--- title: "Matching" subtitle: "EC 607, Set 8" author: "Edward Rubin" date: "Spring 2021" output: xaringan::moon_reader: css: ['default', 'metropolis', 'metropolis-fonts', 'my-css.css'] # self_contained: true nature: highlightStyle: github highlightLines: true countIncrementalSlides: false --- class: inverse, middle ```{r, setup, include = F} # devtools::install_github("dill/emoGG") library(pacman) p_load( broom, tidyverse, ggplot2, ggthemes, ggforce, ggridges, latex2exp, viridis, extrafont, gridExtra, kableExtra, snakecase, janitor, data.table, dplyr, lubridate, knitr, estimatr, here, magrittr ) # Define pink color red_pink <- "#e64173" turquoise <- "#20B2AA" orange <- "#FFA500" red <- "#fb6107" blue <- "#3b3b9a" green <- "#8bb174" grey_light <- "grey70" grey_mid <- "grey50" grey_dark <- "grey20" purple <- "#6A5ACD" slate <- "#314f4f" # Dark slate grey: #314f4f # Knitr options opts_chunk$set( comment = "#>", fig.align = "center", fig.height = 7, fig.width = 10.5, warning = F, message = F ) opts_chunk$set(dev = "svg") options(device = function(file, width, height) { svg(tempfile(), width = width, height = height) }) options(crayon.enabled = F) options(knitr.table.format = "html") # A blank theme for ggplot theme_empty <- theme_bw() + theme( line = element_blank(), rect = element_blank(), strip.text = element_blank(), axis.text = element_blank(), plot.title = element_blank(), axis.title = element_blank(), plot.margin = structure(c(0, 0, -0.5, -1), unit = "lines", valid.unit = 3L, class = "unit"), legend.position = "none" ) theme_simple <- theme_bw() + theme( line = element_blank(), panel.grid = element_blank(), rect = element_blank(), strip.text = element_blank(), axis.text.x = element_text(size = 18, family = "STIXGeneral"), axis.text.y = element_blank(), axis.ticks = element_blank(), plot.title = element_blank(), axis.title = element_blank(), # plot.margin = structure(c(0, 0, -1, -1), unit = "lines", valid.unit = 3L, class = "unit"), legend.position = "none" ) theme_axes_math <- theme_void() + theme( text = element_text(family = "MathJax_Math"), axis.title = element_text(size = 22), axis.title.x = element_text(hjust = .95, margin = margin(0.15, 0, 0, 0, unit = "lines")), axis.title.y = element_text(vjust = .95, margin = margin(0, 0.15, 0, 0, unit = "lines")), axis.line = element_line( color = "grey70", size = 0.25, arrow = arrow(angle = 30, length = unit(0.15, "inches") )), plot.margin = structure(c(1, 0, 1, 0), unit = "lines", valid.unit = 3L, class = "unit"), legend.position = "none" ) theme_axes_serif <- theme_void() + theme( text = element_text(family = "MathJax_Main"), axis.title = element_text(size = 22), axis.title.x = element_text(hjust = .95, margin = margin(0.15, 0, 0, 0, unit = "lines")), axis.title.y = element_text(vjust = .95, margin = margin(0, 0.15, 0, 0, unit = "lines")), axis.line = element_line( color = "grey70", size = 0.25, arrow = arrow(angle = 30, length = unit(0.15, "inches") )), plot.margin = structure(c(1, 0, 1, 0), unit = "lines", valid.unit = 3L, class = "unit"), legend.position = "none" ) theme_axes <- theme_void() + theme( text = element_text(family = "Fira Sans Book"), axis.title = element_text(size = 18), axis.title.x = element_text(hjust = .95, margin = margin(0.15, 0, 0, 0, unit = "lines")), axis.title.y = element_text(vjust = .95, margin = margin(0, 0.15, 0, 0, unit = "lines")), axis.line = element_line( color = grey_light, size = 0.25, arrow = arrow(angle = 30, length = unit(0.15, "inches") )), plot.margin = structure(c(1, 0, 1, 0), unit = "lines", valid.unit = 3L, class = "unit"), legend.position = "none" ) theme_set(theme_gray(base_size = 20)) # Column names for regression results reg_columns <- c("Term", "Est.", "S.E.", "t stat.", "p-Value") # Function for formatting p values format_pvi <- function(pv) { return(ifelse( pv < 0.0001, "<0.0001", round(pv, 4) %>% format(scientific = F) )) } format_pv <- function(pvs) lapply(X = pvs, FUN = format_pvi) %>% unlist() # Tidy regression results table tidy_table <- function(x, terms, highlight_row = 1, highlight_color = "black", highlight_bold = T, digits = c(NA, 3, 3, 2, 5), title = NULL) { x %>% tidy() %>% select(1:5) %>% mutate( term = terms, p.value = p.value %>% format_pv() ) %>% kable( col.names = reg_columns, escape = F, digits = digits, caption = title ) %>% kable_styling(font_size = 20) %>% row_spec(1:nrow(tidy(x)), background = "white") %>% row_spec(highlight_row, bold = highlight_bold, color = highlight_color) } ``` ```{r, xaringan-extra, include = F, eval = F} xaringanExtra::use_scribble(pen_color = red_pink) ``` ```{css, echo = F, eval = T} @media print { .has-continuation { display: block !important; } } ``` $$ \begin{align} \def\ci{\perp\mkern-10mu\perp} \end{align} $$ # Prologue --- name: schedule # Schedule ## Last times - DAGs - The conditional independence assumption: $\left( \text{Y}_{0i},\, \text{Y}_{1i}\right) \ci \text{D}_{i}\big| \text{X}_{i}$ - Omitted variable bias - Good *vs.* bad controls ## Today - First problem set! - Matching estimators (*MHE* 3.2 and Cameron and Trivedi 25.4). --- layout: true # Matching --- class: inverse, middle --- name: gist ## The gist Remember the .hi[conditional independence assumption].super[.pink[†]] in a setting—_i.e._, treatment is as-good-as random conditional on a known set of covariates? .footnote[.pink[†] AKA "selection on observables"] -- .hi[Matching estimators] take us at our word. -- If we really believe $\left(\text{Y}_{1i},\, \text{Y}_{0i} \right)\ci \text{D}_{i}|\text{X}_{i}$, then we can just calculate a bunch of treatment effects conditional on $\text{X}_{i}$, _i.e._, $$ \begin{align} \tau(x) = \mathop{E}\left[ \text{Y}_{1i} - \text{Y}_{0i} \mid \text{X}_{i} = x \right] \end{align} $$ -- .note[The idea:] Estimate a treatment effect only using observations with (nearly?) identical values of $\text{X}_{i}$. -- The CIA buys us causality within these groups. --- name: goals ## Goals Let's return to .b[the fundamental problem of causal inference] for a moment. 1. We want/need to know $\tau_i = \text{Y}_{1i} - \text{Y}_{0i}$. 2. We cannot simultaneously observe *both* $\text{Y}_{1i}$ *and* $\text{Y}_{0i}$. -- Most empirical strategies boil to strategies to estimate $\text{Y}_{0i}$ for treated individuals—the unobservable counterfactual for the treatment group. -- Matching is no different. We match untreated observations to treated observations using $\text{X}_{i}$, _i.e._, calculate a $\widehat{\text{Y}_{0i}}$ for each $\text{Y}_{1i}$, based upon "matched" untreated individuals. --- ## More formally We want to construct a counterfactual for each individual with $\text{D}_{i}=1$. -- The counterfactual for $i$ should only use individuals that match $\text{X}_{i}$. -- Let there be $N_T$ treated individuals and $N_C$ control individuals. We want - $N_T$ sets of weights - with $N_C$ weights in each set -- : $w_i(j)\, \left( i = 1,\,\ldots,\, N_T;\, j=1,\,\ldots,\, N_C \right)$ -- Assume $\sum_j w_i(j) = 1$. Our estimate for the counterfactual of treated $i$ is $$ \begin{align} \widehat{\text{Y}_{0i}} = \sum_{j\in \left( D=0 \right)} w_i(j) \text{Y}_{j} \end{align} $$ --- name: generic ## More formally If our estimated counterfactual for treated individual $i$ is $$ \begin{align} \widehat{\text{Y}_{0i}} = \sum_j w_i(j) \text{Y}_{j} \end{align} $$ then our estimated treatment effect (for individual $i$) is $$ \begin{align} \hat{\tau}_i = \text{Y}_{1i} - \widehat{\text{Y}_{0i}} = \text{Y}_{1i} - \sum_j w_i(j) \text{Y}_{j} \end{align} $$ -- ∴ a generic matching estimator for the treatment effect on the treated is $$ \begin{align} \hat{\tau}_M = \dfrac{1}{N_T} \sum_{i \in \left( \text{D}=1 \right)} \left( \text{Y}_{1i} - \widehat{\text{Y}_{0i}} \right) = \dfrac{1}{N_T} \sum_{i \in \left( \text{D}=1 \right)} \left( \text{Y}_{1i} - \sum_{j\in \left( D=0 \right)} w_i(j) \text{Y}_{j} \right) \end{align} $$ --- name: weights ## Weight for it.super[.pink[†]] So all we need is those weights and we're done..super[.pink[††]] .footnote[ .pink[†] 🤦 .pink[††] Plus an interesting, policy-relevant setting with valid conditional independence. And data. ] -- .qa[Q] Where does one find these handy weights? -- .qa[A] You've got options, but you need to choose carefully/responsibly. *E.g.*, if $w_i(j) = \frac{1}{N_C}$ for all $(i,j)$, then we're back to a difference in means.
This weighting doesn't abide by our conditional independence assumption. -- .note[The plan] Choose weights $w_i(j)$ that indicate .hi-slate[*how close*] $\text{X}_{j}$ is to $\text{X}_{i}$. --- name: discrete ## Proximity Our weights $w_i(j)$ should be a measure of .hi-slate[*how close*] $\text{X}_{j}$ is to $\text{X}_{i}$. -- If $\text{X}$ is .hi-pink[discrete], then we can consider equality, _i.e._, $w_i(j) = \mathbb{I}(\text{X}_{i} = \text{X}_{j})$, scaling as necessary to get $\sum_j w_i(j) = 1$. --- name: nn-euclidean ## Proximity Our weights $w_i(j)$ should be a measure of .hi-slate[*how close*] $\text{X}_{j}$ is to $\text{X}_{i}$. If $\text{X}$ is .hi-purple[continuous], then we need .it[proximity] rather than .it[equality]. -- .purple[*Nearest-neighbor* matching] chooses the single closest control observation using the Euclidean distance between $\text{X}_{i}$ and $\text{X}_{j}$, _i.e._, $$ \begin{align} \text{d}_{i,j} = \left( \text{X}_{i} - \text{X}_{j} \right)'\left(\text{X}_{i} - \text{X}_{j}\right) \end{align} $$ -- - $\hat{\tau}_i = \text{Y}_{1i} - \text{Y}_{0j}^i$, where $\text{Y}_{0j}^i$ is $i$'s nearest neighbor in the control group. - .hi-slate[Estimator:] $\hat{\tau}_M = \frac{1}{N_T} \sum_i \hat{\tau}_i$ - Produces causal estimates if CIA is valid *and* we have sufficient overlap. - Suffers from arbitrary choices of units. --- name: nn-mahalanobis ## Proximity Our weights $w_i(j)$ should be a measure of .hi-slate[*how close*] $\text{X}_{j}$ is to $\text{X}_{i}$. If $\text{X}$ is .hi-purple[continuous], then we need .it[proximity] rather than .it[equality]. .purple[*Nearest-neighbor* matching with Mahalanobis distance] chooses the single closest control using .purple[Mahalanobis] distance between $\text{X}_{i}$ and $\text{X}_{j}$, _i.e._, $$ \begin{align} \text{d}_{i,j} = \left( \text{X}_{i} - \text{X}_{j} \right)' \Sigma_{X}^{-1} \left(\text{X}_{i} - \text{X}_{j}\right) \end{align} $$ where $\Sigma_{X}^{-1}$ is the covariance matrix of $\text{X}$. -- - .hi-slate[Estimator:] $\hat{\tau}_M = \frac{1}{N_T} \sum_i \hat{\tau}_i$ where $\left(\hat{\tau}_i = \text{Y}_{1i} - \text{Y}_{0j}^i\right)$ - Produces causal estimates if CIA is valid *and* we have sufficient overlap. - Does not suffer from arbitrary choices of units. --- ## More neighbors? Why limit ourselves to a .b[single] "best" match? If we're going to let a function/algorithm choose the *nearest* match, can't we also let the function/algorithm choose *how many* matches? Furthermore, if $N_C \gg N_T$, it we're throwing away *a lot* of information. We could instead use this information and be more efficient. --- name: kernel ## More neighbors! .purple[Kernel matching] gives positive weight to all control observations within some .hi-slate[bandwidth] $h$, with higher weight for closer matches determined by some .hi-slate[kernel function] $K(\cdot)$, $$ \begin{align} w_i(j) = \dfrac{K\!\!\left( \dfrac{\text{X}_{j} - \text{X}_{i}}{h} \right)}{\sum_{j\in(D=0)} K\!\!\left(\dfrac{\text{X}_{j} - \text{X}_{i}}{h} \right)} \end{align} $$ -- .ex[Example] The *Epanechnikov kernel* is defined as $$ \begin{align} K(z) = \dfrac{3}{4} \left( 1 - z^2 \right) \times \mathbb{I}\!\left( |z| < 1 \right) \end{align} $$ --- layout: false class: clear .hi-orange[The Epanechnikov kernel] $K(z) = \frac{3}{4} \left( 1 - z^2 \right) \times \mathbb{I}\!\left( |z| < 1 \right)$ ```{r, epanechnikov, echo = F} ggplot( data = data.frame(x = c(-2.5, 2.5)), aes(x = x) ) + geom_hline( yintercept = 0, color = "grey70" ) + stat_function( fun = function(x) 3/4 * (abs(x) <= 1) * (1 - x^2), color = orange, size = 2.5 ) + ylim(0, 1) + xlab("z") + ylab("K(z)") + theme_minimal(base_size = 20, base_family = "Fira Sans Book") + theme( axis.title = element_text(family = "STIXGeneral", face = "italic", size = 22), panel.grid.major = element_line(size = 0.5, color = "grey95"), panel.grid.minor = element_line(size = 0.5, color = "grey95") ) ``` --- layout: false class: clear ```{r, ex_epanechnikov, echo = F, fig.height = 3.7} ggplot( data = data.frame(x = c(-2.5, 2.5)), aes(x = x) ) + geom_hline( yintercept = 0, color = "grey70" ) + stat_function( fun = function(x) 3/4 * (abs(x) <= 1) * (1 - x^2), color = orange, size = 2.5 ) + ylim(0, 1) + xlab("z") + ylab("K(z)") + theme_minimal(base_size = 20, base_family = "Fira Sans Book") + theme( axis.title = element_text(family = "STIXGeneral", face = "italic", size = 22), panel.grid.major = element_line(size = 0.5, color = "grey95"), panel.grid.minor = element_line(size = 0.5, color = "grey95") ) ``` --- class: clear count: false ```{r, ex_epa_point, echo = F, fig.height = 3.7} epa_fun <- function(x) 3/4 * (abs(x) <= 1) * (1 - x^2) set.seed(123) tmp <- tibble(x = runif(7, -2, 2), y = 0, k = epa_fun(x), w = k / sum(k)) ggplot( data = data.frame(x = c(-2.5, 2.5)), aes(x = x) ) + geom_hline( yintercept = 0, color = "grey70" ) + stat_function( fun = function(x) 3/4 * (abs(x) <= 1) * (1 - x^2), color = orange, size = 2.5 ) + geom_segment( data = tmp, aes(x = x, xend = x, y = y, yend = k), color = slate, linetype = "solid" ) + geom_point( data = tmp, aes(x, k), color = slate, size = 4.5 ) + geom_point( data = tmp, aes(x, y), color = slate, fill = "white", size = 4.5, shape = 21 ) + annotate( geom = "text", x = -2.5, y = 0.875, label = "Mapping data into the kernel", family = "Fira Sans Book", size = 7, hjust = 0, vjust = 0, color = slate ) + ylim(0, 1) + xlab("z") + ylab("K(z)") + theme_minimal(base_size = 20, base_family = "Fira Sans Book") + theme( axis.title = element_text(family = "STIXGeneral", face = "italic", size = 22), panel.grid.major = element_line(size = 0.5, color = "grey95"), panel.grid.minor = element_line(size = 0.5, color = "grey95") ) ``` -- ```{r, ex_weights, echo = F, fig.height = 3.7} ggplot( data = data.frame(x = c(-2.5, 2.5)), aes(x = x) ) + geom_hline( yintercept = 0, color = "grey70" ) + stat_function( fun = function(x) 3/4 * (abs(x) <= 1) * (1 - x^2), color = NA, size = 2.5 ) + geom_point( data = tmp, aes(x, w), color = purple, size = 4.5 ) + annotate( geom = "text", x = -2.5, y = 0.45, label = "Observations' weights", family = "Fira Sans Book", size = 7, hjust = 0, vjust = 0, color = purple ) + ylim(0, 0.5) + xlab("z") + ylab("w") + theme_minimal(base_size = 20, base_family = "Fira Sans Book") + theme( axis.title = element_text(family = "STIXGeneral", face = "italic", size = 22), panel.grid.major = element_line(size = 0.5, color = "grey95"), panel.grid.minor = element_line(size = 0.5, color = "grey95") ) ``` --- layout: false class: clear .hi-orange[The Epanechnikov kernel] $K(z) = \frac{3}{4} \left( 1 - z^2 \right) \times \mathbb{I}\!\left( |z| < 1 \right)$ ```{r, epanechnikov2, echo = F} ggplot( data = data.frame(x = c(-2.5, 2.5)), aes(x = x) ) + geom_hline( yintercept = 0, color = "grey70" ) + stat_function( fun = function(x) 3/4 * (abs(x) <= 1) * (1 - x^2), color = orange, size = 2.5 ) + ylim(0, 1) + xlab("z") + ylab("K(z)") + theme_minimal(base_size = 20, base_family = "Fira Sans Book") + theme( axis.title = element_text(family = "STIXGeneral", face = "italic", size = 22), panel.grid.major = element_line(size = 0.5, color = "grey95"), panel.grid.minor = element_line(size = 0.5, color = "grey95") ) ``` --- layout: false class: clear .hi-orange[The Triangle kernel] $K(z) = \left( 1 - |z| \right) \times \mathbb{I}\!\left( |z| < 1 \right)$ ```{r, triangle, echo = F} ggplot( data = data.frame(x = c(-2.5, 2.5)), aes(x = x) ) + geom_hline( yintercept = 0, color = "grey70" ) + stat_function( fun = function(x) (abs(x) <= 1) * (1 - abs(x)), color = orange, size = 2.5 ) + ylim(0, 1) + xlab("z") + ylab("K(z)") + theme_minimal(base_size = 20, base_family = "Fira Sans Book") + theme( axis.title = element_text(family = "STIXGeneral", face = "italic", size = 22), panel.grid.major = element_line(size = 0.5, color = "grey95"), panel.grid.minor = element_line(size = 0.5, color = "grey95") ) ``` --- layout: false class: clear .hi-orange[The Uniform kernel] $K(z) = \frac{1}{2} \times \mathbb{I}\!\left( |z| < 1 \right)$ ```{r, uniform, echo = F} ggplot( data = data.frame(x = c(-2.5, 2.5)), aes(x = x) ) + geom_hline( yintercept = 0, color = "grey70" ) + stat_function( fun = function(x) (abs(x) <= 1) * 1/2, n = 1e3, color = orange, size = 2.5 ) + ylim(0, 1) + xlab("z") + ylab("K(z)") + theme_minimal(base_size = 20, base_family = "Fira Sans Book") + theme( axis.title = element_text(family = "STIXGeneral", face = "italic", size = 22), panel.grid.major = element_line(size = 0.5, color = "grey95"), panel.grid.minor = element_line(size = 0.5, color = "grey95") ) ``` --- layout: false class: clear .hi-orange[The Gaussian kernel] $K(z) = \left( 2\pi \right)^{-1/2} \exp\left(-z^2/2 \right)$ ```{r, gaussian, echo = F} ggplot( data = data.frame(x = c(-2.5, 2.5)), aes(x = x) ) + geom_hline( yintercept = 0, color = "grey70" ) + stat_function( fun = function(x) (2 * pi)^(-1/2) * exp(-x^2/2), color = orange, size = 2.5 ) + ylim(0, 1) + xlab("z") + ylab("K(z)") + theme_minimal(base_size = 20, base_family = "Fira Sans Book") + theme( axis.title = element_text(family = "STIXGeneral", face = "italic", size = 22), panel.grid.major = element_line(size = 0.5, color = "grey95"), panel.grid.minor = element_line(size = 0.5, color = "grey95") ) ``` --- # Kernels ## Aside Kernel functions are good for more than just matching. You will most commonly see/use them smoothing out densities—providing a smooth, moving-window average. -- _E.g._, .mono[R]'s (`ggplot2`'s) smooth, density-plotting function `geom_density()`. `geom_density()` defaults to `kernel = "gaussian"`, but you can specify many other kernel functions (including `"epanechnikov"`). -- You can also change the `bandwidth` argument. The default is a bandwidth-choosing function called `bw.nrd0()`. --- layout: true # Matching --- ## Adding neighbors As we add more neighbors—either moving from $1$ to $n>1$ or increasing our bandwidth—we potentially increase the efficiency of our estimator. -- We need to .hi[be careful not to add *too many* controls] for each treated $i$. -- CIA requires that we're actually conditioning on the observables—it does not allow us to take a simple average across all control observations. --- ## The curse of dimensionality.super[.pink[†]] .footnote[.pink[†] I'm not sure if this is a title for Harry Potter or Indiana Jones... crossover anyone?] It turns out kernel- and bandwidth-selection are not our biggest enemies. -- As the dimension of $\text{X}$ expands (matching on more variables), it becomes .hi[harder and harder to find a nice, close control] for each treated unit. -- We need a way to shrink the dimensionality of $\text{X}$. --- layout: true # Propensity-score methods --- class: inverse, middle --- name: setup ## Setup Let's begin with two assumptions—one old and one new. 1. .hi-purple[Conditional independence:] $\left( \text{Y}_{0i},\, \text{Y}_{1i} \right) \ci \text{D}_{i}|\text{X}_{i}$ 2. .hi-purple[Overlap:] $0 < \mathop{\text{Pr}}\left(\text{D}_{i} = 1 \mid \text{X}_{i}\right) < 1$ -- We can estimate an average treatment effect by conditioning on $\text{X}_{i}$. -- However, overlap may fail if the dimensions of $X$ are large and $N$ is finite. -- .hi[Propensity scores provide a solution] to this mess. --- name: magic ## The magic It turns out that if $\left( \text{Y}_{0i},\,\text{Y}_{1i} \right) \ci \text{D}_{i}|\text{X}_{i},\,$ then we actually only need to match/condition on $p(\text{X}_{i}) = \mathop{E}\left[ \text{D}_{i} | \text{X}_{i} \right]$. -- $p(\text{X}_{i})$ is the .attn[propensity score] -- , the probability of treatment given $\text{X}_{i}.$ -- .attn[Propensity-score theorem] If $\left( \text{Y}_{0i},\,\text{Y}_{1i} \right) \ci \text{D}_{i}|\text{X}_{i},\,$ then $\left( \text{Y}_{0i},\,\text{Y}_{1i} \right) \ci \text{D}_{i}|p(\text{X}_{i}).$ -- This theorem extends our CIA to a one-dimensional score, avoiding the curse of dimensionality. --- layout: true # Propensity-score methods .note[Theorem] If $\left( \text{Y}_{0i},\,\text{Y}_{1i} \right) \ci \text{D}_{i}|\text{X}_{i},\,$ then $\left( \text{Y}_{0i},\,\text{Y}_{1i} \right) \ci \text{D}_{i}|p(\text{X}_{i}).$ ## Proof --- name: proof -- To prove this theorem, we will show $\mathop{\text{Pr}}\left(\text{D}_{i}=1 \mid \text{Y}_{0i},\, \text{Y}_{1i},\, p(\text{X}_{i})\right) = p(\text{X}_{i})$, _i.e._, $\text{D}_{i}$ is independent of $\left( \text{Y}_{0i},\, \text{Y}_{1i} \right)$ after conditioning on $p(\text{X}_{i})$. --- count: false $\mathop{\text{Pr}}\!\bigg[\text{D}_{i}=1 \bigg| \text{Y}_{0i},\, \text{Y}_{1i},\, p(\text{X}_{i})\bigg]$ -- .pad-left[ $=\mathop{E}\!\bigg[\text{D}_i \bigg| \text{Y}_{0i},\, \text{Y}_{1i},\, p(\text{X}_{i})\bigg]$ ] -- .pad-left[ $=\mathop{E}\!\bigg[ \mathop{E}\!\bigg(\text{D}_i \bigg| \text{Y}_{0i},\, \text{Y}_{1i},\, p(\text{X}_{i}),\, \text{X}_{i} \bigg) \bigg| \text{Y}_{0i},\, \text{Y}_{1i},\, p(\text{X}_{i})\bigg]$ ] -- .pad-left[ $=\mathop{E}\!\bigg[ \mathop{E}\!\bigg(\text{D}_i \bigg| \text{Y}_{0i},\, \text{Y}_{1i},\, \text{X}_{i} \bigg) \bigg| \text{Y}_{0i},\, \text{Y}_{1i},\, p(\text{X}_{i})\bigg]$ ] --- $\mathop{\text{Pr}}\!\bigg[\text{D}_{i}=1 \bigg| \text{Y}_{0i},\, \text{Y}_{1i},\, p(\text{X}_{i})\bigg]= \cdots =\mathop{E}\!\bigg[ \mathop{E}\!\bigg(\text{D}_i \bigg| \text{Y}_{0i},\, \text{Y}_{1i},\, \text{X}_{i} \bigg) \bigg| \text{Y}_{0i},\, \text{Y}_{1i},\, p(\text{X}_{i})\bigg]$ -- .pad-left[ $=\mathop{E}\!\bigg[ \mathop{E}\!\bigg(\text{D}_i \bigg| \text{X}_{i} \bigg) \bigg| \text{Y}_{0i},\, \text{Y}_{1i},\, p(\text{X}_{i})\bigg]$ ] -- .pad-left[ $=\mathop{E}\!\bigg[ p(\text{X}_{i}) \bigg| \text{Y}_{0i},\, \text{Y}_{1i},\, p(\text{X}_{i})\bigg]$ ] -- .pad-left[ $=p(\text{X}_{i})$ ] -- ∴ $\left( \text{Y}_{0i},\,\text{Y}_{1i} \right) \ci \text{D}_{i}|\text{X}_{i} \implies \left( \text{Y}_{0i},\,\text{Y}_{1i} \right) \ci \text{D}_{i}|p(\text{X}_{i})$ .orange[✔] --- layout: true # Propensity-score methods --- name: intuition ## Intuition .qa[Q] What's going on here? $\text{X}_{i}$ carries way more information than $p(\text{X}_{i})$, so how can we still get conditional independence of treatment by only conditioning on $p(\text{X}_{i})$? -- .qa[A].sub[.pink[1]] Conditional independence of treatment isn't about extracting all of the information possible from $\text{X}_{i}$. We actually only care about creating a situation in which $\text{D}_{i}|$something is independent of $\left( \text{Y}_{0i},\,\text{Y}_{1i} \right)$. -- .qa[A].sub[.pink[2]] Back to our main concern: .hi[selection bias]. People select into treatment. If $\text{X}$ says two people were equally likely to be treated, and if $\text{X}_{i}$ explains all of selection (CIA), then there cannot be selection between these two people. --- name: estimation ## Estimation So where do propensity scores come from? -- We estimate them—and there are a lot of ways to do that. 1. Flexible (_i.e._, interactions) logit specification 2. Kernel regression (remember kernel functions?) 3. Many others—machine learning, series-logit estimator, *etc.* -- .qa[Q] Can we just use plain OLS (linear probability model)? -- .qa[A] Sort of. Think about FWL. This route is going to be the same as a regression conditioning on $\text{X}_{i}$. --- ## Estimation From *MHE* (p. 83) .qa[Question] > A big question here is how to best model and estimate $p(\text{X}_{i})$... .qa[Answer] > The answer to this is inherently application-specific. A growing empirical literature suggests that a logit model for the propensity score with a few polynomial terms in continuous covariates works well in practice... --- name: application ## Application So you have some estimated propensity scores $\hat{p}(\text{X}_{i})$. What next? -- .note[Option 1] Conditioning via regression -- .note[Option 1a] Use a .b[regression to condition] on $p(\text{X}_{i})$, _i.e._, $$ \begin{align} \text{Y}_{i} = \alpha + \delta \text{D}_{i} + \beta p(\text{X}_{i}) + u_i \tag{1a} \end{align} $$ -- .note[Option 1b] If we think treatment effects are heterogeneous and may covary with $\text{X}$, then we might want to also .b[interact] treatment with $p(\text{X}_{i})$, _i.e._, $$ \begin{align} \text{Y}_{i} = \alpha + \delta_1 \text{D}_{i} + \delta_2 \text{D}_{i} p(\text{X}_{i}) + \beta p(\text{X}_{i}) + u_i \tag{1b} \end{align} $$ --- name: heterogeneity ## Heterogeneity with regression Let's think a bit more about heterogeneous treatment effects in this setting. $$ \begin{align} \text{Y}_{0i} &= \alpha + \beta \text{X}_{i} + u_i \\ \text{Y}_{1i} &= \text{Y}_{0i} + \delta_1 + \delta_2 \text{X}_{i} \end{align} $$ _i.e._, the treatment effect depends upon $\text{X}_{i}$. -- $\text{Y}_{i} = \text{D}_{i}\text{Y}_{1i} + \left( 1 - \text{D}_{i} \right) \text{Y}_{0i}$ -- .pad-left[ $= \text{D}_{i}\bigg( \text{Y}_{0i} + \delta_1 + \delta_2 \text{X}_{i} \bigg) + \left( 1 - \text{D}_{i} \right) \text{Y}_{0i}$ ] -- .pad-left[ $= \text{Y}_{0i} + \delta_1 \text{D}_{i} + \delta_2 \text{D}_{i} \text{X}_{i}$ ] -- .pad-left[ $= \alpha + \delta_1 \text{D}_{i} + \delta_2 \text{D}_{i} \text{X}_{i} + \beta \text{X}_{i} + u_i$ ] --- ## Heterogeneity This final equation $$ \begin{align} \text{Y}_{i} = \alpha + \delta_1 \text{D}_{i} + \delta_2 \text{D}_{i} \text{X}_{i} + \beta \text{X}_{i} + u_i \end{align} $$ -- suggests that we want $p(\text{X}_{i})$ *and* $\text{D}_{i}p(\text{X}_{i})$, _i.e._, $$ \begin{align} \text{Y}_{i} = \alpha + \delta_1 \text{D}_{i} + \delta_2 \text{D}_{i} p(\text{X}_{i}) + \beta p(\text{X}_{i}) + u_i \tag{1b} \end{align} $$ -- which yields 1. a .hi-slate[group-specific treatment effect] $\delta_1 + \delta_2 p(\text{X}_{i})$ for each $\text{X}_{i}$ 2. an .hi-slate[average treatment effect] $\delta_1 + \delta_2 \overline{p}(\text{X}_{i})$ --- ## More flexibility We motivated propensity scores with a desire to reduce dimensionality and estimate/choose/assume fewer parameters. Adding $p(\text{X}_{i})$ and $\text{D}_{i}p(\text{X}_{i})$ as covariates in a linear regression doesn't quite exhaust our potential for flexible/nonparametric estimation. --- name: blocking ## Blocking .note[Option 2] Block (stratify) on propensity scores. -- 1. Divide the range of $\hat{p}(\text{X}_{i})$ into $K$ blocks (_e.g._, 0.05-wide blocks). 1. Place each observation into a block via its $\hat{p}(\text{X}_{i})$. 1. Calculate $\hat{\tau}_k$ for each block via difference in means. 1. Average the $\hat{\tau}_k$ using their shares of the sample, _i.e._, $$ \begin{align} \hat{\tau}_\text{Block} = \sum_{k = 1}^K \hat{\tau}_k \dfrac{N_{1k} + N_{0k}}{N} \end{align} $$ -- .note[Note] Blocking is similar to NN/kernel matching using $p(\text{X}_{i})$ as distance. --- ## Choosing blocks Blocking on propensity scores requires defining defining blocks. One common route involves some iteration. 1. .hi[Choose blocks]. 1. Check the .hi[balance of the covariates] within each block..super[.pink[†]] - If covariates are .pink[not balanced], then split your blocks and repeat. - If covariates are .pink[balanced], then stop. .footnote[.pink[†] Keep multiple-hypothesis testing in mind. With many covariates and many blocks, you are bound to find statistically significant relationships—even if you are balanced in truth.] --- ## Overlap Blocking emphasizes our overlap assumption, _i.e._, $0<\mathop{\text{Pr}}\left(\text{D}_{i} | \text{X}_{i}\right)<1$. If a block contains zero treated/control units, we cannot calculate $\hat{\tau}_k$. -- .attn[Caution] Logit can hide violations—it forces $0 < \hat{p}(\text{X}_{i}) < 1$. -- .note[Common practice] Empirically enforce overlap: - Drop control units with $\hat{p}(\text{X}_{i})$ below the minimum propensity score in the treatment group. - Drop treated units with $\hat{p}(\text{X}_{i})$ above the maximum propensity score in the control group. --- name: weighting ## Weighting .note[Option 3] Weight observations by the inverse propensity score. -- .qa[Q] How does weighting by $1/\hat{p}(\text{X}_{i})$ make sense? -- .qa[A] Consider our old (likely biased) friend the difference in means, _i.e._, $$ \begin{align} \hat{\tau}_\text{Diff} = \overline{\text{Y}}_\text{T} - \overline{\text{Y}}_\text{C} = \dfrac{\sum_i \text{D}_{i} \text{Y}_{i}}{\sum_i \text{D}_{i}} - \dfrac{\sum_i \left(1 - \text{D}_{i}\right) \text{Y}_{i}}{\sum_i \left(1 - \text{D}_{i}\right)} \end{align} $$ -- which we've discussed is biased due to selection into treatment, _i.e._, $$ \begin{align} \mathop{E}\left[ \text{Y}_{0i} | \text{D}_{i} = 1 \right] \neq \mathop{E}\left[ \text{Y}_{0i} \right] \end{align} $$ --- ## Weighting, justified Suppose we know $p(\text{X}_{i})$ and we weight each .hi-pink[treated] individual by $1/p(\text{X}_{i})$ -- $\mathop{E}\left[ \dfrac{\text{D}_{i} \text{Y}_{i}}{p(\text{X}_{i})} \right]$ -- $= \mathop{E}\left[ \dfrac{\text{D}_{i}\left(\text{D}_{i}\text{Y}_{1i} + (1-\text{D}_{i})\text{Y}_{0i}\right)}{p(\text{X}_{i})} \right]$ -- $= \mathop{E}\left[ \dfrac{\text{D}_{i} \text{Y}_{1i}}{p(\text{X}_{i})} \right]$ --

  $= \mathop{E}\!\bigg( \mathop{E}\left[ \dfrac{\text{D}_{i}\text{Y}_{1i}}{p(\text{X}_{i})} \;\middle|\; \text{X}_{i} \right] \bigg)$ -- $= \mathop{E}\!\bigg( \dfrac{\mathop{E}\left[ \text{D}_{i} \mid \text{X}_{i} \right] \mathop{E}\left[ \text{Y}_{1i} \mid \text{X}_{i} \right]}{p(\text{X}_{i})} \bigg)$ --

  $= \mathop{E}\!\bigg( \dfrac{p(\text{X}_{i}) \mathop{E}\left[ \text{Y}_{1i} \mid \text{X}_{i} \right]}{p(\text{X}_{i})} \bigg)$ -- $= \mathop{E}\!\bigg( \mathop{E}\left[ \text{Y}_{1i} \mid \text{X}_{i} \right] \bigg)$ -- $\color{#e64173}{= \mathop{E}\left[ \text{Y}_{1i} \right]}$ -- Similarly, weighting .hi-purple[control] individuals by $1/(1-p(\text{X}_{i}))$ yields $$ \begin{align} \mathop{E}\left[ \dfrac{(1-\text{D}_{i})\text{Y}_{i}}{1-p(\text{X}_{i})} \right] = \color{#6A5ACD}{\mathop{E}\left[ \text{Y}_{0i} \right]} \end{align} $$ --- ## Weighting: The estimator Thus, we can estimate an unbiased treatment effect via $$ \begin{align} \hat{\tau}_{p\text{Weight}} = \dfrac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^N \left[ \dfrac{\text{D}_{i}\text{Y}_{i}}{p(\text{X}_{i})} - \dfrac{(1-\text{D}_{i})\text{Y}_{i}}{1 - p(\text{X}_{i})} \right] \end{align} $$ -- .note[Intuition] We're trying to overcome selection bias, _i.e._, treated individuals were more likely to be treated as a function of $\text{X}_{i}$—producing higher $p(\text{X}_{i})$. -- We want to get back to *as-good-as random* variation in treatment. So we upweight .pink[(**1**) .hi-pink[treated] individuals with low] $\color{#e64173}{p(\text{X}_{i})}$ and .purple[(**2**) .hi-purple[control] observations with high] $\color{#6A5ACD}{p(\text{X}_{i})}$. --- ## Weighting: The example Suppose for some individual $i$, $p(\text{X}_{i}) = 0.80$. -- This propensity score says someone with this set of $\text{X}_{i}$ was four-times more likely to be .hi-pink[treated] than .hi-purple[control]. -- Our weights fix this imbalance for each $\text{X}_{i}$. -- - If $i$ is .hi-pink[treated], then her weight is $1/p(\text{X}_{i}) = 1/0.80 = 1.25$ -- - If $i$ is .hi-purple[control], then her weight is $1/(1-p(\text{X}_{i})) = 1/(1-0.80) = 5$ -- And guess what $5/1.25$ is... -- $4$! -- This weighting scheme gets us back to equal representation for each set of $\text{X}_{i}$. --- ## Weighting: Last issue .note[Practical issue] Nothing guarantees $\sum_i \hat{p}(\text{X}_{i}) = 1$. -- .note[Solution] Normalize weights by their total sum. -- Applying the normalized (and estimated) propensity scores $$ \begin{align} \hat{\tau}_{p\text{Weight}} = \sum_{i=1}^N \dfrac{ \dfrac{\text{D}_{i}\text{Y}_{i}}{\hat{p}(\text{X}_{i})} }{\sum_{i} \dfrac{\text{D}_{i}}{\hat{p}(\text{X}_{i})}} - \sum_{i=1}^N \dfrac{ \dfrac{(1-\text{D}_{i})\text{Y}_{i}}{1-\hat{p}(\text{X}_{i})} }{\sum_{i} \dfrac{(1-\text{D}_{i})}{1-\hat{p}(\text{X}_{i})}} \end{align} $$ -- Hirano, Imbens, and Ridder (2003) suggests this estimator is efficient. --- name: two ## Why choose one? There's nothing special about weighted averages—regression can weight. Thus, a .hi-slate[regression-based estimate] $$ \begin{align} \text{Y}_{i} = \alpha + \text{X}_{i}\beta + \tau \text{D}_{i} + u_i \end{align} $$ -- with .hi-slate[weights] $$ \begin{align} w_i = \sqrt{\dfrac{\text{D}_{i}}{\hat{p}(\text{X}_{i})} + \dfrac{(1-\text{D}_{i})}{1-\hat{p}(\text{X}_{i})}} \end{align} $$ -- offers a *doubly robust* property—you have two chances to be right: $p(\text{X}_{i})$ or the regression specification. --- ## Why choose one? Part two An alternative, doubly robust method combines propensity-score blocking with regression. -- .note[Step 1] For each block $k$, we run the regression $$ \begin{align} \text{Y}_{i} = \alpha_k + \text{X}_{i} \beta_k + \tau_k \text{D}_{i} + u_i \end{align} $$ -- .note[Step 2] Aggregate block-level treatment-effect estimates $$ \begin{align} \hat{\tau} = \sum_{k=1}^K \hat{\tau}_k \dfrac{N_{1k} + N_{0k}}{N} \end{align} $$ --- ## Major requirements Don't get (too) caught up in the bells and whistles. We still have two .hi-slate[major] requirements for any of these methods to work. -- 1. Is the .hi-slate[conditional-independence assumption] true? -- 2. Do we have .hi-slate[overlap] between treatment and control units. -- We can look for evidence of (.hi-slate[2]) in the data—particularly if we're using propensity-score methods..super[.pink[†]] How? Plot the distributions of $p(\text{X}_{i})$ for .hi-pink[T] and .hi-purple[C]. .footnote[.pink[†] Checking for overlap in $\text{X}$-space, can be tough as the dimensions of $\text{X}$ expand. ] --- name: overlap layout: false class: clear, middle Missing overlap in $p(\text{X}_{i})$ ```{r, ex-no-overlap, echo = F} # Set seed set.seed(123) # Sample size n <- 1e3 # Generate data no_overlap <- tibble( x = runif(n = n, min = 15, max = 85), e = rnorm(n), p = (x + e) / 100, trt = rbinom(n = n, size = 1, prob = p) ) %>% bind_rows(., tibble( x = c(runif(100, min = 0, max = 15), runif(100, min = 85, max = 100)), e = 0, p = x / 100, trt = rep(c(0,1), each = 100) )) no_overlap$p_hat <- glm(trt ~ x, data = no_overlap, family = "binomial")$fitted.values # Plot ggplot( data = no_overlap, aes( x = p, fill = factor(trt, labels = c("C", "T")) ) ) + geom_density( kernel = "epanechnikov", color = NA, alpha = 0.7 ) + geom_hline(yintercept = 0) + scale_fill_manual("", values = c(purple, red_pink)) + theme_minimal(base_size = 20, base_family = "Fira Sans Book") + scale_x_continuous("p(X)", limits = c(0, 1)) + ylab("Density") + theme( axis.title = element_text(family = "STIXGeneral", size = 22, face = "italic"), panel.grid.major = element_line(size = 0.5, color = "grey95"), panel.grid.minor = element_line(size = 0.5, color = "grey95"), legend.position = "bottom" ) ``` --- class: clear, middle Authentic (enforced) overlap in $p(\text{X}_{i})$ ```{r, ex-overlap-p, echo = F} # Plot ggplot( data = no_overlap %>% filter(between(p, 0.15, 0.85)), aes( x = p, fill = factor(trt, labels = c("C", "T")) ) ) + geom_density( kernel = "epanechnikov", color = NA, alpha = 0.7 ) + geom_hline(yintercept = 0) + scale_fill_manual("", values = c(purple, red_pink)) + theme_minimal(base_size = 20, base_family = "Fira Sans Book") + scale_x_continuous("Est. p(X)", limits = c(0.15, 0.85)) + ylab("Density") + theme( axis.title = element_text(family = "STIXGeneral", size = 22, face = "italic"), panel.grid.major = element_line(size = 0.5, color = "grey95"), panel.grid.minor = element_line(size = 0.5, color = "grey95"), legend.position = "bottom" ) ``` --- class: clear, middle Logit-based $\hat{p}(\text{X}_{i})$ hiding some of the missing overlap in $p(\text{X}_{i})$ ```{r, ex-no-overlap-logit, echo = F} # Plot ggplot( data = no_overlap, aes( x = p_hat, fill = factor(trt, labels = c("C", "T")) ) ) + geom_density( kernel = "epanechnikov", color = NA, alpha = 0.7 ) + geom_hline(yintercept = 0) + scale_fill_manual("", values = c(purple, red_pink)) + theme_minimal(base_size = 20, base_family = "Fira Sans Book") + scale_x_continuous("Est. p(X)", limits = c(0, 1)) + ylab("Density") + theme( axis.title = element_text(family = "STIXGeneral", size = 22, face = "italic"), panel.grid.major = element_line(size = 0.5, color = "grey95"), panel.grid.minor = element_line(size = 0.5, color = "grey95"), legend.position = "bottom" ) ``` --- class: clear, middle Overlap in one dimension does not guarantee in two dimensions.
.smallest[.note[Note] Shading denotes .hi-slate[share of treatment:] .gw[.grey-light[l]**white**.grey-light[l]]=0% and .hi-pink[pink]=100%.] ```{r, ex-overlap2, echo = F} # Data t_df <- tibble( race = rep(c(0, 1), times = 2), gender = rep(c(0, 1), each = 2), p = c(1, 0, 0, 1) %>% as.factor() ) # c_df <- tibble( # race = rep(c(0, 1), times = 2), # gender = rep(c(0, 1), each = 2), # p = c(0, 1, 1, 0) %>% as.factor() # ) gg_t <- ggplot(data = t_df, aes(x = race, y = gender, fill = p)) + geom_tile(color = "grey80", size = 0.35) + theme_minimal(base_size = 22, base_family = "Fira Sans Book") + coord_equal() + scale_fill_manual("Prop. score", values = c(red_pink, "white")) + scale_y_continuous("", breaks = c(0,1), labels = c("Male", "Female")) + scale_x_continuous("", breaks = c(0,1), labels = c("Black", "White")) + # ggtitle("Treatment") + theme( plot.title = element_text(color = red_pink), panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), legend.position = "none" ) # gg_c <- ggplot(data = c_df, aes(x = race, y = gender, fill = p)) + # geom_tile(color = "grey80", size = 0.35) + # theme_minimal(base_size = 22, base_family = "Fira Sans Book") + # coord_equal() + # scale_fill_manual("Prop. score", values = c(red_pink, "white")) + # scale_y_continuous("", breaks = c(0,1), labels = c("Male", "Female")) + # scale_x_continuous("", breaks = c(0,1), labels = c("Black", "White")) + # ggtitle("Control") + # theme( # plot.title = element_text(color = purple), # panel.grid.major = element_blank(), # panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), # legend.position = "none" # ) # grid.arrange(gg_t, gg_c, ncol = 2) gg_t ``` --- layout: false # Table of contents .pull-left[ ### Admin .smaller[ 1. [Schedule](#schedule) 1. [Follow up](#follow-up) ] ### General matching .smaller[ 1. [The gist](#gist) 1. [Goals](#goals) 1. [Generic matching](#generic) 1. [Weights](#weights) - [Discrete $\text{X}$](#discrete) - [Nearest neighbor, Euclidean](#nn-euclidean) - [Nearest neighbor, Mahalanobis](#nn-mahalanobis) - [Kernel matching](#kernel) ] ] .pull-right[ ### Propensity-score methods .smaller[ 1. [Setup](#setup) 1. [Propensity-score theorem](#magic) - [The magic](#magic) - [The proof](#proof) - [Intuition](#intuition) 1. [Estimation](#estimation) 1. [Application](#application) - [Regression](#application) - [Heterogeneity](#heterogeneity) - [Blocking on $p(\text{X}_{i})$](#blocking) - [Weighting with $p(\text{X}_{i})$](#weighting) - [Doubly robust methods](#two) 1. [Overlap plots](#overlap) ] ] --- exclude: true