This tutorial demonstrates the R package cpam
for the
analysis of time series omics data. It serves an introduction to the
package and reproduces the results for the first case study presented in
the accompanying manuscript by Yates et al. (2024). The second case study using
Arabidopsis thaliana time series data is available here.
The data are publicly available for download here. The data consist of transcript counts for the human preimplantation embryo and are described in original data manuscript by Torre et al. (2023).
We load the transcript counts and the transcript-to-gene mapping. The transcript counts are stored in a matrix where the rows are the transcript IDs and the columns are the samples.
sample_names <- readr::read_tsv(
paste0(directory_path, "human_embryo-transcript_counts.tsv"),
n_max = 1,
col_names = F
) %>%
t %>% as.vector()
counts <- readr::read_tsv(
paste0(directory_path, "human_embryo-transcript_counts.tsv"),
skip = 1,
col_names = c("target_id", sample_names)
count_matrix <- counts %>% dplyr::select(-target_id) %>% as.matrix
rownames(count_matrix) <- counts %>% pull(target_id)
# convert to tibble (for display only) %>% head %>% tibble::rownames_to_column("target_id")
The transcript-to-gene mapping is a data frame with two columns, target_id and gene_id.
transcriptome <- readr::read_tsv(paste0(directory_path,"Human_embryo_isoform_transcriptome_GRCh38-isoform_classification.tsv"))
t2g <- transcriptome %>%
select(target_id = transcript_id, gene_id) %>%
filter(target_id %in% rownames(count_matrix))
The experimental design is a tibble containing at least the following columns: time and sample. The stage column is optional and used here to match sample names with the time points.
stage_to_time <- tibble(stage = c("2PN","2C","4C","8C","morula","blastocyst"),
time = c(17/24,1.5,2,3,4.5,5.5) %>% round(2))
ed <-
tibble(sample = colnames(count_matrix)) %>%
mutate(stage = str_match(sample,"_(.*?)_")[,2]) %>%
left_join(stage_to_time, by = "stage")
To fit the models, we first prepare the cpam
then compute p-values, estimate the changepoint, and select the shape
for each transcript. For this analysis, the count data are supplied as a
matrix (see this case
study for importing data directly from common quantification
software). We filter out transcripts that do not have more than 20 reads
in at least 3/5 of the samples.
cpo <- prepare_cpam(
exp_design = ed,
count_matrix = count_matrix,
model_type = "case-only",
filter_fun_args = list(min_reads = 20, min_prop = 3/5),
t2g = t2g,
num_cores = 4
cpo <- compute_p_values(cpo) # 00:03:37 hms
cpo <- estimate_changepoint(cpo) # 00:23:26 hms
cpo <- select_shape(cpo) # 00:37:28 hms
We can look at a summary of the fitted cpam object
Although it cannot be launched here within the online tutorial, you
can launch the Shiny app on your own computer to visualise the results
interactively using visualise(cpo)
The results of the analysis are summarised using the
function. Here we use the default settings for
log-fold change and p-value thresholds.
Using the results table, we can plot the number of differentially expressed genes at each time point.
res %>%
pull(cp) %>%
table %>%
{tibble(cp = names(.), n = as.numeric(.))} %>%
ggplot(aes(cp, n)) +
geom_point() +
geom_line(aes(group = 1)) +
There is an obvious peak in differentially expressed genes at the 4C
stage (t = 2.0 hours).
To plot the fitted models for a specific gene, we can use the
g <- "ENSG00000141378"
gene_id = g,
facet = T, # plot each transcript on a separate facet
remove_null = T, # do show transcripts with null trajectories
common_y_scale = F # do not use a common y scale
argument can be set to FALSE to plot all the fits
on the same plot.
g <- "ENSG00000141378"
gene_id = g,
facet = F, # plot each transcript in a common plot
remove_null = T)
If you require more customisation than the plot_cpam
function allows, you can extract the model fits and plot their
predictions manually. Here we make a logged version of the above plot
with some extra customisations such as changepoint ticks.
# set gene
g <- "ENSG00000141378"
# set logged
logged <- T
fun <- identity
if(logged) fun <- function(x) log(x + 0.5)
scls <- if_else(logged, "free_x", "free")
# get data
obs <-
cpo$data_long %>%
filter(gene_id == g) %>%
transmute(target_id, time, counts = fun(counts_raw/norm_factor + 0.5))
cps <- cpo$changepoints %>% filter(target_id %in% unique(obs$target_id))
# set colours
tx_cols <- c(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(7, name = "Dark2"))[-4]
# plot
plot_cpam(cpo, gene_id = g, return_fits_only = T) %>%
map_dfr( ~ cpam:::predict_cpgam(.x, logged = logged), .id = "target_id") %>%
ggplot(aes(time, counts)) +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = round(sort(cpo$times), 1),
labels = c("0.7", "", "2.0", "3.0", "4.5", "5.5")) +
#labels = c("1C","1C","4C","8C","M","B")) +
geom_line(aes(col = target_id)) +
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = q_lo, ymax = q_hi, fill = target_id), alpha = 0.15) +
facet_wrap( ~ target_id, scales = scls) +
geom_point(data = obs, aes(time, counts, col = target_id)) +
scale_fill_manual(values = tx_cols, aesthetics = c("fill", "color")) +
theme_classic() +
legend.position = "bottom",
plot.subtitle = element_text(
hjust = 0,
face = "plain",
margin = margin(b = 10)
strip.background = element_blank(),
strip.text = element_blank(),
axis.line.x = element_line(color = "black"),
axis.ticks.x = element_line(),
panel.spacing.y = unit(1, "lines"),
panel.spacing.x = unit(1, "lines"),
axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 0, hjust = 0.5)
) +
y = "logged counts",
x = "time (days)",
col = NULL,
fill = NULL,
subtitle = paste0(g)
) +
guides(color = guide_legend(byrow = TRUE), fill = guide_legend(byrow = TRUE)) +
geom_point( # add ticks for changepoints
data = cps,
aes(x = cp_1se, y = -Inf),
shape = 17,
color = "grey20",
size = 2.5
We can identify clusters of genes that have similar expression
profiles. In the first instance, we can use the results table with the
function plot_cluster
# filter to keep number of targets reasonable
res <- results(cpo, min_lfc = 2, min_count = 1000)
plot_cluster(cpo, res, changepoints = 2.0, shapes = "micv")
We can extend beyond the capabilities of plot_cluster
define our own clusters. Here we define clusters based on the speed of
the change in expression between the 3C and 4.5C stages. We start by
filtering the results table to remove extreme values and select the 4C
stage and the micv shape. We then calculate the speed of the change in
expression between the 3C and 4.5C stages and filter the results to keep
only the genes with a speed greater than 0.26. We then define 4 clusters
based on the speed of the change in expression between the 3C and 4.5C
res_cluster <-
res %>%
filter(lfc.5.5<10) %>% # remove extreme values
filter(cp %in% 2, shape %in% "micv") %>% # select the 4C stage and the micv shape
mutate(speed = lfc.3/lfc.4.5) %>% # calculate the speed
filter(speed > 0.26) %>% # set a threshold
mutate(speed = cut(speed,breaks = c(0, 0.6, 0.75, 0.87,10), labels = paste0("cluster ",1:4)))
This yields 1282 targets across four clusters. Next we generate the plot data which takes a minute to compute.
cluster_plot_data <-
res_cluster %>%
pull(target_id) %>%
set_names() %>%
map_dfr(~plot_cpam(cpo, target_id = .x, return_fits_only = T) %>%
cpam:::predict_lfc(),.id = "target_id")
Finally, we plot the clusters.
cluster_plot_data %>%
left_join(res_cluster %>% select(target_id,speed), by = "target_id") %>%
ggplot(aes(x = time,y = lfc, group = target_id, col = speed)) +
geom_line(alpha = 0.2) +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = round(sort(cpo$times),1),
labels = c("0.7","","2.0","3.0","4.5","5.5")) +
scale_color_manual(values = blues9[5:8]) +
facet_wrap(~ speed, nrow = 1) +
theme_classic() +
theme(legend.position = "none",
strip.background = element_blank(),
panel.spacing.x = unit(1.5, "lines"),
strip.text = element_text(size = 10, family = "sans")) +
labs(title = NULL, subtitle = NULL,
x = "time (days)", y = "log-fold change")