAAlB,UAAmB,KAAsB,EAAE,IAAa;QACtD,OAAO,IAAI,qDAAS,CAAC,KAAK,EAAE,IAAI,CAAe,CAAC;IAClD,CAAC;IACH,uBAAC;AAAD,CAAC;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ACPoD;AACwB;AAG7E;IAAA;IA2BA,CAAC;IArBgB,+BAAY,GAA3B;QACE,IAAM,CAAC,GAAI,MAAc,CAAC;QAC1B,IAAM,IAAI,GAAG,CAAC,CAAC,IAAI,IAAI,CAAC,CAAC,IAAI,CAAC;QAE9B,IAAI,CAAC,IAAI,EAAE;YACT,MAAM,IAAI,KAAK,CAAC,kDAAkD,CAAC,CAAC;SACrE;QAED,OAAO,IAAI,CAAC;IACd,CAAC;IAEM,8BAAW,GAAlB,UAAmB,sBAA2C,EAAE,WAAoC;QAClG,IAAM,gBAAgB,GAAG,sBAAsB,IAAK,MAAc,CAAC,sBAAsB,CAAC;QAC1F,IAAI,CAAC,gBAAgB,EAAE;YACrB,MAAM,IAAI,KAAK,CAAC,uFAAuF,CAAC,CAAC;SAC1G;QAED,IAAM,QAAQ,GAAG,IAAI,6DAAW,CAAC,WAAW,IAAI,kBAAkB,CAAC,YAAY,EAAE,EAAE,gBAAgB,CAAC,CAAC;QACrG,kBAAkB,CAAC,cAAc,CAAC,GAAG,CAAC,WAAC,IAAI,QAAuB,EAAvB,CAAuB,CAAC,CAAC,OAAO,CAAC,WAAC,IAAI,eAAQ,CAAC,SAAS,CAAC,CAAC,CAAC,EAArB,CAAqB,CAAC,CAAC;QACxG,OAAO,QAAQ,CAAC;IAClB,CAAC;IAzBD,4EAA4E;IAC9D,iCAAc,GAAG;QAC7B,IAAI,qFAAsB,EAAE;KAC7B,CAAC;IAuBJ,yBAAC;CAAA;AA3B8B;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ACgB/B;;GAEG;AACH;IAGE,yBAAY,EAAsD;YAApD,YAAY;QACxB,IAAI,CAAC,YAAY,GAAG,YAAY,CAAC;IACnC,CAAC;IAED,uCAAa,GAAb;QACE,OAAO,iBAAiB,CAAC;IAC3B,CAAC;IAED,wCAAc,GAAd;QACE,OAAO,IAAI,CAAC,YAAY,EAAE,CAAC,GAAG,CAAC,eAAK;YAClC,OAAO;gBACL,EAAE,EAAE,KAAK,CAAC,OAAO;gBACjB,IAAI,EAAE,KAAK,CAAC,IAAI;gBAChB,MAAM,EAAE,KAAK,CAAC,cAAc,CAAC,MAAM;gBACnC,QAAQ,EAAE,KAAK,CAAC,OAAO;gBACvB,GAAG,EAAE,CAAC,KAAK,CAAC,GAAG,IAAI,KAAK,CAAC,GAAG,CAAC,MAAM,GAAG,CAAC,CAAC,CAAC,CAAC,CAAC,KAAK,CAAC,GAAG,CAAC,CAAC,CAAC,CAAC,CAAC,CAAC,IAAI;aAC5C,CAAC;QACvB,CAAC,CAAC,CAAC;IACL,CAAC;IACH,sBAAC;AAAD,CAAC;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;AC7CsD;AAIvD;IAAA;IAiBA,CAAC;IAhBC,8CAAa,GAAb;QACE,OAAO,iBAAiB,CAAC;IAC3B,CAAC;IAED,+CAAc,GAAd;QACE,IAAM,GAAG,GAAa,MAAM,CAAC,IAAI,CAAC,+DAAW,CAAC,CAAC,GAAG,CAAC,WAAC,IAAI,QAAC,CAAC,EAAF,CAAE,CAAC,CAAC;QAC5D,OAAO,GAAG,CAAC,GAAG,CAAC,YAAE;YACf,OAAO;gBACL,EAAE;gBACF,IAAI,EAAE,+DAAW,CAAC,EAAE,CAAC,CAAC,IAAI;gBAC1B,MAAM,EAAE,+DAAW,CAAC,EAAE,CAAC,CAAC,MAAM;gBAC9B,QAAQ,EAAE,+DAAW,CAAC,EAAE,CAAC,CAAC,QAAQ;gBAClC,GAAG,EAAE,+DAAW,CAAC,EAAE,CAAC,CAAC,GAAG;aACzB,CAAC;QACJ,CAAC,CAAC,CAAC;IACL,CAAC;IACH,6BAAC;AAAD,CAAC;;;;;;;;UCrBD;UACA;;UAEA;UACA;UACA;UACA;UACA;UACA;UACA;UACA;UACA;UACA;UACA;UACA;UACA;;UAEA;UACA;;UAEA;UACA;UACA;;;;;WCtBA;WACA;WACA;WACA;WACA;WACA,iCAAiC,WAAW;WAC5C;WACA;;;;;WCPA;WACA;WACA;WACA;WACA,yCAAyC,wCAAwC;WACjF;WACA;WACA;;;;;WCPA;;;;;WCAA;WACA;WACA;WACA,uDAAuD,iBAAiB;WACxE;WACA,gDAAgD,aAAa;WAC7D;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ACNsC;AACY;AACF;AACG;AACX;AACO;AACC;AACJ;AACO","sources":["webpack://mmascara/webpack/universalModuleDefinition","webpack://mmascara/./node_modules/bignumber.js/bignumber.js","webpack://mmascara/./src/classes/contracts/base-contract.ts","webpack://mmascara/./src/classes/metamascara.ts","webpack://mmascara/./src/classes/utils/bignumber.utils.ts","webpack://mmascara/./src/constants/blockchain-connections.ts","webpack://mmascara/./src/constants/blockchains.ts","webpack://mmascara/./src/factories/big-number-factory.ts","webpack://mmascara/./src/factories/metamascara-factory.ts","webpack://mmascara/./src/plugins/evm-chains.plugin.ts","webpack://mmascara/./src/plugins/local-blockchains.plugin.ts","webpack://mmascara/webpack/bootstrap","webpack://mmascara/webpack/runtime/compat get default export","webpack://mmascara/webpack/runtime/define property getters","webpack://mmascara/webpack/runtime/hasOwnProperty shorthand","webpack://mmascara/webpack/runtime/make namespace object","webpack://mmascara/./src/index.ts"],"sourcesContent":["(function webpackUniversalModuleDefinition(root, factory) {\n\tif(typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object')\n\t\tmodule.exports = factory();\n\telse if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd)\n\t\tdefine([], factory);\n\telse if(typeof exports === 'object')\n\t\texports[\"mmascara\"] = factory();\n\telse\n\t\troot[\"mmascara\"] = factory();\n})(self, () => {\nreturn ",";(function (globalObject) {\r\n 'use strict';\r\n\r\n/*\r\n * bignumber.js v9.0.2\r\n * A JavaScript library for arbitrary-precision arithmetic.\r\n * https://github.com/MikeMcl/bignumber.js\r\n * Copyright (c) 2021 Michael Mclaughlin \r\n * MIT Licensed.\r\n *\r\n * BigNumber.prototype methods | BigNumber methods\r\n * |\r\n * absoluteValue abs | clone\r\n * comparedTo | config set\r\n * decimalPlaces dp | DECIMAL_PLACES\r\n * dividedBy div | ROUNDING_MODE\r\n * dividedToIntegerBy idiv | EXPONENTIAL_AT\r\n * exponentiatedBy pow | RANGE\r\n * integerValue | CRYPTO\r\n * isEqualTo eq | MODULO_MODE\r\n * isFinite | POW_PRECISION\r\n * isGreaterThan gt | FORMAT\r\n * isGreaterThanOrEqualTo gte | ALPHABET\r\n * isInteger | isBigNumber\r\n * isLessThan lt | maximum max\r\n * isLessThanOrEqualTo lte | minimum min\r\n * isNaN | random\r\n * isNegative | sum\r\n * isPositive |\r\n * isZero |\r\n * minus |\r\n * modulo mod |\r\n * multipliedBy times |\r\n * negated |\r\n * plus |\r\n * precision sd |\r\n * shiftedBy |\r\n * squareRoot sqrt |\r\n * toExponential |\r\n * toFixed |\r\n * toFormat |\r\n * toFraction |\r\n * toJSON |\r\n * toNumber |\r\n * toPrecision |\r\n * toString |\r\n * valueOf |\r\n *\r\n */\r\n\r\n\r\n var BigNumber,\r\n isNumeric = /^-?(?:\\d+(?:\\.\\d*)?|\\.\\d+)(?:e[+-]?\\d+)?$/i,\r\n mathceil = Math.ceil,\r\n mathfloor = Math.floor,\r\n\r\n bignumberError = '[BigNumber Error] ',\r\n tooManyDigits = bignumberError + 'Number primitive has more than 15 significant digits: ',\r\n\r\n BASE = 1e14,\r\n LOG_BASE = 14,\r\n MAX_SAFE_INTEGER = 0x1fffffffffffff, // 2^53 - 1\r\n // MAX_INT32 = 0x7fffffff, // 2^31 - 1\r\n POWS_TEN = [1, 10, 100, 1e3, 1e4, 1e5, 1e6, 1e7, 1e8, 1e9, 1e10, 1e11, 1e12, 1e13],\r\n SQRT_BASE = 1e7,\r\n\r\n // EDITABLE\r\n // The limit on the value of DECIMAL_PLACES, TO_EXP_NEG, TO_EXP_POS, MIN_EXP, MAX_EXP, and\r\n // the arguments to toExponential, toFixed, toFormat, and toPrecision.\r\n MAX = 1E9; // 0 to MAX_INT32\r\n\r\n\r\n /*\r\n * Create and return a BigNumber constructor.\r\n */\r\n function clone(configObject) {\r\n var div, convertBase, parseNumeric,\r\n P = BigNumber.prototype = { constructor: BigNumber, toString: null, valueOf: null },\r\n ONE = new BigNumber(1),\r\n\r\n\r\n //----------------------------- EDITABLE CONFIG DEFAULTS -------------------------------\r\n\r\n\r\n // The default values below must be integers within the inclusive ranges stated.\r\n // The values can also be changed at run-time using BigNumber.set.\r\n\r\n // The maximum number of decimal places for operations involving division.\r\n DECIMAL_PLACES = 20, // 0 to MAX\r\n\r\n // The rounding mode used when rounding to the above decimal places, and when using\r\n // toExponential, toFixed, toFormat and toPrecision, and round (default value).\r\n // UP 0 Away from zero.\r\n // DOWN 1 Towards zero.\r\n // CEIL 2 Towards +Infinity.\r\n // FLOOR 3 Towards -Infinity.\r\n // HALF_UP 4 Towards nearest neighbour. If equidistant, up.\r\n // HALF_DOWN 5 Towards nearest neighbour. If equidistant, down.\r\n // HALF_EVEN 6 Towards nearest neighbour. If equidistant, towards even neighbour.\r\n // HALF_CEIL 7 Towards nearest neighbour. If equidistant, towards +Infinity.\r\n // HALF_FLOOR 8 Towards nearest neighbour. If equidistant, towards -Infinity.\r\n ROUNDING_MODE = 4, // 0 to 8\r\n\r\n // EXPONENTIAL_AT : [TO_EXP_NEG , TO_EXP_POS]\r\n\r\n // The exponent value at and beneath which toString returns exponential notation.\r\n // Number type: -7\r\n TO_EXP_NEG = -7, // 0 to -MAX\r\n\r\n // The exponent value at and above which toString returns exponential notation.\r\n // Number type: 21\r\n TO_EXP_POS = 21, // 0 to MAX\r\n\r\n // RANGE : [MIN_EXP, MAX_EXP]\r\n\r\n // The minimum exponent value, beneath which underflow to zero occurs.\r\n // Number type: -324 (5e-324)\r\n MIN_EXP = -1e7, // -1 to -MAX\r\n\r\n // The maximum exponent value, above which overflow to Infinity occurs.\r\n // Number type: 308 (1.7976931348623157e+308)\r\n // For MAX_EXP > 1e7, e.g. new BigNumber('1e100000000').plus(1) may be slow.\r\n MAX_EXP = 1e7, // 1 to MAX\r\n\r\n // Whether to use cryptographically-secure random number generation, if available.\r\n CRYPTO = false, // true or false\r\n\r\n // The modulo mode used when calculating the modulus: a mod n.\r\n // The quotient (q = a / n) is calculated according to the corresponding rounding mode.\r\n // The remainder (r) is calculated as: r = a - n * q.\r\n //\r\n // UP 0 The remainder is positive if the dividend is negative, else is negative.\r\n // DOWN 1 The remainder has the same sign as the dividend.\r\n // This modulo mode is commonly known as 'truncated division' and is\r\n // equivalent to (a % n) in JavaScript.\r\n // FLOOR 3 The remainder has the same sign as the divisor (Python %).\r\n // HALF_EVEN 6 This modulo mode implements the IEEE 754 remainder function.\r\n // EUCLID 9 Euclidian division. q = sign(n) * floor(a / abs(n)).\r\n // The remainder is always positive.\r\n //\r\n // The truncated division, floored division, Euclidian division and IEEE 754 remainder\r\n // modes are commonly used for the modulus operation.\r\n // Although the other rounding modes can also be used, they may not give useful results.\r\n MODULO_MODE = 1, // 0 to 9\r\n\r\n // The maximum number of significant digits of the result of the exponentiatedBy operation.\r\n // If POW_PRECISION is 0, there will be unlimited significant digits.\r\n POW_PRECISION = 0, // 0 to MAX\r\n\r\n // The format specification used by the BigNumber.prototype.toFormat method.\r\n FORMAT = {\r\n prefix: '',\r\n groupSize: 3,\r\n secondaryGroupSize: 0,\r\n groupSeparator: ',',\r\n decimalSeparator: '.',\r\n fractionGroupSize: 0,\r\n fractionGroupSeparator: '\\xA0', // non-breaking space\r\n suffix: ''\r\n },\r\n\r\n // The alphabet used for base conversion. It must be at least 2 characters long, with no '+',\r\n // '-', '.', whitespace, or repeated character.\r\n // '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ$_'\r\n ALPHABET = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz',\r\n alphabetHasNormalDecimalDigits = true;\r\n\r\n\r\n //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n\r\n\r\n // CONSTRUCTOR\r\n\r\n\r\n /*\r\n * The BigNumber constructor and exported function.\r\n * Create and return a new instance of a BigNumber object.\r\n *\r\n * v {number|string|BigNumber} A numeric value.\r\n * [b] {number} The base of v. Integer, 2 to ALPHABET.length inclusive.\r\n */\r\n function BigNumber(v, b) {\r\n var alphabet, c, caseChanged, e, i, isNum, len, str,\r\n x = this;\r\n\r\n // Enable constructor call without `new`.\r\n if (!(x instanceof BigNumber)) return new BigNumber(v, b);\r\n\r\n if (b == null) {\r\n\r\n if (v && v._isBigNumber === true) {\r\n x.s = v.s;\r\n\r\n if (!v.c || v.e > MAX_EXP) {\r\n x.c = x.e = null;\r\n } else if (v.e < MIN_EXP) {\r\n x.c = [x.e = 0];\r\n } else {\r\n x.e = v.e;\r\n x.c = v.c.slice();\r\n }\r\n\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n\r\n if ((isNum = typeof v == 'number') && v * 0 == 0) {\r\n\r\n // Use `1 / n` to handle minus zero also.\r\n x.s = 1 / v < 0 ? (v = -v, -1) : 1;\r\n\r\n // Fast path for integers, where n < 2147483648 (2**31).\r\n if (v === ~~v) {\r\n for (e = 0, i = v; i >= 10; i /= 10, e++);\r\n\r\n if (e > MAX_EXP) {\r\n x.c = x.e = null;\r\n } else {\r\n x.e = e;\r\n x.c = [v];\r\n }\r\n\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n\r\n str = String(v);\r\n } else {\r\n\r\n if (!isNumeric.test(str = String(v))) return parseNumeric(x, str, isNum);\r\n\r\n x.s = str.charCodeAt(0) == 45 ? (str = str.slice(1), -1) : 1;\r\n }\r\n\r\n // Decimal point?\r\n if ((e = str.indexOf('.')) > -1) str = str.replace('.', '');\r\n\r\n // Exponential form?\r\n if ((i = str.search(/e/i)) > 0) {\r\n\r\n // Determine exponent.\r\n if (e < 0) e = i;\r\n e += +str.slice(i + 1);\r\n str = str.substring(0, i);\r\n } else if (e < 0) {\r\n\r\n // Integer.\r\n e = str.length;\r\n }\r\n\r\n } else {\r\n\r\n // '[BigNumber Error] Base {not a primitive number|not an integer|out of range}: {b}'\r\n intCheck(b, 2, ALPHABET.length, 'Base');\r\n\r\n // Allow exponential notation to be used with base 10 argument, while\r\n // also rounding to DECIMAL_PLACES as with other bases.\r\n if (b == 10 && alphabetHasNormalDecimalDigits) {\r\n x = new BigNumber(v);\r\n return round(x, DECIMAL_PLACES + x.e + 1, ROUNDING_MODE);\r\n }\r\n\r\n str = String(v);\r\n\r\n if (isNum = typeof v == 'number') {\r\n\r\n // Avoid potential interpretation of Infinity and NaN as base 44+ values.\r\n if (v * 0 != 0) return parseNumeric(x, str, isNum, b);\r\n\r\n x.s = 1 / v < 0 ? (str = str.slice(1), -1) : 1;\r\n\r\n // '[BigNumber Error] Number primitive has more than 15 significant digits: {n}'\r\n if (BigNumber.DEBUG && str.replace(/^0\\.0*|\\./, '').length > 15) {\r\n throw Error\r\n (tooManyDigits + v);\r\n }\r\n } else {\r\n x.s = str.charCodeAt(0) === 45 ? (str = str.slice(1), -1) : 1;\r\n }\r\n\r\n alphabet = ALPHABET.slice(0, b);\r\n e = i = 0;\r\n\r\n // Check that str is a valid base b number.\r\n // Don't use RegExp, so alphabet can contain special characters.\r\n for (len = str.length; i < len; i++) {\r\n if (alphabet.indexOf(c = str.charAt(i)) < 0) {\r\n if (c == '.') {\r\n\r\n // If '.' is not the first character and it has not be found before.\r\n if (i > e) {\r\n e = len;\r\n continue;\r\n }\r\n } else if (!caseChanged) {\r\n\r\n // Allow e.g. hexadecimal 'FF' as well as 'ff'.\r\n if (str == str.toUpperCase() && (str = str.toLowerCase()) ||\r\n str == str.toLowerCase() && (str = str.toUpperCase())) {\r\n caseChanged = true;\r\n i = -1;\r\n e = 0;\r\n continue;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n return parseNumeric(x, String(v), isNum, b);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n // Prevent later check for length on converted number.\r\n isNum = false;\r\n str = convertBase(str, b, 10, x.s);\r\n\r\n // Decimal point?\r\n if ((e = str.indexOf('.')) > -1) str = str.replace('.', '');\r\n else e = str.length;\r\n }\r\n\r\n // Determine leading zeros.\r\n for (i = 0; str.charCodeAt(i) === 48; i++);\r\n\r\n // Determine trailing zeros.\r\n for (len = str.length; str.charCodeAt(--len) === 48;);\r\n\r\n if (str = str.slice(i, ++len)) {\r\n len -= i;\r\n\r\n // '[BigNumber Error] Number primitive has more than 15 significant digits: {n}'\r\n if (isNum && BigNumber.DEBUG &&\r\n len > 15 && (v > MAX_SAFE_INTEGER || v !== mathfloor(v))) {\r\n throw Error\r\n (tooManyDigits + (x.s * v));\r\n }\r\n\r\n // Overflow?\r\n if ((e = e - i - 1) > MAX_EXP) {\r\n\r\n // Infinity.\r\n x.c = x.e = null;\r\n\r\n // Underflow?\r\n } else if (e < MIN_EXP) {\r\n\r\n // Zero.\r\n x.c = [x.e = 0];\r\n } else {\r\n x.e = e;\r\n x.c = [];\r\n\r\n // Transform base\r\n\r\n // e is the base 10 exponent.\r\n // i is where to slice str to get the first element of the coefficient array.\r\n i = (e + 1) % LOG_BASE;\r\n if (e < 0) i += LOG_BASE; // i < 1\r\n\r\n if (i < len) {\r\n if (i) x.c.push(+str.slice(0, i));\r\n\r\n for (len -= LOG_BASE; i < len;) {\r\n x.c.push(+str.slice(i, i += LOG_BASE));\r\n }\r\n\r\n i = LOG_BASE - (str = str.slice(i)).length;\r\n } else {\r\n i -= len;\r\n }\r\n\r\n for (; i--; str += '0');\r\n x.c.push(+str);\r\n }\r\n } else {\r\n\r\n // Zero.\r\n x.c = [x.e = 0];\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n\r\n // CONSTRUCTOR PROPERTIES\r\n\r\n\r\n BigNumber.clone = clone;\r\n\r\n BigNumber.ROUND_UP = 0;\r\n BigNumber.ROUND_DOWN = 1;\r\n BigNumber.ROUND_CEIL = 2;\r\n BigNumber.ROUND_FLOOR = 3;\r\n BigNumber.ROUND_HALF_UP = 4;\r\n BigNumber.ROUND_HALF_DOWN = 5;\r\n BigNumber.ROUND_HALF_EVEN = 6;\r\n BigNumber.ROUND_HALF_CEIL = 7;\r\n BigNumber.ROUND_HALF_FLOOR = 8;\r\n BigNumber.EUCLID = 9;\r\n\r\n\r\n /*\r\n * Configure infrequently-changing library-wide settings.\r\n *\r\n * Accept an object with the following optional properties (if the value of a property is\r\n * a number, it must be an integer within the inclusive range stated):\r\n *\r\n * DECIMAL_PLACES {number} 0 to MAX\r\n * ROUNDING_MODE {number} 0 to 8\r\n * EXPONENTIAL_AT {number|number[]} -MAX to MAX or [-MAX to 0, 0 to MAX]\r\n * RANGE {number|number[]} -MAX to MAX (not zero) or [-MAX to -1, 1 to MAX]\r\n * CRYPTO {boolean} true or false\r\n * MODULO_MODE {number} 0 to 9\r\n * POW_PRECISION {number} 0 to MAX\r\n * ALPHABET {string} A string of two or more unique characters which does\r\n * not contain '.'.\r\n * FORMAT {object} An object with some of the following properties:\r\n * prefix {string}\r\n * groupSize {number}\r\n * secondaryGroupSize {number}\r\n * groupSeparator {string}\r\n * decimalSeparator {string}\r\n * fractionGroupSize {number}\r\n * fractionGroupSeparator {string}\r\n * suffix {string}\r\n *\r\n * (The values assigned to the above FORMAT object properties are not checked for validity.)\r\n *\r\n * E.g.\r\n * BigNumber.config({ DECIMAL_PLACES : 20, ROUNDING_MODE : 4 })\r\n *\r\n * Ignore properties/parameters set to null or undefined, except for ALPHABET.\r\n *\r\n * Return an object with the properties current values.\r\n */\r\n BigNumber.config = BigNumber.set = function (obj) {\r\n var p, v;\r\n\r\n if (obj != null) {\r\n\r\n if (typeof obj == 'object') {\r\n\r\n // DECIMAL_PLACES {number} Integer, 0 to MAX inclusive.\r\n // '[BigNumber Error] DECIMAL_PLACES {not a primitive number|not an integer|out of range}: {v}'\r\n if (obj.hasOwnProperty(p = 'DECIMAL_PLACES')) {\r\n v = obj[p];\r\n intCheck(v, 0, MAX, p);\r\n DECIMAL_PLACES = v;\r\n }\r\n\r\n // ROUNDING_MODE {number} Integer, 0 to 8 inclusive.\r\n // '[BigNumber Error] ROUNDING_MODE {not a primitive number|not an integer|out of range}: {v}'\r\n if (obj.hasOwnProperty(p = 'ROUNDING_MODE')) {\r\n v = obj[p];\r\n intCheck(v, 0, 8, p);\r\n ROUNDING_MODE = v;\r\n }\r\n\r\n // EXPONENTIAL_AT {number|number[]}\r\n // Integer, -MAX to MAX inclusive or\r\n // [integer -MAX to 0 inclusive, 0 to MAX inclusive].\r\n // '[BigNumber Error] EXPONENTIAL_AT {not a primitive number|not an integer|out of range}: {v}'\r\n if (obj.hasOwnProperty(p = 'EXPONENTIAL_AT')) {\r\n v = obj[p];\r\n if (v && v.pop) {\r\n intCheck(v[0], -MAX, 0, p);\r\n intCheck(v[1], 0, MAX, p);\r\n TO_EXP_NEG = v[0];\r\n TO_EXP_POS = v[1];\r\n } else {\r\n intCheck(v, -MAX, MAX, p);\r\n TO_EXP_NEG = -(TO_EXP_POS = v < 0 ? -v : v);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n // RANGE {number|number[]} Non-zero integer, -MAX to MAX inclusive or\r\n // [integer -MAX to -1 inclusive, integer 1 to MAX inclusive].\r\n // '[BigNumber Error] RANGE {not a primitive number|not an integer|out of range|cannot be zero}: {v}'\r\n if (obj.hasOwnProperty(p = 'RANGE')) {\r\n v = obj[p];\r\n if (v && v.pop) {\r\n intCheck(v[0], -MAX, -1, p);\r\n intCheck(v[1], 1, MAX, p);\r\n MIN_EXP = v[0];\r\n MAX_EXP = v[1];\r\n } else {\r\n intCheck(v, -MAX, MAX, p);\r\n if (v) {\r\n MIN_EXP = -(MAX_EXP = v < 0 ? -v : v);\r\n } else {\r\n throw Error\r\n (bignumberError + p + ' cannot be zero: ' + v);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n // CRYPTO {boolean} true or false.\r\n // '[BigNumber Error] CRYPTO not true or false: {v}'\r\n // '[BigNumber Error] crypto unavailable'\r\n if (obj.hasOwnProperty(p = 'CRYPTO')) {\r\n v = obj[p];\r\n if (v === !!v) {\r\n if (v) {\r\n if (typeof crypto != 'undefined' && crypto &&\r\n (crypto.getRandomValues || crypto.randomBytes)) {\r\n CRYPTO = v;\r\n } else {\r\n CRYPTO = !v;\r\n throw Error\r\n (bignumberError + 'crypto unavailable');\r\n }\r\n } else {\r\n CRYPTO = v;\r\n }\r\n } else {\r\n throw Error\r\n (bignumberError + p + ' not true or false: ' + v);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n // MODULO_MODE {number} Integer, 0 to 9 inclusive.\r\n // '[BigNumber Error] MODULO_MODE {not a primitive number|not an integer|out of range}: {v}'\r\n if (obj.hasOwnProperty(p = 'MODULO_MODE')) {\r\n v = obj[p];\r\n intCheck(v, 0, 9, p);\r\n MODULO_MODE = v;\r\n }\r\n\r\n // POW_PRECISION {number} Integer, 0 to MAX inclusive.\r\n // '[BigNumber Error] POW_PRECISION {not a primitive number|not an integer|out of range}: {v}'\r\n if (obj.hasOwnProperty(p = 'POW_PRECISION')) {\r\n v = obj[p];\r\n intCheck(v, 0, MAX, p);\r\n POW_PRECISION = v;\r\n }\r\n\r\n // FORMAT {object}\r\n // '[BigNumber Error] FORMAT not an object: {v}'\r\n if (obj.hasOwnProperty(p = 'FORMAT')) {\r\n v = obj[p];\r\n if (typeof v == 'object') FORMAT = v;\r\n else throw Error\r\n (bignumberError + p + ' not an object: ' + v);\r\n }\r\n\r\n // ALPHABET {string}\r\n // '[BigNumber Error] ALPHABET invalid: {v}'\r\n if (obj.hasOwnProperty(p = 'ALPHABET')) {\r\n v = obj[p];\r\n\r\n // Disallow if less than two characters,\r\n // or if it contains '+', '-', '.', whitespace, or a repeated character.\r\n if (typeof v == 'string' && !/^.?$|[+\\-.\\s]|(.).*\\1/.test(v)) {\r\n alphabetHasNormalDecimalDigits = v.slice(0, 10) == '0123456789';\r\n ALPHABET = v;\r\n } else {\r\n throw Error\r\n (bignumberError + p + ' invalid: ' + v);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n } else {\r\n\r\n // '[BigNumber Error] Object expected: {v}'\r\n throw Error\r\n (bignumberError + 'Object expected: ' + obj);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n return {\r\n DECIMAL_PLACES: DECIMAL_PLACES,\r\n ROUNDING_MODE: ROUNDING_MODE,\r\n EXPONENTIAL_AT: [TO_EXP_NEG, TO_EXP_POS],\r\n RANGE: [MIN_EXP, MAX_EXP],\r\n CRYPTO: CRYPTO,\r\n MODULO_MODE: MODULO_MODE,\r\n POW_PRECISION: POW_PRECISION,\r\n FORMAT: FORMAT,\r\n ALPHABET: ALPHABET\r\n };\r\n };\r\n\r\n\r\n /*\r\n * Return true if v is a BigNumber instance, otherwise return false.\r\n *\r\n * If BigNumber.DEBUG is true, throw if a BigNumber instance is not well-formed.\r\n *\r\n * v {any}\r\n *\r\n * '[BigNumber Error] Invalid BigNumber: {v}'\r\n */\r\n BigNumber.isBigNumber = function (v) {\r\n if (!v || v._isBigNumber !== true) return false;\r\n if (!BigNumber.DEBUG) return true;\r\n\r\n var i, n,\r\n c = v.c,\r\n e = v.e,\r\n s = v.s;\r\n\r\n out: if ({}.toString.call(c) == '[object Array]') {\r\n\r\n if ((s === 1 || s === -1) && e >= -MAX && e <= MAX && e === mathfloor(e)) {\r\n\r\n // If the first element is zero, the BigNumber value must be zero.\r\n if (c[0] === 0) {\r\n if (e === 0 && c.length === 1) return true;\r\n break out;\r\n }\r\n\r\n // Calculate number of digits that c[0] should have, based on the exponent.\r\n i = (e + 1) % LOG_BASE;\r\n if (i < 1) i += LOG_BASE;\r\n\r\n // Calculate number of digits of c[0].\r\n //if (Math.ceil(Math.log(c[0] + 1) / Math.LN10) == i) {\r\n if (String(c[0]).length == i) {\r\n\r\n for (i = 0; i < c.length; i++) {\r\n n = c[i];\r\n if (n < 0 || n >= BASE || n !== mathfloor(n)) break out;\r\n }\r\n\r\n // Last element cannot be zero, unless it is the only element.\r\n if (n !== 0) return true;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n // Infinity/NaN\r\n } else if (c === null && e === null && (s === null || s === 1 || s === -1)) {\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n\r\n throw Error\r\n (bignumberError + 'Invalid BigNumber: ' + v);\r\n };\r\n\r\n\r\n /*\r\n * Return a new BigNumber whose value is the maximum of the arguments.\r\n *\r\n * arguments {number|string|BigNumber}\r\n */\r\n BigNumber.maximum = BigNumber.max = function () {\r\n return maxOrMin(arguments, P.lt);\r\n };\r\n\r\n\r\n /*\r\n * Return a new BigNumber whose value is the minimum of the arguments.\r\n *\r\n * arguments {number|string|BigNumber}\r\n */\r\n BigNumber.minimum = BigNumber.min = function () {\r\n return maxOrMin(arguments, P.gt);\r\n };\r\n\r\n\r\n /*\r\n * Return a new BigNumber with a random value equal to or greater than 0 and less than 1,\r\n * and with dp, or DECIMAL_PLACES if dp is omitted, decimal places (or less if trailing\r\n * zeros are produced).\r\n *\r\n * [dp] {number} Decimal places. Integer, 0 to MAX inclusive.\r\n *\r\n * '[BigNumber Error] Argument {not a primitive number|not an integer|out of range}: {dp}'\r\n * '[BigNumber Error] crypto unavailable'\r\n */\r\n BigNumber.random = (function () {\r\n var pow2_53 = 0x20000000000000;\r\n\r\n // Return a 53 bit integer n, where 0 <= n < 9007199254740992.\r\n // Check if Math.random() produces more than 32 bits of randomness.\r\n // If it does, assume at least 53 bits are produced, otherwise assume at least 30 bits.\r\n // 0x40000000 is 2^30, 0x800000 is 2^23, 0x1fffff is 2^21 - 1.\r\n var random53bitInt = (Math.random() * pow2_53) & 0x1fffff\r\n ? function () { return mathfloor(Math.random() * pow2_53); }\r\n : function () { return ((Math.random() * 0x40000000 | 0) * 0x800000) +\r\n (Math.random() * 0x800000 | 0); };\r\n\r\n return function (dp) {\r\n var a, b, e, k, v,\r\n i = 0,\r\n c = [],\r\n rand = new BigNumber(ONE);\r\n\r\n if (dp == null) dp = DECIMAL_PLACES;\r\n else intCheck(dp, 0, MAX);\r\n\r\n k = mathceil(dp / LOG_BASE);\r\n\r\n if (CRYPTO) {\r\n\r\n // Browsers supporting crypto.getRandomValues.\r\n if (crypto.getRandomValues) {\r\n\r\n a = crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint32Array(k *= 2));\r\n\r\n for (; i < k;) {\r\n\r\n // 53 bits:\r\n // ((Math.pow(2, 32) - 1) * Math.pow(2, 21)).toString(2)\r\n // 11111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11100000 00000000 00000000\r\n // ((Math.pow(2, 32) - 1) >>> 11).toString(2)\r\n // 11111 11111111 11111111\r\n // 0x20000 is 2^21.\r\n v = a[i] * 0x20000 + (a[i + 1] >>> 11);\r\n\r\n // Rejection sampling:\r\n // 0 <= v < 9007199254740992\r\n // Probability that v >= 9e15, is\r\n // 7199254740992 / 9007199254740992 ~= 0.0008, i.e. 1 in 1251\r\n if (v >= 9e15) {\r\n b = crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint32Array(2));\r\n a[i] = b[0];\r\n a[i + 1] = b[1];\r\n } else {\r\n\r\n // 0 <= v <= 8999999999999999\r\n // 0 <= (v % 1e14) <= 99999999999999\r\n c.push(v % 1e14);\r\n i += 2;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n i = k / 2;\r\n\r\n // Node.js supporting crypto.randomBytes.\r\n } else if (crypto.randomBytes) {\r\n\r\n // buffer\r\n a = crypto.randomBytes(k *= 7);\r\n\r\n for (; i < k;) {\r\n\r\n // 0x1000000000000 is 2^48, 0x10000000000 is 2^40\r\n // 0x100000000 is 2^32, 0x1000000 is 2^24\r\n // 11111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111\r\n // 0 <= v < 9007199254740992\r\n v = ((a[i] & 31) * 0x1000000000000) + (a[i + 1] * 0x10000000000) +\r\n (a[i + 2] * 0x100000000) + (a[i + 3] * 0x1000000) +\r\n (a[i + 4] << 16) + (a[i + 5] << 8) + a[i + 6];\r\n\r\n if (v >= 9e15) {\r\n crypto.randomBytes(7).copy(a, i);\r\n } else {\r\n\r\n // 0 <= (v % 1e14) <= 99999999999999\r\n c.push(v % 1e14);\r\n i += 7;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n i = k / 7;\r\n } else {\r\n CRYPTO = false;\r\n throw Error\r\n (bignumberError + 'crypto unavailable');\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n // Use Math.random.\r\n if (!CRYPTO) {\r\n\r\n for (; i < k;) {\r\n v = random53bitInt();\r\n if (v < 9e15) c[i++] = v % 1e14;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n k = c[--i];\r\n dp %= LOG_BASE;\r\n\r\n // Convert trailing digits to zeros according to dp.\r\n if (k && dp) {\r\n v = POWS_TEN[LOG_BASE - dp];\r\n c[i] = mathfloor(k / v) * v;\r\n }\r\n\r\n // Remove trailing elements which are zero.\r\n for (; c[i] === 0; c.pop(), i--);\r\n\r\n // Zero?\r\n if (i < 0) {\r\n c = [e = 0];\r\n } else {\r\n\r\n // Remove leading elements which are zero and adjust exponent accordingly.\r\n for (e = -1 ; c[0] === 0; c.splice(0, 1), e -= LOG_BASE);\r\n\r\n // Count the digits of the first element of c to determine leading zeros, and...\r\n for (i = 1, v = c[0]; v >= 10; v /= 10, i++);\r\n\r\n // adjust the exponent accordingly.\r\n if (i < LOG_BASE) e -= LOG_BASE - i;\r\n }\r\n\r\n rand.e = e;\r\n rand.c = c;\r\n return rand;\r\n };\r\n })();\r\n\r\n\r\n /*\r\n * Return a BigNumber whose value is the sum of the arguments.\r\n *\r\n * arguments {number|string|BigNumber}\r\n */\r\n BigNumber.sum = function () {\r\n var i = 1,\r\n args = arguments,\r\n sum = new BigNumber(args[0]);\r\n for (; i < args.length;) sum = sum.plus(args[i++]);\r\n return sum;\r\n };\r\n\r\n\r\n // PRIVATE FUNCTIONS\r\n\r\n\r\n // Called by BigNumber and BigNumber.prototype.toString.\r\n convertBase = (function () {\r\n var decimal = '0123456789';\r\n\r\n /*\r\n * Convert string of baseIn to an array of numbers of baseOut.\r\n * Eg. toBaseOut('255', 10, 16) returns [15, 15].\r\n * Eg. toBaseOut('ff', 16, 10) returns [2, 5, 5].\r\n */\r\n function toBaseOut(str, baseIn, baseOut, alphabet) {\r\n var j,\r\n arr = [0],\r\n arrL,\r\n i = 0,\r\n len = str.length;\r\n\r\n for (; i < len;) {\r\n for (arrL = arr.length; arrL--; arr[arrL] *= baseIn);\r\n\r\n arr[0] += alphabet.indexOf(str.charAt(i++));\r\n\r\n for (j = 0; j < arr.length; j++) {\r\n\r\n if (arr[j] > baseOut - 1) {\r\n if (arr[j + 1] == null) arr[j + 1] = 0;\r\n arr[j + 1] += arr[j] / baseOut | 0;\r\n arr[j] %= baseOut;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n return arr.reverse();\r\n }\r\n\r\n // Convert a numeric string of baseIn to a numeric string of baseOut.\r\n // If the caller is toString, we are converting from base 10 to baseOut.\r\n // If the caller is BigNumber, we are converting from baseIn to base 10.\r\n return function (str, baseIn, baseOut, sign, callerIsToString) {\r\n var alphabet, d, e, k, r, x, xc, y,\r\n i = str.indexOf('.'),\r\n dp = DECIMAL_PLACES,\r\n rm = ROUNDING_MODE;\r\n\r\n // Non-integer.\r\n if (i >= 0) {\r\n k = POW_PRECISION;\r\n\r\n // Unlimited precision.\r\n POW_PRECISION = 0;\r\n str = str.replace('.', '');\r\n y = new BigNumber(baseIn);\r\n x = y.pow(str.length - i);\r\n POW_PRECISION = k;\r\n\r\n // Convert str as if an integer, then restore the fraction part by dividing the\r\n // result by its base raised to a power.\r\n\r\n y.c = toBaseOut(toFixedPoint(coeffToString(x.c), x.e, '0'),\r\n 10, baseOut, decimal);\r\n y.e = y.c.length;\r\n }\r\n\r\n // Convert the number as integer.\r\n\r\n xc = toBaseOut(str, baseIn, baseOut, callerIsToString\r\n ? (alphabet = ALPHABET, decimal)\r\n : (alphabet = decimal, ALPHABET));\r\n\r\n // xc now represents str as an integer and converted to baseOut. e is the exponent.\r\n e = k = xc.length;\r\n\r\n // Remove trailing zeros.\r\n for (; xc[--k] == 0; xc.pop());\r\n\r\n // Zero?\r\n if (!xc[0]) return alphabet.charAt(0);\r\n\r\n // Does str represent an integer? If so, no need for the division.\r\n if (i < 0) {\r\n --e;\r\n } else {\r\n x.c = xc;\r\n x.e = e;\r\n\r\n // The sign is needed for correct rounding.\r\n x.s = sign;\r\n x = div(x, y, dp, rm, baseOut);\r\n xc = x.c;\r\n r = x.r;\r\n e = x.e;\r\n }\r\n\r\n // xc now represents str converted to baseOut.\r\n\r\n // THe index of the rounding digit.\r\n d = e + dp + 1;\r\n\r\n // The rounding digit: the digit to the right of the digit that may be rounded up.\r\n i = xc[d];\r\n\r\n // Look at the rounding digits and mode to determine whether to round up.\r\n\r\n k = baseOut / 2;\r\n r = r || d < 0 || xc[d + 1] != null;\r\n\r\n r = rm < 4 ? (i != null || r) && (rm == 0 || rm == (x.s < 0 ? 3 : 2))\r\n : i > k || i == k &&(rm == 4 || r || rm == 6 && xc[d - 1] & 1 ||\r\n rm == (x.s < 0 ? 8 : 7));\r\n\r\n // If the index of the rounding digit is not greater than zero, or xc represents\r\n // zero, then the result of the base conversion is zero or, if rounding up, a value\r\n // such as 0.00001.\r\n if (d < 1 || !xc[0]) {\r\n\r\n // 1^-dp or 0\r\n str = r ? toFixedPoint(alphabet.charAt(1), -dp, alphabet.charAt(0)) : alphabet.charAt(0);\r\n } else {\r\n\r\n // Truncate xc to the required number of decimal places.\r\n xc.length = d;\r\n\r\n // Round up?\r\n if (r) {\r\n\r\n // Rounding up may mean the previous digit has to be rounded up and so on.\r\n for (--baseOut; ++xc[--d] > baseOut;) {\r\n xc[d] = 0;\r\n\r\n if (!d) {\r\n ++e;\r\n xc = [1].concat(xc);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n // Determine trailing zeros.\r\n for (k = xc.length; !xc[--k];);\r\n\r\n // E.g. [4, 11, 15] becomes 4bf.\r\n for (i = 0, str = ''; i <= k; str += alphabet.charAt(xc[i++]));\r\n\r\n // Add leading zeros, decimal point and trailing zeros as required.\r\n str = toFixedPoint(str, e, alphabet.charAt(0));\r\n }\r\n\r\n // The caller will add the sign.\r\n return str;\r\n };\r\n })();\r\n\r\n\r\n // Perform division in the specified base. Called by div and convertBase.\r\n div = (function () {\r\n\r\n // Assume non-zero x and k.\r\n function multiply(x, k, base) {\r\n var m, temp, xlo, xhi,\r\n carry = 0,\r\n i = x.length,\r\n klo = k % SQRT_BASE,\r\n khi = k / SQRT_BASE | 0;\r\n\r\n for (x = x.slice(); i--;) {\r\n xlo = x[i] % SQRT_BASE;\r\n xhi = x[i] / SQRT_BASE | 0;\r\n m = khi * xlo + xhi * klo;\r\n temp = klo * xlo + ((m % SQRT_BASE) * SQRT_BASE) + carry;\r\n carry = (temp / base | 0) + (m / SQRT_BASE | 0) + khi * xhi;\r\n x[i] = temp % base;\r\n }\r\n\r\n if (carry) x = [carry].concat(x);\r\n\r\n return x;\r\n }\r\n\r\n function compare(a, b, aL, bL) {\r\n var i, cmp;\r\n\r\n if (aL != bL) {\r\n cmp = aL > bL ? 1 : -1;\r\n } else {\r\n\r\n for (i = cmp = 0; i < aL; i++) {\r\n\r\n if (a[i] != b[i]) {\r\n cmp = a[i] > b[i] ? 1 : -1;\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n return cmp;\r\n }\r\n\r\n function subtract(a, b, aL, base) {\r\n var i = 0;\r\n\r\n // Subtract b from a.\r\n for (; aL--;) {\r\n a[aL] -= i;\r\n i = a[aL] < b[aL] ? 1 : 0;\r\n a[aL] = i * base + a[aL] - b[aL];\r\n }\r\n\r\n // Remove leading zeros.\r\n for (; !a[0] && a.length > 1; a.splice(0, 1));\r\n }\r\n\r\n // x: dividend, y: divisor.\r\n return function (x, y, dp, rm, base) {\r\n var cmp, e, i, more, n, prod, prodL, q, qc, rem, remL, rem0, xi, xL, yc0,\r\n yL, yz,\r\n s = x.s == y.s ? 1 : -1,\r\n xc = x.c,\r\n yc = y.c;\r\n\r\n // Either NaN, Infinity or 0?\r\n if (!xc || !xc[0] || !yc || !yc[0]) {\r\n\r\n return new BigNumber(\r\n\r\n // Return NaN if either NaN, or both Infinity or 0.\r\n !x.s || !y.s || (xc ? yc && xc[0] == yc[0] : !yc) ? NaN :\r\n\r\n // Return ±0 if x is ±0 or y is ±Infinity, or return ±Infinity as y is ±0.\r\n xc && xc[0] == 0 || !yc ? s * 0 : s / 0\r\n );\r\n }\r\n\r\n q = new BigNumber(s);\r\n qc = q.c = [];\r\n e = x.e - y.e;\r\n s = dp + e + 1;\r\n\r\n if (!base) {\r\n base = BASE;\r\n e = bitFloor(x.e / LOG_BASE) - bitFloor(y.e / LOG_BASE);\r\n s = s / LOG_BASE | 0;\r\n }\r\n\r\n // Result exponent may be one less then the current value of e.\r\n // The coefficients of the BigNumbers from convertBase may have trailing zeros.\r\n for (i = 0; yc[i] == (xc[i] || 0); i++);\r\n\r\n if (yc[i] > (xc[i] || 0)) e--;\r\n\r\n if (s < 0) {\r\n qc.push(1);\r\n more = true;\r\n } else {\r\n xL = xc.length;\r\n yL = yc.length;\r\n i = 0;\r\n s += 2;\r\n\r\n // Normalise xc and yc so highest order digit of yc is >= base / 2.\r\n\r\n n = mathfloor(base / (yc[0] + 1));\r\n\r\n // Not necessary, but to handle odd bases where yc[0] == (base / 2) - 1.\r\n // if (n > 1 || n++ == 1 && yc[0] < base / 2) {\r\n if (n > 1) {\r\n yc = multiply(yc, n, base);\r\n xc = multiply(xc, n, base);\r\n yL = yc.length;\r\n xL = xc.length;\r\n }\r\n\r\n xi = yL;\r\n rem = xc.slice(0, yL);\r\n remL = rem.length;\r\n\r\n // Add zeros to make remainder as long as divisor.\r\n for (; remL < yL; rem[remL++] = 0);\r\n yz = yc.slice();\r\n yz = [0].concat(yz);\r\n yc0 = yc[0];\r\n if (yc[1] >= base / 2) yc0++;\r\n // Not necessary, but to prevent trial digit n > base, when using base 3.\r\n // else if (base == 3 && yc0 == 1) yc0 = 1 + 1e-15;\r\n\r\n do {\r\n n = 0;\r\n\r\n // Compare divisor and remainder.\r\n cmp = compare(yc, rem, yL, remL);\r\n\r\n // If divisor < remainder.\r\n if (cmp < 0) {\r\n\r\n // Calculate trial digit, n.\r\n\r\n rem0 = rem[0];\r\n if (yL != remL) rem0 = rem0 * base + (rem[1] || 0);\r\n\r\n // n is how many times the divisor goes into the current remainder.\r\n n = mathfloor(rem0 / yc0);\r\n\r\n // Algorithm:\r\n // product = divisor multiplied by trial digit (n).\r\n // Compare product and remainder.\r\n // If product is greater than remainder:\r\n // Subtract divisor from product, decrement trial digit.\r\n // Subtract product from remainder.\r\n // If product was less than remainder at the last compare:\r\n // Compare new remainder and divisor.\r\n // If remainder is greater than divisor:\r\n // Subtract divisor from remainder, increment trial digit.\r\n\r\n if (n > 1) {\r\n\r\n // n may be > base only when base is 3.\r\n if (n >= base) n = base - 1;\r\n\r\n // product = divisor * trial digit.\r\n prod = multiply(yc, n, base);\r\n prodL = prod.length;\r\n remL = rem.length;\r\n\r\n // Compare product and remainder.\r\n // If product > remainder then trial digit n too high.\r\n // n is 1 too high about 5% of the time, and is not known to have\r\n // ever been more than 1 too high.\r\n while (compare(prod, rem, prodL, remL) == 1) {\r\n n--;\r\n\r\n // Subtract divisor from product.\r\n subtract(prod, yL < prodL ? yz : yc, prodL, base);\r\n prodL = prod.length;\r\n cmp = 1;\r\n }\r\n } else {\r\n\r\n // n is 0 or 1, cmp is -1.\r\n // If n is 0, there is no need to compare yc and rem again below,\r\n // so change cmp to 1 to avoid it.\r\n // If n is 1, leave cmp as -1, so yc and rem are compared again.\r\n if (n == 0) {\r\n\r\n // divisor < remainder, so n must be at least 1.\r\n cmp = n = 1;\r\n }\r\n\r\n // product = divisor\r\n prod = yc.slice();\r\n prodL = prod.length;\r\n }\r\n\r\n if (prodL < remL) prod = [0].concat(prod);\r\n\r\n // Subtract product from remainder.\r\n subtract(rem, prod, remL, base);\r\n remL = rem.length;\r\n\r\n // If product was < remainder.\r\n if (cmp == -1) {\r\n\r\n // Compare divisor and new remainder.\r\n // If divisor < new remainder, subtract divisor from remainder.\r\n // Trial digit n too low.\r\n // n is 1 too low about 5% of the time, and very rarely 2 too low.\r\n while (compare(yc, rem, yL, remL) < 1) {\r\n n++;\r\n\r\n // Subtract divisor from remainder.\r\n subtract(rem, yL < remL ? yz : yc, remL, base);\r\n remL = rem.length;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n } else if (cmp === 0) {\r\n n++;\r\n rem = [0];\r\n } // else cmp === 1 and n will be 0\r\n\r\n // Add the next digit, n, to the result array.\r\n qc[i++] = n;\r\n\r\n // Update the remainder.\r\n if (rem[0]) {\r\n rem[remL++] = xc[xi] || 0;\r\n } else {\r\n rem = [xc[xi]];\r\n remL = 1;\r\n }\r\n } while ((xi++ < xL || rem[0] != null) && s--);\r\n\r\n more = rem[0] != null;\r\n\r\n // Leading zero?\r\n if (!qc[0]) qc.splice(0, 1);\r\n }\r\n\r\n if (base == BASE) {\r\n\r\n // To calculate q.e, first get the number of digits of qc[0].\r\n for (i = 1, s = qc[0]; s >= 10; s /= 10, i++);\r\n\r\n round(q, dp + (q.e = i + e * LOG_BASE - 1) + 1, rm, more);\r\n\r\n // Caller is convertBase.\r\n } else {\r\n q.e = e;\r\n q.r = +more;\r\n }\r\n\r\n return q;\r\n };\r\n })();\r\n\r\n\r\n /*\r\n * Return a string representing the value of BigNumber n in fixed-point or exponential\r\n * notation rounded to the specified decimal places or significant digits.\r\n *\r\n * n: a BigNumber.\r\n * i: the index of the last digit required (i.e. the digit that may be rounded up).\r\n * rm: the rounding mode.\r\n * id: 1 (toExponential) or 2 (toPrecision).\r\n */\r\n function format(n, i, rm, id) {\r\n var c0, e, ne, len, str;\r\n\r\n if (rm == null) rm = ROUNDING_MODE;\r\n else intCheck(rm, 0, 8);\r\n\r\n if (!n.c) return n.toString();\r\n\r\n c0 = n.c[0];\r\n ne = n.e;\r\n\r\n if (i == null) {\r\n str = coeffToString(n.c);\r\n str = id == 1 || id == 2 && (ne <= TO_EXP_NEG || ne >= TO_EXP_POS)\r\n ? toExponential(str, ne)\r\n : toFixedPoint(str, ne, '0');\r\n } else {\r\n n = round(new BigNumber(n), i, rm);\r\n\r\n // n.e may have changed if the value was rounded up.\r\n e = n.e;\r\n\r\n str = coeffToString(n.c);\r\n len = str.length;\r\n\r\n // toPrecision returns exponential notation if the number of significant digits\r\n // specified is less than the number of digits necessary to represent the integer\r\n // part of the value in fixed-point notation.\r\n\r\n // Exponential notation.\r\n if (id == 1 || id == 2 && (i <= e || e <= TO_EXP_NEG)) {\r\n\r\n // Append zeros?\r\n for (; len < i; str += '0', len++);\r\n str = toExponential(str, e);\r\n\r\n // Fixed-point notation.\r\n } else {\r\n i -= ne;\r\n str = toFixedPoint(str, e, '0');\r\n\r\n // Append zeros?\r\n if (e + 1 > len) {\r\n if (--i > 0) for (str += '.'; i--; str += '0');\r\n } else {\r\n i += e - len;\r\n if (i > 0) {\r\n if (e + 1 == len) str += '.';\r\n for (; i--; str += '0');\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n return n.s < 0 && c0 ? '-' + str : str;\r\n }\r\n\r\n\r\n // Handle BigNumber.max and BigNumber.min.\r\n function maxOrMin(args, method) {\r\n var n,\r\n i = 1,\r\n m = new BigNumber(args[0]);\r\n\r\n for (; i < args.length; i++) {\r\n n = new BigNumber(args[i]);\r\n\r\n // If any number is NaN, return NaN.\r\n if (!n.s) {\r\n m = n;\r\n break;\r\n } else if (method.call(m, n)) {\r\n m = n;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n return m;\r\n }\r\n\r\n\r\n /*\r\n * Strip trailing zeros, calculate base 10 exponent and check against MIN_EXP and MAX_EXP.\r\n * Called by minus, plus and times.\r\n */\r\n function normalise(n, c, e) {\r\n var i = 1,\r\n j = c.length;\r\n\r\n // Remove trailing zeros.\r\n for (; !c[--j]; c.pop());\r\n\r\n // Calculate the base 10 exponent. First get the number of digits of c[0].\r\n for (j = c[0]; j >= 10; j /= 10, i++);\r\n\r\n // Overflow?\r\n if ((e = i + e * LOG_BASE - 1) > MAX_EXP) {\r\n\r\n // Infinity.\r\n n.c = n.e = null;\r\n\r\n // Underflow?\r\n } else if (e < MIN_EXP) {\r\n\r\n // Zero.\r\n n.c = [n.e = 0];\r\n } else {\r\n n.e = e;\r\n n.c = c;\r\n }\r\n\r\n return n;\r\n }\r\n\r\n\r\n // Handle values that fail the validity test in BigNumber.\r\n parseNumeric = (function () {\r\n var basePrefix = /^(-?)0([xbo])(?=\\w[\\w.]*$)/i,\r\n dotAfter = /^([^.]+)\\.$/,\r\n dotBefore = /^\\.([^.]+)$/,\r\n isInfinityOrNaN = /^-?(Infinity|NaN)$/,\r\n whitespaceOrPlus = /^\\s*\\+(?=[\\w.])|^\\s+|\\s+$/g;\r\n\r\n return function (x, str, isNum, b) {\r\n var base,\r\n s = isNum ? str : str.replace(whitespaceOrPlus, '');\r\n\r\n // No exception on ±Infinity or NaN.\r\n if (isInfinityOrNaN.test(s)) {\r\n x.s = isNaN(s) ? null : s < 0 ? -1 : 1;\r\n } else {\r\n if (!isNum) {\r\n\r\n // basePrefix = /^(-?)0([xbo])(?=\\w[\\w.]*$)/i\r\n s = s.replace(basePrefix, function (m, p1, p2) {\r\n base = (p2 = p2.toLowerCase()) == 'x' ? 16 : p2 == 'b' ? 2 : 8;\r\n return !b || b == base ? p1 : m;\r\n });\r\n\r\n if (b) {\r\n base = b;\r\n\r\n // E.g. '1.' to '1', '.1' to '0.1'\r\n s = s.replace(dotAfter, '$1').replace(dotBefore, '0.$1');\r\n }\r\n\r\n if (str != s) return new BigNumber(s, base);\r\n }\r\n\r\n // '[BigNumber Error] Not a number: {n}'\r\n // '[BigNumber Error] Not a base {b} number: {n}'\r\n if (BigNumber.DEBUG) {\r\n throw Error\r\n (bignumberError + 'Not a' + (b ? ' base ' + b : '') + ' number: ' + str);\r\n }\r\n\r\n // NaN\r\n x.s = null;\r\n }\r\n\r\n x.c = x.e = null;\r\n }\r\n })();\r\n\r\n\r\n /*\r\n * Round x to sd significant digits using rounding mode rm. Check for over/under-flow.\r\n * If r is truthy, it is known that there are more digits after the rounding digit.\r\n */\r\n function round(x, sd, rm, r) {\r\n var d, i, j, k, n, ni, rd,\r\n xc = x.c,\r\n pows10 = POWS_TEN;\r\n\r\n // if x is not Infinity or NaN...\r\n if (xc) {\r\n\r\n // rd is the rounding digit, i.e. the digit after the digit that may be rounded up.\r\n // n is a base 1e14 number, the value of the element of array x.c containing rd.\r\n // ni is the index of n within x.c.\r\n // d is the number of digits of n.\r\n // i is the index of rd within n including leading zeros.\r\n // j is the actual index of rd within n (if < 0, rd is a leading zero).\r\n out: {\r\n\r\n // Get the number of digits of the first element of xc.\r\n for (d = 1, k = xc[0]; k >= 10; k /= 10, d++);\r\n i = sd - d;\r\n\r\n // If the rounding digit is in the first element of xc...\r\n if (i < 0) {\r\n i += LOG_BASE;\r\n j = sd;\r\n n = xc[ni = 0];\r\n\r\n // Get the rounding digit at index j of n.\r\n rd = n / pows10[d - j - 1] % 10 | 0;\r\n } else {\r\n ni = mathceil((i + 1) / LOG_BASE);\r\n\r\n if (ni >= xc.length) {\r\n\r\n if (r) {\r\n\r\n // Needed by sqrt.\r\n for (; xc.length <= ni; xc.push(0));\r\n n = rd = 0;\r\n d = 1;\r\n i %= LOG_BASE;\r\n j = i - LOG_BASE + 1;\r\n } else {\r\n break out;\r\n }\r\n } else {\r\n n = k = xc[ni];\r\n\r\n // Get the number of digits of n.\r\n for (d = 1; k >= 10; k /= 10, d++);\r\n\r\n // Get the index of rd within n.\r\n i %= LOG_BASE;\r\n\r\n // Get the index of rd within n, adjusted for leading zeros.\r\n // The number of leading zeros of n is given by LOG_BASE - d.\r\n j = i - LOG_BASE + d;\r\n\r\n // Get the rounding digit at index j of n.\r\n rd = j < 0 ? 0 : n / pows10[d - j - 1] % 10 | 0;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n r = r || sd < 0 ||\r\n\r\n // Are there any non-zero digits after the rounding digit?\r\n // The expression n % pows10[d - j - 1] returns all digits of n to the right\r\n // of the digit at j, e.g. if n is 908714 and j is 2, the expression gives 714.\r\n xc[ni + 1] != null || (j < 0 ? n : n % pows10[d - j - 1]);\r\n\r\n r = rm < 4\r\n ? (rd || r) && (rm == 0 || rm == (x.s < 0 ? 3 : 2))\r\n : rd > 5 || rd == 5 && (rm == 4 || r || rm == 6 &&\r\n\r\n // Check whether the digit to the left of the rounding digit is odd.\r\n ((i > 0 ? j > 0 ? n / pows10[d - j] : 0 : xc[ni - 1]) % 10) & 1 ||\r\n rm == (x.s < 0 ? 8 : 7));\r\n\r\n if (sd < 1 || !xc[0]) {\r\n xc.length = 0;\r\n\r\n if (r) {\r\n\r\n // Convert sd to decimal places.\r\n sd -= x.e + 1;\r\n\r\n // 1, 0.1, 0.01, 0.001, 0.0001 etc.\r\n xc[0] = pows10[(LOG_BASE - sd % LOG_BASE) % LOG_BASE];\r\n x.e = -sd || 0;\r\n } else {\r\n\r\n // Zero.\r\n xc[0] = x.e = 0;\r\n }\r\n\r\n return x;\r\n }\r\n\r\n // Remove excess digits.\r\n if (i == 0) {\r\n xc.length = ni;\r\n k = 1;\r\n ni--;\r\n } else {\r\n xc.length = ni + 1;\r\n k = pows10[LOG_BASE - i];\r\n\r\n // E.g. 56700 becomes 56000 if 7 is the rounding digit.\r\n // j > 0 means i > number of leading zeros of n.\r\n xc[ni] = j > 0 ? mathfloor(n / pows10[d - j] % pows10[j]) * k : 0;\r\n }\r\n\r\n // Round up?\r\n if (r) {\r\n\r\n for (; ;) {\r\n\r\n // If the digit to be rounded up is in the first element of xc...\r\n if (ni == 0) {\r\n\r\n // i will be the length of xc[0] before k is added.\r\n for (i = 1, j = xc[0]; j >= 10; j /= 10, i++);\r\n j = xc[0] += k;\r\n for (k = 1; j >= 10; j /= 10, k++);\r\n\r\n // if i != k the length has increased.\r\n if (i != k) {\r\n x.e++;\r\n if (xc[0] == BASE) xc[0] = 1;\r\n }\r\n\r\n break;\r\n } else {\r\n xc[ni] += k;\r\n if (xc[ni] != BASE) break;\r\n xc[ni--] = 0;\r\n k = 1;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n // Remove trailing zeros.\r\n for (i = xc.length; xc[--i] === 0; xc.pop());\r\n }\r\n\r\n // Overflow? Infinity.\r\n if (x.e > MAX_EXP) {\r\n x.c = x.e = null;\r\n\r\n // Underflow? Zero.\r\n } else if (x.e < MIN_EXP) {\r\n x.c = [x.e = 0];\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n return x;\r\n }\r\n\r\n\r\n function valueOf(n) {\r\n var str,\r\n e = n.e;\r\n\r\n if (e === null) return n.toString();\r\n\r\n str = coeffToString(n.c);\r\n\r\n str = e <= TO_EXP_NEG || e >= TO_EXP_POS\r\n ? toExponential(str, e)\r\n : toFixedPoint(str, e, '0');\r\n\r\n return n.s < 0 ? '-' + str : str;\r\n }\r\n\r\n\r\n // PROTOTYPE/INSTANCE METHODS\r\n\r\n\r\n /*\r\n * Return a new BigNumber whose value is the absolute value of this BigNumber.\r\n */\r\n P.absoluteValue = P.abs = function () {\r\n var x = new BigNumber(this);\r\n if (x.s < 0) x.s = 1;\r\n return x;\r\n };\r\n\r\n\r\n /*\r\n * Return\r\n * 1 if the value of this BigNumber is greater than the value of BigNumber(y, b),\r\n * -1 if the value of this BigNumber is less than the value of BigNumber(y, b),\r\n * 0 if they have the same value,\r\n * or null if the value of either is NaN.\r\n */\r\n P.comparedTo = function (y, b) {\r\n return compare(this, new BigNumber(y, b));\r\n };\r\n\r\n\r\n /*\r\n * If dp is undefined or null or true or false, return the number of decimal places of the\r\n * value of this BigNumber, or null if the value of this BigNumber is ±Infinity or NaN.\r\n *\r\n * Otherwise, if dp is a number, return a new BigNumber whose value is the value of this\r\n * BigNumber rounded to a maximum of dp decimal places using rounding mode rm, or\r\n * ROUNDING_MODE if rm is omitted.\r\n *\r\n * [dp] {number} Decimal places: integer, 0 to MAX inclusive.\r\n * [rm] {number} Rounding mode. Integer, 0 to 8 inclusive.\r\n *\r\n * '[BigNumber Error] Argument {not a primitive number|not an integer|out of range}: {dp|rm}'\r\n */\r\n P.decimalPlaces = P.dp = function (dp, rm) {\r\n var c, n, v,\r\n x = this;\r\n\r\n if (dp != null) {\r\n intCheck(dp, 0, MAX);\r\n if (rm == null) rm = ROUNDING_MODE;\r\n else intCheck(rm, 0, 8);\r\n\r\n return round(new BigNumber(x), dp + x.e + 1, rm);\r\n }\r\n\r\n if (!(c = x.c)) return null;\r\n n = ((v = c.length - 1) - bitFloor(this.e / LOG_BASE)) * LOG_BASE;\r\n\r\n // Subtract the number of trailing zeros of the last number.\r\n if (v = c[v]) for (; v % 10 == 0; v /= 10, n--);\r\n if (n < 0) n = 0;\r\n\r\n return n;\r\n };\r\n\r\n\r\n /*\r\n * n / 0 = I\r\n * n / N = N\r\n * n / I = 0\r\n * 0 / n = 0\r\n * 0 / 0 = N\r\n * 0 / N = N\r\n * 0 / I = 0\r\n * N / n = N\r\n * N / 0 = N\r\n * N / N = N\r\n * N / I = N\r\n * I / n = I\r\n * I / 0 = I\r\n * I / N = N\r\n * I / I = N\r\n *\r\n * Return a new BigNumber whose value is the value of this BigNumber divided by the value of\r\n * BigNumber(y, b), rounded according to DECIMAL_PLACES and ROUNDING_MODE.\r\n */\r\n P.dividedBy = P.div = function (y, b) {\r\n return div(this, new BigNumber(y, b), DECIMAL_PLACES, ROUNDING_MODE);\r\n };\r\n\r\n\r\n /*\r\n * Return a new BigNumber whose value is the integer part of dividing the value of this\r\n * BigNumber by the value of BigNumber(y, b).\r\n */\r\n P.dividedToIntegerBy = P.idiv = function (y, b) {\r\n return div(this, new BigNumber(y, b), 0, 1);\r\n };\r\n\r\n\r\n /*\r\n * Return a BigNumber whose value is the value of this BigNumber exponentiated by n.\r\n *\r\n * If m is present, return the result modulo m.\r\n * If n is negative round according to DECIMAL_PLACES and ROUNDING_MODE.\r\n * If POW_PRECISION is non-zero and m is not present, round to POW_PRECISION using ROUNDING_MODE.\r\n *\r\n * The modular power operation works efficiently when x, n, and m are integers, otherwise it\r\n * is equivalent to calculating x.exponentiatedBy(n).modulo(m) with a POW_PRECISION of 0.\r\n *\r\n * n {number|string|BigNumber} The exponent. An integer.\r\n * [m] {number|string|BigNumber} The modulus.\r\n *\r\n * '[BigNumber Error] Exponent not an integer: {n}'\r\n */\r\n P.exponentiatedBy = P.pow = function (n, m) {\r\n var half, isModExp, i, k, more, nIsBig, nIsNeg, nIsOdd, y,\r\n x = this;\r\n\r\n n = new BigNumber(n);\r\n\r\n // Allow NaN and ±Infinity, but not other non-integers.\r\n if (n.c && !n.isInteger()) {\r\n throw Error\r\n (bignumberError + 'Exponent not an integer: ' + valueOf(n));\r\n }\r\n\r\n if (m != null) m = new BigNumber(m);\r\n\r\n // Exponent of MAX_SAFE_INTEGER is 15.\r\n nIsBig = n.e > 14;\r\n\r\n // If x is NaN, ±Infinity, ±0 or ±1, or n is ±Infinity, NaN or ±0.\r\n if (!x.c || !x.c[0] || x.c[0] == 1 && !x.e && x.c.length == 1 || !n.c || !n.c[0]) {\r\n\r\n // The sign of the result of pow when x is negative depends on the evenness of n.\r\n // If +n overflows to ±Infinity, the evenness of n would be not be known.\r\n y = new BigNumber(Math.pow(+valueOf(x), nIsBig ? 2 - isOdd(n) : +valueOf(n)));\r\n return m ? y.mod(m) : y;\r\n }\r\n\r\n nIsNeg = n.s < 0;\r\n\r\n if (m) {\r\n\r\n // x % m returns NaN if abs(m) is zero, or m is NaN.\r\n if (m.c ? !m.c[0] : !m.s) return new BigNumber(NaN);\r\n\r\n isModExp = !nIsNeg && x.isInteger() && m.isInteger();\r\n\r\n if (isModExp) x = x.mod(m);\r\n\r\n // Overflow to ±Infinity: >=2**1e10 or >=1.0000024**1e15.\r\n // Underflow to ±0: <=0.79**1e10 or <=0.9999975**1e15.\r\n } else if (n.e > 9 && (x.e > 0 || x.e < -1 || (x.e == 0\r\n // [1, 240000000]\r\n ? x.c[0] > 1 || nIsBig && x.c[1] >= 24e7\r\n // [80000000000000] [99999750000000]\r\n : x.c[0] < 8e13 || nIsBig && x.c[0] <= 9999975e7))) {\r\n\r\n // If x is negative and n is odd, k = -0, else k = 0.\r\n k = x.s < 0 && isOdd(n) ? -0 : 0;\r\n\r\n // If x >= 1, k = ±Infinity.\r\n if (x.e > -1) k = 1 / k;\r\n\r\n // If n is negative return ±0, else return ±Infinity.\r\n return new BigNumber(nIsNeg ? 1 / k : k);\r\n\r\n } else if (POW_PRECISION) {\r\n\r\n // Truncating each coefficient array to a length of k after each multiplication\r\n // equates to truncating significant digits to POW_PRECISION + [28, 41],\r\n // i.e. there will be a minimum of 28 guard digits retained.\r\n k = mathceil(POW_PRECISION / LOG_BASE + 2);\r\n }\r\n\r\n if (nIsBig) {\r\n half = new BigNumber(0.5);\r\n if (nIsNeg) n.s = 1;\r\n nIsOdd = isOdd(n);\r\n } else {\r\n i = Math.abs(+valueOf(n));\r\n nIsOdd = i % 2;\r\n }\r\n\r\n y = new BigNumber(ONE);\r\n\r\n // Performs 54 loop iterations for n of 9007199254740991.\r\n for (; ;) {\r\n\r\n if (nIsOdd) {\r\n y = y.times(x);\r\n if (!y.c) break;\r\n\r\n if (k) {\r\n if (y.c.length > k) y.c.length = k;\r\n } else if (isModExp) {\r\n y = y.mod(m); //y = y.minus(div(y, m, 0, MODULO_MODE).times(m));\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n if (i) {\r\n i = mathfloor(i / 2);\r\n if (i === 0) break;\r\n nIsOdd = i % 2;\r\n } else {\r\n n = n.times(half);\r\n round(n, n.e + 1, 1);\r\n\r\n if (n.e > 14) {\r\n nIsOdd = isOdd(n);\r\n } else {\r\n i = +valueOf(n);\r\n if (i === 0) break;\r\n nIsOdd = i % 2;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n x = x.times(x);\r\n\r\n if (k) {\r\n if (x.c && x.c.length > k) x.c.length = k;\r\n } else if (isModExp) {\r\n x = x.mod(m); //x = x.minus(div(x, m, 0, MODULO_MODE).times(m));\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n if (isModExp) return y;\r\n if (nIsNeg) y = ONE.div(y);\r\n\r\n return m ? y.mod(m) : k ? round(y, POW_PRECISION, ROUNDING_MODE, more) : y;\r\n };\r\n\r\n\r\n /*\r\n * Return a new BigNumber whose value is the value of this BigNumber rounded to an integer\r\n * using rounding mode rm, or ROUNDING_MODE if rm is omitted.\r\n *\r\n * [rm] {number} Rounding mode. Integer, 0 to 8 inclusive.\r\n *\r\n * '[BigNumber Error] Argument {not a primitive number|not an integer|out of range}: {rm}'\r\n */\r\n P.integerValue = function (rm) {\r\n var n = new BigNumber(this);\r\n if (rm == null) rm = ROUNDING_MODE;\r\n else intCheck(rm, 0, 8);\r\n return round(n, n.e + 1, rm);\r\n };\r\n\r\n\r\n /*\r\n * Return true if the value of this BigNumber is equal to the value of BigNumber(y, b),\r\n * otherwise return false.\r\n */\r\n P.isEqualTo = P.eq = function (y, b) {\r\n return compare(this, new BigNumber(y, b)) === 0;\r\n };\r\n\r\n\r\n /*\r\n * Return true if the value of this BigNumber is a finite number, otherwise return false.\r\n */\r\n P.isFinite = function () {\r\n return !!this.c;\r\n };\r\n\r\n\r\n /*\r\n * Return true if the value of this BigNumber is greater than the value of BigNumber(y, b),\r\n * otherwise return false.\r\n */\r\n P.isGreaterThan = P.gt = function (y, b) {\r\n return compare(this, new BigNumber(y, b)) > 0;\r\n };\r\n\r\n\r\n /*\r\n * Return true if the value of this BigNumber is greater than or equal to the value of\r\n * BigNumber(y, b), otherwise return false.\r\n */\r\n P.isGreaterThanOrEqualTo = P.gte = function (y, b) {\r\n return (b = compare(this, new BigNumber(y, b))) === 1 || b === 0;\r\n\r\n };\r\n\r\n\r\n /*\r\n * Return true if the value of this BigNumber is an integer, otherwise return false.\r\n */\r\n P.isInteger = function () {\r\n return !!this.c && bitFloor(this.e / LOG_BASE) > this.c.length - 2;\r\n };\r\n\r\n\r\n /*\r\n * Return true if the value of this BigNumber is less than the value of BigNumber(y, b),\r\n * otherwise return false.\r\n */\r\n P.isLessThan = P.lt = function (y, b) {\r\n return compare(this, new BigNumber(y, b)) < 0;\r\n };\r\n\r\n\r\n /*\r\n * Return true if the value of this BigNumber is less than or equal to the value of\r\n * BigNumber(y, b), otherwise return false.\r\n */\r\n P.isLessThanOrEqualTo = P.lte = function (y, b) {\r\n return (b = compare(this, new BigNumber(y, b))) === -1 || b === 0;\r\n };\r\n\r\n\r\n /*\r\n * Return true if the value of this BigNumber is NaN, otherwise return false.\r\n */\r\n P.isNaN = function () {\r\n return !this.s;\r\n };\r\n\r\n\r\n /*\r\n * Return true if the value of this BigNumber is negative, otherwise return false.\r\n */\r\n P.isNegative = function () {\r\n return this.s < 0;\r\n };\r\n\r\n\r\n /*\r\n * Return true if the value of this BigNumber is positive, otherwise return false.\r\n */\r\n P.isPositive = function () {\r\n return this.s > 0;\r\n };\r\n\r\n\r\n /*\r\n * Return true if the value of this BigNumber is 0 or -0, otherwise return false.\r\n */\r\n P.isZero = function () {\r\n return !!this.c && this.c[0] == 0;\r\n };\r\n\r\n\r\n /*\r\n * n - 0 = n\r\n * n - N = N\r\n * n - I = -I\r\n * 0 - n = -n\r\n * 0 - 0 = 0\r\n * 0 - N = N\r\n * 0 - I = -I\r\n * N - n = N\r\n * N - 0 = N\r\n * N - N = N\r\n * N - I = N\r\n * I - n = I\r\n * I - 0 = I\r\n * I - N = N\r\n * I - I = N\r\n *\r\n * Return a new BigNumber whose value is the value of this BigNumber minus the value of\r\n * BigNumber(y, b).\r\n */\r\n P.minus = function (y, b) {\r\n var i, j, t, xLTy,\r\n x = this,\r\n a = x.s;\r\n\r\n y = new BigNumber(y, b);\r\n b = y.s;\r\n\r\n // Either NaN?\r\n if (!a || !b) return new BigNumber(NaN);\r\n\r\n // Signs differ?\r\n if (a != b) {\r\n y.s = -b;\r\n return x.plus(y);\r\n }\r\n\r\n var xe = x.e / LOG_BASE,\r\n ye = y.e / LOG_BASE,\r\n xc = x.c,\r\n yc = y.c;\r\n\r\n if (!xe || !ye) {\r\n\r\n // Either Infinity?\r\n if (!xc || !yc) return xc ? (y.s = -b, y) : new BigNumber(yc ? x : NaN);\r\n\r\n // Either zero?\r\n if (!xc[0] || !yc[0]) {\r\n\r\n // Return y if y is non-zero, x if x is non-zero, or zero if both are zero.\r\n return yc[0] ? (y.s = -b, y) : new BigNumber(xc[0] ? x :\r\n\r\n // IEEE 754 (2008) 6.3: n - n = -0 when rounding to -Infinity\r\n ROUNDING_MODE == 3 ? -0 : 0);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n xe = bitFloor(xe);\r\n ye = bitFloor(ye);\r\n xc = xc.slice();\r\n\r\n // Determine which is the bigger number.\r\n if (a = xe - ye) {\r\n\r\n if (xLTy = a < 0) {\r\n a = -a;\r\n t = xc;\r\n } else {\r\n ye = xe;\r\n t = yc;\r\n }\r\n\r\n t.reverse();\r\n\r\n // Prepend zeros to equalise exponents.\r\n for (b = a; b--; t.push(0));\r\n t.reverse();\r\n } else {\r\n\r\n // Exponents equal. Check digit by digit.\r\n j = (xLTy = (a = xc.length) < (b = yc.length)) ? a : b;\r\n\r\n for (a = b = 0; b < j; b++) {\r\n\r\n if (xc[b] != yc[b]) {\r\n xLTy = xc[b] < yc[b];\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n // x < y? Point xc to the array of the bigger number.\r\n if (xLTy) t = xc, xc = yc, yc = t, y.s = -y.s;\r\n\r\n b = (j = yc.length) - (i = xc.length);\r\n\r\n // Append zeros to xc if shorter.\r\n // No need to add zeros to yc if shorter as subtract only needs to start at yc.length.\r\n if (b > 0) for (; b--; xc[i++] = 0);\r\n b = BASE - 1;\r\n\r\n // Subtract yc from xc.\r\n for (; j > a;) {\r\n\r\n if (xc[--j] < yc[j]) {\r\n for (i = j; i && !xc[--i]; xc[i] = b);\r\n --xc[i];\r\n xc[j] += BASE;\r\n }\r\n\r\n xc[j] -= yc[j];\r\n }\r\n\r\n // Remove leading zeros and adjust exponent accordingly.\r\n for (; xc[0] == 0; xc.splice(0, 1), --ye);\r\n\r\n // Zero?\r\n if (!xc[0]) {\r\n\r\n // Following IEEE 754 (2008) 6.3,\r\n // n - n = +0 but n - n = -0 when rounding towards -Infinity.\r\n y.s = ROUNDING_MODE == 3 ? -1 : 1;\r\n y.c = [y.e = 0];\r\n return y;\r\n }\r\n\r\n // No need to check for Infinity as +x - +y != Infinity && -x - -y != Infinity\r\n // for finite x and y.\r\n return normalise(y, xc, ye);\r\n };\r\n\r\n\r\n /*\r\n * n % 0 = N\r\n * n % N = N\r\n * n % I = n\r\n * 0 % n = 0\r\n * -0 % n = -0\r\n * 0 % 0 = N\r\n * 0 % N = N\r\n * 0 % I = 0\r\n * N % n = N\r\n * N % 0 = N\r\n * N % N = N\r\n * N % I = N\r\n * I % n = N\r\n * I % 0 = N\r\n * I % N = N\r\n * I % I = N\r\n *\r\n * Return a new BigNumber whose value is the value of this BigNumber modulo the value of\r\n * BigNumber(y, b). The result depends on the value of MODULO_MODE.\r\n */\r\n P.modulo = P.mod = function (y, b) {\r\n var q, s,\r\n x = this;\r\n\r\n y = new BigNumber(y, b);\r\n\r\n // Return NaN if x is Infinity or NaN, or y is NaN or zero.\r\n if (!x.c || !y.s || y.c && !y.c[0]) {\r\n return new BigNumber(NaN);\r\n\r\n // Return x if y is Infinity or x is zero.\r\n } else if (!y.c || x.c && !x.c[0]) {\r\n return new BigNumber(x);\r\n }\r\n\r\n if (MODULO_MODE == 9) {\r\n\r\n // Euclidian division: q = sign(y) * floor(x / abs(y))\r\n // r = x - qy where 0 <= r < abs(y)\r\n s = y.s;\r\n y.s = 1;\r\n q = div(x, y, 0, 3);\r\n y.s = s;\r\n q.s *= s;\r\n } else {\r\n q = div(x, y, 0, MODULO_MODE);\r\n }\r\n\r\n y = x.minus(q.times(y));\r\n\r\n // To match JavaScript %, ensure sign of zero is sign of dividend.\r\n if (!y.c[0] && MODULO_MODE == 1) y.s = x.s;\r\n\r\n return y;\r\n };\r\n\r\n\r\n /*\r\n * n * 0 = 0\r\n * n * N = N\r\n * n * I = I\r\n * 0 * n = 0\r\n * 0 * 0 = 0\r\n * 0 * N = N\r\n * 0 * I = N\r\n * N * n = N\r\n * N * 0 = N\r\n * N * N = N\r\n * N * I = N\r\n * I * n = I\r\n * I * 0 = N\r\n * I * N = N\r\n * I * I = I\r\n *\r\n * Return a new BigNumber whose value is the value of this BigNumber multiplied by the value\r\n * of BigNumber(y, b).\r\n */\r\n P.multipliedBy = P.times = function (y, b) {\r\n var c, e, i, j, k, m, xcL, xlo, xhi, ycL, ylo, yhi, zc,\r\n base, sqrtBase,\r\n x = this,\r\n xc = x.c,\r\n yc = (y = new BigNumber(y, b)).c;\r\n\r\n // Either NaN, ±Infinity or ±0?\r\n if (!xc || !yc || !xc[0] || !yc[0]) {\r\n\r\n // Return NaN if either is NaN, or one is 0 and the other is Infinity.\r\n if (!x.s || !y.s || xc && !xc[0] && !yc || yc && !yc[0] && !xc) {\r\n y.c = y.e = y.s = null;\r\n } else {\r\n y.s *= x.s;\r\n\r\n // Return ±Infinity if either is ±Infinity.\r\n if (!xc || !yc) {\r\n y.c = y.e = null;\r\n\r\n // Return ±0 if either is ±0.\r\n } else {\r\n y.c = [0];\r\n y.e = 0;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n return y;\r\n }\r\n\r\n e = bitFloor(x.e / LOG_BASE) + bitFloor(y.e / LOG_BASE);\r\n y.s *= x.s;\r\n xcL = xc.length;\r\n ycL = yc.length;\r\n\r\n // Ensure xc points to longer array and xcL to its length.\r\n if (xcL < ycL) zc = xc, xc = yc, yc = zc, i = xcL, xcL = ycL, ycL = i;\r\n\r\n // Initialise the result array with zeros.\r\n for (i = xcL + ycL, zc = []; i--; zc.push(0));\r\n\r\n base = BASE;\r\n sqrtBase = SQRT_BASE;\r\n\r\n for (i = ycL; --i >= 0;) {\r\n c = 0;\r\n ylo = yc[i] % sqrtBase;\r\n yhi = yc[i] / sqrtBase | 0;\r\n\r\n for (k = xcL, j = i + k; j > i;) {\r\n xlo = xc[--k] % sqrtBase;\r\n xhi = xc[k] / sqrtBase | 0;\r\n m = yhi * xlo + xhi * ylo;\r\n xlo = ylo * xlo + ((m % sqrtBase) * sqrtBase) + zc[j] + c;\r\n c = (xlo / base | 0) + (m / sqrtBase | 0) + yhi * xhi;\r\n zc[j--] = xlo % base;\r\n }\r\n\r\n zc[j] = c;\r\n }\r\n\r\n if (c) {\r\n ++e;\r\n } else {\r\n zc.splice(0, 1);\r\n }\r\n\r\n return normalise(y, zc, e);\r\n };\r\n\r\n\r\n /*\r\n * Return a new BigNumber whose value is the value of this BigNumber negated,\r\n * i.e. multiplied by -1.\r\n */\r\n P.negated = function () {\r\n var x = new BigNumber(this);\r\n x.s = -x.s || null;\r\n return x;\r\n };\r\n\r\n\r\n /*\r\n * n + 0 = n\r\n * n + N = N\r\n * n + I = I\r\n * 0 + n = n\r\n * 0 + 0 = 0\r\n * 0 + N = N\r\n * 0 + I = I\r\n * N + n = N\r\n * N + 0 = N\r\n * N + N = N\r\n * N + I = N\r\n * I + n = I\r\n * I + 0 = I\r\n * I + N = N\r\n * I + I = I\r\n *\r\n * Return a new BigNumber whose value is the value of this BigNumber plus the value of\r\n * BigNumber(y, b).\r\n */\r\n P.plus = function (y, b) {\r\n var t,\r\n x = this,\r\n a = x.s;\r\n\r\n y = new BigNumber(y, b);\r\n b = y.s;\r\n\r\n // Either NaN?\r\n if (!a || !b) return new BigNumber(NaN);\r\n\r\n // Signs differ?\r\n if (a != b) {\r\n y.s = -b;\r\n return x.minus(y);\r\n }\r\n\r\n var xe = x.e / LOG_BASE,\r\n ye = y.e / LOG_BASE,\r\n xc = x.c,\r\n yc = y.c;\r\n\r\n if (!xe || !ye) {\r\n\r\n // Return ±Infinity if either ±Infinity.\r\n if (!xc || !yc) return new BigNumber(a / 0);\r\n\r\n // Either zero?\r\n // Return y if y is non-zero, x if x is non-zero, or zero if both are zero.\r\n if (!xc[0] || !yc[0]) return yc[0] ? y : new BigNumber(xc[0] ? x : a * 0);\r\n }\r\n\r\n xe = bitFloor(xe);\r\n ye = bitFloor(ye);\r\n xc = xc.slice();\r\n\r\n // Prepend zeros to equalise exponents. Faster to use reverse then do unshifts.\r\n if (a = xe - ye) {\r\n if (a > 0) {\r\n ye = xe;\r\n t = yc;\r\n } else {\r\n a = -a;\r\n t = xc;\r\n }\r\n\r\n t.reverse();\r\n for (; a--; t.push(0));\r\n t.reverse();\r\n }\r\n\r\n a = xc.length;\r\n b = yc.length;\r\n\r\n // Point xc to the longer array, and b to the shorter length.\r\n if (a - b < 0) t = yc, yc = xc, xc = t, b = a;\r\n\r\n // Only start adding at yc.length - 1 as the further digits of xc can be ignored.\r\n for (a = 0; b;) {\r\n a = (xc[--b] = xc[b] + yc[b] + a) / BASE | 0;\r\n xc[b] = BASE === xc[b] ? 0 : xc[b] % BASE;\r\n }\r\n\r\n if (a) {\r\n xc = [a].concat(xc);\r\n ++ye;\r\n }\r\n\r\n // No need to check for zero, as +x + +y != 0 && -x + -y != 0\r\n // ye = MAX_EXP + 1 possible\r\n return normalise(y, xc, ye);\r\n };\r\n\r\n\r\n /*\r\n * If sd is undefined or null or true or false, return the number of significant digits of\r\n * the value of this BigNumber, or null if the value of this BigNumber is ±Infinity or NaN.\r\n * If sd is true include integer-part trailing zeros in the count.\r\n *\r\n * Otherwise, if sd is a number, return a new BigNumber whose value is the value of this\r\n * BigNumber rounded to a maximum of sd significant digits using rounding mode rm, or\r\n * ROUNDING_MODE if rm is omitted.\r\n *\r\n * sd {number|boolean} number: significant digits: integer, 1 to MAX inclusive.\r\n * boolean: whether to count integer-part trailing zeros: true or false.\r\n * [rm] {number} Rounding mode. Integer, 0 to 8 inclusive.\r\n *\r\n * '[BigNumber Error] Argument {not a primitive number|not an integer|out of range}: {sd|rm}'\r\n */\r\n P.precision = P.sd = function (sd, rm) {\r\n var c, n, v,\r\n x = this;\r\n\r\n if (sd != null && sd !== !!sd) {\r\n intCheck(sd, 1, MAX);\r\n if (rm == null) rm = ROUNDING_MODE;\r\n else intCheck(rm, 0, 8);\r\n\r\n return round(new BigNumber(x), sd, rm);\r\n }\r\n\r\n if (!(c = x.c)) return null;\r\n v = c.length - 1;\r\n n = v * LOG_BASE + 1;\r\n\r\n if (v = c[v]) {\r\n\r\n // Subtract the number of trailing zeros of the last element.\r\n for (; v % 10 == 0; v /= 10, n--);\r\n\r\n // Add the number of digits of the first element.\r\n for (v = c[0]; v >= 10; v /= 10, n++);\r\n }\r\n\r\n if (sd && x.e + 1 > n) n = x.e + 1;\r\n\r\n return n;\r\n };\r\n\r\n\r\n /*\r\n * Return a new BigNumber whose value is the value of this BigNumber shifted by k places\r\n * (powers of 10). Shift to the right if n > 0, and to the left if n < 0.\r\n *\r\n * k {number} Integer, -MAX_SAFE_INTEGER to MAX_SAFE_INTEGER inclusive.\r\n *\r\n * '[BigNumber Error] Argument {not a primitive number|not an integer|out of range}: {k}'\r\n */\r\n P.shiftedBy = function (k) {\r\n intCheck(k, -MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, MAX_SAFE_INTEGER);\r\n return this.times('1e' + k);\r\n };\r\n\r\n\r\n /*\r\n * sqrt(-n) = N\r\n * sqrt(N) = N\r\n * sqrt(-I) = N\r\n * sqrt(I) = I\r\n * sqrt(0) = 0\r\n * sqrt(-0) = -0\r\n *\r\n * Return a new BigNumber whose value is the square root of the value of this BigNumber,\r\n * rounded according to DECIMAL_PLACES and ROUNDING_MODE.\r\n */\r\n P.squareRoot = P.sqrt = function () {\r\n var m, n, r, rep, t,\r\n x = this,\r\n c = x.c,\r\n s = x.s,\r\n e = x.e,\r\n dp = DECIMAL_PLACES + 4,\r\n half = new BigNumber('0.5');\r\n\r\n // Negative/NaN/Infinity/zero?\r\n if (s !== 1 || !c || !c[0]) {\r\n return new BigNumber(!s || s < 0 && (!c || c[0]) ? NaN : c ? x : 1 / 0);\r\n }\r\n\r\n // Initial estimate.\r\n s = Math.sqrt(+valueOf(x));\r\n\r\n // Math.sqrt underflow/overflow?\r\n // Pass x to Math.sqrt as integer, then adjust the exponent of the result.\r\n if (s == 0 || s == 1 / 0) {\r\n n = coeffToString(c);\r\n if ((n.length + e) % 2 == 0) n += '0';\r\n s = Math.sqrt(+n);\r\n e = bitFloor((e + 1) / 2) - (e < 0 || e % 2);\r\n\r\n if (s == 1 / 0) {\r\n n = '5e' + e;\r\n } else {\r\n n = s.toExponential();\r\n n = n.slice(0, n.indexOf('e') + 1) + e;\r\n }\r\n\r\n r = new BigNumber(n);\r\n } else {\r\n r = new BigNumber(s + '');\r\n }\r\n\r\n // Check for zero.\r\n // r could be zero if MIN_EXP is changed after the this value was created.\r\n // This would cause a division by zero (x/t) and hence Infinity below, which would cause\r\n // coeffToString to throw.\r\n if (r.c[0]) {\r\n e = r.e;\r\n s = e + dp;\r\n if (s < 3) s = 0;\r\n\r\n // Newton-Raphson iteration.\r\n for (; ;) {\r\n t = r;\r\n r = half.times(t.plus(div(x, t, dp, 1)));\r\n\r\n if (coeffToString(t.c).slice(0, s) === (n = coeffToString(r.c)).slice(0, s)) {\r\n\r\n // The exponent of r may here be one less than the final result exponent,\r\n // e.g 0.0009999 (e-4) --> 0.001 (e-3), so adjust s so the rounding digits\r\n // are indexed correctly.\r\n if (r.e < e) --s;\r\n n = n.slice(s - 3, s + 1);\r\n\r\n // The 4th rounding digit may be in error by -1 so if the 4 rounding digits\r\n // are 9999 or 4999 (i.e. approaching a rounding boundary) continue the\r\n // iteration.\r\n if (n == '9999' || !rep && n == '4999') {\r\n\r\n // On the first iteration only, check to see if rounding up gives the\r\n // exact result as the nines may infinitely repeat.\r\n if (!rep) {\r\n round(t, t.e + DECIMAL_PLACES + 2, 0);\r\n\r\n if (t.times(t).eq(x)) {\r\n r = t;\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n dp += 4;\r\n s += 4;\r\n rep = 1;\r\n } else {\r\n\r\n // If rounding digits are null, 0{0,4} or 50{0,3}, check for exact\r\n // result. If not, then there are further digits and m will be truthy.\r\n if (!+n || !+n.slice(1) && n.charAt(0) == '5') {\r\n\r\n // Truncate to the first rounding digit.\r\n round(r, r.e + DECIMAL_PLACES + 2, 1);\r\n m = !r.times(r).eq(x);\r\n }\r\n\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n return round(r, r.e + DECIMAL_PLACES + 1, ROUNDING_MODE, m);\r\n };\r\n\r\n\r\n /*\r\n * Return a string representing the value of this BigNumber in exponential notation and\r\n * rounded using ROUNDING_MODE to dp fixed decimal places.\r\n *\r\n * [dp] {number} Decimal places. Integer, 0 to MAX inclusive.\r\n * [rm] {number} Rounding mode. Integer, 0 to 8 inclusive.\r\n *\r\n * '[BigNumber Error] Argument {not a primitive number|not an integer|out of range}: {dp|rm}'\r\n */\r\n P.toExponential = function (dp, rm) {\r\n if (dp != null) {\r\n intCheck(dp, 0, MAX);\r\n dp++;\r\n }\r\n return format(this, dp, rm, 1);\r\n };\r\n\r\n\r\n /*\r\n * Return a string representing the value of this BigNumber in fixed-point notation rounding\r\n * to dp fixed decimal places using rounding mode rm, or ROUNDING_MODE if rm is omitted.\r\n *\r\n * Note: as with JavaScript's number type, (-0).toFixed(0) is '0',\r\n * but e.g. (-0.00001).toFixed(0) is '-0'.\r\n *\r\n * [dp] {number} Decimal places. Integer, 0 to MAX inclusive.\r\n * [rm] {number} Rounding mode. Integer, 0 to 8 inclusive.\r\n *\r\n * '[BigNumber Error] Argument {not a primitive number|not an integer|out of range}: {dp|rm}'\r\n */\r\n P.toFixed = function (dp, rm) {\r\n if (dp != null) {\r\n intCheck(dp, 0, MAX);\r\n dp = dp + this.e + 1;\r\n }\r\n return format(this, dp, rm);\r\n };\r\n\r\n\r\n /*\r\n * Return a string representing the value of this BigNumber in fixed-point notation rounded\r\n * using rm or ROUNDING_MODE to dp decimal places, and formatted according to the properties\r\n * of the format or FORMAT object (see BigNumber.set).\r\n *\r\n * The formatting object may contain some or all of the properties shown below.\r\n *\r\n * FORMAT = {\r\n * prefix: '',\r\n * groupSize: 3,\r\n * secondaryGroupSize: 0,\r\n * groupSeparator: ',',\r\n * decimalSeparator: '.',\r\n * fractionGroupSize: 0,\r\n * fractionGroupSeparator: '\\xA0', // non-breaking space\r\n * suffix: ''\r\n * };\r\n *\r\n * [dp] {number} Decimal places. Integer, 0 to MAX inclusive.\r\n * [rm] {number} Rounding mode. Integer, 0 to 8 inclusive.\r\n * [format] {object} Formatting options. See FORMAT pbject above.\r\n *\r\n * '[BigNumber Error] Argument {not a primitive number|not an integer|out of range}: {dp|rm}'\r\n * '[BigNumber Error] Argument not an object: {format}'\r\n */\r\n P.toFormat = function (dp, rm, format) {\r\n var str,\r\n x = this;\r\n\r\n if (format == null) {\r\n if (dp != null && rm && typeof rm == 'object') {\r\n format = rm;\r\n rm = null;\r\n } else if (dp && typeof dp == 'object') {\r\n format = dp;\r\n dp = rm = null;\r\n } else {\r\n format = FORMAT;\r\n }\r\n } else if (typeof format != 'object') {\r\n throw Error\r\n (bignumberError + 'Argument not an object: ' + format);\r\n }\r\n\r\n str = x.toFixed(dp, rm);\r\n\r\n if (x.c) {\r\n var i,\r\n arr = str.split('.'),\r\n g1 = +format.groupSize,\r\n g2 = +format.secondaryGroupSize,\r\n groupSeparator = format.groupSeparator || '',\r\n intPart = arr[0],\r\n fractionPart = arr[1],\r\n isNeg = x.s < 0,\r\n intDigits = isNeg ? intPart.slice(1) : intPart,\r\n len = intDigits.length;\r\n\r\n if (g2) i = g1, g1 = g2, g2 = i, len -= i;\r\n\r\n if (g1 > 0 && len > 0) {\r\n i = len % g1 || g1;\r\n intPart = intDigits.substr(0, i);\r\n for (; i < len; i += g1) intPart += groupSeparator + intDigits.substr(i, g1);\r\n if (g2 > 0) intPart += groupSeparator + intDigits.slice(i);\r\n if (isNeg) intPart = '-' + intPart;\r\n }\r\n\r\n str = fractionPart\r\n ? intPart + (format.decimalSeparator || '') + ((g2 = +format.fractionGroupSize)\r\n ? fractionPart.replace(new RegExp('\\\\d{' + g2 + '}\\\\B', 'g'),\r\n '$&' + (format.fractionGroupSeparator || ''))\r\n : fractionPart)\r\n : intPart;\r\n }\r\n\r\n return (format.prefix || '') + str + (format.suffix || '');\r\n };\r\n\r\n\r\n /*\r\n * Return an array of two BigNumbers representing the value of this BigNumber as a simple\r\n * fraction with an integer numerator and an integer denominator.\r\n * The denominator will be a positive non-zero value less than or equal to the specified\r\n * maximum denominator. If a maximum denominator is not specified, the denominator will be\r\n * the lowest value necessary to represent the number exactly.\r\n *\r\n * [md] {number|string|BigNumber} Integer >= 1, or Infinity. The maximum denominator.\r\n *\r\n * '[BigNumber Error] Argument {not an integer|out of range} : {md}'\r\n */\r\n P.toFraction = function (md) {\r\n var d, d0, d1, d2, e, exp, n, n0, n1, q, r, s,\r\n x = this,\r\n xc = x.c;\r\n\r\n if (md != null) {\r\n n = new BigNumber(md);\r\n\r\n // Throw if md is less than one or is not an integer, unless it is Infinity.\r\n if (!n.isInteger() && (n.c || n.s !== 1) || n.lt(ONE)) {\r\n throw Error\r\n (bignumberError + 'Argument ' +\r\n (n.isInteger() ? 'out of range: ' : 'not an integer: ') + valueOf(n));\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n if (!xc) return new BigNumber(x);\r\n\r\n d = new BigNumber(ONE);\r\n n1 = d0 = new BigNumber(ONE);\r\n d1 = n0 = new BigNumber(ONE);\r\n s = coeffToString(xc);\r\n\r\n // Determine initial denominator.\r\n // d is a power of 10 and the minimum max denominator that specifies the value exactly.\r\n e = d.e = s.length - x.e - 1;\r\n d.c[0] = POWS_TEN[(exp = e % LOG_BASE) < 0 ? LOG_BASE + exp : exp];\r\n md = !md || n.comparedTo(d) > 0 ? (e > 0 ? d : n1) : n;\r\n\r\n exp = MAX_EXP;\r\n MAX_EXP = 1 / 0;\r\n n = new BigNumber(s);\r\n\r\n // n0 = d1 = 0\r\n n0.c[0] = 0;\r\n\r\n for (; ;) {\r\n q = div(n, d, 0, 1);\r\n d2 = d0.plus(q.times(d1));\r\n if (d2.comparedTo(md) == 1) break;\r\n d0 = d1;\r\n d1 = d2;\r\n n1 = n0.plus(q.times(d2 = n1));\r\n n0 = d2;\r\n d = n.minus(q.times(d2 = d));\r\n n = d2;\r\n }\r\n\r\n d2 = div(md.minus(d0), d1, 0, 1);\r\n n0 = n0.plus(d2.times(n1));\r\n d0 = d0.plus(d2.times(d1));\r\n n0.s = n1.s = x.s;\r\n e = e * 2;\r\n\r\n // Determine which fraction is closer to x, n0/d0 or n1/d1\r\n r = div(n1, d1, e, ROUNDING_MODE).minus(x).abs().comparedTo(\r\n div(n0, d0, e, ROUNDING_MODE).minus(x).abs()) < 1 ? [n1, d1] : [n0, d0];\r\n\r\n MAX_EXP = exp;\r\n\r\n return r;\r\n };\r\n\r\n\r\n /*\r\n * Return the value of this BigNumber converted to a number primitive.\r\n */\r\n P.toNumber = function () {\r\n return +valueOf(this);\r\n };\r\n\r\n\r\n /*\r\n * Return a string representing the value of this BigNumber rounded to sd significant digits\r\n * using rounding mode rm or ROUNDING_MODE. If sd is less than the number of digits\r\n * necessary to represent the integer part of the value in fixed-point notation, then use\r\n * exponential notation.\r\n *\r\n * [sd] {number} Significant digits. Integer, 1 to MAX inclusive.\r\n * [rm] {number} Rounding mode. Integer, 0 to 8 inclusive.\r\n *\r\n * '[BigNumber Error] Argument {not a primitive number|not an integer|out of range}: {sd|rm}'\r\n */\r\n P.toPrecision = function (sd, rm) {\r\n if (sd != null) intCheck(sd, 1, MAX);\r\n return format(this, sd, rm, 2);\r\n };\r\n\r\n\r\n /*\r\n * Return a string representing the value of this BigNumber in base b, or base 10 if b is\r\n * omitted. If a base is specified, including base 10, round according to DECIMAL_PLACES and\r\n * ROUNDING_MODE. If a base is not specified, and this BigNumber has a positive exponent\r\n * that is equal to or greater than TO_EXP_POS, or a negative exponent equal to or less than\r\n * TO_EXP_NEG, return exponential notation.\r\n *\r\n * [b] {number} Integer, 2 to ALPHABET.length inclusive.\r\n *\r\n * '[BigNumber Error] Base {not a primitive number|not an integer|out of range}: {b}'\r\n */\r\n P.toString = function (b) {\r\n var str,\r\n n = this,\r\n s = n.s,\r\n e = n.e;\r\n\r\n // Infinity or NaN?\r\n if (e === null) {\r\n if (s) {\r\n str = 'Infinity';\r\n if (s < 0) str = '-' + str;\r\n } else {\r\n str = 'NaN';\r\n }\r\n } else {\r\n if (b == null) {\r\n str = e <= TO_EXP_NEG || e >= TO_EXP_POS\r\n ? toExponential(coeffToString(n.c), e)\r\n : toFixedPoint(coeffToString(n.c), e, '0');\r\n } else if (b === 10 && alphabetHasNormalDecimalDigits) {\r\n n = round(new BigNumber(n), DECIMAL_PLACES + e + 1, ROUNDING_MODE);\r\n str = toFixedPoint(coeffToString(n.c), n.e, '0');\r\n } else {\r\n intCheck(b, 2, ALPHABET.length, 'Base');\r\n str = convertBase(toFixedPoint(coeffToString(n.c), e, '0'), 10, b, s, true);\r\n }\r\n\r\n if (s < 0 && n.c[0]) str = '-' + str;\r\n }\r\n\r\n return str;\r\n };\r\n\r\n\r\n /*\r\n * Return as toString, but do not accept a base argument, and include the minus sign for\r\n * negative zero.\r\n */\r\n P.valueOf = P.toJSON = function () {\r\n return valueOf(this);\r\n };\r\n\r\n\r\n P._isBigNumber = true;\r\n\r\n if (configObject != null) BigNumber.set(configObject);\r\n\r\n return BigNumber;\r\n }\r\n\r\n\r\n // PRIVATE HELPER FUNCTIONS\r\n\r\n // These functions don't need access to variables,\r\n // e.g. DECIMAL_PLACES, in the scope of the `clone` function above.\r\n\r\n\r\n function bitFloor(n) {\r\n var i = n | 0;\r\n return n > 0 || n === i ? i : i - 1;\r\n }\r\n\r\n\r\n // Return a coefficient array as a string of base 10 digits.\r\n function coeffToString(a) {\r\n var s, z,\r\n i = 1,\r\n j = a.length,\r\n r = a[0] + '';\r\n\r\n for (; i < j;) {\r\n s = a[i++] + '';\r\n z = LOG_BASE - s.length;\r\n for (; z--; s = '0' + s);\r\n r += s;\r\n }\r\n\r\n // Determine trailing zeros.\r\n for (j = r.length; r.charCodeAt(--j) === 48;);\r\n\r\n return r.slice(0, j + 1 || 1);\r\n }\r\n\r\n\r\n // Compare the value of BigNumbers x and y.\r\n function compare(x, y) {\r\n var a, b,\r\n xc = x.c,\r\n yc = y.c,\r\n i = x.s,\r\n j = y.s,\r\n k = x.e,\r\n l = y.e;\r\n\r\n // Either NaN?\r\n if (!i || !j) return null;\r\n\r\n a = xc && !xc[0];\r\n b = yc && !yc[0];\r\n\r\n // Either zero?\r\n if (a || b) return a ? b ? 0 : -j : i;\r\n\r\n // Signs differ?\r\n if (i != j) return i;\r\n\r\n a = i < 0;\r\n b = k == l;\r\n\r\n // Either Infinity?\r\n if (!xc || !yc) return b ? 0 : !xc ^ a ? 1 : -1;\r\n\r\n // Compare exponents.\r\n if (!b) return k > l ^ a ? 1 : -1;\r\n\r\n j = (k = xc.length) < (l = yc.length) ? k : l;\r\n\r\n // Compare digit by digit.\r\n for (i = 0; i < j; i++) if (xc[i] != yc[i]) return xc[i] > yc[i] ^ a ? 1 : -1;\r\n\r\n // Compare lengths.\r\n return k == l ? 0 : k > l ^ a ? 1 : -1;\r\n }\r\n\r\n\r\n /*\r\n * Check that n is a primitive number, an integer, and in range, otherwise throw.\r\n */\r\n function intCheck(n, min, max, name) {\r\n if (n < min || n > max || n !== mathfloor(n)) {\r\n throw Error\r\n (bignumberError + (name || 'Argument') + (typeof n == 'number'\r\n ? n < min || n > max ? ' out of range: ' : ' not an integer: '\r\n : ' not a primitive number: ') + String(n));\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n\r\n // Assumes finite n.\r\n function isOdd(n) {\r\n var k = n.c.length - 1;\r\n return bitFloor(n.e / LOG_BASE) == k && n.c[k] % 2 != 0;\r\n }\r\n\r\n\r\n function toExponential(str, e) {\r\n return (str.length > 1 ? str.charAt(0) + '.' + str.slice(1) : str) +\r\n (e < 0 ? 'e' : 'e+') + e;\r\n }\r\n\r\n\r\n function toFixedPoint(str, e, z) {\r\n var len, zs;\r\n\r\n // Negative exponent?\r\n if (e < 0) {\r\n\r\n // Prepend zeros.\r\n for (zs = z + '.'; ++e; zs += z);\r\n str = zs + str;\r\n\r\n // Positive exponent\r\n } else {\r\n len = str.length;\r\n\r\n // Append zeros.\r\n if (++e > len) {\r\n for (zs = z, e -= len; --e; zs += z);\r\n str += zs;\r\n } else if (e < len) {\r\n str = str.slice(0, e) + '.' + str.slice(e);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n return str;\r\n }\r\n\r\n\r\n // EXPORT\r\n\r\n\r\n BigNumber = clone();\r\n BigNumber['default'] = BigNumber.BigNumber = BigNumber;\r\n\r\n // AMD.\r\n if (typeof define == 'function' && define.amd) {\r\n define(function () { return BigNumber; });\r\n\r\n // Node.js and other environments that support module.exports.\r\n } else if (typeof module != 'undefined' && module.exports) {\r\n module.exports = BigNumber;\r\n\r\n // Browser.\r\n } else {\r\n if (!globalObject) {\r\n globalObject = typeof self != 'undefined' && self ? self : window;\r\n }\r\n\r\n globalObject.BigNumber = BigNumber;\r\n }\r\n})(this);\r\n","import { IMetaMascara } from '../../interfaces/metamascara.interface';\r\n\r\nexport abstract class BaseContract {\r\n constructor(private web3: IMetaMascara, private abi: any[], private _address: string) {\r\n }\r\n\r\n get contract() {\r\n return this.web3.getContract(this.address, this.abi);\r\n }\r\n\r\n get chainId() {\r\n return this.web3.networkId;\r\n }\r\n\r\n get helper() {\r\n return this.web3;\r\n }\r\n\r\n get address() {\r\n return this._address;\r\n }\r\n\r\n protected dictionaryToArray(dict: any): any[] {\r\n return Object.keys(dict).map(key => dict[key]);\r\n }\r\n}\r\n","import { IAddNetworkInfo } from '../interfaces/add-network-info.interface';\r\nimport { BigNumberFactory } from '../factories/big-number-factory';\r\nimport { IMetamascaraPlugin } from '../interfaces/plugins/metamascara-plugin.interface';\r\nimport { IBlockchainInfo } from '../interfaces/blockchain-info.interface';\r\nimport { IBlockchainListPlugin } from '../interfaces/plugins/blockchain-list.plugin.interface';\r\nimport { IMetaMascara } from '../interfaces/metamascara.interface';\r\nimport { IBigNumber } from '../interfaces/bignumber.interface';\r\n\r\nexport class MetaMascara implements IMetaMascara {\r\n private selectedAccount: string | null = null;\r\n private web3: any = null;\r\n private provider: any = null;\r\n private _accounts: string[] | null = null;\r\n private _networkId = 0;\r\n private _blockchains: Record = {};\r\n\r\n constructor(private web3Factory: (provider: any) => any, private detectEthereumProvider: () => Promise) {\r\n if (!this.web3Factory || !this.detectEthereumProvider) {\r\n throw new Error('web3Factory and detectEthereumProvider are required');\r\n }\r\n\r\n if (this.web3Factory.prototype && this.web3Factory.prototype.constructor) {\r\n const Web3: any = this.web3Factory;\r\n this.web3Factory = m => new Web3(m);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n get isConnected(): boolean {\r\n return !!this.selectedAccount;\r\n }\r\n\r\n get accounts(): string[] {\r\n return [...(this._accounts || [])];\r\n }\r\n\r\n get address(): string | null {\r\n return this.selectedAccount;\r\n }\r\n\r\n get networkId(): number {\r\n return this._networkId;\r\n }\r\n\r\n get networkName(): string {\r\n const info = this._blockchains[this._networkId];\r\n if (!info) {\r\n return 'Unknown';\r\n }\r\n\r\n return info.name;\r\n }\r\n\r\n get blockchains(): Record {\r\n return this._blockchains;\r\n }\r\n\r\n get blockchainsList() {\r\n return Object.keys(this._blockchains).map(key => this._blockchains[+key]);\r\n }\r\n\r\n async connect() {\r\n const provider = await this.connectProvider();\r\n if (!provider) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n\r\n const accounts = await provider.request({ method: 'eth_requestAccounts' });\r\n if (!accounts || accounts.length === 0) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n\r\n this.provider = provider;\r\n this.web3 = this.web3Factory(provider);\r\n this._networkId = await this.web3.eth.net.getId();\r\n this._accounts = accounts;\r\n this.selectedAccount = accounts[0];\r\n\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n\r\n async addNetwork(info: IAddNetworkInfo) {\r\n const numericChainId = parseInt(info.chainId, 16);\r\n if (this.networkId === numericChainId) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n\r\n try {\r\n await this.provider.request({\r\n method: 'wallet_switchEthereumChain',\r\n params: [{ chainId: info.chainId }],\r\n });\r\n } catch (switchError: any) {\r\n if (switchError.code === 4902) {\r\n await this.provider.request({ method: 'wallet_addEthereumChain', params: [info] });\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n throw switchError;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n\r\n sign(textToSign: string, address?: string): Promise {\r\n return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\r\n this.web3.eth.personal.sign(\r\n this.web3.utils.fromUtf8(`${textToSign}`),\r\n address || this.address,\r\n (err: any, signature: any) => {\r\n if (err) {\r\n reject(err);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n resolve(signature);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n );\r\n });\r\n }\r\n\r\n disconnect() {\r\n this.disposeWeb3();\r\n this.disposeProvider();\r\n }\r\n\r\n getContract(address: string, abi: any): any {\r\n if (!address || address === '-') {\r\n throw new Error('Wrong contract address: ' + address);\r\n }\r\n\r\n const contract = new this.web3.eth.Contract(abi, address);\r\n return contract;\r\n }\r\n\r\n async getBalance(address?: string): Promise {\r\n const ethBalance = await this.web3.eth.getBalance(address || this.address);\r\n return BigNumberFactory.newInstance(ethBalance);\r\n }\r\n\r\n async getNonce(address: string): Promise {\r\n const count = await this.web3.eth.getTransactionCount(address);\r\n return +count;\r\n }\r\n\r\n toHex(x: any): string {\r\n return this.web3.utils.toHex(x);\r\n }\r\n\r\n toWei(value: any, unit: string): string {\r\n return this.web3.utils.toWei(value, unit);\r\n }\r\n\r\n addPlugin(plugin: IMetamascaraPlugin) {\r\n switch (plugin.getPluginType()) {\r\n case 'blockchain-list':\r\n {\r\n const newBlockchains = (plugin as IBlockchainListPlugin).getBlockchains();\r\n for (const blockchain of newBlockchains) {\r\n this._blockchains[blockchain.id] = blockchain;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n private async connectProvider() {\r\n const provider = await this.detectEthereumProvider();\r\n\r\n provider.on('chainChanged', () => {\r\n this.reload();\r\n });\r\n\r\n provider.on('accountsChanged', () => {\r\n this.reload();\r\n });\r\n\r\n provider.on('disconnect', () => {\r\n this.reload();\r\n });\r\n\r\n return provider;\r\n }\r\n\r\n private disposeProvider(): void {\r\n if (this.provider && this.provider.close) {\r\n this.provider.close();\r\n this.provider = null;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n private disposeWeb3(): void {\r\n if (this.web3) {\r\n if (this.web3.eth && this.web3.eth.clearSubscriptions) {\r\n this.web3.eth.clearSubscriptions();\r\n }\r\n\r\n this.web3 = null;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n private reload() {\r\n location.reload();\r\n }\r\n}","import { BigNumberFactory } from '../../factories/big-number-factory';\r\nimport { IBigNumber } from '../../interfaces/bignumber.interface';\r\n\r\nexport class BigNumberUtils {\r\n static toWei(value: number | string, tokenDecimals = 18): IBigNumber {\r\n const decimals = BigNumberFactory.newInstance(10).exponentiatedBy(tokenDecimals);\r\n return BigNumberFactory.newInstance(value).multipliedBy(decimals);\r\n }\r\n\r\n static byDecimals(value: number | string, tokenDecimals = 18): number {\r\n const decimals = BigNumberFactory.newInstance(10).exponentiatedBy(tokenDecimals);\r\n return BigNumberFactory.newInstance(value).dividedBy(decimals).toNumber();\r\n }\r\n\r\n static byDecimalsString(value: number | string, tokenDecimals = 18): string {\r\n const decimals = BigNumberFactory.newInstance(10).exponentiatedBy(tokenDecimals);\r\n return BigNumberFactory.newInstance(value).dividedBy(decimals).toFixed();\r\n }\r\n}","import { IAddNetworkInfo } from '../interfaces/add-network-info.interface';\r\n\r\nexport const rinkebyAddNetworkInfo: IAddNetworkInfo = {\r\n chainId: '0x4',\r\n chainName: 'ETH Rinkeby Testnet',\r\n nativeCurrency: {\r\n name: 'ETH',\r\n symbol: 'ETH',\r\n decimals: 18\r\n },\r\n rpcUrls: ['https://rinkeby.infura.io/v3/'],\r\n blockExplorerUrls: ['https://rinkeby.etherscan.io']\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport const polygonAddNetworkInfo: IAddNetworkInfo = {\r\n chainId: '0x89', // 137\r\n chainName: 'Polygon Mainnet',\r\n nativeCurrency: {\r\n name: 'MATIC',\r\n symbol: 'MATIC',\r\n decimals: 18\r\n },\r\n rpcUrls: ['https://polygon-rpc.com'],\r\n blockExplorerUrls: ['https://explorer.matic.network']\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport const polygonTestnetAddNetworkInfo: IAddNetworkInfo = {\r\n chainId: '0x13881', // 80001\r\n chainName: 'Polygon Testnet',\r\n nativeCurrency: {\r\n name: 'MATIC',\r\n symbol: 'MATIC',\r\n decimals: 18\r\n },\r\n rpcUrls: ['https://rpc-mumbai.maticvigil.com'],\r\n blockExplorerUrls: ['https://mumbai.polygonscan.com']\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport const bscAddNetworkInfo: IAddNetworkInfo = {\r\n chainId: '0x38',\r\n chainName: 'BNB Smart Chain Mainnet',\r\n nativeCurrency: {\r\n name: 'BNB',\r\n symbol: 'BNB',\r\n decimals: 18\r\n },\r\n rpcUrls: ['https://bsc-dataseed1.binance.org/'],\r\n blockExplorerUrls: ['https://bscscan.com/']\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport const bscTestnetAddNetworkInfo: IAddNetworkInfo = {\r\n chainId: '0x61',\r\n chainName: 'BNB Smart Chain Testnet',\r\n nativeCurrency: {\r\n name: 'BNB',\r\n symbol: 'BNB',\r\n decimals: 18\r\n },\r\n rpcUrls: ['https://data-seed-prebsc-1-s1.binance.org:8545/'],\r\n blockExplorerUrls: ['https://testnet.bscscan.com/']\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport const blockchainConnections = {\r\n 4: rinkebyAddNetworkInfo,\r\n 56: bscAddNetworkInfo,\r\n 97: bscTestnetAddNetworkInfo,\r\n 137: polygonAddNetworkInfo,\r\n 80001: polygonTestnetAddNetworkInfo,\r\n};\r\n","export const blockchains: any = {\r\n 56: {\r\n name: 'Binance Smart Chain',\r\n symbol: 'BNB',\r\n explorer: 'https://bscscan.com',\r\n rpc: 'https://bsc-dataseed.binance.org'\r\n },\r\n 97: {\r\n name: 'Binance Smart Chain TESTNET',\r\n symbol: 'BNB',\r\n explorer: 'https://testnet.bscscan.com',\r\n rpc: 'https://data-seed-prebsc-1-s1.binance.org:8545'\r\n },\r\n 137: {\r\n name: 'Polygon',\r\n symbol: 'MATIC',\r\n explorer: 'https://polygonscan.com',\r\n rpc: 'https://rpc-mainnet.maticvigil.com'\r\n },\r\n 80001: {\r\n name: 'Polygon Mumbai TESTNET',\r\n symbol: 'MATIC',\r\n explorer: 'https://mumbai.polygonscan.com',\r\n rpc: 'https://rpc-mumbai.maticvigil.com'\r\n }\r\n};","import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js';\r\nimport { IBigNumber } from '../interfaces/bignumber.interface';\r\n\r\nexport class BigNumberFactory {\r\n static newInstance(value: string | number, base?: number): IBigNumber {\r\n return new BigNumber(value, base) as IBigNumber;\r\n }\r\n}","import { MetaMascara } from '../classes/metamascara';\r\nimport { LocalBlockchainsPlugin } from '../plugins/local-blockchains.plugin';\r\nimport { IMetamascaraPlugin } from '../interfaces/plugins/metamascara-plugin.interface';\r\n\r\nexport class MetaMascaraFactory {\r\n // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-member-accessibility\r\n public static defaultPlugins = [\r\n new LocalBlockchainsPlugin(),\r\n ];\r\n\r\n private static getWeb3Class() {\r\n const w = (window as any);\r\n const web3 = w.Web3 || w.web3;\r\n\r\n if (!web3) {\r\n throw new Error('MetaMascara requires web3.js. Please install it.');\r\n }\r\n\r\n return web3;\r\n }\r\n\r\n static newInstance(detectEthereumProvider?: () => Promise, web3Factory?: (provider: any) => any) {\r\n const providerDetector = detectEthereumProvider || (window as any).detectEthereumProvider;\r\n if (!providerDetector) {\r\n throw new Error('Could not detect Ethereum provider. Please provide a detectEthereumProvider function.');\r\n }\r\n\r\n const instance = new MetaMascara(web3Factory || MetaMascaraFactory.getWeb3Class(), providerDetector);\r\n MetaMascaraFactory.defaultPlugins.map(m => m as IMetamascaraPlugin).forEach(m => instance.addPlugin(m));\r\n return instance;\r\n }\r\n}\r\n","import { IBlockchainInfo } from '../interfaces/blockchain-info.interface';\r\nimport { IBlockchainListPlugin } from '../interfaces/plugins/blockchain-list.plugin.interface';\r\n\r\ninterface IChainData {\r\n name: string;\r\n chainId: number;\r\n shortName: string;\r\n chain: string;\r\n network: string;\r\n networkId: number;\r\n nativeCurrency: {\r\n name: string;\r\n symbol: string;\r\n decimals: number;\r\n };\r\n rpc: string[];\r\n faucets: string[];\r\n infoURL: string;\r\n}\r\n\r\n/**\r\n * @description Evm-chains wrapper. Package: https://www.npmjs.com/package/evm-chains .\r\n */\r\nexport class EvmChainsPlugin implements IBlockchainListPlugin {\r\n private getAllChains: () => IChainData[];\r\n\r\n constructor({ getAllChains }: { getAllChains: () => IChainData[] }) {\r\n this.getAllChains = getAllChains;\r\n }\r\n\r\n getPluginType(): 'blockchain-list' {\r\n return 'blockchain-list';\r\n }\r\n\r\n getBlockchains(): IBlockchainInfo[] {\r\n return this.getAllChains().map(chain => {\r\n return {\r\n id: chain.chainId,\r\n name: chain.name,\r\n symbol: chain.nativeCurrency.symbol,\r\n explorer: chain.infoURL,\r\n rpc: (chain.rpc && chain.rpc.length > 0) ? chain.rpc[0] : null,\r\n } as IBlockchainInfo;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n","import { blockchains } from '../constants/blockchains';\r\nimport { IBlockchainInfo } from '../interfaces/blockchain-info.interface';\r\nimport { IBlockchainListPlugin } from '../interfaces/plugins/blockchain-list.plugin.interface';\r\n\r\nexport class LocalBlockchainsPlugin implements IBlockchainListPlugin {\r\n getPluginType(): 'blockchain-list' {\r\n return 'blockchain-list';\r\n }\r\n\r\n getBlockchains(): IBlockchainInfo[] {\r\n const ids: number[] = Object.keys(blockchains).map(m => +m);\r\n return ids.map(id => {\r\n return {\r\n id,\r\n name: blockchains[id].name,\r\n symbol: blockchains[id].symbol,\r\n explorer: blockchains[id].explorer,\r\n rpc: blockchains[id].rpc\r\n };\r\n });\r\n }\r\n}","// The module cache\nvar __webpack_module_cache__ = {};\n\n// The require function\nfunction __webpack_require__(moduleId) {\n\t// Check if module is in cache\n\tvar cachedModule = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId];\n\tif (cachedModule !== undefined) {\n\t\treturn cachedModule.exports;\n\t}\n\t// Create a new module (and put it into the cache)\n\tvar module = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId] = {\n\t\t// no module.id needed\n\t\t// no module.loaded needed\n\t\texports: {}\n\t};\n\n\t// Execute the module function\n\t__webpack_modules__[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);\n\n\t// Return the exports of the module\n\treturn module.exports;\n}\n\n","// getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules\n__webpack_require__.n = (module) => {\n\tvar getter = module && module.__esModule ?\n\t\t() => (module['default']) :\n\t\t() => (module);\n\t__webpack_require__.d(getter, { a: getter });\n\treturn getter;\n};","// define getter functions for harmony exports\n__webpack_require__.d = (exports, definition) => {\n\tfor(var key in definition) {\n\t\tif(__webpack_require__.o(definition, key) && !__webpack_require__.o(exports, key)) {\n\t\t\tObject.defineProperty(exports, key, { enumerable: true, get: definition[key] });\n\t\t}\n\t}\n};","__webpack_require__.o = (obj, prop) => (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, prop))","// define __esModule on exports\n__webpack_require__.r = (exports) => {\n\tif(typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.toStringTag) {\n\t\tObject.defineProperty(exports, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' });\n\t}\n\tObject.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });\n};","export * from './classes/metamascara';\r\nexport * from './classes/contracts/base-contract';\r\nexport * from './classes/utils/bignumber.utils';\r\nexport * from './constants/blockchain-connections';\r\nexport * from './constants/blockchains';\r\nexport * from './factories/big-number-factory';\r\nexport * from './factories/metamascara-factory';\r\nexport * from './plugins/evm-chains.plugin';\r\nexport * from './plugins/local-blockchains.plugin';"],"names":[],"sourceRoot":""}