
Data and code from “Mutual mate guarding and limited sexual conflict in a sex-role reversed shorebird” Contributor: Johannes Krietsch
📍 This script runs relative to the project’s root directory and describes how I calculated the spatio-temporal distance between points.


# Packages
sapply( c('data.table', 'magrittr', 'sdb', 'ggplot2', 'auksRuak', 'sf','foreach', 'doFuture', 'knitr'), 
        require, character.only = TRUE)
## data.table   magrittr        sdb    ggplot2   auksRuak         sf    foreach   doFuture      knitr 
##       TRUE       TRUE       TRUE       TRUE       TRUE       TRUE       TRUE       TRUE       TRUE
# Functions

# Lines to run to create html output
opts_knit$set(root.dir = rprojroot::find_rstudio_root_file())
# rmarkdown::render('./R/3_spatio_temporal_distance.R', output_dir = './OUTPUTS/R_COMPILED')

# Projection
PROJ = '+proj=laea +lat_0=90 +lon_0=-156.653428 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0 '

# Data
d = fread('./DATA/NANO_TAGS.txt', sep = '\t', header = TRUE, nThread = 20) %>% data.table
d = d[filtered == TRUE]
d[, datetime_ := as.POSIXct(as.character(datetime_), tz = 'UTC')]

Subset ID’s with overlapping data

# start and end of the data
d[, ID_year := paste0(ID, '_', year_)]
d[, start := min(datetime_), by = ID_year]
d[, end   := max(datetime_), by = ID_year]
dID = unique(d[, .(ID_year, year_, ID, sex, start, end)], by = 'ID_year')

# all pairwise combinations
dpu = CJ(ID_year1 = dID[, ID_year], ID_year2 = dID[, ID_year], unique = TRUE)

# merge with start and end
dpu = merge(dpu, dID[, .(ID_year1 = ID_year, year_1 = year_, ID1 = ID, sex1 = sex, start1 = start, end1 = end)], 
            by = 'ID_year1')
dpu = merge(dpu, dID[, .(ID_year2 = ID_year, year_2 = year_, ID2 = ID, sex2 = sex, start2 = start, end2 = end)], 
            by = 'ID_year2')

# overlapping intervals
dpu[, overlap := DescTools::Overlap(c(start1, end1), c(start2, end2)), by = 1:nrow(dpu)]
dpu = dpu[overlap > 0] # exclude non-overlapping data
dpu = dpu[ID_year1 != ID_year2] # exclude within-individual data

Distance to all closest positions

# register cores

# loop for all pairwise closest data
dp = foreach(i = 1:nrow(dpu), .combine = 'rbind', .packages = c('data.table')) %dopar% {

  # subset pair
  dpus = dpu[i, ]
  d1 = d[year_ == dpus[1, year_1]  & ID == dpus[1, ID1], 
         .(ID1 = ID, sex1 = sex, datetime_ = datetime_, lat1 = lat, lon1 = lon, gps_speed1 = gps_speed, 
           altitude1 = altitude)]
  d2 = d[year_ == dpus[1, year_2]  & ID == dpus[1, ID2], 
         .(ID2 = ID, sex2 = sex, datetime_ = datetime_, lat2 = lat, lon2 = lon, gps_speed2 = gps_speed, 
           altitude2 = altitude)]
  setkeyv(d1, 'datetime_')
  setkeyv(d2, 'datetime_')
  # join with closest date
  dt = d2[, datetime_2 := (datetime_)][d1, roll = 'nearest'] 
  dt = dt[, .(ID1, ID2, datetime_1 = datetime_, datetime_2)]
  dt[, time_btw := abs(as.numeric(difftime(datetime_1, datetime_2, units = 'min')))]
  # subset closest position in time
  dt[, time_btw_min := min(time_btw), by = .(ID1, datetime_2)]
  dt = dt[time_btw == time_btw_min]
  dt[, time_btw_min := NULL]
  # merge with other data
  dt = merge(dt, d1[, .(datetime_1 = datetime_, sex1, lat1, lon1, gps_speed1, altitude1)], 
             by = 'datetime_1', all.x = TRUE)
  dt = merge(dt, d2[, .(datetime_2 = datetime_, sex2, lat2, lon2, gps_speed2, altitude2)], 
             by = 'datetime_2', all.x = TRUE)

  # calculate distance
  dt[, distance_pair := sqrt(sum((c(lon1, lat1) - c(lon2, lat2))^2)) , by = 1:nrow(dt)]

# remove rows with time difference bigger 10 min
dp = dp[time_btw < 10]

# set colour order
setcolorder(dp, c('ID1', 'ID2', 'sex1', 'sex2', 'datetime_1', 'datetime_2', 'time_btw', 'lat1', 'lon1', 'lat2', 'lon2', 
                  'distance_pair', 'gps_speed1', 'gps_speed2', 'altitude1', 'altitude2'))

# check data
ggplot(data = dp) +
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.

# quantiles
quantile(dp$time_btw, probs = c(5, 50, 95)/100)
##        5%       50%       95% 
## 0.2666667 2.6000000 4.9666667
# any duplicates?
anyDuplicated(dp, by = c('ID1', 'ID2', 'datetime_1'))
## [1] 0
anyDuplicated(dp, by = c('ID1', 'ID2', 'datetime_2')) # okay
## [1] 15637
# save data
# fwrite(dp, './DATA/PRODUCTS/PAIR_WISE_DIST_CLOSEST.txt', quote = TRUE, sep = '\t', row.names = FALSE)

# version information
## R version 4.2.2 (2022-10-31 ucrt)
## Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
## Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 19045)
## Matrix products: default
## locale:
## [1] LC_COLLATE=German_Germany.utf8  LC_CTYPE=German_Germany.utf8    LC_MONETARY=German_Germany.utf8 LC_NUMERIC=C                   
## [5] LC_TIME=German_Germany.utf8    
## attached base packages:
## [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     
## other attached packages:
##  [1] patchwork_1.1.2   doFuture_0.12.2   future_1.31.0     ggnewscale_0.4.8  windR_1.0.0       stringr_1.5.0     knitr_1.42        sf_1.0-13        
##  [9] foreach_1.5.2     auksRuak_0.1.0    viridis_0.6.2     viridisLite_0.4.1 anytime_0.3.9     ggplot2_3.4.0     sdb_2019.12       magrittr_2.0.3   
## [17] data.table_1.14.8
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
##  [1] sfext_0.1.0        lubridate_1.9.2    bit64_4.0.5        httr_1.4.4         rprojroot_2.0.3    bslib_0.4.2        tools_4.2.2       
##  [8] utf8_1.2.3         R6_2.5.1           KernSmooth_2.23-20 rgeos_0.6-1        DBI_1.1.3          colorspace_2.1-0   raster_3.6-14     
## [15] withr_2.5.0        sp_1.6-0           tidyselect_1.2.0   gridExtra_2.3      Exact_3.2          RMySQL_0.10.25     bit_4.0.5         
## [22] compiler_4.2.2     cli_3.6.0          expm_0.999-7       labeling_0.4.2     sass_0.4.5         scales_1.2.1       classInt_0.4-9    
## [29] mvtnorm_1.1-3      proxy_0.4-27       askpass_1.1        digest_0.6.31      rmarkdown_2.20     pkgconfig_2.0.3    htmltools_0.5.4   
## [36] parallelly_1.34.0  filenamr_0.1.0     fastmap_1.1.0      rlang_1.0.6        RMariaDB_1.2.2     readxl_1.4.1       rstudioapi_0.14   
## [43] farver_2.1.1       jquerylib_0.1.4    generics_0.1.3     jsonlite_1.8.4     dplyr_1.1.0        Matrix_1.5-1       Rcpp_1.0.10       
## [50] DescTools_0.99.47  munsell_0.5.0      fansi_1.0.4        lifecycle_1.0.3    terra_1.7-3        stringi_1.7.12     yaml_2.3.7        
## [57] snakecase_0.11.0   MASS_7.3-58.1      rootSolve_1.8.2.3  grid_4.2.2         parallel_4.2.2     listenv_0.9.0      lmom_2.9          
## [64] lattice_0.20-45    hms_1.1.3          pillar_1.8.1       boot_1.3-28        gld_2.6.6          codetools_0.2-18   glue_1.6.2        
## [71] evaluate_0.20      vctrs_0.5.2        cellranger_1.1.0   gtable_0.3.1       purrr_1.0.1        cachem_1.0.6       xfun_0.40         
## [78] janitor_2.1.0      e1071_1.7-13       class_7.3-20       ggspatial_1.1.7    tibble_3.1.8       iterators_1.0.14   cliExtras_0.1.0   
## [85] units_0.8-2        timechange_0.2.0   globals_0.16.2