Using the new button you can now quickly find all unsaved editors. Very helpful when you have a lots of tabs open at the same time.
Two new extensions added, allowing to create own tab types and own filter handling, allowing to create language dependent filters and implementation of the tabs.
Two new buttons added to extend the filtering. They allows to display only inactive and/or locked objects. They works also with dirty editors filter.
When you have some tabs that are pinned and closed, then during the shutdown event of Eclipse, the tabs are reopened
It will make the tabs available after the next start of Eclipse
You can now pin/unpin all tabs of Groups and Projects at once. You can also open all closed tabs from Group or Project
Additionally you can pin and close all tabs of the Group or Project, to let you better manage the opened tabs.
Changes based on idea raised in the GH 40
Column with path of the file linked to editor is now added to the view. Visibility of this column can be customized in preferences.
Changes based on idea raised in the GH 42
It is now possible to configure which columns and in which sequence are displayed.
The settings are available in the plugin Preferences in the Columns page.
Changes based on idea raised in the GH 41
The update site of the plugin contains now additional feature for ABAP developers only.
It requires ADT tools to be installed.
The settings are available in the plugin Preferences in the Columns page.
Changes based on idea raised in the GH 43
After installation, two additional functionalities on the ABAP nodes will be available.