--- title: "Inference: Clustering" subtitle: "EC 607, Set 11" author: "Edward Rubin" date: "Spring 2021" output: xaringan::moon_reader: css: ['default', 'metropolis', 'metropolis-fonts', 'my-css.css'] # self_contained: true nature: highlightStyle: github highlightLines: true countIncrementalSlides: false --- class: inverse, middle ```{r, setup, include = F} # devtools::install_github("dill/emoGG") library(pacman) p_load( broom, tidyverse, latex2exp, ggplot2, ggthemes, ggforce, viridis, extrafont, gridExtra, kableExtra, snakecase, janitor, data.table, dplyr, fixest, estimatr, lubridate, knitr, parallel, furrr, lfe, huxtable, here, magrittr ) # Define pink color red_pink <- "#e64173" turquoise <- "#20B2AA" orange <- "#FFA500" red <- "#fb6107" blue <- "#3b3b9a" green <- "#8bb174" grey_light <- "grey70" grey_mid <- "grey50" grey_dark <- "grey20" purple <- "#6A5ACD" slate <- "#314f4f" # Dark slate grey: #314f4f # Knitr options opts_chunk$set( comment = "#>", fig.align = "center", fig.height = 7, fig.width = 10.5, warning = F, message = F ) opts_chunk$set(dev = "svg") options(device = function(file, width, height) { svg(tempfile(), width = width, height = height) }) options(knitr.table.format = "html") ``` ```{css, echo = F, eval = T} @media print { .has-continuation { display: block !important; } } ``` # Prologue --- name: schedule # Schedule ## Last time Regression discontinuities ## Today Inference and clustering ## Upcoming Problem set #2 due **Thursday**.
Problem set #3 coming soon. --- layout: true # Inference --- class: inverse, middle --- name: motive ## Motivation So far, we've focused on carefully .hi[obtaining causal estimates] of the effect of some treatment $\text{D}_{i}$ on our outcome $\text{Y}_{i}$. -- Our discussion of research designs and their requirements/assumptions has centered on .hi[avoiding selection and securing unbiased and/or consistent estimates] for $\tau$. -- In other words, we've concentrated on .hi[point estimates]. What about .hi-purple[inference]? --- ## Shminference .super[.pink[†]] .footnote[ .pink[†] What is [*shminference*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shm-reduplication)? ] .qa[Q] Why care about inference? -- .qa[A] I'll give you two reasons. -- 1. We often want to .hi[test theories/hypotheses]. Point estimates (*i.e.*, $\hat{\beta}$) can't do this alone. Inference finishes the job. -- 2. Other times, we want to .hi[*measure* the effect] of a treatment. Inference helps us think about the .hi[precision] of our estimates. -- .note[Note:] Similar reasoning can apply to bounding forecasting/predictions. -- If you want answers, then you need to do inference -- correctly. --- ## What's so complicated? Angrist and Pischke told us that "correcting" our standard errors for heteroskedasticity may increase the standard errors up to 25%. What else are we worried about? --- ## What we're worried about - .hi-slate[Transformations of estimators], *i.e.*, $\mathop{\text{Var}} \left[ f\left(\hat\beta\right) \right] \neq f\!\left(\mathop{\text{Var}} \left[ \hat\beta \right]\right)$ -- - .hi-slate[Dependence/correlation in our disturbance], *i.e.*, $\mathop{\text{Cov}} \left(\varepsilon_i,\,\varepsilon_j \right)\neq 0$ - .slate[Autocorrelation] $\varepsilon_t = \rho \varepsilon_{t-1} + \varepsilon_t$ - .slate[Correlated shocks within groups] $\varepsilon_i = \varepsilon_{g(i)} + \varepsilon_i$ -- - .hi-slate[Finite-sample properties] *vs.* asymptotic properties -- - .hi-slate[Power] and .hi-slate[minimal detectable effects] -- - .hi-slate[Multiple-hypothesis testing] and .hi-slate[*p-hacking*] -- .it[In other words:] We've got a lot to worry/think about. --- layout: true # Clustering --- name: clustering class: inverse, middle --- ## Setup Many studies—observational and experimental—have a treatment that is assigned to all/most individuals within a group. - Classrooms/schools - Households - Villages/counties/states -- Furthermore, we might imagine individuals within the same group may have correlated disturbances. For $i$ and $j$ in group $g$ $$ \begin{align} \mathop{\text{Cov}} \left( \varepsilon_{i},\, \varepsilon_{j} \right) = \mathop{E}\left[ \varepsilon_{i} \varepsilon_{j} \right] = \rho_\varepsilon \sigma^2_\varepsilon \end{align} $$ where $\rho_\varepsilon$ gives the within-group correlation of disturbances—what *MHE* calls the .attn[intraclass correlation coefficient]. --- ## Setup In other words, we have a regression $$ \begin{align} y_{i} = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x_{g(i)} + \varepsilon_i \end{align} $$ where individual $i$ is in group $g$, and $\text{X}_{g(i)}$ only varies across groups. -- For within-group correlation, we can use an additive random-effects model $$ \begin{align} \varepsilon_i = \nu_{g(i)} + \eta_i \end{align} $$ meaning group members all receive a common shock $\nu_{g(i)}$, and individuals receive independent shocks $\eta_i$. -- .note[Note] We assume $\eta_i$ is independent of $\eta_j$ $\left( i\neq j \right)$ and $\nu_g$ $\left( \forall g \right)$. --- ## Additive random effects Based upon this model we've set up $$ \begin{align} \varepsilon_i = \nu_{g(i)} + \eta_i \end{align} $$ the covariance between individuals $i$ and $j$ in group $g$ is $$ \begin{align} \mathop{\text{Cov}} \left( \varepsilon_i,\, \varepsilon_j \right) &= \mathop{E}\left[ \varepsilon_i \varepsilon_j \right] = \mathop{E}\left[ \left( \nu_g + \eta_i \right) \left( \nu_g + \eta_j \right) \right] = \mathop{E}\left[ \nu_g^2 \right] = \sigma^2_\nu \\ &= \rho_\varepsilon\sigma^2_\varepsilon \\ &= \rho_\varepsilon \left( \sigma^2_\nu + \sigma^2_\eta \right) \end{align} $$ Thus, we can write the intraclass correlation coefficient as $$ \begin{align} \rho_\varepsilon = \dfrac{\sigma^2_\nu}{\sigma^2_\varepsilon} = \dfrac{\sigma^2_\nu}{\sigma^2_\nu + \sigma^2_\eta} \end{align} $$ --- ## What is $\rho_\varepsilon?$ Let's review what we know. $$ \begin{align} \varepsilon_i = \nu_{g(i)} + \eta_i \quad\quad \color{#6A5ACD}{\text{and}} \quad\quad \rho_\varepsilon = \dfrac{\sigma^2_\nu}{\sigma^2_\varepsilon} = \dfrac{\sigma^2_\nu}{\sigma^2_\nu + \sigma^2_\eta} \end{align} $$ -- One way to think about $\rho_\varepsilon$ is as the .hi[share of the variance of the disturbance] $\varepsilon_i$ .hi[accounted for by the shared disurbance] $\nu_{g(i)}$. -- As $\nu_{g(i)}$ accounts for more and more of the variation in $\varepsilon_i$, $\rho_\varepsilon\rightarrow 1$. --- ## So... .qa[Q] Why do we care about $\rho_\varepsilon$? -- .qa[A] It tells us by how wrong our standard errors can be if we treat all observations as independent. -- Let $\mathop{\text{Var}_o} \left( \hat\beta_1 \right)$ denote the conventional variance formula for OLS estimator..super[.pink[†]] .footnote[ .pink[†] which treats all disturbances as independent (and identically distributed). ] -- Let $\mathop{\text{Var}} \left( \hat\beta_1 \right)$ denote the actual variance of $\hat\beta_1$. --- name: moulton ## So.... With (.hi-slate[1]) nonstochastic regressors fixed by group *and* (.hi-slate[2]) groups of size $n$ $\quad\dfrac{\mathop{\text{Var}} \left( \hat\beta_1 \right)}{\mathop{\text{Var}_o} \left( \hat\beta_1 \right)} = 1 + (n-1) \rho_\varepsilon\quad$ -- $\implies \quad \dfrac{\mathop{\text{S.E.}} \left( \hat\beta_1 \right)}{\mathop{\text{S.E.}_o} \left( \hat\beta_1 \right)} = \sqrt{1 + (n-1) \rho_\varepsilon}$ -- The term $\sqrt{1 + (n-1) \rho_\varepsilon}$ is called the .attn[Moulton factor].super[.pink[†]]. The .attn[Moulton factor] tells us by what factor standard errors will be wrong if we ignore within-group correlation (conditional on assumptions .hi-slate[1] and .hi-slate[2]). .footnote[ .pink[†] After [Moulton (1986)](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0304407686900217). Derivation: *MHE* 323–325. ] -- .qa[Q] What happens if $\rho =$ 1? -- What if you duplicated your dataset? --
.qa[Q] What happens as $n$ increases? --- name: moulton-example ## The Moulton factor The Moulton factor $$ \begin{align} \dfrac{\mathop{\text{S.E.}} \left( \hat\beta_1 \right)}{\mathop{\text{S.E.}_o} \left( \hat\beta_1 \right)} = \sqrt{1 + (n-1) \rho_\varepsilon} \end{align} $$ shows even when $\rho_\varepsilon$ is small, we can have vary large standard error issues. -- .ex[Ex] An experiment on 400 schools, each with 1,000 students. -- If $\rho_\varepsilon = 0.01$, the Moulton factor is $\sqrt{1 + (1,000-1)\times0.01}\approx 3.32$. --- name: moulton-tstat ## Test statistics .note[Recall] $t_\text{stat} = \dfrac{\hat{\beta}_1}{\mathop{\text{S.E.}} \left( \hat\beta_1 \right)}$. -- $\therefore \dfrac{t_o}{t}$ -- $= \dfrac{\hat{\beta}_1/\mathop{\text{S.E.}_o} \left( \hat\beta_1 \right)}{\hat{\beta}_1/\mathop{\text{S.E.}} \left( \hat\beta_1 \right)}$ -- $=\dfrac{\mathop{\text{S.E.}} \left( \hat\beta_1 \right)}{\mathop{\text{S.E.}_o} \left( \hat\beta_1 \right)}$ -- $=$ the Moulton factor. -- .ex[Ex] Thus, in our example of 400 schools with 1,000 students, ignoring within-school correlation of $\rho_\varepsilon=$ 0.01 would lead us test statistics that are more than 3 times as large as they should be. -- This is why economics seminars have standard-error police. --- ## Relaxing assumptions If we allow regressors to vary by individual and groups to differ in size $\left( n_g \right)$, $$ \begin{align} \dfrac{\mathop{\text{Var}} \left( \hat\beta_1 \right)}{\mathop{\text{Var}_o} \left( \hat\beta_1 \right)} = 1 + \left[ \dfrac{\mathop{\text{Var}} \left( n_g \right)}{\overline{n}} + \overline{n} - 1 \right]\rho_x \rho_\varepsilon \end{align} $$ where $\rho_x$ denotes the intraclass (within-group) correlation of $x_i$..super[.pink[†]] .footnote[ .pink[†] See *MHE* for mathematical definitions and the derivation. ] -- .attn[Important] The Moulton factor for this general model depends upon the amount of within-group correlation in $x_i$ *and* $\varepsilon_i$. -- The special case is also important, as treatment is often fixed at some level. --- name: cluster_answers ## The answer .qa[Q] So what do we do now? -- .qa[A] We've got options (as usual) 1. Parametrically model the random effects 2. Cluster-robust standard error (estimator) 3. Aggregate up to the group (or a similar method) 4. Block (group-based) bootstrap 5. GLS/MLE modeling $y_i$ and $\varepsilon_i$ -- .hi-orange[Most common:] Cluster-robust standard errors
.hi-red[Runner up:] Block bootstrap
.hi-pink[Second runner up:] Group-level analysis --- name: cluster-robust ## Cluster-robust standard errors [Liang and Zeger (1986)](https://doi.org/10.1093/biomet/73.1.13) extend White's heteroskedasticity-robust covariance matrix to allow for both clustering and heteroskedasticity..super[.pink[†]] .footnote[ .pink[†] When people say *clustering*, they typically mean *correlated disturbances within a group.* ] -- .smaller[ $$ \begin{align} \hat{\Omega}_\text{cl} = \left( \text{X}^\prime \text{X} \right)^{-1} \left( \sum_g \text{X}_g' \hat{\Psi}_g \text{X}_g \right) \left( \text{X}^\prime \text{X} \right)^{-1} \end{align} $$ ] -- .smaller[ $$ \begin{align} \hat{\Psi}_g = a e_g e_g' = a \begin{bmatrix} e_{1g}^2 & e_{1g} e_{2g} & \cdots & e_{1g} e_{n_g g} \\ e_{1g} e_{2g} & e_{2g}^2 & e_{2g} \cdots & e_{2g} e_{n_g g} \\ \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ e_{1g} e_{n_g g} & e_{2g} e_{n_g g} & \cdots & e_{n_g g}^2 \end{bmatrix} \end{align} $$ ] where $e_{g}$ are the OLS residuals for group $g$, $e_{ig}$ is the residual for individual $i$ in group $g$, and $a$ is a degrees-of-freedom adjustment. --- ## Cluster-robust standard errors .note[Derivation] Let $\text{x}_i$ denote observation $i$ (row) from $\text{X}$. --
$$ \begin{align} \mathop{\text{Var}} \left( \hat\beta \bigg| \text{X} \right) = \mathop{E}\left[ \left( \hat\beta - \beta \right)\left( \hat\beta - \beta \right)' \bigg| \text{X} \right] = \mathop{E}\left[ \left( \mathbf{\text{X}}^\prime \mathbf{\text{X}} \right)^{-1} \text{X}' \varepsilon \varepsilon' \text{X} \left( \mathbf{\text{X}}^\prime \mathbf{\text{X}} \right)^{-1} \bigg| \text{X} \right] \end{align} $$ -- $$ \begin{align} \color{#ffffff}{\mathop{\text{Var}} \left( \hat\beta \bigg| \text{X} \right)} =\left( \mathbf{\text{X}}^\prime \mathbf{\text{X}} \right)^{-1} \color{#e64173}{\text{X}'\mathop{E}\left[ \varepsilon \varepsilon' | \text{X} \right]\text{X}} \left( \mathbf{\text{X}}^\prime \mathbf{\text{X}} \right)^{-1} \end{align} $$ -- $$ \begin{align} \color{#ffffff}{\mathop{\text{Var}} \left( \hat\beta \bigg| \text{X} \right)} =\left( \sum_{i=1}^N \text{x}_i'\text{x}_i \right)^{-1} \color{#e64173}{\left( \sum_{i=1}^N\sum_{j=1}^N \text{x}_i' \text{x}_j \mathop{E}\left[ \varepsilon_j \varepsilon_i \big| \text{X} \right] \right)} \left( \sum_{i=1}^N \text{x}_i'\text{x}_i \right)^{-1} \end{align} $$
-- .qa[Q] Can we estimate $\color{#e64173}{\left( \sum_i\sum_j \text{x}_i' \text{x}_j \mathop{E}\left[ \varepsilon_j \varepsilon_i \big| \text{X} \right] \right)}$ with $\sum_i\sum_j \text{x}_i' \text{x}_j e_j e_i = \text{X}'e e'\text{X}$? --
.qa[A] No. Recall with OLS, $\text{X}'e=0$. -- But we will do something similar. --- ## Cluster-robust standard errors Imagine we have $G$ clusters with some unknown .pink[dependence between observations within a cluster] and .purple[independence between clusters]. -- Then we can ignore $\text{x}_i' \text{x}_j \mathop{E}\left[ \varepsilon_j \varepsilon_i \big| \text{X} \right]$ if $i$ and $j$ are in .purple[different clusters]. -- We can estimate $\color{#e64173}{ \sum_i\sum_j \text{x}_i' \text{x}_j \mathop{E}\left[ \varepsilon_j \varepsilon_i \big| \text{X} \right]}$ with $$ \begin{align} \color{#e64173}{ \sum_{g=1}^{G} \left(\sum_{i=1}^{N_g}\sum_{j=1}^{N_g} \text{x}_i' \text{x}_j e_j e_i\right)} = \color{#e64173}{\sum_{g=1}^{G} \text{X}_{g}' e_g e_g' \text{X}_{g}} \end{align} $$ *I.e.*, to learn about .pink[within-group] covariance, we calculate these .pink[within-group] cross products and then sum over groups..super[.pink[†]] .footnote[ .pink[†] Group sizes can vary. ] --- ## Guidelines for group number/size .hi-slate[Large] $\color{#314f4f}{G}$.slate[,] .hi-slate[Small] $\color{#314f4f}{N_g}$
Clustered standard errors work well. $G>N_g$ and $G>20$. .hi-slate[Large] $\color{#314f4f}{G}$.slate[,] .hi-slate[Large] $\color{#314f4f}{N_g}$
We might be concerned about the number of within-group cross terms here. However, for moderately large $G$ (50?), cluster-robust standard errors appear to perform well with large $N_g$. .hi-slate[Small] $\color{#314f4f}{G}$.slate[,] .hi-slate[Large] $\color{#314f4f}{N_g}$
Cluster-robust standard errors do not work well (definitely $G<10$).
.note[Options] Collapse groups? Wild clustered bootstrap? .hi-slate[Small] $\color{#314f4f}{G}$.slate[,] .hi-slate[Small] $\color{#314f4f}{N_g}$
Essentially the same issues and solutions as small $G$ with large $N_g$. --- name: cluster-extensions ## Further extensions We've discussed the standard cluster-robust variance-covariance estimator. .attn[Multi-way clustering] allows multiple levels/dimensions in which individuals are *clustered*. - For .note[nested clusters] (_e.g._, state and county), people commonly cluster at the highest (largest) unit. - For .note[non-nested clusters] (_e.g._, state and year), [Cameron, Gelbach, and Miller (2011)](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1198/jbes.2010.07136) provide a covariance estimator $$ \begin{align} \mathop{\text{Var}} \left( \hat\beta \right) = \mathop{\text{Var}_\text{State}} \left( \hat\beta \right) + \mathop{\text{Var}_\text{Year}} \left( \hat\beta \right) - \mathop{\text{Var}_\text{State-Year}} \left( \hat\beta \right) \end{align} $$ where $\mathop{\text{Var}}_\text{State} \left( \hat\beta \right)$ denotes the covariance of $\hat\beta$ clustered by state. --- ## Further extensions We've discussed the standard cluster-robust variance-covariance estimator. The term .attn[Conley standard errors] is often used to describe situations in which you have spatial clustering/correlation that you can describe via a function like spatial distance..super[.pink[†]] .footnote[ .pink[†] They also are robust to heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation within units. ] See [Conley (1999)](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0304407698000840) for the paper and [this blog by Dan Christensen and Thiemo Fetzer](http://www.trfetzer.com/using-r-to-estimate-spatial-hac-errors-per-conley/) for practical implementation in .mono[R] and .mono[Stata]. --- ## Cluster-robust standard errors So now you know what `lm_robust()`, `iv_robust()`, *etc.* are doing when you specify a variable for clustering (*e.g.*, `clusters = var`). -- .pull-left[ `lm_robust()` .hi-slate[without clustering] ```{r, ex-cluster-1} # Estimate without clusters vote_no <- lm_robust( voteA ~ expendA + expendB, fixed_effects = state, data = wooldridge::vote1 ) ``` ] .pull-right[ `lm_robust()` .hi-slate[with clustering] ```{r, ex-cluster-2} # Estimate with clusters vote_cl <- lm_robust( voteA ~ expendA + expendB, fixed_effects = state, clusters = state, data = wooldridge::vote1 ) ``` ] --- exclude: true layout: false class: clear, middle ```{r, ex-cluster-table, echo = F} huxreg("No clustering" = vote_no, "With clustering" = vote_cl) ``` --- ## Cluster-robust standard errors Alternatives for clustering: `felm()` from `lfe` and `feols()` from `fixest`. -- .pull-left[ `felm()` .hi-slate[clustering by state] ```{r, ex-lfe, eval = F} # Estimate with clusters est_felm = felm( voteA ~ expendA + expendB | state | 0 | state, data = wooldridge::vote1 ) ``` ] .pull-right[ `feols()` .hi-slate[clustering by state] ```{r, ex-fixest, eval = F} # Estimate with clusters est_feols = feols( voteA ~ expendA + expendB | state, data = wooldridge::vote1 ) # Force cluster-rob. SEs summary( est_feols, se = "cluster", cluster = "state" ) ``` ] --- layout: false class: clear, middle Time for a simulation. --- layout: true # Cluster simulation --- name: cluser-sim class: inverse, middle --- ## The DGP Let's opt for a simple-ish example..super[.pink[†]] .footnote[ .pink[†] So we have more room for problem sets/exams. ] $$ \begin{align} y_{ig} &= \left( \beta_0 = 1 \right) + \left( \beta_1 = 2 \right) x_{1,g} + \left( \beta_2 = 0 \right) x_{2,g} + \varepsilon_{ig} \\ \varepsilon_{ig} &= \nu_g + \eta_i \end{align} $$ where the $\eta_i\perp\eta_j$, $\eta_i\perp\nu_g$, and $\nu_g\perp\nu_h$. -- Let's assume $\eta_i\sim N(0,1)$ and $\nu_g\sim N(0,1)$. And $x_g\sim N(0,1)$. Plus $N_g = 100$ with 10 groups. -- .note[Note] Small $G$ with large-ish $N_g$. --- layout: true class: clear --- First we need to write the .hi-slate[data generating process for one iteration]. ```{r, dgp-code, eval = T} # The DGP sim_dgp <- function(n = 100, n_grps = 10, σν = 1, ση = 1) { # Create the right number of observations sample_df <- expand.grid(i = 1:n, g = 1:n_grps) %>% as_tibble() # Create a unique ID (from 1 to number of observations) sample_df %<>% mutate(id = 1:(n * n_grps)) # Sample ν at the group level (NOTE: DON'T FORGET TO UNGROUP) sample_df %<>% group_by(g) %>% mutate(ν = rnorm(1, sd = σν)) %>% ungroup() # Sample η at the individual level sample_df %<>% mutate(η = rnorm(n * n_grps, sd = ση)) # Sample x_g from N(0,1) sample_df %<>% group_by(g) %>% mutate(x1 = rnorm(1), x2 = rnorm(1)) %>% ungroup() # Calculate y sample_df %<>% mutate(y = 1 + 2 * x1 + 0 * x2 + ν + η) # Return return(sample_df) } ``` --- Now we .hi-slate[analyze] the data within one iteration. ```{r, reg-code, eval = T} # Analyze 'data' sim_analyze <- function(data) { # Conventional SEs result_ols <- lm_robust( y ~ x1 + x2, data = data, se_type = "classical" ) %>% tidy() %>% filter(term %in% c("x1", "x2")) %>% select(1:5) %>% mutate(type = "conventional") # Cluster-robust SEs result_cl <- lm_robust( y ~ x1 + x2, data = data, clusters = g ) %>% tidy() %>% filter(term %in% c("x1", "x2")) %>% select(1:5) %>% mutate(type = "clustered") # Bind results together and add column for standard errors results_df <- bind_rows(result_ols, result_cl) # Return results return(results_df) } ``` --- Now put the pieces together. ```{r, sim-code, eval = T} # Join sim_dgp and sim_analyze sim_iter <- function(n = 100, n_grps = 10, σν = 1, ση = 1) { # Run the analysis in sim_analyze on the output of sim_dgp sim_dgp(n = 100, n_grps = 10, σν = 1, ση = 1) %>% sim_analyze() } ``` --- And we .hi-slate[run the simulation] (10,000 times). ```{r, sim-run, eval = T, cache = T} # Load and set up furrr p_load(furrr) plan(multiprocess, workers = 10) # Set a seed set.seed(1234) # Run the simulation 1e4 times sim_df <- future_map_dfr( # Repeat sample size 100 for 1e4 times rep(100, 1e4), # Our function sim_iter, # Let furrr know we want to set a seed .options = future_options(seed = T) ) ``` --- .hi-slate[Comparing standard errors] for $\hat\beta_1$ (coefficient on $x_1$) ```{r, plot-sim-se, echo = F, eval = T} ggplot( data = sim_df %>% filter(term == "x1"), aes(x = std.error, fill = type) ) + geom_density(color = NA, alpha = 0.9) + geom_hline(yintercept = 0) + xlab("Standard error") + ylab("Density") + scale_fill_manual("S.E.", values = c(orange, purple)) + theme_pander(base_size = 22, base_family = "Fira Sans Book") ``` --- .hi-slate[Comparing _t_ statistics] for $\hat\beta_1$ (coefficient on $x_1$) ```{r, plot-sim-tstat, echo = F, eval = T} ggplot( data = sim_df %>% filter(term == "x1"), aes(x = statistic, fill = type) ) + geom_density(color = NA, alpha = 0.9) + geom_hline(yintercept = 0) + xlab("t Statistic") + ylab("Density") + scale_fill_manual("S.E.", values = c(orange, purple)) + theme_pander(base_size = 22, base_family = "Fira Sans Book") ``` --- .hi-slate[Comparing _t_ statistics] for $\hat\beta_2$ (coefficient on $x_2$) ```{r, plot-sim-tstat-x2, echo = F, eval = T} ggplot( data = sim_df %>% filter(term == "x2"), aes(x = statistic, fill = type) ) + geom_density(color = NA, alpha = 0.9) + geom_hline(yintercept = 0) + xlab("t Statistic") + ylab("Density") + scale_fill_manual("S.E.", values = c(orange, purple)) + theme_pander(base_size = 22, base_family = "Fira Sans Book") ``` --- class: middle .center.b.slate.pull-up[Rejection rates] ```{r, cl-sim-summary, echo = F} sim_df %>% group_by(term, type) %>% summarize(mean(p.value < 0.05)) %>% hux() ``` 1. We definitely can see the .b[need for clustering].
Conventional standard errors are rejecting a .pink[true] H.sub[o] 80% of the time. 2. .b[Cluster-robust standard errors are struggling] a bit in this situation.
Small $G$; large $N_g$. Rejecting .purple[false] H.sub[o] 88% and .pink[true] H.sub[o] 3.7% of the time. --- name: resources ## Resources from the literature [When Should You Adjust Standard Errors for Clustering?](https://www.nber.org/papers/w24003)
Abadie, Athey, Imbens, and Wooldridge [A Practitioner’s Guide to Cluster-Robust Inference](http://jhr.uwpress.org/content/50/2/317.refs)
Cameron and Miller (2015) [Robust Inference With Multiway Clustering](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1198/jbes.2010.07136)
Cameron, Gelbach, and Miller (2011) [Bootstrap-Based Improvements for Inference with Clustered Errors](https://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/abs/10.1162/rest.90.3.414)
Cameron, Gelbach, and Miller (2008) [How Much Should We Trust Differences-In-Differences Estimates?](https://academic.oup.com/qje/article-abstract/119/1/249/1876068)
Bertrand, Duflo, and Mullainathan (2004) --- layout: false # Table of contents .pull-left[ ### Inference .small[ 1. [Motivation](#motive) 1. [Clustering](#clustering) 1. [Moulton factors](#moulton) - [Example](#moulton-example) - [Test statistics](#moulton-tstats) 1. [Answers](#cluster-answers) 1. [Cluster-robust S.E.s](#cluster-robust) 1. [Clustering extensions](#cluster-extensions) 1. [Simulation](#simulation) 1. [Resources](#resources) ]]