
Git open anything One more (implicit!) alias to improve your git workflow

We’ve already discussed git aliases in a separate post. But there is one more helpful thing, which is an individual tool, thus we didn’t discuss it altogether with other aliases. Git open is a shortcut CLI command that allows you to open a repo website (GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket) in your browser. The typical use case is when you’ve commited and pushed something and then want to quickly open GitHub to create a PR.

The command is registered as an implicit alias. That’s it — any executable on your path that is git- prefixed is treated as a git subcommand, so you can call it without a dash, for example, git open will simply call git-open bash script that exists in your $PATH. This said, you just need to grab the script and put it in a folder which is in your path:

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/paulirish/git-open/master/git-open > /usr/local/bin/git-open
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/git-open

Voila! You can not jump in any repo published on GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket and type git open to open the browser! Neat. Of course, if you are in a forked repository and want to open upstream repo, you can do that with git open upstream. To open a specific branch, please use git open origin branch.

The project’s repo has more documentation on how to install the script with your favorite package manager, how to use self-hosted solutions, etc.

Happy hacking!