Research basics, our class, and R
Admin: Canvas exists. Updated class website.
Material: The Rubin causal model (not mine), Chapter 2 MHE.
Research basics, our class, and R
Admin: Canvas exists. Updated class website.
Material: The Rubin causal model (not mine), Chapter 2 MHE.
Assignment1 Install R and RStudio on your computer.
Assignment2 Take 15 minutes to quietly think about your interests.
Assignment3 First step of project proposal due April 15th.
Research basics, our class, and R
Admin: Canvas exists. Updated class website.
Material: The Rubin causal model (not mine), Chapter 2 MHE.
Assignment1 Install R and RStudio on your computer.
Assignment2 Take 15 minutes to quietly think about your interests.
Assignment3 First step of project proposal due April 15th.
Lab: Matrix work, regression, functions, simulation
Long run: Deepen understandings/intuitions for causality and inference.
Angrist and Pischke provide four fundamental questions for research:
What is the causal relationship of interest?
How would an ideal experiment capture this causal effect of interest?
What is your identification strategy?
What is your mode of inference?
Angrist and Pischke provide four fundamental questions for research:
What is the causal relationship of interest?
How would an ideal experiment capture this causal effect of interest?
What is your identification strategy?
What is your mode of inference?
Seemingly straightforward questions can be fundamentally unanswerable.
More unsolicited advice:
Be curious.
Ask questions.
Attend seminars.
Meet faculty (UO + visitors).
Focus on learning—especially intuition.†
Be kind and constructive.
† Learning is not always the same as getting good grades.
Science widely regards experiments as the gold standard for research.
But why? The costs can be substantial.
So the benefits need to be pretty large, right?
Imagine we want to know the causal effect of hospitals on health.
Imagine we want to know the causal effect of hospitals on health.
Research question
Within the population of poor, elderly individuals, does visiting the emergency room for primary care improve health?
Imagine we want to know the causal effect of hospitals on health.
Research question
Within the population of poor, elderly individuals, does visiting the emergency room for primary care improve health?
Empirical exercise
Our empirical exercise from the 2005 National Health Inteview Survey:
Group | Sample Size | Mean Health Status | Std. Error |
Hospital | 7,774 | 3.21 | 0.014 |
No hospital | 90,049 | 3.93 | 0.003 |
Our empirical exercise from the 2005 National Health Inteview Survey:
Group | Sample Size | Mean Health Status | Std. Error |
Hospital | 7,774 | 3.21 | 0.014 |
No hospital | 90,049 | 3.93 | 0.003 |
We get a t statistic of 58.9 when testing a difference in groups' means (0.72).
Our empirical exercise from the 2005 National Health Inteview Survey:
Group | Sample Size | Mean Health Status | Std. Error |
Hospital | 7,774 | 3.21 | 0.014 |
No hospital | 90,049 | 3.93 | 0.003 |
We get a t statistic of 58.9 when testing a difference in groups' means (0.72).
Conclusion? Hospitals make folks worse. Hospitals make sick people sicker.
Our empirical exercise from the 2005 National Health Inteview Survey:
Group | Sample Size | Mean Health Status | Std. Error |
Hospital | 7,774 | 3.21 | 0.014 |
No hospital | 90,049 | 3.93 | 0.003 |
We get a t statistic of 58.9 when testing a difference in groups' means (0.72).
Conclusion? Hospitals make folks worse. Hospitals make sick people sicker.
Alternative conclusion: Perhaps we're making a mistake in our analysis...
Our empirical exercise from the 2005 National Health Inteview Survey:
Group | Sample Size | Mean Health Status | Std. Error |
Hospital | 7,774 | 3.21 | 0.014 |
No hospital | 90,049 | 3.93 | 0.003 |
We get a t statistic of 58.9 when testing a difference in groups' means (0.72).
Conclusion? Hospitals make folks worse. Hospitals make sick people sicker.
Alternative conclusion: Perhaps we're making a mistake in our analysis...
maybe sick people go to hospitals?
Let's develop a framework to better discuss the problem here.
Let's develop a framework to better discuss the problem here.
This framework has a few names...
Research question: Does Di affect Yi?
Research question: Does Di affect Yi?
For each individual i, there are two potential outcomes (w/ binary Di)
Research question: Does Di affect Yi?
For each individual i, there are two potential outcomes (w/ binary Di)
Research question: Does Di affect Yi?
For each individual i, there are two potential outcomes (w/ binary Di)
Y1i if Di=1
i's health outcome if she went to the hospital
Y0i if Di=0
i's health outcome if she did not go to the hospital
Research question: Does Di affect Yi?
For each individual i, there are two potential outcomes (w/ binary Di)
Y1i if Di=1
i's health outcome if she went to the hospital
Y0i if Di=0
i's health outcome if she did not go to the hospital
The difference between these two outcomes gives us the causal effect of hospital treatment, i.e.,
This simple equation τi=Y1i−Y0i leads us to the fundamental problem of causal inference.
This simple equation τi=Y1i−Y0i leads us to the fundamental problem of causal inference.
We can never simultaneously observe Y1i and Y0i.
This simple equation τi=Y1i−Y0i leads us to the fundamental problem of causal inference.
We can never simultaneously observe Y1i and Y0i.
Most of applied econometrics focuses on addressing this simple problem.
This simple equation τi=Y1i−Y0i leads us to the fundamental problem of causal inference.
We can never simultaneously observe Y1i and Y0i.
Most of applied econometrics focuses on addressing this simple problem.
Accordingly, our methods try to address the related question
For each Y1i, what is a (reasonably) good counterfactual?
Problem We cannot directly calculate τi=Y1i−Y0i.
Problem We cannot directly calculate τi=Y1i−Y0i.
Proposed solution
Compare outcomes for people who visited the hospital (Y1i∣Di=1)
to outcomes for people who did not visit the hospital (Y0j∣Dj=0).
Problem We cannot directly calculate τi=Y1i−Y0i.
Proposed solution
Compare outcomes for people who visited the hospital (Y1i∣Di=1)
to outcomes for people who did not visit the hospital (Y0j∣Dj=0).
E[Yi∣Di=1]−E[Yi∣Di=0] which gives us the observed difference in health outcomes.
Problem We cannot directly calculate τi=Y1i−Y0i.
Proposed solution
Compare outcomes for people who visited the hospital (Y1i∣Di=1)
to outcomes for people who did not visit the hospital (Y0j∣Dj=0).
E[Yi∣Di=1]−E[Yi∣Di=0] which gives us the observed difference in health outcomes.
Q This comparison will return an answer, but is it the answer we want?
Q What does E[Yi∣Di=1]−E[Yi∣Di=0] actually tell us?
Q What does E[Yi∣Di=1]−E[Yi∣Di=0] actually tell us?
A First notice that we can write i's outcome Yi as Yi=Y0i+Di(Y1i−Y0i)⏟τi
Q What does E[Yi∣Di=1]−E[Yi∣Di=0] actually tell us?
A First notice that we can write i's outcome Yi as Yi=Y0i+Di(Y1i−Y0i)⏟τi
Now write out our expectation, apply this definition, do creative math.
Q What does E[Yi∣Di=1]−E[Yi∣Di=0] actually tell us?
A First notice that we can write i's outcome Yi as Yi=Y0i+Di(Y1i−Y0i)⏟τi
Now write out our expectation, apply this definition, do creative math.
Q What does E[Yi∣Di=1]−E[Yi∣Di=0] actually tell us?
A First notice that we can write i's outcome Yi as Yi=Y0i+Di(Y1i−Y0i)⏟τi
Now write out our expectation, apply this definition, do creative math.
Q What does E[Yi∣Di=1]−E[Yi∣Di=0] actually tell us?
A First notice that we can write i's outcome Yi as Yi=Y0i+Di(Y1i−Y0i)⏟τi
Now write out our expectation, apply this definition, do creative math.
=E[Y1i∣Di=1]−E[Y0i∣Di=1]⏟Average treatment effect on the treated 😀+E[Y0i∣Di=1]−E[Y0i∣Di=0]
Q What does E[Yi∣Di=1]−E[Yi∣Di=0] actually tell us?
A First notice that we can write i's outcome Yi as Yi=Y0i+Di(Y1i−Y0i)⏟τi
Now write out our expectation, apply this definition, do creative math.
=E[Y1i∣Di=1]−E[Y0i∣Di=1]⏟Average treatment effect on the treated 😀+E[Y0i∣Di=1]−E[Y0i∣Di=0]⏟Selection bias 😞
The first term is good variation—essentially the answer that we want.
The first term is good variation—essentially the answer that we want.
The first term is good variation—essentially the answer that we want.
The first term is good variation—essentially the answer that we want.
The average causal effect of hospitalization for hospitalized individuals.
The first term is good variation—essentially the answer that we want.
The average causal effect of hospitalization for hospitalized individuals.
The second term is bad variation—preventing us from knowing the answer.
The first term is good variation—essentially the answer that we want.
The average causal effect of hospitalization for hospitalized individuals.
The second term is bad variation—preventing us from knowing the answer.
The difference in the average untreated outcome between the treatment and control groups.
The first term is good variation—essentially the answer that we want.
The average causal effect of hospitalization for hospitalized individuals.
The second term is bad variation—preventing us from knowing the answer.
The difference in the average untreated outcome between the treatment and control groups.
Selection bias The extent to which the "control group" provides a bad counterfactual for the treated individuals.
Angrist and Pischke (MHE, p. 15),
The goal of most empirical economic research is to overcome selection bias, and therefore to say something about the causal effect of a variable like Di.
Angrist and Pischke (MHE, p. 15),
The goal of most empirical economic research is to overcome selection bias, and therefore to say something about the causal effect of a variable like Di.
Q So how do experiments—the gold standard of empirical economic (and scientific) research—accomplish this goal and overcome selection bias?
Q How do experiments overcome selection bias?
Q How do experiments overcome selection bias?
A Experiments break the link between potential outcomes and treatment.
In other words: Randomly assigning Di makes Di independent of which outcome we observe (meaning Y1i or Y0i).
Q How do experiments overcome selection bias?
A Experiments break the link between potential outcomes and treatment.
In other words: Randomly assigning Di makes Di independent of which outcome we observe (meaning Y1i or Y0i).
Difference in means with random assignment of Di
Q How do experiments overcome selection bias?
A Experiments break the link between potential outcomes and treatment.
In other words: Randomly assigning Di makes Di independent of which outcome we observe (meaning Y1i or Y0i).
Difference in means with random assignment of Di
Q How do experiments overcome selection bias?
A Experiments break the link between potential outcomes and treatment.
In other words: Randomly assigning Di makes Di independent of which outcome we observe (meaning Y1i or Y0i).
Difference in means with random assignment of Di
Q How do experiments overcome selection bias?
A Experiments break the link between potential outcomes and treatment.
In other words: Randomly assigning Di makes Di independent of which outcome we observe (meaning Y1i or Y0i).
Difference in means with random assignment of Di
=E[Y1i∣Di=1]−E[Y0i∣Di=1] from random assignment of Di
Q How do experiments overcome selection bias?
A Experiments break the link between potential outcomes and treatment.
In other words: Randomly assigning Di makes Di independent of which outcome we observe (meaning Y1i or Y0i).
Difference in means with random assignment of Di
=E[Y1i∣Di=1]−E[Y0i∣Di=1] from random assignment of Di
Q How do experiments overcome selection bias?
A Experiments break the link between potential outcomes and treatment.
In other words: Randomly assigning Di makes Di independent of which outcome we observe (meaning Y1i or Y0i).
Difference in means with random assignment of Di
=E[Y1i∣Di=1]−E[Y0i∣Di=1] from random assignment of Di
Q How do experiments overcome selection bias?
A Experiments break the link between potential outcomes and treatment.
In other words: Randomly assigning Di makes Di independent of which outcome we observe (meaning Y1i or Y0i).
Difference in means with random assignment of Di
=E[Y1i∣Di=1]−E[Y0i∣Di=1] from random assignment of Di
Q How do experiments overcome selection bias?
A Experiments break the link between potential outcomes and treatment.
In other words: Randomly assigning Di makes Di independent of which outcome we observe (meaning Y1i or Y0i).
Difference in means with random assignment of Di
=E[Y1i∣Di=1]−E[Y0i∣Di=1] from random assignment of Di
=E[τi] Random assignment of Di breaks selection bias.
The key to avoiding selection bias: random assignment of treatment
The key to avoiding selection bias: random assignment of treatment
(or as-good-as random assignment, e.g., natural experiments).
The key to avoiding selection bias: random assignment of treatment
(or as-good-as random assignment, e.g., natural experiments).
Random assignment of treatment gives us E[Y0i∣Di=0]=E[Y0i∣Di=1] meaning the control group's mean now provides a good counterfactual for the treatment group's mean.
The key to avoiding selection bias: random assignment of treatment
(or as-good-as random assignment, e.g., natural experiments).
Random assignment of treatment gives us E[Y0i∣Di=0]=E[Y0i∣Di=1] meaning the control group's mean now provides a good counterfactual for the treatment group's mean.
In other words, there is no selection bias, i.e.,
Additional benefit of randomization:
The average treatment effect is now representative of the population average, rather than the treatment-group average.
Additional benefit of randomization:
The average treatment effect is now representative of the population average, rather than the treatment-group average.
Governments subsidize training programs to assist disadvantaged workers.
Governments subsidize training programs to assist disadvantaged workers.
Q Do these programs have the desired effects (i.e., increase wages)?
Governments subsidize training programs to assist disadvantaged workers.
Q Do these programs have the desired effects (i.e., increase wages)?
A Observational studies—comparing wage data from participants and non-participants—often find that people who complete these programs actually make lower wages.
Governments subsidize training programs to assist disadvantaged workers.
Q Do these programs have the desired effects (i.e., increase wages)?
A Observational studies—comparing wage data from participants and non-participants—often find that people who complete these programs actually make lower wages.
Challenges Participants self select. + Programs target lower-wage workers.
How do we formalize these concerns in our framework?
How do we formalize these concerns in our framework?
Observational program evaluations
E[Wage1i∣Programi=1]−E[Wage0i∣Programi=1]⏟Average causal effect of training program on wages for participants, i.e., ¯τ1+E[Wage0i∣Programi=1]−E[Wage0i∣Programi=0]⏟Selection bias
How do we formalize these concerns in our framework?
Observational program evaluations
E[Wage1i∣Programi=1]−E[Wage0i∣Programi=1]⏟Average causal effect of training program on wages for participants, i.e., ¯τ1+E[Wage0i∣Programi=1]−E[Wage0i∣Programi=0]⏟Selection bias
If the program attracts/selects individuals who, on average, have lower wages without the program (sort of the point of the program), then we have negative selection bias.
E[Wagei∣Programi=1]−E[Wagei∣Programi=0]= E[Wage1i∣Programi=1]−E[Wage0i∣Programi=1]+E[Wage0i∣Programi=1]−E[Wage0i∣Programi=0]
So even if the program, on average, has an positive wage effect (in the participant group), i.e., ¯τ1>0, we will detect a lower effect due to the negative selection bias.
E[Wagei∣Programi=1]−E[Wagei∣Programi=0]= E[Wage1i∣Programi=1]−E[Wage0i∣Programi=1]+E[Wage0i∣Programi=1]−E[Wage0i∣Programi=0]
So even if the program, on average, has an positive wage effect (in the participant group), i.e., ¯τ1>0, we will detect a lower effect due to the negative selection bias.
If the bias is sufficiently large (relative to the treatment effect), our estimate will even get the sign of the effect wrong.
E[Wagei∣Programi=1]−E[Wagei∣Programi=0]= E[Wage1i∣Programi=1]−E[Wage0i∣Programi=1]+E[Wage0i∣Programi=1]−E[Wage0i∣Programi=0]
So even if the program, on average, has an positive wage effect (in the participant group), i.e., ¯τ1>0, we will detect a lower effect due to the negative selection bias.
If the bias is sufficiently large (relative to the treatment effect), our estimate will even get the sign of the effect wrong.
Related While observational studies typically found negative program effects, several experiments found positive program effects.
The Tennessee STAR experiment is a famous/popular example of an experiment that allows us to answer an important social/policy question.
Research question Do classroom resources affect student performance?
The Tennessee STAR experiment is a famous/popular example of an experiment that allows us to answer an important social/policy question.
Research question Do classroom resources affect student performance?
The Tennessee STAR experiment is a famous/popular example of an experiment that allows us to answer an important social/policy question.
Research question Do classroom resources affect student performance?
First question Did the randomization balance participants' characteristics across the treatment groups?
First question Did the randomization balance participants' characteristics across the treatment groups?
Ideally, we would have pre-experiment data on outcome variable.
Unfortunately, we only have a few demographic attributes.
Treatment: Class Size |
Variable | Small | Regular | Regular + Aide | P-value |
Free lunch | 0.47 | 0.48 | 0.50 | 0.09 |
White/Asian | 0.68 | 0.67 | 0.66 | 0.26 |
Age in 1985 | 5.44 | 5.43 | 5.42 | 0.32 |
Attrition rate | 0.49 | 0.52 | 0.53 | 0.02 |
K. class size | 15.10 | 22.40 | 22.80 | 0.00 |
K. test percentile | 54.70 | 48.90 | 50.00 | 0.00 |
Treatment: Class Size |
Variable | Small | Regular | Regular + Aide | P-value |
Free lunch | 0.47 | 0.48 | 0.50 | 0.09 |
White/Asian | 0.68 | 0.67 | 0.66 | 0.26 |
Age in 1985 | 5.44 | 5.43 | 5.42 | 0.32 |
Attrition rate | 0.49 | 0.52 | 0.53 | 0.02 |
K. class size | 15.10 | 22.40 | 22.80 | 0.00 |
K. test percentile | 54.70 | 48.90 | 50.00 | 0.00 |
Demographics appear balanced across the three treatment groups.
Treatment: Class Size |
Variable | Small | Regular | Regular + Aide | P-value |
Free lunch | 0.47 | 0.48 | 0.50 | 0.09 |
White/Asian | 0.68 | 0.67 | 0.66 | 0.26 |
Age in 1985 | 5.44 | 5.43 | 5.42 | 0.32 |
Attrition rate | 0.49 | 0.52 | 0.53 | 0.02 |
K. class size | 15.10 | 22.40 | 22.80 | 0.00 |
K. test percentile | 54.70 | 48.90 | 50.00 | 0.00 |
The three groups differ significantly on attrition rate.
Treatment: Class Size |
Variable | Small | Regular | Regular + Aide | P-value |
Free lunch | 0.47 | 0.48 | 0.50 | 0.09 |
White/Asian | 0.68 | 0.67 | 0.66 | 0.26 |
Age in 1985 | 5.44 | 5.43 | 5.42 | 0.32 |
Attrition rate | 0.49 | 0.52 | 0.53 | 0.02 |
K. class size | 15.10 | 22.40 | 22.80 | 0.00 |
K. test percentile | 54.70 | 48.90 | 50.00 | 0.00 |
The randomization generated variation in the treatment.
Treatment: Class Size |
Variable | Small | Regular | Regular + Aide | P-value |
Free lunch | 0.47 | 0.48 | 0.50 | 0.09 |
White/Asian | 0.68 | 0.67 | 0.66 | 0.26 |
Age in 1985 | 5.44 | 5.43 | 5.42 | 0.32 |
Attrition rate | 0.49 | 0.52 | 0.53 | 0.02 |
K. class size | 15.10 | 22.40 | 22.80 | 0.00 |
K. test percentile | 54.70 | 48.90 | 50.00 | 0.00 |
The small-class treatment significantly increased test scores.
The previous table estimated/compared the treatment effects using simple differences in means.
We can make the same comparisons using regressions.
Specifically, we regress our outcome (test percentile) on dummy variables (binary indicator variables) for each treatment group.
Example of our three treatment dummies.
Assume for the moment that the treatment effect is constant†, i.e.,
†You'll often hear econometricians say "homogeneous" (vs. "hetergeneous").
Assume for the moment that the treatment effect is constant†, i.e.,
†You'll often hear econometricians say "homogeneous" (vs. "hetergeneous").
Y1i−Y0i=ρ∀ithen we can rewrite Yi=Y0i+Di(Y1i−Y0i)
Assume for the moment that the treatment effect is constant†, i.e.,
†You'll often hear econometricians say "homogeneous" (vs. "hetergeneous").
Y1i−Y0i=ρ∀ithen we can rewrite Yi=Y0i+Di(Y1i−Y0i)as Yi=α⏟=E[Y0i]+Diρ⏟Y1i−Y0i+ηi⏟Y0i−E[Y0i]
Now write out the conditional expectation of Yi for both levels of Di
Now write out the conditional expectation of Yi for both levels of Di
Now write out the conditional expectation of Yi for both levels of Di
E[Yi∣Di=1]= E[α+ρ+ηi∣Di=1]
Now write out the conditional expectation of Yi for both levels of Di
E[Yi∣Di=1]= E[α+ρ+ηi∣Di=1] =α+ρ+E[ηi|Di=1]
Now write out the conditional expectation of Yi for both levels of Di
E[Yi∣Di=1]= E[α+ρ+ηi∣Di=1] =α+ρ+E[ηi|Di=1]
Now write out the conditional expectation of Yi for both levels of Di
E[Yi∣Di=1]= E[α+ρ+ηi∣Di=1] =α+ρ+E[ηi|Di=1]
E[Yi∣Di=0] =E[α+ηi∣Di=0]
Now write out the conditional expectation of Yi for both levels of Di
E[Yi∣Di=1]= E[α+ρ+ηi∣Di=1] =α+ρ+E[ηi|Di=1]
E[Yi∣Di=0] =E[α+ηi∣Di=0] =α+E[ηi∣Di=0]
Now write out the conditional expectation of Yi for both levels of Di
E[Yi∣Di=1]= E[α+ρ+ηi∣Di=1] =α+ρ+E[ηi|Di=1]
E[Yi∣Di=0] =E[α+ηi∣Di=0] =α+E[ηi∣Di=0]
Take the difference...
Now write out the conditional expectation of Yi for both levels of Di
E[Yi∣Di=1]= E[α+ρ+ηi∣Di=1] =α+ρ+E[ηi|Di=1]
E[Yi∣Di=0] =E[α+ηi∣Di=0] =α+E[ηi∣Di=0]
Take the difference...
=ρ+E[ηi|Di=1]−E[ηi∣Di=0]⏟Selection bias
Again, our estimate of the treatment effect (ρ) is only going to be as good as our ability to shut down the selection bias.
Selection bias in regression model: E[ηi|Di=1]−E[ηi∣Di=0]
Selection bias here should remind you a lot of
Again, our estimate of the treatment effect (ρ) is only going to be as good as our ability to shut down the selection bias.
Selection bias in regression model: E[ηi|Di=1]−E[ηi∣Di=0]
Selection bias here should remind you a lot of omitted-variable bias.
There is something in our disturbance ηi that is affecting Yi and is also correlated with Di.
Again, our estimate of the treatment effect (ρ) is only going to be as good as our ability to shut down the selection bias.
Selection bias in regression model: E[ηi|Di=1]−E[ηi∣Di=0]
Selection bias here should remind you a lot of omitted-variable bias.
There is something in our disturbance ηi that is affecting Yi and is also correlated with Di.
In other metrics-y words: Our treatment Di is endogenous.
Selection bias in regression model: E[ηi|Di=1]−E[ηi∣Di=0]
Selection bias in regression model: E[ηi|Di=1]−E[ηi∣Di=0]
As before, if we randomly assign Di, then selection bias disappears.
Selection bias in regression model: E[ηi|Di=1]−E[ηi∣Di=0]
As before, if we randomly assign Di, then selection bias disappears.
Another potential route to identification is to condition on covariates in the hopes that they "take care of" the relationship between Di and whatever is in our disturbance ηi.
Selection bias in regression model: E[ηi|Di=1]−E[ηi∣Di=0]
As before, if we randomly assign Di, then selection bias disappears.
Another potential route to identification is to condition on covariates in the hopes that they "take care of" the relationship between Di and whatever is in our disturbance ηi.
Without very clear reasons explaining how you know you've controlled for the "bad variation", clean and convincing identification on this path is going to be challenging.
That said, covariates can help with two things:
Even experiments may need conditioning/controls: The STAR experiment was random within school—not across schools.
Covariates can soak up unexplained variation—increasing precision.
That said, covariates can help with two things:
Even experiments may need conditioning/controls: The STAR experiment was random within school—not across schools.
Covariates can soak up unexplained variation—increasing precision.
Now that we've seen regression can analyze experiments, let's estimate the STAR example...
Explanatory variable | 1 | 2 | 3 |
Small class | 4.82 | 5.37 | 5.36 |
(2.19) | (1.26) | (1.21) | |
Regular + aide | 0.12 | 0.29 | 0.53 |
(2.23) | (1.13) | (1.09) | |
White/Asian | 8.35 | ||
(1.35) | |||
Female | 4.48 | ||
(0.63) | |||
Free lunch | -13.15 | ||
(0.77) | |||
School F.E. | F | T | T |
The omitted level is Regular (with part-time aide).
Explanatory variable | 1 | 2 | 3 |
Small class | 4.82 | 5.37 | 5.36 |
(2.19) | (1.26) | (1.21) | |
Regular + aide | 0.12 | 0.29 | 0.53 |
(2.23) | (1.13) | (1.09) | |
White/Asian | 8.35 | ||
(1.35) | |||
Female | 4.48 | ||
(0.63) | |||
Free lunch | -13.15 | ||
(0.77) | |||
School F.E. | F | T | T |
Results without other controls are very similar to the difference in means.
Explanatory variable | 1 | 2 | 3 |
Small class | 4.82 | 5.37 | 5.36 |
(2.19) | (1.26) | (1.21) | |
Regular + aide | 0.12 | 0.29 | 0.53 |
(2.23) | (1.13) | (1.09) | |
White/Asian | 8.35 | ||
(1.35) | |||
Female | 4.48 | ||
(0.63) | |||
Free lunch | -13.15 | ||
(0.77) | |||
School F.E. | F | T | T |
School FEs enforce the experiment's design and increase precision.
Explanatory variable | 1 | 2 | 3 |
Small class | 4.82 | 5.37 | 5.36 |
(2.19) | (1.26) | (1.21) | |
Regular + aide | 0.12 | 0.29 | 0.53 |
(2.23) | (1.13) | (1.09) | |
White/Asian | 8.35 | ||
(1.35) | |||
Female | 4.48 | ||
(0.63) | |||
Free lunch | -13.15 | ||
(0.77) | |||
School F.E. | F | T | T |
Additional controls slightly increase precision.
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p | Toggle presenter mode |
t | Restart the presentation timer |
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